Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.                 Advocate for the Forest Owner

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March 2005 News Conference for Forest Owners Sponsored by Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc. Conference was recorded March 16, 2005.

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Hayes D. Brown

starting time: (00:00)


Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner,  will moderate this news conference. Hayes' email address is

Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.


Dr. Mike Clutter


Forest Industry Land Sales Suggest Future Declines in Timber Supply AND Demand

Mike Clutter is a professor of Business and Finance at the University of Georgia's Warnell School of Forest Resources in Athens, Georgia. Timberland ownership is changing. Large forest products companies are selling lands at a record pace and the new owners are diversifying in a direction away from timber production, such as real estate development and recreation. If this trend continues, what will be the long-term effect on timber supply and the viability of forest products businesses such as saw mills and paper mills? We currently are fortunate to have scores of buyers for our timber in every region of the state, but that could change, just as it has in the Western U.S. where the federal government has quit selling timber and forced the closing of many mills. We have heard that lack of bidders on Western timber sales is a frequent occurrence on both government and private land.

Phone: (706) 542-5448


Tance E. Roberts


Estate Planning Tips

Tance Roberts is an attorney with Clark & Roberts located in St. Augustine, Florida. She has done many presentations helping landowners become more aware of their options and obligations on issues relating to estate planning. After spending many years caring for our land, we don't want our heirs to be forced to sell it in order to pay off probate and estate taxes. To help us prevent this ironic situation, Ms. Roberts offers some tips that can help us stay ahead of the Grim Reaper and Uncle Sam.

Tance's Tips

Phone: (904) 826-1772


Dr. Vivian Friedman


Motivating the Next Generation

Vivian Friedman is an associate professor in the Department of Child-Adolescent Psychiatry at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. In addition, she writes a twice-weekly parenting column for The Birmingham News, and is the author of Raising Children: Selected Columns From The Birmingham News. At AFOA's Annual Meeting Friedman will tell us about problems some families face when preparing their children to be proactive in family matters. She will also suggest some strategies that may help "push" the next generation into becoming more interested in maintaining a legacy. Here, she summarizes this presentation for Capital Ideas -- Live! listeners.


Phone: (205) 934-4912


W. Holt Speir, III


Tax-Free Property Exchange

Holt Speir is an attorney with Capell & Howard P.C. in Montgomery. Typically, when we sell land and make a profit, we are going to be taxed, even when we turn right around and buy some other property with the sale income. Section 1031 of the IRS Code has, for many years, allowed us to swap commercial property, such as a vacant lot, a rental house, or forestland and, if the properties were of equal value, accrue no income tax. The IRS has established procedures for accomplishing the tax-free exchange and Mr. Speir urges us to follow those procedures to the letter.

Requirements to defer gain:

  1. The relinquished property (the property you’re selling) & the replacement property (the property you’re buying with the proceeds from the sale of the relinquished property) must both be held for productive use in a trade or business or for investment.
  2. The relinquished property & the replacement property must be like-kind: they must be real property.
  3. Exchange requirement – you cannot hold the funds that are realized from the sale of the relinquished property. You must use a qualified intermediary.
  4. Time restrictions:
    1. You have 45 days from the date of the sale of your relinquished property to let the intermediary know the identity of the replacement property.
    2. You have to close on the purchase of the replacement property within 180 days after the date of the sale of the relinquished property.

Phone: (334) 241-8029


Dr. Ed Wilson


Standing Timber Casualty Insurance: A Primer

Ed Wilson is an agent with the Davis-Garvin Agency, Inc. based in Columbia, South Carolina. Last October on Capital Ideas -- Live!, Ed described his standing timber insurance program for privately-owned, managed timberland and many of you have expressed an interest in buying coverage for some or all of your timber. While this insurance could provide important financial security for you, it is important that you understand how it works. Wilson reviews important language in this type of insurance, such as "insurance to value," "co-insurance clause," and "deductible percentage," and has provided us with excellent examples.

Things You Should Know About Casualty Loss Insurance:

  1. Insurance-to-Value Provisions
  2. The Co-Insurance Clause - is it present and what it means if it's not
  3. Examples: Insured to Full Value vs. Not Insured to Full Value and Effect of Deductible Percentage

Phone: 1-800-845-3163x151


Dr. Ben Hanna


Competing In the 21st Century

Ben Hanna is senior manager of Business and Industrial for eBay, with his office located in San Jose, California. The Agriculture & Forestry category is systematically broken down into easy-to-follow subcategories, which provides an easy way to find literally everything we need to help us manage our forestland - and, the service is completely free! Hanna explains further why it's worth it to us to learn how to use the Agriculture & Forestry service and explains a little bit about how eBay works in general.

Phone: (408) 376-7152


Dr. V. Clark Baldwin


Oak Regeneration: Another Perspective

Clark Baldwin is the National Program Leader for Silviculture Research for the USDA Forest Service in Washington, DC. Most of us have some land that is better suited to hardwoods than pines and most of us have no idea how to improve the quality of the trees we have nor the quality of the species growing there. Clark has been studying the artificial regeneration of oaks and fills us in on the outcome of a workshop he was involved with that focused on artificial regeneration of oak stands in Eastern forests, including some oak planting recommendations from the experts.

Phone: (703) 605-5178


Dr. David E. Bolin


Oil & Gas in Alabama: Past and Present

Dave Bolin is an Assistant Oil and Gas Supervisor for the State Oil and Gas Board of Alabama and currently serves as the Head of the Technical Operations and Ground Water Protection Division. He discusses oil and gas activity trends over the years, and offers a historical perspective on major watershed events as well as an update on oil and gas hot spots in the State.


  • Conecuh County - significant expansion of an oil field in the Little Cedar Creek area

  • Tuscaloosa, Jefferson, Shelby, and Walker Counties – higher prices for crude oil & natural gas translated into a significant increase in drilling activity

Historical Facts on Alabama's Oil & Gas Industry

  • Lawrence County, 1865: the first oil wells in the southeastern U.S. were drilled
  • Huntsville, early 1900s: the first commercially marketed natural gas production in the southeast occurs.
  • Choctaw County, 1944: commercial quantities of oil are discovered near Gilbertown. This leads to the creation of the State Oil and Gas Board in 1945.
  • In the 1980s, Alabama became a world leader in the development of coal bed methane gas as an energy resource
  • During the past 24 years, over 76% of all drilling permits have been issued, 78% of all fields have been established, and the number of producing wells has increased from 1,000 to 5,400
  • 1992: Alabama became one of the top ten gas producers in the country and has been ranked 9th in the nation since 1994

Phone: (205) 247-3579
