2022 Calendar of Past Events
last update: 12/31/2022
Biographical Information About Speakers/Instructors: A-C, D-I, J-Q, R-Z
> January 2022
January 6-7...Baldwin County.
General Governance in Alabama will be
held at the Grand Hotel in Point Clear. The seminar
focuses on the state of the state and specifically
addresses issues of importance to the state that will be
topics during the upcoming legislative session. Fee:
$175. Contact Tom Saunders at (334) 481-2135 or
January 7...Online
at 11 - 11:15 AM CT.
Fifteen Minutes in the Forest:
How Trees Prep for Winter
will be presented via a Zoom
meeting and Facebook Live. Zoom Meeting Details - Join:
Meeting ID: 975 0908 9739 For more
information contact Jennifer Gagnon at (540) 231-6391 or
January 8...Morgan
County 9 AM.
Winter Field Trip at Wheeler National Wildlife
Refuge. Attendees will meet at the Joe Wheeler Resort
Lodge, 4401 McLean Drive, Rogersville. Attendees should
be able to see amazing waterfowl including Sandhill
Cranes and the endangered Whooping Cranes. If you have
questions and concerns email Sam Woodruff at
January 8-9...Jefferson County.
Alabama Adult and Youth Trappers Education Workshop
at 2840 Cahaba Valley Road, Leeds. The workshop passes on the historical aspects of
trapping, biological information concerning furbearers
and furbearer management, and allows students to learn
the proper techniques that include the use of trapping
as a sound wildlife management tool. Recommended ages 7
and up. Pre-registration is required. Fee: $10 for
adults. Contact
Mike Sievering at (205) 340-1183 or
Mapping with Drones will be presented via Zoom.
This is an intensive, yet introductory level workshop,
and can be considered a ‘drone boot camp’. No previous
knowledge or experience with drones, sUAS, or GIS is
required. Fee: $200. For more information email John
McGee at
January 11 - February 15...Online.
The Woman Landowners Academy is a 6-week online
program hosted through a private Facebook Group, only
open to participants. Within the group you will have
exclusive access to materials, resources, land
management professionals, as well as the opportunity to
join a network of women just like you. Topics include:
Understanding What You Own, Learn How to Read a Map in
the Woods, Financial Preparation, Selling Timber,
Reforestation, and Estate Planning for the Next
Generation. Fee: $139; $42 discount if paid by November
29. For more information contact Danielle Atkins at
(706) 631-4440 or
January 13...Lauderdale
County 6 PM.
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Detection at
University of North Alabama's Norton Auditorium, 1
Harrison Plaza, Florence. The Alabama Wildlife and
Freshwater Fisheries will host this public meeting to
discuss the recent detection of CWD in a hunter
harvested, white-tailed deer in Lauderdale County.
Hunters are encouraged to attend. For more information
call Marianne Hudson at (334) 242-3469. For more
information about the detection of CWD in Alabama, visit
January 16...Cleburne
County 2 - 4 PM.
Medicinal and Edible Plants Stroll at Cheaha
Lake in Cheaha State Park. Led by Darryl Patton, The
Southern Herbalist, who has been called a walking
encyclopedia of herbal folklore. Fee: $25. Contact Mandy
Pearson at (256) 412-9938
mandy.pearson@dcnr.alabama.gov. Editor’s Note:
Darryl has spoken at a couple AFOA Annual Meetings and
was a crowd favorite.
January 18...Online 12 Noon
- 1 PM CT.
An Overview of Forestry Taxes will be
presented via Zoom. Join this webinar for an overview of
forestry taxes including a summary of the different
types of taxes that forest landowners pay, terminology
used and more! This presentation will also include the
ins and outs of classifying your forest land as a
business, investment or personal property including how
to qualify for a profit motive classification. If you need
assistance connecting to the webinar email
January 21 -
February 13…Marshall County.
Eagle Awareness Weekends at Lake Guntersville
State Park, 1155 Lodge Drive, Guntersville. This program
runs through a select number of weekends in January and
Watch Bald Eagles glide across the sky and view their
nesting sites. Guided interpretive programs held each
weekend will help you get in touch with one of America’s
greatest symbols. Call Lake Guntersville State Park for
pricing at (256) 571-5445.
January 21...Online
at 11 - 11:15 AM CT.
Fifteen Minutes in the Forest:
The Eastern Hellbender
will be presented via a Zoom
meeting and Facebook Live. The eastern hellbender is the
largest salamander in North America. It is found across
15 states including northern Alabama. Zoom Meeting Details - Join:
Meeting ID: 975 0908 9739 For more
information contact Jennifer Gagnon at (540) 231-6391 or
January 24 - February
16 - Online & face-to-face.
Master Tree Farmer course is a "hybrid" course
combining online and face-to-face learning, it will
incorporate self-paced lectures, discussion, quizzes,
and other web-based methods of participant-instructor
interaction, along with hands-on participation
activities in the field. The course will span over 9
weeks and each Monday morning a new section will be
released. The participant will have that week to watch
the content for that section. Fee: $125. For more
information contact Derrick Phinney at (843) 563-0135 or
January 25...Online 12
Noon - 1 PM CT.
Basics of Timber Basis: Resetting the Table will
be presented via Zoom. Join this webinar to learn more
about one of the most important financial aspects of
timber management that often goes unnoticed or
underappreciated. Timber basis is how much you have
invested in the timber, and it is used to determine net
taxable income. It can be applied to reduce taxable
income, financial losses after a storm and more. If you
need assistance connecting to the webinar email
January 26...Online.
Annual Nonpoint Source Conference will be held as a
virtual conference. The conference format consists of
presentations on projects, topics, efforts associated
with nonpoint source pollution and its impact on water
quality. For more information contact Susan Summerlin at
(334) 394-4354 or
susan.summerlin@adem.alabama.gov. Editor’s Note: Nonpoint Source Water Quality
Regulations have a direct affect on the management of, and income from,
your land.
January 26...Athens, Georgia
7:30 AM - 5:30 PM ET.
Small Game in the Southeast at
Flinchum’s Phoenix, 650 Phoenix Drive. This short course
aims to provide technical information about the ecology,
habitat, and strategies for hunting small game in the
southeast, including outdoor activities and small game
habitat field tours. Fee: $250. Contact Ingvar Elle at (706) 583-0566 or
January 27...Columbus,
Georgia 8:30 AM - 4 PM ET.
Land & Ladies Landowner Workshop: Harvesting Basics at a
location to-be-determined. Topics include
Markets, Products, Forestry Taxes, and Survey Activity. A field tour will
be included
as well. Fee: $25; virtual option is $15. For more
information contact Danielle Atkins at (706) 631-4440 or
January 31 - February
4...Baldwin County
8 AM - 4 PM.
Learn to Burn at a private landowner site near
Bay Minette.
Experience a day-long “start to finish” learning
opportunity. Actively participate with ignition
patterns, holding techniques, and mop up. The prescribed
burn will be conducted on the first available burn
window between January 31–February 4. Depending on weather
conditions, selected participants will be given 2 days
advanced notice before the program is held. Space is
limited to 20 participants. For more information contact
Ryan Mitchell at (251) 423-9145 or
> February 2022
February 1...Online 12
Noon - 1 PM CT.
Timber Management Expenses and Deductions will
be presented via Zoom. Managing your timber costs money,
and like any other business, many of your expenses can
be deducted from your tax bill. In this presentation,
you will learn how to assess your forest management
costs and correctly claim your deductions. If you need
assistance connecting to the webinar email
2...Niceville, Florida 8:30 AM - 5 PM.
Longleaf Foundations at Timpoochee 4-H Youth
Camp, 4750 Timpoochee Lane. This one-day course, a
condensed version of Longleaf 101, is designed for those
that would like to begin building a solid foundation of
longleaf knowledge. Masks required indoors. Fee:
$50; lunch provided. Contact Karen Brown at (334)
427-1029 or
February 2...Online 12
Noon - 1 PM CT.
Managing White Oaks: Harvesting & Regeneration
Strategies will be
presented via Zoom. Presenter: Drew Metzler, Alabama
Extension. Registration is required. For more
information contact Bence Carter at (334)
693-3800 or
Register Here
February 3...Montgomery
County 10 AM.
Board Meeting of Alabama Forever Wild Land Trust
at the Richard Beard Building, Agriculture and
Industries Auditorium, 1445 Federal Drive, Montgomery. This meeting
will provide an opportunity for any individual who would
like to make comments concerning the program. The public
is invited to attend this meeting and is urged to submit
comments. For more information call (334) 242-3484.
Editor's Note: Here are some questions you may consider
asking yourself and others. Should the state provide
recreational activity property? Is recreation a
necessary service? Does the state need more public land
to compete with recreational opportunities (many of
which are already) provided by private forestland
owners? Does the acquisition of more public land, that
does not pay taxes, put
pressure on private landowners to (eventually) pay more
in taxes?
Is it not correct that Forever Wild property (over
279,999 acres as of August 1, 2021) does not pay property taxes?
February 7...Barbour
County 5:30 PM.
