FEBRUARY 2023 News Conference for Forest Owners
Produced by the Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.
This Conference will be recorded at 10:00 AM Central Time on
Wednesday, February 8, 2023 with a live audience. If you would like to be a
member of the audience on the next program, call (205) 624-2225 to register.

Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00) |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this news
conference. Hayes' email address is
Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.
Capital Ideas - Live!
is brought to you by
Forester Search, a web resource developed
by the Alabama Forest Owners' Association with the support of the
Bradley/Murphy Forestry & Natural Resources Extension Trust.
Visit |

John Stivers
Hear Conference |
A Hot Topic: The New Central Alabama Prescribed
Burn Association
John Stivers is the owner of Professional Timberland Services
and President of the newly-formed
Central Alabama Prescribed Burn Association (CAPBA). The CAPBA was
founded by burn managers, foresters, and landowners in hopes of bringing all
landowners in central Alabama together to safely improve habitat and restore
the wildlife capacity and diversity to as much forestland as possible. It
seeks to do that through a specific mission: "to teach competence in
conducting all burns safely, to provide an economical way for even small
acreage landowners to return fire to their land, and to improve our
community’s understanding and attitude towards fire in the landscape."
Prescribed burning is a safe and efficient
tool for many purposes, such as reducing hazardous fuel loads, improving
wildlife and livestock habitat, vegetation quality, and biodiversity. By
bringing landowners together, CAPBA hopes to pool available resources to
make it easier and safer for landowners to facilitate prescribe burns. John
joins us to talk about the new association, how they hope to best fulfill
its mission, and why forest landowners should get involved.
Are you registered to attend the
Annual Meeting
at Lake Guntersville State Park Lodge on April 14 and 15? John will be
speaking at the event about the CAPBA and you won't want to miss it!
Phone: (334) 253-2139

Jeremy Meares
Hear Conference |
Fighting the Spread: The Chronic Wasting Disease
Jeremy Meares is a certified wildlife biologist and serves as
Wildlife Services and Right Of Way Manager at
Westervelt Wildlife Services, which is part of the Westervelt
Company. Westervelt is one of the seven companies that came together late last year to
form the Chronic Wasting Disease Coalition. Chronic wasting disease is an
infectious, communicable, and always fatal disease that affects deer, elk,
and moose. It's transmitted animal-to-animal via contact with infectious
material with still no known treatment or vaccine currently available. The
disease has caused significant economic, environmental, and cultural damage
around the country, and as of January 2022, the disease has been found in
deer in northwest Alabama. The Chronic Wasting Disease Coalition, which is comprised
of seven timber companies and four conservation organizations, have come
together to address the problem and promote practices that help discover,
manage, and mitigate its negative impacts. Jeremy joins us to share more
about the Coalition and how it plans to slow the spread of the deadly
Suggested Reading:
Phone: (205) 562-5708

Steve Roberson
Hear Conference |
MapRight: Mapping Made Simple
Steve Roberson
is founder and CEO of
MapRight, a
company that offers services to allow anyone to create and share interactive
maps utilizing in-depth property and land data. MapRight provides access to
extensive, up-to-date property boundary and ownership information across all
50 states and over 140 million private properties, allowing users to easily
discover things like property lines, APN numbers, acreage, property type,
legal descriptions, land use and more. Steve joins us to talk about the many
benefits MapRight offers landowners and why it's worth the price tag.
Are you registered to attend the
Annual Meeting
at Lake Guntersville State Park Lodge on April 14 and 15? Steve will be
speaking at the event about the many offerings of MapRight and you won't
want to miss it!
Phone: (844) 932-6277

Orman Wilson
Hear Conference |
What is Bonus Depreciation and How Could
It Be
Saving You Money?
Orman R. Wilson, CPA serves as a Tax Manager for
JamisonMoneyFarmer PC. Are you currently taking advantage of the tax
breaks that you could be? For most landowners, it's hard to decode what does
and doesn't apply when it comes to tax deductions. What many may be
overlooking is the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which quietly enhanced a tax break
in 2020 called "bonus depreciation." Bonus depreciation is a tax incentive
that allows businesses to immediately deduct a large percentage of the
purchase price of eligible assets rather than writing it off over its useful
lifetime. This means there are many purchases forest landowners may be able
to claim on taxes, thereby saving thousands of dollars, but this tax
incentive will no longer be available after 2026 unless further action is
taken by Congress. Orman joins us to break down bonus depreciation, what it
means for landowners, and how you can take advantage of it now.
Suggested Reading:
Phone: (205) 366-4031