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July 2001 News Conference for Forest Owners
Sponsored by Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.
Conference was recorded Wednesday, July 18, 2001.

to Listen to the

This conference and all future conferences will be in the .mp3 format, which is compatible with Windows Media Player and most other media devices.

cilhayes.jpg (3561 bytes)

Hayes D. Brown

starting time: (00:00)


Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner,  will moderate this news conference. Hayes' email address is

Review prior news conferences:  
07/27/00 | 08/24/00 | 09/20/00 | 10/18/00 | 11/15/00 | 01/17/01 | 02/21/01 | 03/21/01 | 04/13/01 | 05/16/01 | 06/20/01 |


Dr. Jon P. Caulfield


Green Certification and the Future of Family Forests

Jon Caulfield is Vice President, Research and Investment Strategy for TimberVest, LLC, a timberland investment management company based in Woodstock, Georgia. He explains why he has studied the various certification schemes and why you might want to learn more about them, too. In a no-nonsense report (click here) delivered to forest owners at the Washington, DC, annual meeting of the Forest Landowners Association, Jon made it clear that he finds little value in any of the forest certification programs.

Phone: (706) 425-0436


Dr. E. Carlyle Franklin


Farmers Improve Water Quality with Forest Filters
(by cutting the trees)

Carlyle Franklin is Director of the Woodlot Forestry Research and Development Program at North Carolina State University. When a tornado destroyed one of Franklin's forested filter zone research areas, he refocused his research to study the storm water cleaning ability of a clearcut forested filter zone. The surprising results are described in Managing Vegetation in Upland Forested Filter Zones to Enhance Removal of Sediments and Nutrients from Agricultural Runoff.

Phone: (919) 513-3852


Dr. Harry L. Haney, Jr.


Conservation Easements: Book & Workshops

Harry Haney has written another book and has scheduled three workshops, all to help landowners learn whether the use of conservation easements might be useful to them. Conservation Easements may be a way for you to limit property and estate taxes and prevent future development of your land.  According to Progressive Farmer magazine, The Landowner's Guide to Conservation Easements, by  Haney and co-author Steven Bick, "offers an objective look at the process without trying to sell you or dissuade on the idea."

To Order the Book: The guide is published by Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 4050 Westmark Drive, PO Box 1840, Dubuque, IA 52004-1840. It may be ordered with a credit card, by phone at 1-800-338-8290, by fax at 1-800-772-9165, or via e-mail at Cost, including shipping, is $30.20 plus state sales tax.

Conservation Easement Workshops

Phone: (540) 231-5212


Dr. John L. Greene


How to Avoid Taxes When Selling Damaged Timber

John Greene, US Forest Service economist, was with us last month (click here for June conference) and explained with the help of an example (click here for example) how to increase loss deductions by using the "block method." 

Today he describes how a landowner might avoid taxes when selling storm or insect damaged timber at a reduced price and yet realizes a gain for tax purposes. John suggests you return to Chapter 8 (click here) of the Forest Landowners' Guide to the Federal Income Tax. Scroll down to the 6th page of this file.

A few terms he uses are: 

  • casualty loss
  • noncasualty loss
  • taxable gain 
  • qualifying replacement property
  • allowable replacement period

Phone: (919) 549-4093


Dr. Ron E. Masters


Reduce Risks Through Management Diversity & Selection System

Ron Masters is Associate Professor & Wildlife Specialist at Oklahoma State University. He came highly recommended to AFOA as someone who knew a lot about prescribed burning. We had planned to talk to him about his long term observations on a 20-year prescribed burning research project until he mentioned the ice storm. He said the storm caused severe damage in young pine plantations, but very little damage to stands that were managed under a selection system. Click here to read his report on storm damage and management diversity -- photos are included. 

Phone: (405) 744-8065


Dr. Michael S. Golden


Big Oaks From Little Oaks Grow.
Remember that!

Mike Golden is Associate Professor of Forest Ecology/Silviculture at Auburn University's School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences. He spends his time studying both bottomland and upland hardwoods. Mike reminds us that to regenerate hardwood stands to quality species, the young trees of the right species must be present before a harvest cut. To help us learn what they look like, Mike suggests we visit Auburn's Dendrology Web Site. (Click Here)  

When you enter the Dendro page, scroll down the left frame to FAGACEAE - Beech/Oak family. In list, click on the following:

  • cherrybark oak - a high-quality bottomland red oak
  • northern red oak - one of the best upland red oaks
  • swamp chestnut oak - a high-quality bottomland white oak, with large acorns
  • white oak - a high-quality oak of uplands and well-drained bottomlands

Also look at OLEACEAE - Olive family

  • green ash - a fast-growing, high-value bottomland species

Read about your favorite trees in Silvics of North America: Vol. 2. Hardwoods Click here for PDF file or click here for HTML file.

Phone: (334) 844-1069


Wallace Kaufman


Coming Out of the Woods: 
The Solitary Life of a Maverick Naturalist

Wallace Kaufman argues for individual ownership of the land, maintaining that "the world's greatest environmental tragedies are largely on public lands or lands to which no one has a secure title or protection for a claim." Read a two- page selection from his book, Coming Out of the Woods, that was printed in PERC Reports, March 2001 (Click Here).

Click here to read reviews and buy the book. 
$20.80 hardcover or $12.80 paperback at

Phone: (919) 542-4072


Prof. Thomas G. Harris, Jr.


Timber Market Report
Only Sell If Absolutely Necessary

Tom Harris, Publisher of Timber Mart-South, a forest products price service available to subscribers, opened his second quarter market report as follows: "Market drivers this quarter included wet logging conditions, a glut of small pine and mill curtailment/closures." A southeast stumpage price table (click here) shows pine prices down and hardwood prices up from a year ago. According to Harris, this is "a good time to be accumulating inventory and only selling if absolutely necessary."

A few headlines from U.S. newspapers:

Click here to read past Timber Mart-South Market Newsletters.

Phone: (706) 542-2832


Issues and Topics AFOA is following.

To suggest an issue or a topic for a future telephone conference, please send an email note to AFOA by clicking here.

  • Energy Crisis & Federal Eminent Domain
  • Palm Pilots & Forest Records
  • Red Hills Salamander
  • County Zoning
  • Right to Farm & Practice Forestry
  • Illegal Dumping
  • Constitutional Revision/Tax Reform
  • Industry Consolidation & Timber Markets
  • Stumpage & Forest Product Markets
  • Seasonal Forest and Wildlife Management Tips
  • Forestland For Sale
  • Repeal of Estate Tax
  • Forest Taxation: income, estate, & property
  • Southern Pine Beetle: salvage & prevention
  • Wood Buying Policies During SPB Epidemic
  • Section 631(b) Capital Gains Tax Change
  • Delaney Family Current-Use Case
  • Jefferson Co. Storm Water Management Lawsuit & Appeal
  • Alabama's Pine Straw Wholesale Market
  • Useful Computer Software
  • Forest Fertilization
  • Intensive Forest Management
  • Long Rotation Management & Natural Regeneration
  • TMDL, CWA, EPA Basins, CARA, Forest Certification
  • Minerals, Gas & Oil Activity
  • Recreational Businesses for Forest Owners
  • Current Use Tax Assessment Rates
  • Local Harvesting Restrictions & Road Weight Limits
  • Bridge Repairs & the Alabama Trust Fund
  • Dog Hunting & Hunter Trespass
  • and many more.