Carbon Market Introduction for Producers and Landowners
at the Barbour County Extension Office, 525 School
Street, Eufaula. This meeting will offer an introduction
to carbon markets as we currently understand them,
things to consider before entering into carbon
contracts, and things that will affect the market going
forward. For more information contact Jessica Kelton at
(334) 693-3800 or
February 7...Tupelo,
Mississippi 6 PM.
Cogongrass at the Lee County Extension Office,
5338 Cliff Gookin Boulevard. Speaker: Garron Hicks. RSVP
to (662) 841-9000.
February 8...Online 8:30
AM - 3 PM CT.
Texas Timber Tax Workshop is designed for forest
landowners, consulting foresters, accountants,
attorneys, and others who work with forest landowners in
matters pertaining to timber tax issues.
For more information contact Melissa Yeldell at (979)
458-6650 or
February 8...Online 12
Noon - 1 PM CT.
Keeping More of Your Timber Income Following a Timber
Sale will be presented via Zoom. Learn about one
of the top ways forest landowners save taxes—receiving
capital gain treatment on timber sales. Join this
presentation for a detailed discussion of how to qualify
for capital gain treatment under IRC 631(a) & (b),
recordkeeping tips, and proper tax reporting. If you
need assistance connecting to the webinar email
February 8...Online 12 Noon - 1:15 PM CT.
Webinar Series: Stewardship & Sustainability will
be presented via Zoom. This lunch and learn is for women
that own forestland or are just interested in learning
more about forestry in a relaxed, fun setting. Join
during your lunch break as Ashley Smith, Alabama
Forestry Association, discusses why conservation
education matters. Pre-registration required. Contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
February 8...Autauga County
- 8:30 PM.
Carbon Credits Seminar at the
Autaugaville Forestry Office, 2226 Alabama Highway 14
West, Autaugaville. Jeff Wright from NCX give
information on how to sell your forest's carbon credits.
For more information call Matthew Sorrells at (334)
February 9-11...Pine
Southeastern Society of American Foresters Annual
Meeting at the Callaway Resort & Gardens.
Professional foresters and landowners are welcome to
attend to hear conference speakers address economic,
environmental, and policy issues. Fee: $369.15. For more
information contact Susan McMichael at (706) 457-1842 or
February 10...Athens, Georgia
7:30 AM - 4 PM ET.
Timber Taxation Workshop at
Flinchum’s Phoenix, 650 Phoenix Drive. Timber taxes are
one of the major expenses every private forest landowner
needs to take care of. This course will provide basic
information about forest-related federal income taxation
and property taxes in Georgia. Fee: $195. Contact Ingvar Elle at (706) 583-0566 or
February 12-13...Jackson County.
Alabama Adult and Youth Trappers Education Workshop
at the Jackson County WMA, 234 County Road 141,
Hollywood. The workshop passes on the historical aspects of
trapping, biological information concerning furbearers
and furbearer management, and allows students to learn
the proper techniques that include the use of trapping
as a sound wildlife management tool. Recommended ages 7
and up. Pre-registration is required. Fee: $10 for
adults. Contact
Mike Sievering at (205) 340-1183 or
February 14-18...Tallapoosa County
8:30 AM - 4 PM.
Learn to Burn
Workshop at Wind Creek State Park, 4325 Alabama
Highway 128, Alexander City.
Experience a day-long “start to finish” learning
opportunity. Actively participate with ignition
patterns, holding techniques, and mop up. The prescribed
burn will be conducted on the first available burn
window between February 14–18. Depending on weather
conditions, selected participants will be given 2 days
advanced notice before the program is held. Space is
limited to 25 participants. Contact Drew Metzler at (334)
313-0478 or
February 15...Online 12
Noon - 1 PM CT.
Coping With Losses from Nature and Chance will
be presented via Zoom. Growing trees can be subject to
forces beyond the owners’ control from weather
catastrophes to timber theft and more. While forest
landowners can’t plan for these unexpected events, they
can learn more about the tax implications for casualty
loss, non-casualty losses, timber theft, trespassing and
more. If you need assistance
connecting to the webinar email
February 16...Athens, Georgia
7:30 AM - 5:30 PM ET.
Small Game in the Southeast at
Flinchum’s Phoenix, 650 Phoenix Drive. This short course
aims to provide technical information about the ecology,
habitat, and strategies for hunting small game in the
southeast, including outdoor activities and small game
habitat field tours. Plan to spend several hours
outdoors navigating thick brush with hunting dogs and
outdoor apparel is required. Fee: $250. $100 discount if no continuing
education credits are needed. Contact Ingvar Elle at (706) 583-0566 or
February 16...Nationwide 10:00 AM to 10:15 AM (Central
News Conference for Forest Owners.
This 15 minute telephone/Internet conference
will feature state & national experts, researchers & authors
on breaking issues, current research, can't-miss
educational events, books & publications, timber market
update and more. To
listen live call AFOA to register at (205) 624-2225.
Listen on the web or download to listen on your device
of choice: February 16, 2022 CI -- Live! This will be a
link once program is finished and available.
Click Here for Index to
Past Conferences.
February 16...Online 12
Noon - 1 PM CT.
Spring-time Aquatic Weed Prevention will be
presented via Zoom. Presenter: Norm Haley, Alabama
Extension. Registration is required. For more
information contact Bence Carter at (334)
693-3800 or
Register Here
February 16 - March
The Woman Landowners Academy
- 2.0 is a 6-week online
program hosted through a private Facebook Group, only
open to participants. Within the group you will have
exclusive access to materials, resources, land
management professionals, as well as the opportunity to
join a network of women just like you. Topics include:
Finding and contracting a consulting forester,
Determining what timber products you are growing, Income
opportunities, Wildlife enhancements, How to select a
pine species for your site, and Prescribed burning
basics. Fee: $179.
For more information contact Danielle Atkins at (706)
631-4440 or
17...Brandon, Mississippi 6 PM.
Timber Markets: Mill Availability at Rankin
County Extension Office, 601 Marquette Road. Speaker:
Marc Measells. For more information or to RSVP call
(601) 825-1462.
February 17 &
24...Cullman County 5 - 8 PM.
Pond Management Series at Wallace State, Hopper
Forestry Bldg., CR-673, Hanceville. Topics include:
fertilizing, harvest, dam maintenance, aquatic weed
management, stocking, strategies, wildlife damage, fish
kills, and enhancements. These two days are in-class
presentations. Seating is limited. Pre-registration
required. Fee: $75. Contact Ashley at (256) 352-8386 or
A field day for demonstrations is planned for March 15
from 8:30 - 11:30 AM. Fee: $50.
February 17...Jefferson
County 6 - 8 PM.
Dinner and Discussion at
The Fish Market Restaurant, 1681 Highway 31, Hoover. No-host dinner at 6
PM. Then talk about
the latest news and issues with other forest landowners.
Limited seating. To attend,
RSVP AFOA at (205) 624-2225 or
rll@afoa.org. |
February 19...Shelby
County 8 AM - 12 Noon.
Firearms 101: Introduction to Handguns at the
Cahaba Wildlife Management Area (WMA) Shooting Range,
3956 Coalmont Road, Helena. The class is perfect for
those who want to learn more about handguns, target
shooting and firearm safety in a controlled environment.
Eye and ear protection, as well as a .22 rimfire handgun
and all the ammunition needed, is provided free of
charge. If you already have your own handgun and
appropriate ammunition, please feel free to bring it for
use in the class. For more information or
registration visit
https://www.outdooralabama.com/node/24876 If
this date doesn’t work for you, there are other dates
and a different location for the Firearms 101 class.
February 19...Cullman
County 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM.
Tree Sale at the North Alabama Agriplex, 1714
Tally Ho Street NW, Cullman. The tree selection will
include white oaks, bald cypress, southern magnolia, paw
paws, persimmons, and more. Fee: $2 per tree. For more
information call Kira Sims at (256) 737-9386.
February 19-20...Baldwin County.
Alabama Adult and Youth Trappers Education Workshop
at the District V Wildlife Office, 30571 Five Rivers
Boulevard, Spanish Fort. The workshop passes on the historical aspects of
trapping, biological information concerning furbearers
and furbearer management, and allows students to learn
the proper techniques that include the use of trapping
as a sound wildlife management tool. Recommended ages 7
and up. Pre-registration is required. Fee: $10 for
adults. Contact
Mike Sievering at (205) 340-1183 or
February 20-26...Statewide.
Alabama Arbor Week. This is a good week to include the family in
your tree planting activities.
a picture of your children or grandchildren planting a
tree, or post one to the
AFOA MeWe page or
AFOA Facebook page.
February 21...Bibb County 9 AM
- 12 Noon.
ForestHer - Chainsaw Safety Workshop
at a location to-be-determined in Centreville. ForestHer
workshops are an opportunity for women landowners to
learn about forest management topics that are important
to them in a relaxed, fun setting. This workshop will
cover the basics of chainsaw safety. In addition to
gaining valuable knowledge about chainsaw safety and
personal protection equipment, the ladies will also
learn how to properly start and operate a chainsaw.
Registration required. For more information
contact Lynn Dickinson at (334) 303-8360 or
21...Columbus, Mississippi 5:30 PM.
