Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00) |
Hayes D. Brown will moderate this telephone news conference.
Hayes' email address is
Review prior telephone conferences:

Ron Arnold (01:46) |
Lowe's to "squeez[e] 'non-compliant' suppliers" of forest products.
Ron Arnold is Executive Vice President of the Center for the Defense of Free
Enterprise in Bellevue, Washington. In his book, Undue Influence,
he explains why he believes Lowe's (a major forest products retail outlet
with stores all across the US) sees limiting their wood purchases to "sustainably
managed" forests as an "opportunity [for Lowe's] to create a legal
monopoly..." The results may be costly to forest owners. See pages 288 to
298 in his book.
About the book and the author:
Phone: (425) 454-9470
Email: rarnold@eskimo.com
Jerry Johnson (06:37) |
Techniques for Longleaf Planting Success
Jerry Johnson
is State Forester for the Natural Resources Conservation Service in Alabama
and has been checking dozens of sites newly planted to longleaf pines.
Unfortunately, he has found many planting failures. To improve future
success rates, the Longleaf Alliance has scheduled four training sessions
for agency personnel, tree planters, and landowners in South Alabama as
follows: September 22, Monroeville; September 26, Andalusia; October 10,
Dothan; and November 9, Montgomery. Watch AFOA's
Calendar of Events for details.
Phone: (334) 887-4560
Email: jerry.johnson@al.usda.gov

Tim Traugott (10:28) |
My Pine Trees Ready to Thin?
Tim Traugott is an Area Extension Forester with
Mississippi State University. He teaches numerous workshops on pine
plantation management to Mississippi forest owners and is using the brand
new publication, Are My Pine Trees Ready to Thin?, as a practical
guide for landowners. "Many people thin their plantations too soon, an
expensive mistake."
To order the publication: (662) 325-3150
Phone: (662) 226-6000
Email: timt@ext.msstate.edu

Ed Wilson (14:18) |
Seeking Peace of Mind During Hurricane Season
Ed Wilson
is an insurance agent (and forester) with the Davis-Garvin Agency based in
Columbia, South Carolina. Hurricane season will be with us for the next few
months. Many people remember Opal and other storms that moved out of the
Gulf and into our forests and wonder if there is any way to insure against
the losses caused by hurricanes.
Phone: 1-800-845-3163
Email: ewilson@davisgarvin.com

Dr. William C. Siegel
(16:34) |
IRS Ruling Allows Casualty Loss Deductions
William C. "Bill" Siegel has long been a national resource for
information on forestry taxation and is one of the co-authors of
Forest Owners' Guide to the Federal Income Tax. A recent
change in the IRS's position on casualty losses on "low basis" timber will
allow larger deductions in many cases.
Phone: (504) 914-1868 (phone number updated
D. Gannon Murphy |
Hunting Lease Strategy Pays Variety of Dividends Gannon Murphy
manages several thousand acres of Pruet Family, Inc., forestlands in east
Alabama. In an effort to combat timber theft he uses the help of hunters.
His search criteria for the "right" hunting groups may provide you with a
valuable perspective when leasing your land.
Phone: (770) 889-5227
Email: marcom@mindspring.com

L. Frank Walburn (22:43) |
Forestland For Sale
Frank Walburn is vice president and chief forester for Mossy Oak
Properties, Inc. He has two properties for sale in Monroe, Wilcox and Dallas
Counties that you might find interesting.
For details, click here.
Phone: (334) 682-4039
Email: fwalburn@pinebelt.net

Eric D. Gee (25:30) |
Southern Pine Lumber Market
Eric Gee is with the Southern Forest Products Association, Kenner,
Louisiana. The SFPA provides marketing and promotional assistance to lumber
manufacturers throughout the South. The stumpage market has
been faring poorly lately, caused by a combination factors including easy,
dry weather logging conditions, a flood of beetle-killed timber, and a
slowed rate of housing starts. Eric will tell us something about the
southern pine lumber market and help us see the stumpage
market from a broader view.
Statistical Information from SFPA:
Phone: (504) 443-4464
Email: egee@sfpa.org
Market related links:
Issues and Topics AFOA
is following, but may not cover in this conference. |
Repeal of Estate Tax
- Southern Pine Beetle Epidemic:
salvage & prevention
- Wood Buying Policies During SPB
631(b) Capital Gains Tax Change
- Delaney Current-Use Case before
Alabama Supreme Court
- Jefferson County Storm Water
Management Program Lawsuit
- National Monument status on Bankhead
& Talladega National Forests
- Alabama's Pine Straw Wholesale
- Useful Computer Software
- Forest Fertilization
- Intensive Forest Management
- Long Rotation Management & Natural
- Total Maximum Daily Load & EPA
- Minerals, Gas & Oil Activity
- Recreational Businesses for Forest
- Current Use Tax Rate for Next Year
- Local Harvesting Restrictions & Road
Weight Limit Problems
- Bridge Repairs & the Alabama Trust
- Dog Hunting & Hunter Trespass
- and many more.