Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.                 Advocate for the Forest Owner

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September 15, 2004 News Conference for Forest Owners Sponsored by Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc. Conference was recorded September 15, 2004.

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This conference and all future conferences will be in the .mp3 format, which is compatible with Windows Media Player and most other media devices.

cilhayes.jpg (3561 bytes)

Hayes D. Brown

starting time: (00:00)


Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner,  will moderate this news conference. Hayes' email address is

Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.


Harry L.   Clark


Low-Cost Imported Lumber Impacts Stumpage Prices

Harry Clark is an attorney with Dewey Ballantine, LLP. One of his clients is the Coalition for Fair Lumber Imports located in Washington, D.C. The Coalition is an alliance of large and small independent sawmills from around the country, along with their employees and woodland owners, who have united to oppose Canada's "unfair trade practice of virtually giving away its forestlands to companies that export lumber to the U.S. - the world's largest wood products market." Clark explains the Canadian timber marketing practices which the Coalition considers unfair to the U. S. industry, what is being done about them, and why U. S. timberland owners should be concerned.

Phone: (202) 429-2359


Dr. Michael A. Blazier, Ph.D.


Forestland Fertilization: A Primer

Michael Blazier is the project leader for the forestry research program at the LSU Agricultural Center's Hill Farm Research Station in Homer, Louisiana. Blazier and his team's research focuses on developing forest management practices that optimize environmental and economic values of forestlands. Dr. Blazier wrote a comprehensive, easy to follow article on optimizing timber production through fertilization. He explains why "Anyone who wishes to grow quality stands of sawtimber should consider including fertilization in their management plans."  

Foliar & Soil Testing Services:

Phone: (318) 927-2578


Matthew Herring


Marketing Approach Lowers Cost of Aerial Imagery

Matthew Herring is the Vice President of Sales and Marketing for GeoVantage, Inc., headquartered in Swampscott, Massachusetts. GeoVantage is planning to take custom aerial "pictures" in the state of Alabama in October, February and June each year. By implementing a "rolling regional schedule" for image capture, forestry clients who only need coverage for small areas can obtain it without prohibitively expensive minimum prices while still receiving the same high quality, GIS-ready digital imagery. Also, by bundling multiple small orders, clients can maximize price savings. GeoVantage Rolling Imagery Program offers a standard price regardless of parcel size. (49 cents per acre with a 100 acre minimum) Herring explains this new service and packaging and how it might benefit you.

Phone: (781) 599-4664


Dr. Lawrence Davis


Forest Management: Fourth Edition

Larry Davis is a retired professor of Forest Management with the University of California, Berkley, and is one of the authors of Forest Management, a staple textbook in Forestry Schools for the past four decades. Dr. Davis explains the importance to forest owners of setting goals and objectives for the management of their land. He ponders the question of whether achieving both economic and ecological goals for a forest are possible and reviews the concept of  "sustained yield." AFOA hopes to place this book in all public libraries in Alabama in 2005.

Phone: (509) 464-8154


Dr. William R.  Bentley


Focusing Research on Needs of Forest Owners

Bill Bentley is a retired Professor of Policy and Management at the College of Environmental Science and Forestry, State University of New York located in Syracuse, NY, and the principal of Salmon Brook Associates in North Granby, Connecticut. In addition, Bentley is also the outgoing chairman of the Forest Research Advisory Council, a group spotlighted in a recent Forest Landowners Association e-newsletter. Long concerned that many forestry researchers and extension personnel do not place sufficient emphasis on translating research into practical information useful to owners of forestland, AFOA greatly appreciates the purpose of the Council:
1) to determine the best course of forestry research,
2) to ensure that research conducted meets the needs of private landowners, and 
3) to hold accountable USDA funding recipients in research and extension capacities.
Today Dr. Bentley describes the activities of FRAC and in particular how research efforts might be focused on the needs of private forest landowners.

Phone: (860) 844-0008


 George Tremblay


Starting a Sawmill Business from Scratch - A Success Story

George Tremblay taught biochemistry and was active in biomedical research at the University of Rhode Island for thirty-four years before retiring. Starting with a hobby in woodworking, Tremblay eventually became interested in owning a sawmill, and after he retired in 2001, he and his partner took the plunge. The two anticipated spending about $7,000 for a bottom-of-the-line mill, but "...within seconds after watching a strapping young fellow manually coax a log up a ramp onto the mill, we opted for a fully hydraulic $23,000 Wood-Mizer Model LT40HD25..." Tremblay wrote a witty and informative article about his experiences and observations as a beginner in Sawmill and Woodlot Management Magazine. He now shares some of the highlights of his article with AFOA.

Highlights of Tremblay's article:

  • Who and what to ask
  • Buying your sawmill
  • Learning to operate your sawmill
  • Milling fees, business expenses, and net income
  • Charging by the board foot vs. charging by the hour

Phone: (401) 364-6832


Sam Lemmon


Predator Control Improves Quail Populations

Sam Lemmon is President of Destructive Furbearers Control, LLC located in Thomasville, Georgia. The firm is a professional predator management company whose primary goal has been "the increase of game species on quail plantations through the use of large scale predator management." "DFC works in cooperation with a number of different private landowners as well as their game managers, consultants, and state fish and game officials." Lemmon answers the question of whether predator management can be effective on small pieces of property and discusses the effect of predator management on raising quail populations.

Lemmon's 3 keys for a successful predator management operation:

  1. Hire a skilled trained trapper, i.e., a professional that takes pride in their work and knows what they are doing.
  2. Have plenty of traps to cover the area you want trapped adequately. Putting 50 traps out on a 8,000 acre plantation will accomplish nothing.
  3. Have a commitment to trap for a long period of time. Predators regenerate quickly. A few months of trapping may only put a little dent in them depending on how bad your problem is.

Phone: (229) 378-4630