Hardwood Management at Lowndes County Extension
Office, 485 Tom Rose Road. Speaker: Dr. Brady Self. For
more information or to RSVP call (662) 328-2111.
February 21-23...Online.
Southeast Deer Study Group will
be presented virtually once again. The theme for this
meeting is The Value of Deer and Deer Hunting to the
American Public. Registration required. Fee: $175. For more information call
Matt Ross at (518) 391-8414.
21-25...Bullock County
7:30 AM - 3:30 PM.
Learn and Burn Live Fire Event at Enon Plantation. A prescribed burn will be conducted
on the first available burn window between the 21st -
25th. Participants must expect to be active all day
walking, wearing woods clothes, and carrying tools.
Limited advance notice could
be given depending on weather conditions. Lunch
provided. For more information contact
Greg Brewer at (334) 329-1106 or
February 24...Online
5:30 - 6:30 PM.
Small Ruminant Production Virtual Series will be
presented via Zoom. This month's session topic is
Improving Goat Enterprises: Budget Management and
Seasonal Marketing Tools. For more information contact
Valens Niyigena at (256) 583-1811 or
24...Pontotoc, Mississippi 6 PM.
Upland Hardwood Management Part 1 at the Pontotoc
County Extension Office, C.J. Hardin Jr. Drive. Speaker:
Dr. Brady Self. For more information or to RSVP call
(662) 489-3910.
February 24...New
Albany, Mississippi 6 PM.
Forest Fragmentation Management at the Union
County Extension Office, 112 Fairground Circle. Speaker:
Marc Measells. For more information or to RSVP call
(662) 534-1917.
February 25...Montgomery
County 8 AM - 3 PM.
Forestry and Wildlife Educational Seminars at
Alabama Farmers Federation, 2108 East South Boulevard,
Montgomery. Topics will include a lobbying update,
trespassing law review, importance of seedling genetics,
timber market update, carbon market review, wild pig
update, wild turkey research, and deer population
management. For more information contact Telea Perry at
(334) 288-3900 or
February 26-27...Pike County.
Alabama Adult and Youth Trappers Education Workshop
at Coastal Plain Land & Timber, 3880 County Road 1165,
Troy. The workshop passes on the historical aspects of
trapping, biological information concerning furbearers
and furbearer management, and allows students to learn
the proper techniques that include the use of trapping
as a sound wildlife management tool. Recommended ages 7
and up. Pre-registration is required. Fee: $10 for
adults. Contact
Mike Sievering at (205) 340-1183 or
February 28...Elmore
Public Hearing on Property Tax Increase at the
Elmore County Courtroom in downtown Wetumpka. The
property tax proposal requests a 70% increase in
property taxes.
February 28 - March
4...Escambia/Conecuh County
8 AM - 4 PM.
Learn to Burn at a private landowner site near
Experience a day-long “start to finish” learning
opportunity. Actively participate with ignition
patterns, holding techniques, and mop up. The prescribed
burn will be conducted on the first available burn
window between February 28 – March 4. Depending on weather
conditions, selected participants will be given 2 days
advanced notice before the program is held. Space is
limited to 20 participants. For more information contact
Ryan Mitchell at (251) 423-9145 or
> March 2022
March 1...Hattiesburg,
Income Taxes and the Family Forest Workshop at the
Forrest County Extension Office, 952 Sullivan Drive.
Space is limited. Fee: $35; $50 for couples. For more information
or to RSVP call (601) 545-6083.
March 1...Oxford,
Mississippi 6 PM.
Upland Hardwood Management Part 2 at the
Lafayette County Extension Office, 70 F.D. Buddy East
Parkway. Speaker: Dr. Brady Self. For more information
or to RSVP call (662) 234-4451.
March 2...Online 12
Noon - 1 PM CT.
Understanding Carbon Markets will be
presented via Zoom. Presenter: Jessica Kelton, Alabama
Extension. Registration is required. For more
information contact Bence Carter at (334)
693-3800 or
Register Here
March 2...Montgomery
County 12 Noon - 1 PM.
Butterflies of Alabama at the Armory Learning
Arts Building, 1018 Madison Avenue, Montgomery. This
class will show you different butterflies you can
attract to your landscape in Alabama as well as the
plants and other needs to create a habitat suitable for
butterflies. Bring a sack lunch. For more information
call the Montgomery County Extension at (334) 270-4133.
March 3...Batesville,
Mississippi 6 PM.
Small Game and Turkey Management at the Panola
County Extension Office, 245-C Eureka Street. Speaker:
Dave Godwin. For more information or to RSVP call (662)
March 3...Online 7 - 9 PM
Wills, Powers of Attorney, and Advance Directives will be held via Zoom
Meeting. Contact Robert Tufts at
(334) 734-2120 or
Register Here
March 4...Holly Springs,
Introduction to Prescribed Burning Workshop at
Spirit Hill Farm. Fee: $5; lunch provided. For more
information or to RSVP contact Tara Ferguson at (662)
562-4274 or
March 4...Barbour County
9 AM - 2 PM.
Wild Pig Management
at the Barbour Wildlife Management Area, 164 Christa
Drive, Midway.
This forestry tour will expose attendees to the impacts
of feral swine, effective management strategies, current
research, and available cost-share opportunities.
Stations will be set up throughout the management area.
For more information contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
March 4-5...Mobile
Alabama Cattlemen’s Association (ACA) Convention & Trade
Show at the Mobile Convention Center, 1 South
Water Street, Mobile. Fee: $195. For more information call the ACA at (334)
March 5...Montgomery County
9 AM.
Alabama Conservation Advisory Board Meeting at
the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries,
Richard Beard Auditorium, 1445 Federal Drive, Montgomery. The decisions of this board impact all
hunting activities that take place on your land. Anyone
wishing to speak must register between 8 - 8:30 AM. For
more information, call (334) 242-3486.
March 7...Elmore County 9 AM
- 12 Noon.
ForestHer - Chainsaw Safety Workshop
at the Elmore County Extension Office, 340 Queen Ann
Road, Wetumpka. ForestHer
workshops are an opportunity for women landowners to
learn about forest management topics that are important
to them in a relaxed, fun setting. This workshop will
cover the basics of chainsaw safety. In addition to
gaining valuable knowledge about chainsaw safety and
personal protection equipment, the ladies will also
learn how to properly start and operate a chainsaw.
Registration required. For more information
contact Lynn Dickinson at (334) 303-8360 or
7-11...Baldwin County
8 AM - 4 PM.
Learn to Burn at a private landowner site near
Bay Minette.
Experience a day-long “start to finish” learning
opportunity. Actively participate with ignition
patterns, holding techniques, and mop up. The prescribed
burn will be conducted on the first available burn
window between March 7-11. Depending on weather
conditions, selected participants will be given 2 days
advanced notice before the program is held. Space is
limited to 20 participants. For more information contact
Ryan Mitchell at (251) 423-9145 or
7-11...Jefferson County
8 AM - 4 PM.
Learn to Burn at
the Turkey Creek Nature Preserve, 3906 Turkey Creek
Road, Pinson.
Experience a day-long “start to finish” learning
opportunity. Actively participate with ignition
patterns, holding techniques, and mop up. The prescribed
burn will be conducted on the first available burn
window between March 7-11. Depending on weather
conditions, selected participants will be given 2 days
advanced notice before the program is held. Space is
limited to 25 participants. Lunch provided. For more information contact
Joel Moon at (334) 481-2156 or
March 7 - May 27...Online.
Woodland Options for Landowners Online is a
twelve week self-paced course covering topics such as:
Setting management goals, Forest history, Using topographic maps, Using soil
surveys, Marking boundary lines, Understanding your
deed, Forest
ecology, and Working with natural resource
professionals. Fee: $45 per household. Contact Jennifer
Gagnon at (540) 231-6391 or
March 8...Online 12 Noon - 1:15 PM CT.
Webinar Series: Timber vs. Lumber Prices will
be presented via Zoom. This lunch and learn is for women
that own forestland or are just interested in learning
more about forestry in a relaxed, fun setting. Join
during your lunch break as Adam Maggard, Alabama
Extension Specialist & Professor, dives into why timber
prices remain low, in spite of a record high lumber
prices. Pre-registration required. Contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
March 10...Coffeeville,
Mississippi 6 PM.
Wild Turkey Management at the Yalobusha County
Extension Office, 18025 Highway 7. Speaker: Dave Godwin.
For more information or to RSVP call (662) 675-2730.
March 11...Palatka,
Florida 9 AM ET.
Landowner Tour of Florida Land Stewards of the
Year at Ben and Lou Ann Williams’ Wetland Preserve, LLC.
Wear appropriate field clothing and bring rain gear.
After lunch, weather permitting, there will be a small
prescribed fire demonstration. Fee: $10; lunch included.
For more information contact Chris Demers at (352)
846-2375 or
14-18...Pickens County
7:30 AM - 3:30 PM.
Learn to Burn at
the Westervelt Lodge in Aliceville.
