Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.                 Advocate for the Forest Owner

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May 2001 News Conference for Forest Owners
Sponsored by Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.
Conference was recorded Wednesday, May 16, 2001.

to Listen to the

This conference and all future conferences will be in the .mp3 format, which is compatible with Windows Media Player and most other media devices.

cilhayes.jpg (3561 bytes)

Hayes D. Brown

starting time: (00:00)


Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner,  will moderate this news conference. Hayes' email address is

Review prior news conferences:  
07/27/00 | 08/24/00 | 09/20/00 | 10/18/00 | 11/15/00 | 01/17/01 | 02/21/01 | 03/21/01 | 04/13/01 |


William G. Hubbard


Find Forestry Publications Fast

Bill Hubbard is Southern Regional Extension Forester based in Athens, Georgia. He assists Forestry Extension Agents, state forestry agency personnel and USDA Forest Service professionals deliver educational programs for landowners, natural resource professionals and other clientele.Bill recently announced the Internet "launch" of (click here). "organizes and displays publications, websites and internet resources ready for viewing and/or printing." Bill explains how you might use the website to gather needed forest management information.

phone: (706) 542-7813  


Bruce Griffith

(03:32) Fights Eco-Extortion

Bruce Griffith is president of Griffith Lumber Company, Inc., a family business at the foot of Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains that specializes in "quality Appalachian hardwoods." In the face of repeated attacks on the forest industry, Bruce has become a forest activist and chairs the Virginia TreeKeepers. The mission of TreeKeepers (click here) is "to provide the knowledge, the place, and the strategy for those who wish to take a more active role in applying human ingenuity, science and technology in resolving consumer and environmental issues." TreeKeepers practices what Bruce calls, "In your face forestry." He suggests visits to the following websites.

phone:(540) 694-6969


Arlyn W. Perkey


Room to Grow: An Invisible Resource

Arlyn Perkey is a USDA Forest Service silviculturist stationed at the Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry Field Office, Morgantown, West Virginia. He describes "crown-touching release" in a paper entitled A Decade of Crop Tree Management.

Click here to open A Decade of Crop Tree Management and then "Find" (press the control key and "f" key at the same time) FTG. Immediately below "FTG" you will see some green "tree tops", a yellow bar graph and a red bar graph.    

Arlyn has found that trees grow better when they have more room to grow and his diagrams and graphs add to our understanding of that principle. 

Papers and reports by Mr. Perkey can be read at: 

phone: (304) 285-1523


Dr. H. Lee Allen


Leaves Grow Trees
Resources Grow Leaves

Lee Allen is Director of the North Carolina State Forest Nutrition Co-op. His mantra is "leaves grow trees, resources grow leaves." Fertilization and other silvicultural activities are resources that we can control to increase the amount of leaf area per acre to gain maximum growth of our trees.  Dr. Allen has created a well organized and detailed slide show  (slide show unavailable 9/12/03) to demonstrate the basis for his claims. 

Questions he hopes to answer include: 

  • Will my trees respond to nutrient additions?
  • Phosphorus deficient soils in south Alabama: what should I do?
  • Should I thin first and then fertilize?

phone: (919) 515-3500


Bruce S. Lanier


Southern Pine Beetles: 
Control Begins With Early and Accurate Detection

Bruce Lanier is operations forester for Timber Managers Company, a forestry consulting business of Gulf States Paper Corporation. He has developed a system to find southern pine beetle spots from a light plane using maps and the Global Positioning System. His methods are proving beneficial to clients. Accurate early detection of SPB spots gives the landowner an opportunity to salvage or at least stop advancing beetle populations before they can do further damage. 

phone: 1-800-247-0041


Dr. Karl V. Miller


Quality Whitetails : 
The Why and How of Quality Deer Management

Karl Miller is Associate Professor at the Warnell School of Forest Resources, University of Georgia. He and R. Larry Marchington edited the 320 page Quality Whitetails, which is on the "must read" list of the Quality Deer Management Association ( or 1-800-209-DEER). 

Jon Nelson, an Illinois hunter in his review on writes: Reading this book was the best possible thing I could have done for myself and the sport of deer hunting. It teaches you the basics of QDM and explains why you should do it. This book addresses old myths like why it is bad to shoot anterless deer. It explains that QDM is about deer herd health, not just antler size. It explains how to set up a program on your property, explaining how to do deer density counts, why deer weight is important to get, how to age a deer, types of food plots, etc..     

Buy the Book. Cost: $27.96



Hugh E. Mobley


Prescribed Burning Course on the Web

Hugh Mobley is a consulting forester who specializes in fire. He has taught several workshops to prepare foresters and landowners to become certified burners under Alabama's Certified Burn Act. For the past year he has worked with Auburn University to build a website that includes the material taught in his prescribed burn workshops and it is available for you to use. Visit the Prescribed Burn Program by clicking here.

phone: (334) 567-4462


James M. Vardaman


Stumpage Markets: Current Situation

James M. Vardaman is President of James M. Vardaman & Company, the forest management firm he started in 1951. You probably have seen or received copies of the Vardaman "Green Sheet," published since 1974 and now being replaced by a weekly email newsletter. Or you may have read his books, Tree Farm Business Management and How to Make Money Growing Trees. Both are excellent sources of information for the forest owner. 

Vardaman on the timber market:  "The timber market is huge, extremely varied, and changing all the time. There is no 'market price' for timber in the sense that there is a market price for General Motors stock. On most trading days, the high for GM is not 5% above the low, whereas the high bid for a tract of timber often exceeds the low by 100%."

Mr. Vardaman suggests a visit to these web addresses: 

phone: (601) 354-3123 


Issues and Topics AFOA is following.

To suggest an issue or a topic for a future telephone conference, please send an email note to AFOA by clicking here.

  • Energy Crisis & Federal Eminent Domain
  • Palm Pilots & Forest Records
  • Red Hills Salamander
  • County Zoning
  • Right to Farm & Practice Forestry
  • Illegal Dumping
  • Constitutional Revision/Tax Reform
  • Industry Consolidation & Timber Markets
  • Stumpage & Forest Product Markets
  • Seasonal Forest and Wildlife Management Tips
  • Forestland For Sale
  • Repeal of Estate Tax
  • Forest Taxation: income, estate, & property
  • Southern Pine Beetle: salvage & prevention
  • Wood Buying Policies During SPB Epidemic
  • Section 631(b) Capital Gains Tax Change
  • Delaney Family Current-Use Case
  • Jefferson Co. Storm Water Management Lawsuit & Appeal
  • Alabama's Pine Straw Wholesale Market
  • Useful Computer Software
  • Forest Fertilization
  • Intensive Forest Management
  • Long Rotation Management & Natural Regeneration
  • TMDL, CWA, EPA Basins, CARA, Forest Certification
  • Minerals, Gas & Oil Activity
  • Recreational Businesses for Forest Owners
  • Current Use Tax Assessment Rates
  • Local Harvesting Restrictions & Road Weight Limits
  • Bridge Repairs & the Alabama Trust Fund
  • Dog Hunting & Hunter Trespass
  • and many more.