Experience a day-long “start to finish” learning
opportunity. Actively participate with ignition
patterns, holding techniques, and mop up. The prescribed
burn will be conducted on the first available burn
window between March 14-18. Depending on weather
conditions, selected participants will be given 2 days
advanced notice before the program is held. Space is
limited. Lunch provided. For more information contact
Greg Brewer at (334) 329-1106 or
March 15...Biloxi,
Mississippi 9 AM - 1 PM.
Wreath Workshop for Farmers and Producers at
Mississippi State University Coastal Research and
Extension Center, 1815 Popps Ferry Road. This training
program is offered for Christmas tree growers, farmers,
farmer florists, or anyone with interest in learning how
to create and retail evergreen wreaths for a profit. We
will discuss suitable plant materials, cold storage, and
design of wreaths. Fee: $20; lunch included. For more
information contact Jim DelPrince at (662) 549-0521 or
March 16...Online 12
Noon - 1 PM CT.
Warm Season Food Plots will be
presented via Zoom. Presenter: Norm Haley, Alabama
Extension. Registration is required. For more
information contact Bence Carter at (334)
693-3800 or
Register Here
March 17...Escambia County 6 PM.
Alabama Forestry Association
Brewton Area Regional
Reception at The Hourglass, 220 St. Joseph
Avenue, Brewton. Catch
up on news of importance to your forestland investment
and meet others in the forest industry in a relaxed,
comfortable environment. Contact Liz Chambers at (334) 481-2135 or
March 17...Online 7 - 8:30 PM
Trusts in Estate Planning will be held via Zoom
Meeting. Contact Robert Tufts at
(334) 734-2120 or
Register Here
March 18...Dallas County 9
AM - 1 PM.
Wild Pig Management at the Southern Sportsman
Hunting Lodge, 9022 US Highway 80, Tyler. This workshop
will cover topics including: Top 10 Mistakes in Pig
Control, Top 10 Must-Do’s for Pig Control, Updates on
Feral Swine Control Program, an update on USDA Wildlife
Services Efforts to Control Pigs, and Equipment
Demonstrations. Registration required. For more
information contact Lynn Dickinson at (334) 303-8360 or
March 18...DeKalb
County 9 AM - 3 PM.
Professional Chainsaw Safety Workshop at the Sand
Mountain Research & Extension Center, 13112 Alabama
Highway 68, Crossville. Instructor: Gary Ickes.
Registration required. For more information or to RSVP
contact Jessica Townsel at (256) 845-8595 or
March 18...Online 12 Noon
It’s a Family Affair: Understanding Heirs’ Property and
Forestland Ownership will be presented via Zoom
Webinar. Productive agricultural land remains elusive
for many landowners and agricultural professionals are
often limited in helping them due to complicated legal
issues. For more information contact James Lewis at
(919) 682-9319 or
March 19...Limestone County
8 AM - 12 Noon.
Firearms 101: Introduction to Handguns at the
Swan Creek Wildlife Management Area (WMA) Shooting
Range, 18936 Harris Station Road, Tanner. The class is
perfect for those who want to learn more about handguns,
target shooting and firearm safety in a controlled
environment. Eye and ear protection, as well as a .22
rimfire handgun and all the ammunition needed, is
provided free of charge. If you already have your own
handgun and appropriate ammunition, please feel free to
bring it for use in the class. For more information
or registration visit
https://www.outdooralabama.com/node/24884 If this
date doesn’t work for you, there are other dates and a
different location for the Firearms 101 class.
March 19...Talladega County
4 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off at Talladega Superspeedway,
3366 Speedway Boulevard, Talladega. Attend
the cook-off and enjoy live music, door prizes, youth activities, and
sample wild game recipes. Fee: $40; Youth 15 and under free. Call the
Alabama Wildlife Federation at 1-800-822-9453.
March 24...Russell
County 2 - 7 PM.
Spring Forestry Landowner Tour at 508 14th
Street, Phenix City. Multiple use land management topics
include pine straw production, wild pig trapping,
chemical release treatments, and pond management. Fee:
$15. For more information contact Jennifer Davidson at
(334) 298-6845 or
March 24...Online 7 - 8 PM
Estate Planning for Landowners will be held via Zoom
Meeting. This program will talk about why landowners
might want to use a trust or business entity to hold
their land rather than giving it to children equally. Contact Robert Tufts at
(334) 734-2120 or
Register Here
March 25...Shelby County 9
AM - 1 PM.
Recreational Pond Management Workshop at Chelsea
Sports Complex, 10259 County Road 11, Chelsea. This
workshop will cover basic fish pond management, wildlife
damage control, and weed management. It will also
include an outdoor electrofishing demonstration at a
pond site. Bring weed and/or water sample along with you
to be analyzed for free. Registration required. For more
information contact Lynn Dickinson at (334) 303-8360 or
March 29-31...Buena
Longleaf Academy: Fire & Longleaf 201
at the High Pine Lodge. This workshop will guide
landowners and natural resource professionals through
the longleaf-specific considerations to address when
planning to burn, and contribute to achieving more
desirable effects when managing with fire. Instructors
will guide participants through evaluating, planning,
igniting and managing prescribed fires. This meeting has
masks required at times. For more information call the
Longleaf Alliance at (334) 427-1029.
March 30...Campbellton,
Florida 11:30 AM CT.
Florida Forestry Association (FFA) Membership Meeting
at Rex Lumber, Holyneck Road. Lunch provided.
RSVP by March 23. RSVP Whitney at (850) 222-5646
March 30...Online 12
Noon - 1 PM CT.
Burning Young Longleaf will be presented via
Zoom. Fire tolerance of young longleaf pine will be
presented by Mary Anne Sayer from the US Forest Service.
For more information contact Norm Haley at (256)
630-4248 or
March 31...Cleburne
County 4 - 7:15 PM.
Forestry Planning and Conservation Workshop at
Cleburne County Mountain Center, 6751 Highway 78,
Heflin. Topics include erosion on pulpwood sites,
discovering new plants, carbon credits, and forestry
best management practices. Space limited to 25
participants. For more information or to RSVP contact
Cindy Beam at (256) 463-2877 or
March 31...Online 5:30 -
6:30 PM CT.
Small Ruminant Production Virtual Series will be
presented via Zoom. This month's session topic is
Tackling Reproductive Constraints for Sheep and Goats.
For more information contact Valens Niyigena at (256)
583-1811 or
> April 2022
April 5...Conecuh County
8:30 AM - 3:30 PM.
The Natural Shift: Converting from Loblolly or Slash to
Longleaf Over Time at Reid State Technical
College Library, 100 Highway 83, Evergreen. Attendees
will be introduced to a concept of converting existing
stands of loblolly or slash pine to longleaf using gap
regeneration and underplanting. The importance of native
warm season grasses and establishment practices will be
discussed as well. A tour where conversion and native
grass establishment has taken place will be held after
lunch. Lunch provided. Contact Karla Robinson at (251)
578-2762 or
April 5...Walker County 6
Alabama Forestry Association Jasper Area Regional
Reception at Musgrove Country Club, 916 Country
Club Road, Jasper.
Catch up on news of importance to your forestland
investment and meet others in the forest industry in a
relaxed, comfortable environment. Contact Liz Chambers at (334) 481-2135 or
April 7...Online 7 - 9:10 PM
Heirs Property will be held via Zoom
Meeting. This program will talk about how heirs property
happens, who are the heirs, what are their options under
partition either normal or the Uniform Partition of
Heirs Property Act. Contact Robert Tufts at
(334) 734-2120 or
Register Here
County. Location: Headquartered at the
Pelham Civic Complex, 500 Amphitheater Road, Pelham, AL
Directions / Google Map
Description: Friday Afternoon and
Evening: Forestry Field Day at nearby private
forestland followed by Reception/Social Hour at L & S Small Engine
Repair, Husqvarna Dealer. Saturday: Morning
Educational Program at Pelham Civic Complex. Afternoon
Forest Management Field Discussions at Oak Mountain
State Park.
Hotels in Pelham very close to the
Pelham Civic Complex: Quality Inn,
Hampton Inn & Suites, Sleep Inn, Best Western, Fairfield
Inn & Suites, Holiday Inn Express & Suites, Ramada by
Wyndham, Travelodge by Wyndham, Comfort Suites. To book
a hotel
click here or
call (855) 809-4608. Give
them city, state, and one of the above hotel
Online Program
Agenda and Attendee Registration
Mail-in Program
Agenda and Attendee Registration
The Program Agenda/Attendee Registration Form will
contain the most up-to-date information. Please remember
details will change as the meeting draws closer. Some
items may become inaccurate as plans change. If you
print the agenda make sure you come back
and print it again closer to the meeting date.
Online Exhibitor and/or Sponsor
Registration - This link is for Exhibitors and/or Sponsors only.
April 11-15...Crenshaw County
8 AM - 4 PM.
Learn to Burn at a private landowner site near
Experience a day-long “start to finish” learning
opportunity. Actively participate with ignition
patterns, holding techniques, and mop up. The prescribed
burn will be conducted on the first available burn
window between April 11-15. Depending on weather
conditions, selected participants will be given 2 days
advanced notice before the program is held. Space is
limited to 40 participants. For more information contact
Ryan Mitchell at (251) 423-9145 or
April 12...Online 12 Noon - 1:15 PM CT.
Webinar Series: Emerging Forest Pests will be
presented via Zoom. This lunch and learn is for women
that own forestland or are just interested in learning
more about forestry in a relaxed, fun setting. Join
during your lunch break as Beau Brodbeck, Alabama
Extension Specialist, discusses how to recognize and
mitigate damage from emerging forest pests. Pre-registration required. Contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
April 14...Houston County 6 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off at
The Plant, 308 N. St. Andrews Street, Dothan.
Attend the cook-off and enjoy live music, door prizes,
youth activities, and sample wild game recipes. Fee:
$50 for up to 2 adults. Youth 15 and under free. Call the Alabama Wildlife
Federation at 1-800-822-9453.
April 15...Montgomery County 9 AM
- 1 PM.
Recreational Pond Management
at Elton Dean Sr. Park, 7251 Old Selma Road, Montgomery.
The workshop will feature presentations covering basic
fish pond management, wildlife damage control, and weed
management. An outdoor electrofishing demonstration at a
pond site is included as well. Bring a water and/or weed
sample for identification and testing. For more information
contact Lynn Dickinson at (334) 303-8360 or
April 16...Shelby County 1 -
5 PM.
Firearms 101: Introduction to Handguns at the
Cahaba Wildlife Management Area (WMA) Shooting Range,
3956 Coalmont Road, Helena. The class is perfect for
those who want to learn more about handguns, target
shooting and firearm safety in a controlled environment.
Eye and ear protection, as well as a .22 rimfire handgun
and all the ammunition needed, is provided free of
charge. If you already have your own handgun and
appropriate ammunition, please feel free to bring it for
use in the class. For more information or
registration visit
https://www.outdooralabama.com/node/24879 If this
date doesn’t work for you, there are other dates and a
different location for the Firearms 101 class.
April 18-19...Montgomery County.
ForestHer Basics
at the Pike Road Ag Building, 6281 Trotman Road, Pike
Road. This two day workshop for women will teach how to
read maps and deeds, identify and measure forest trees,
and manage their timber and non-timber forest products.
The workshop is hands-on with demonstrations, a field
tour, and opportunities to practice new skills. Fee: $50.
For more information contact Lynn Dickinson at (334)
303-8360 or
April 19...Fayette County
9 AM - 3 PM.
Invasive Species Workshop at the
Fayette County Extension Office, 650 McConnell Loop,
Fayette. This
workshop will take place both indoors and outside.
Attendees will learn about worker protection standards,
review herbicide labels, discuss forestry herbicides and
application methods, learn how to identify invasive
plants and associated control options. Attendees will
move outside for demonstrations on calibrating sprayers,
hack-and-squirt, and basal bark application techniques.
Fee: $25. Contact Ronni Brasher at (205) 932-8941 or
April 21...Online 12 Noon
- 1 PM CT.
Making the Environmental Case for Paper will be
presented via Zoom. Businesses and consumers are
increasingly aware of the environmental impacts of the
products they buy, and they understandably want to do
the right things. But when it comes to paper products,
the right things are often buried under an avalanche of
misinformation. Environmental advocacy is too often
wrapped in a veneer of misleading, science-sounding
terminology, or worse, reduced to slogans like “go
paperless, save trees.” Misconceptions will continue to
proliferate if we don’t actively debunk the myths about
paper and the environment. If you need
assistance connecting to the webinar email
April 21...Elmore County
6 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off at Alabama Wildlife
Federation Headquarters, 3050 Lanark Road, Millbrook.
Attend the cook-off and enjoy live music, door prizes,
youth activities, and sample wild game recipes. Fee:
$50 for up to 2 adults. Youth 15 and under free. Call the Alabama Wildlife
Federation at 1-800-822-9453.
April 21...Baldwin County 6
Alabama Forestry Association
Mobile Area Regional
Reception at Matthews Landing Pavilion, 8900
Lower Bryant Landing Road, Stockton.
Catch up on news of importance to your forestland
investment and meet others in the forest industry in a
relaxed, comfortable environment. Contact Liz Chambers at (334) 481-2135 or
April 21...Online 7 - 8:30 PM
Choice of Business Entity will be held via Zoom
Meeting. This program will cover a description of the
business entities available in Alabama and a comparison
among them for characteristics, such as limited
liability, participation in management, transferability
of interest, etc. Contact Robert Tufts at
(334) 734-2120 or
Register Here
April 23…Jamestown, Tennessee
7 AM - 1 PM.
Healthy Hardwoods Field Day
at Pickett State Forest, 4266 Pickett Park Highway. Topic:
Cost Share Practices. Lunch included. Space is limited
to 80 participants. Contact Dana Howard at (615) 883-3832 or
April 23...Grant,
Louisiana 8:45 AM - 4 PM.
Southern Christmas Tree Association
New Grower Workshop
will be held at Grant Farms, 716 Whitaker Road. The
workshop will focus on the basic needs and techniques
for a new grower to establish and operate a choose and
cut Christmas tree farm. If you are in the early stages
of operating a choose and cut farm, just exploring the
idea or planning the opportunity, attending this
workshop will better equip you with valuable “hands-on”
information. Fee: $35; $5
discount if paid by April 15. Lunch included. For more information contact Michael Buchart
at (225) 505-6335 or
April 23...Bibb County 9 AM
- 3 PM.
Land Management Field Day at the Bibb County
Extension Office, 183 S.W. Davidson Drive, Suite A,
Centreville. This workshop will aid the small landowner
in nuisance wildlife management, invasive species
identification and management, herbicides, understory
control, non-timber forest products, and developing a
management plan. Fee: $10. For more information
contact Lynn Dickinson at (334) 303-8360 or
April 27-29...Lee County.
The Sustainable Future of CLT in the South at
The Hotel at Auburn University & Dixon Conference Center
in Auburn. Experts in forestry, building sciences,
engineering, architecture, and design will address the
latest Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) research, trends,
and developments in the South. Session tracks will offer
information to address the needs of multiple audiences,
including, but not limited to, designers, builders,
contractors, forestry professionals, academic,
landowners, manufacturers, and suppliers. Fee: Varies
from $200-365. For more information contact Caroline
Camus at (706) 201-2632 or
April 28...Lee County 8 AM
- 4 PM.
Alabama Invasive Plant Council Annual Conference
at Auburn University, College of Forestry and Wildlife
Sciences, 602 Duncan Drive, Auburn. Fee: $45. CEUs
available for an additional fee. Lunch provided with pre-registration. Contact Nancy Loewenstein at (334) 844-1061 or
April 28...Online 5:30 -
6:30 PM CT.
Small Ruminant Production Virtual Series will be
presented via Zoom. This month's session topic is Goat
Management: Silvopasture Systems and Poisonous Plants.
For more information contact Valens Niyigena at (256)
583-1811 or
April 29...Elmore County
9 -
12 Noon.
Recreational Pond Management at 239 Landers
Swink Road, Eclectic. Dr. Rusty Wright will teach about
pond weeds and control methods, water testing, fish
stocking, and will use the shock boat to demonstrate how
to conduct an inventory. Bring weed samples you would
like identified. In addition, animals commonly
associated with ponds will be discussed. To
register, contact Lynn Dickinson at (334) 303-8360 or
April 29...Cottondale,
Florida 9 AM - 2 PM CT.
Landowner Tour of
Stephenson Property, 1611 Justice Road.
Mr. Stephenson’s work focuses on opening up dense stands
of hardwoods, treating invasive species, promoting early
successional vegetation, planting longleaf pine, and
prescribed burning. This is a walking tour. Wear appropriate field clothing.
Fee: $10; lunch included. For more information contact
Chris Demers at (352) 846-2375 or
April 30…Tullahoma,
Tennessee 7 AM - 1 PM.
Healthy Hardwoods Field Day at
University of Tennessee Forest Resources AgResearch &
Education Center, 623 UT Farm Road. Topic:
Cost Share Practices. Lunch included. Space is limited
to 80 participants. Contact Dana Howard at (615) 883-3832 or
> May 2022
May 2...New Albany,
Tree Identification Workshop at Union County Extension Office,
112 Fairground Circle. Great for families. Fee: $10. For more information
or to RSVP call (662) 534-1916.
May 3...Lexington,
Mississippi 6 PM.
Timber/Carbon Market Update at the Holmes County
Extension Office, 299 1/2 Yazoo Street. Speakers:
Russell Fletcher and Marc Measells. For more information
call the Holmes County Extension at (662) 834-2795.
May 4...Online 10 AM - 4 PM
Getting Started with Board Governance
is presented by The Family
Business Consulting Group (FBCG). This is a one-day
program to support family businesses on the road to
effective corporate governance. Fee: $495 first
attendee; $450 for up to 4 additional
family members. For more information contact
Sierra Moen
at (773) 661-4417 or
May 5...Russell County 8:30
AM - 2 PM.
Pond Management Workshop at
91 Longview Street, Seale. This
workshop will cover basic fish pond management, wildlife
damage control, and weed management. It will also
include an outdoor electrofishing demonstration at a
pond site. Bring weed and/or water sample along with you
to be analyzed for free. Registration required. Fee:
$15. For more information contact Jennifer Davidson at
(334) 734-2379 or
May 5...Baldwin
County 10 AM.
Board Meeting of Alabama Forever Wild Land Trust
at the L.D. Owen Performing Arts Center, Coastal Alabama
Community College, 1900 Highway 31 South, Bay Minette. This meeting
will provide an opportunity for any individual who would
like to make comments concerning the program. The public
is invited to attend this meeting and is urged to submit
comments. For more information call (334) 242-3484.
Editor's Note: Should the state provide
hunting land for the public? Is recreation a
necessary public service?
May 5...Online 12 Noon - 1 PM
Misunderstood Species of Alabama: Herps will be
presented via Zoom. During this one hour lunch and learn
webinar, Dr. Wesley Anderson will be talking about
misunderstood herps (frogs, salamanders, snakes, etc.)
that can be found here in Alabama. For more information
contact Lynn Dickinson at (334) 303-8360 or
May 5...Online 7 - 9:10 PM CT.
Heirs Property
will be presented via Zoom Meeting. Dr. Robert Tufts
will discuss how heirs property is created, who are the
heirs, what are their options under partition either
normal or the Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act. Registration
required. Contact Robert Tufts at
(334) 734-2120 or
May 6...Escambia County 8
AM - 3 PM.
Chainsaw Safety Training at the Coastal Alabama
Community College, 220 ALCO Drive, Brewton. This
workshop will provide training on personal protective
equipment, safe chainsaw operation and precision
felling. Attendees will receive a certificate of
completion. Fee: $15. For more information contact
Escambia Extension Office at (251) 867-7760 or
May 6...Talbotton, Georgia
8:30 AM - 3:30 PM ET.
Fall line Forestry Workshop at the Chamber of
Commerce Building, 12 East Madison Street. Speakers: Dr.
Daryl Jones, State Representative Debbie Buckner, and
Devon Dartnell. Fee: $25; lunch included. For more
information contact Pam Jordan at (706) 570-1966 or
May 7...Elmore County
5 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off at
Lake Martin Amphitheater, 8878 Kowaliga Road, Eclectic.
Attend the cook-off and enjoy live music, door prizes,
youth activities, and sample wild game recipes. Fee:
$50 for up to 2 adults; $10 discount if paid in advance. Youth 15 and under free. Call the Alabama Wildlife
Federation at 1-800-822-9453.
May 9...Kilmichael,
Mississippi 6 PM.
NCX Carbon Program at Kilmichael Baptist Church,
205 North Rutherford Drive. Speaker: Lillian Hogan. RSVP
at (662) 283-4133.
May 9-13...Mobile County
8 AM - 4 PM.
Learn to Burn
at a location to-be-announced.
Experience a day-long “start to finish” learning
opportunity. Actively participate with ignition
patterns, holding techniques, and mop up. The prescribed
burn will be conducted on the first available burn
window between May 9-13. Depending on weather
conditions, selected participants will be given 2 days
advanced notice before the program is held. Space is
limited to 20 participants. For more information contact
Ryan Mitchell at (251) 423-9145 or
May 10...Online
12 Noon - 1:15 PM CT.
Longleaf Establishment & Management will be presented via
Zoom Webinar. This lunch and learn is for women that own
forestland or are just interested in learning more about
forestry in a relaxed, fun setting. Join during your
lunch break as Regional Extension Agent, Ryan Mitchell,
discusses the importance of longleaf pine, and the
establishment and management of this southern pine
species. Pre-registration required. Contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
May 11...Nationwide 10:00 AM to 10:15 AM (Central
News Conference for Forest Owners.
This 15 minute telephone/Internet conference
will feature state & national experts, researchers & authors
on breaking issues, current research, can't-miss
educational events, books & publications, timber market
update and more. To
listen live call AFOA to register at (205) 624-2225.
Listen on the web or download to listen on your device
of choice: May 11, 2022 CI -- Live! This will be a
link once program is finished and available.
Click Here for Index to
Past Conferences.
May 11...Online 12 Noon -
1 PM CT.
Coyote Impacts and Management Webinar
will be presented via Zoom. Registration required.
Contact Norm Haley at (256) 574-2143 or
May 11...Marshall County 6
Alabama Forestry Association
Guntersville Area Regional
Reception at The Lodge at Guntersville State
Park, 1155 Lodge Drive, Guntersville.
Catch up on news of importance to your forestland
investment and meet others in the forest industry in a
relaxed, comfortable environment. Contact Liz Chambers at (334) 481-2135 or
May 11-12...Marshall
Emerging Forest Products & Technologies Seminar
at The Lodge at Guntersville State Park, 1155 Lodge
Drive, Guntersville. Fee: $175. Contact Liz Chambers at
(334) 481-2135 or
May 12...Jefferson/Shelby
County 6 - 8 PM.
Dinner and Discussion at
The Fish Market Restaurant, 5407 Highway 280,
Hoover. We'll start with a no-host dinner at 6 PM, then
listen to a 15 minute program and talk about the issues
with other forest landowners.
Limited seating. To attend,
RSVP AFOA at (205) 624-2225 or
rll@afoa.org. |
May 12...Aberdeen,
Mississippi 6 PM.
Managing Hardwoods for Wildlife at the Monroe
County Extension Office, 517 Highway 145 N, Suite 1.
Speaker: Dr. Brady Self, Mississippi State University.
RSVP at (662) 369-4951.
May 14...Athens, Georgia 7:30
AM - 5:30 PM ET.
Small Game in the Southeast at Flinchum’s
Phoenix, 650 Phoenix Drive. Small game provides a great
opportunity to extend your time in the outdoors and is a
great way to engage new and young hunters in an active
and exciting pursuit for game. This short course aims to
provide technical information about the ecology,
habitat, and strategies for hunting small game in the
southeast, including outdoor activities and small game
habitat field tours. Plan to spend several hours
outdoors navigating thick brush with hunting dogs and
outdoor apparel (boots) is required. Fee: $200; $50
discount if paid by April 30. Contact Ingvar Elle at
(706) 583-0566 or
May 17...Limestone County
5:30 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off at
the Canebrake Club, 23015 Founders Circle, Athens.
Attend the cook-off and enjoy live music, door prizes,
youth activities, and sample wild game recipes. Fee:
$35. Youth 15 and under free. Call the Alabama Wildlife
Federation at 1-800-822-9453.
May 19...Perry, Florida 8
AM - 2 PM ET.
Forest Stewardship Workshop at Taylor County
Extension, Forest Capital Hall, 203 Forest Park Drive.
Attend this workshop for some introductory forest
management information and networking with the statewide
and local people who can provide assistance and
resources. Learn about choosing the right pine for your
property and objectives, Florida Forest Service
assistance and resources, and landscaping with fire in
mind as we get into the summer fire season. Fee: $10;
lunch provided. For more information contact Chris
Demers at (352) 846-2375 or
May 19...Online 9 AM -
4 PM CT.
Applied Forest Finance
class details the step-by-step financial analysis
required to answer key investment and forest management
questions. Learn how to identify, value, and rank timber
and forestry investments. Fee: $580; $80 discount if
paid by May 5. CE hours available. Contact Pamela Smith at (770) 725-8447 or
May 19...Covington County 6 -
8 PM.
Fish Pond Management Workshop at the USDA
Agriculture Service Center, 23952 Alabama Highway 55,
Andalusia. Topics covered will include
information pond construction, stocking, harvesting and
aquatic plant control. Bring a water sample for testing
and/or aquatic plant sample for identification. For more
information contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
May 21...Barbour County
9 AM.
Alabama Conservation Advisory Board Meeting at
Lakepoint State Park, 104 Lakepoint Drive, Eufaula. The decisions of this board impact all
hunting activities that take place on your land. Anyone
wishing to speak must register between 8 - 8:30 AM. For
more information, call (334) 242-3486.
May 23-27...Monroe County
8:30 AM - 3:30 PM.
Learn and Burn Live Fire Event
in Beatrice. A prescribed burn will be conducted
on the first available burn window between the 23rd -
27th. Participants must expect to be active all day
walking, wearing woods clothes, and carrying tools.
Limited advance notice could
be given depending on weather conditions. Lunch
provided. For more information contact
Tyler Sibley at (334) 481-2155 or
May 24...Statewide.
Primary Election
ballots will include a statewide amendment for the
"improvement, renovation, equipping, acquisition,
provision, construction, and maintenance of Alabama
state parks", and if approved, will cost $85,000,000.
View sample ballots.
May 24...Butler
Property Tax Vote - Butler County voters will
decide on a 12 mill property tax reduction.
View sample ballots.
May 24...Choctaw
Property Tax Vote - Choctaw County voters will
decide on a property tax increase.
View sample ballots.
May 26...Online 5:30 - 6:30
Small Ruminant Production Virtual Series will be
presented via Zoom. This month's session topic is
Creating and Implementing a Goat and Sheep Grazing
Management Plan. For more information contact Valens
Niyigena at (256) 583-1811 or
May 26...Madison County 6 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off at
Butler Green Campus 805, 2620 Clinton Avenue West,
Attend the cook-off and enjoy live music, door prizes,
youth activities, and sample wild game recipes. Fee:
$35. Youth 15 and under free. Call the Alabama Wildlife
Federation at 1-800-822-9453.
May 27...Coffee County 9 AM -
1 PM.
Recreational Pond Management Tour at National
Security Pond, County Road 404, Elba. This workshop will
focus on effectively managing recreational fishponds for
a variety of management goals. Topics will include
basic pond management strategies and practices, aquatic
plant control, and nuisance wildlife control. Fee: $10;
lunch provided. For more
information contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
May 28...Henry County 8:30 AM -
2 PM.
Recreational Pond Management Tour at the Wiregrass
Research & Extension Center, 167 East Alabama Highway
134, Headland. This workshop will
focus on effectively managing recreational fishponds for
a variety of management goals. Topics will include
basic pond management strategies and practices, aquatic
plant control, and nuisance wildlife control. Fee: $10;
lunch provided. For more
information contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
May 31...Escambia County
9 AM - 2 PM.
Forestry Field Day at Perdido River Farms, 5535
Poarch Road, Atmore. Topics will include Forestry
Best Management Practices, Gopher Tortoise Habitat,
Cogongrass, and more. Lunch provided. For more
information contact Whit Carroll at (334) 481-2148 or
> June 2022
June 6-10...Mobile County
8 AM - 4 PM.
Learn to Burn
at a location to-be-announced.
Experience a day-long “start to finish” learning
opportunity. Actively participate with ignition
patterns, holding techniques, and mop up. The prescribed
burn will be conducted on the first available burn
window between June 6-10. Depending on weather
conditions, selected participants will be given 2 days
advanced notice before the program is held. Space is
limited to 20 participants. For more information contact
Ryan Mitchell at (251) 423-9145 or
June 7...Online 10 AM - 12:45
From Flames to Forests: Past, Present, and Future Fires
for Sustaining our Forests and Wildlife will
explore the long relationships between fire, forests,
and wildlife and how we can usher in a future of more
prescribed fire on the land for healthier ecosystems and
more resilient communities. For more information contact
Jennifer Gagnon at (540) 231-6391 or
June 7...Wiggins,
Mississippi Noon 12 PM.
Pearl River-Stone County Forestry Association (CFA)
Meeting at Simply Southern, 1119 E. Frontage Drive.
Topic: Managing Timberlands for Wildlife.
Speaker: Dave Godwin, Mississippi Forestry Association. Dutch treat lunch. For more
information call the Stone County Extension Office at (601)
June 8...Online 10 AM - 4
Getting Started with Family Governance
is presented by The Family
Business Consulting Group (FBCG). This is a one-day
program to support enterprising families on the road to
planning family meetings, formation of a family council,
constitution, or other family governance. Fee: $495
first attendee; $450 for up to 4 additional
family members. For more information contact
Sierra Moen
at (773) 661-4417 or
June 8...Online 12
Noon - 1 PM CT.
Pine Bark Beetles and other Insect Pests of Pine Forests will be presented via
Zoom. This talk will cover the identification of native
insect pests in southern pine forests and the strategies
used to control and prevent outbreaks and tree
mortality. Speaker: Drew Metzler, Alabama Cooperative
Extension System.
For more information contact Norm Haley at (256)
574-2143 or
June 8...Athens, Georgia 1 -
5:30 PM ET.
Improving Forestland for White-tailed Deer; Forestry
BMPs at Flinchum’s Phoenix, 650 Phoenix Drive.
This short course aims to provide technical information
on specific techniques, including forestry best
management practices (BMPs), used to enhance and
preserve wildlife habitat on forested land. Topics will
include forestry BMPs, white-tailed deer ecology and
management, food plot management, and activities with
UGA’s captive deer herd. Fee: $100. Contact Ingvar Elle
at (706) 583-0566 or
June 9...Jasper, Georgia 8 AM
- 3:30 PM ET.
North Georgia Prescribed Fire Council Meeting at
the Chattahoochee Technical College. CFE credits
available. Fee: $35; lunch included. For more
information contact Jessica McCorvey at (229) 734-4706 or
June 9...Lawrence County 9 AM
- 3 PM.
Invasive Plant Workshop at 13075 Alabama Highway
157, Moulton. This workshop will we review invasive
species in north Alabama, go over various control
methods and herbicides, and get an outdoor demonstration
on invasives and their control. For more information
contact Kerry Steedley at (334) 350-0485 or
June 9...Coosa County 9:30 AM
- 2:30 PM.
Pond Management Workshop at 191 Poplar Point
Drive, Rockford. This workshop will cover basic fish
pond management, wildlife damage control, and weed
management. It will also include an outdoor
electrofishing demonstration. Bring a weed or pond water
sample for free analysis. For more information contact
Drew Metzler at (334) 313-0478 or
June 9...Dallas County 6 PM.
Alabama Forestry Association
Selma Area Regional
Reception at Selma Country Club, 103 West Dallas
Avenue, Selma. Catch up on news of importance to your
forestland investment and meet others in the forest
industry in a relaxed, comfortable environment. For more
information contact Liz Chambers at (334) 481-2135 or
June 13...Shelby County
AM - 3 PM.
Chainsaw Safety
Workshop at
the Chelsea Community Center, 11101 Highway 47, Chelsea.
The goal of this workshop is to provide training on
personal protective equipment, safe chainsaw operation,
and precision felling. For more information contact Lynn
Dickinson at (334) 303-8360 or
June 14...Online
12 Noon - 1:15 PM CT.
Timber Harvesting for Wildlife will be presented via
Zoom Webinar. This lunch and learn is for women that own
forestland or are just interested in learning more about
forestry in a relaxed, fun setting. Join during your
lunch break as Regional Extension Agent, Drew Metzler,
discusses harvest strategies that benefit wildlife
species in southern forests. Pre-registration required. Contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
June 14-17...Bibb County
9 AM - 6 PM.
Learn to Burn in Brent. Exact location
to-be-announced. Experience a day-long “start to finish”
learning opportunity. Actively participate with ignition
patterns, holding techniques, and mop up. The prescribed
burn will be conducted on the first available burn
window between June 14-17. Depending on weather
conditions, selected participants will be given 2 days
advanced notice before the program is held. Space is
limited to 20 participants. For more information contact
Lynn Dickinson at (334) 303-8360 or
June 15...Verona,
Mississippi 9 AM - 1 PM.
Garland and Swag Workshop for Farmers and Producers
at the North Mississippi State Research and Extension
Center, 5421 MS-145. This training program is offered
for Christmas tree growers, farmers, farmer florists, or
anyone with interest in learning how to create and
retail evergreen garlands and swags for a profit. We
will discuss suitable plant materials, cold storage, and
design of garlands and swags. Fee: $20; lunch included.
For more information contact Jim DelPrince at (662)
549-0521 or
June 15...Online 11 AM CT.
Hunting Leases and Liability: What Should the Landowner
and Hunter Look for in a Lease? will be
presented via Zoom webinar by the National Agricultural
Law Center. This webinar will cover issues for
landowners to consider, including insurance, the number
of people granted access to the property, and
restrictions on certain hunting or other land-use
practices. For more information contact Rusty Zumley at
(479) 575-2636 or
15-16...Arlington, Wisconsin.
National Firewood Workshop at the
Arlington Ag Research Station. The workshop will focus
primarily on how to successfully make money in the
firewood business. Topics include business management,
marketing, splitting and processor equipment, packing equipment,
automation strategies, dry kilns, insect quarantines,
transportation issues, sourcing logs, and much more.
Fee: $50. For more information contact Harry Watt at
(704) 880-3067 or
19-24...Booneville, Mississippi.
Teacher’s Conservation Workshop
(North) at Northeast Mississippi Community College,
101 Cunningham Boulevard. This is a hands-on workshop
with an emphasis on forests and other natural resources.
Participants learn by demonstration and practical
exercises how natural resources education can be
integrated into the classroom. This is a highly active
workshop, and some activities will require participants
to be outside in the heat. Come prepared for nature
hikes, mill tours, and other outdoor activities. Forest owners and
forest products companies are urged to sponsor a teacher.
Fee: $150; meals and lodging included. Contact Lauren
Hawkins at (601) 354-4936
June 21...Statewide.
Primary Runoff Election
June 21...Buckhead, Georgia
6:30 PM ET.
Types of Ownership at Bonner's Restaurant, 1500
Bonner Lane. How your forested land is legally "owned"
has implications for liability, estate planning, and
even taxation. Figuring out the right way for you to
legally "own" your property should be a consideration.
Speaker: Will Thompson, Attorney. RSVP by June 17 at
(770) 207-4204.
June 22...Online 11 AM CT.
Estate Planning will be presented via Zoom.
Discussion will include legal documents, methods for the
transfer of assets, life insurance, and resources for
additional information. For more information contact
Chris Demers at (352) 846-2375 or
June 23...Coffeeville, Mississippi 6 PM.
NCX Carbon Program at
the Yalobusha County Extension Office,18025 MS-7. Speaker:
Lillian Hogan.
RSVP to (662)
June 24...Online
at 11:15 AM CT.
Fifteen Minutes in the Forest:
Tree ID Beyond the Basics
will join Karen Snape as she delves deeper into the
details of how to identify trees. Watch the webinar live
via Zoom or Facebook Live. For more information
contact Karen Snape at
(540) 231-6494 or
June 24...Bullock County
1:30 - 5:30 PM.
Natural Resources Tour & Fish Fry at Adam's
Angus Farm near Union Springs. The tour will cover
topics such as Wild Pig Management, Recreational Pond
Management, Stream Crossings & Installation, and
Sustainable Forest Management. Preregistration required
by June 17. Dinner provided. To register call Bullock
County Extension at (334) 738-2580.
June 27-30...Baldwin County.
Alabama Certified Prescribed Burn Manager
Certification Course at Graham Creek Preserve,
23030 Wolf Bay, Foley. No lodging provided. Fee: $150;
breaks and lunches provided. Limited to 50 seats. For
more information call Marti Davis at (334) 240-9332.
June 28...Hohenwald,
Tennessee 4 - 8 PM.
Forestry Field Day will meet at Lewis County
Court House, 110 North Park Street. Topics include
forest management for wildlife, managing for top quality
white oaks, and a question & answer session with the
Tennessee Department of Agriculture - Division of
Forestry. Register by June 23. For more information
contact Drew Vannatta at (931) 796-3091 or
June 29-30...Portland,
Forest Landowners Association (FLA) Conference
will be held at the Westin Portland Harborview. There is
an optional forest tour as well on June 27-28. Fee: $750 non-FLA members; $100
discount for FLA members. Contact Forest
Landowners Association at 1-800-325-2954 or
June 30...Online 5:30 -
6:30 PM CT.
Small Ruminant Production Virtual Series will be
presented via Zoom. This month's session topic is
Managing Parasites in Sheep and Goats.
For more information contact Valens Niyigena at (256)
583-1811 or
June 30...Morgan County 6 -
8 PM.
Getting the Most out of Your Timber Sales at
Morgan County Extension Office, 3120 Highway 36 West,
Hartselle. Brad Nail, regional forester for the Alabama
Forestry Association, will speak on navigating the
timber markets, benefits of forestry consultants, and
current forestry market initiatives including shortleaf
pine and white oak. For more information call the Morgan
County Extension Office at (256) 773-2549.
> July 2022
July 6...Online 12 Noon - 1 PM
Honey Bees in Forestry will be presented via
Zoom. This talk will discuss honey bees and their uses
and impact in forestry. For more information contact
Norm Haley at (256) 574-2143 or
July 7...Marshall County 8:30
AM - 2 PM.
Recreational Pond Management Workshop at the
Marshall County Alabama Farmers Federation, 1333 Blount
Avenue, Guntersville. This event will provide a great
opportunity for pond owners and managers to gain a
better understanding of what it takes to properly
construct, manage, and maintain a recreational pond.
Pre-registration is required. For more information or to
register, contact Marshall County Extension at (256)
582-2009 or
July 12...Online
12 Noon - 1:15 PM CT.
Cool Season Food Plots will be presented via
Zoom Webinar. This lunch and learn is for women that own
forestland or are just interested in learning more about
forestry in a relaxed, fun setting. Join during your
lunch break as Regional Extension Agent, Norm Haley,
outlines the role of food plots in wildlife management
along with some of considerations towards their
preparation and planting. Pre-registration required. Contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
July 12...Ellisville,
Mississippi 6 PM.
Landowner Programs and Carbon Markets at Jones
College. Speakers: Dave Godwin and Shaun Tanger. For
more information, RSVP to (601) 394-2702.
July 12-14...Lee County.
Teacher’s Conservation Workshop
at the College of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences in
Auburn. The workshop will focus on forest ecology,
management and products through guest speakers, field
trips and hands-on activities. The goal is to
demonstrate the importance working forests have to the
environment and economy. Teachers pay small fee: $65.
Forest owners and forest products companies are urged to
sponsor a teacher -- cost is about $500.
Teachers are needed. Limited to 25 participants. Contact
Ashley Smith at (334) 481-2137 or
July 12-14...Jackson, Mississippi.
Teacher’s Conservation Workshop
(Metro) at Mississippi Ag and Forestry Museum, 1150
Lakeland Drive. This is a hands-on workshop with an
emphasis on forests and other natural resources.
Participants learn by demonstration and practical
exercises how natural resources education can be
integrated into the classroom. This is a highly active
workshop, and some activities will require participants
to be outside in the heat. Come prepared for nature
hikes, mill tours, and other outdoor activities. Forest
owners and forest products companies are urged to
sponsor a teacher. Fee: $75; lunch provided each day. Contact
Lauren Hawkins at (601) 354-4936
July 13...Online 2 PM CT.
Sackett v. EPA Explained will be presented via
Zoom. Please join the Pacific Legal Foundation for an
exclusive virtual preview of this fall’s critical Court
showdown and its potential to reshape the future of
federal regulatory powers regarding 'navigable waters'
under the Clean Water Act.
July 14...Online 12 Noon
Carbon Markets will be presented via Zoom. This
webinar will introduce carbon offset credits and markets
with an emphasis on forest carbon offset projects in the
United States. If you need assistance connecting to the
webinar email
July 14...Senatobia,
Mississippi 6 PM.
Pond Management Meeting at the Tate County
Extension Office, 205 French's Alley. Speaker: Keith
Mills. For more information, RSVP to (662) 562-4274.
July 15...Autauga County 9
AM - 1 PM.
Learn the Basics
at the Autauga County Extension Office, 2226 AL-14 W,
Autaugaville. ForestHer is a program that was developed
with women landowners in mind. During this workshop,
participants will learn about forest terminology, forest
measurements, map reading and legal descriptions, and
how to develop a management plan for your property. Fee: $10;
lunch provided.
For more information contact Lynn Dickinson at (334)
303-8360 or
July 18...Lee County
8 AM.
Alabama Certified Prescribed Burn Manager
Re-certification Workshop at Auburn
University College of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences
Building, 602 Duncan Drive, Auburn. Fee: $100; breaks
and lunch provided. Limited to 50 seats. For more
info call Marti Davis at (334) 240-9332.
July 19...Biloxi,
Mississippi 6 PM.
The Wild Turkey at the Coastal Research &
Extension Center, 1815 Popps Ferry Road. Speaker: Adam
Butler, Wild Turkey Program Coordinator, Mississippi
Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, & Parks. Fee: $10;
meal included. For more information contact Tim Ray at
(228) 731-8567 or
July 19-22...Lee County.
Alabama Certified Prescribed Burn Manager
Certification Course at Auburn University
College of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences Building, 602 Duncan Drive,
Auburn. No lodging provided. Fee: $150; breaks and
lunches provided. Limited to 50 seats. For more
information call Marti Davis at (334) 240-9332.
July 20...Online 12 Noon - 1
Burning Hardwoods: Why Fire is Necessary for Upland Oaks
will be presented via Zoom. This talk will cover the
fire-adapted characteristics of upland oaks and discuss
the importance of fire for maintaining upland oak
systems. For more information contact Norm Haley at
(256) 574-2143 or
July 21...Online 11 AM
UAS (drones) for Forest Health and Inventory will be presented via Zoom.
This webinar will cover the basics of Unmanned Aircraft
Systems (UAS) operations and applications with
particular attention to the potential to support a host
of natural resource management activities, including
forest health protection, wildfire suppression,
research, recreational impacts, and law enforcement. If you need assistance connecting to the
webinar email
July 21...Lee County 6 PM.
Alabama Forestry Association Auburn Area Regional
Reception at Auburn Marriott Opelika Resort &
Spa at Grand National, 3700 Robert Trent Jones Trail,
Opelika. Catch up on news of importance to your
forestland investment and meet others in the forest
industry in a relaxed, comfortable environment. For more
information contact Liz Chambers at (334) 481-2135 or
July 21-22...Lee
Forest Economics Seminar
at the Auburn Marriott Opelika Resort & Spa at Grand
National, 3700 Robert Trent Jones Trail, Opelika. The
seminar will address and discuss federal tax policy and
the impact on timberland ownership, improving supply
chain effciencies, the outlook for forest product
markets, wood based economic development, and supply
chain economics. Fee: $100. Contact Liz Chambers at
(334) 481-2135 or
24-27...Carbondale, Illinois.
Walnut Council Annual Meeting at the Southern
Illinois University Student Center, 1255 Lincoln Drive.
The meeting will include field tours of hardwood
management and indoor presentations with from experts
and fellow tree farmers. Fee: $215. For more information contact (765) 496-5013
July 26...Athens, Georgia
7:30 AM -
5:15 PM ET.
Wildlife Damage Management and Control at Flinchum’s
Phoenix, 650 Phoenix Drive. This course will provide an
overview of managing and controlling damage caused by
wildlife species including feral swine, coyotes,
beavers, raccoons, armadillos, and other small mammal
species. Fee: $160. Contact Ingvar Elle
at (706) 583-0566 or
July 27-28...Tifton, Georgia.
Growth Responses and Financial Returns from
Silvicultural Treatments in Southern Pine Plantations at
Tift County Extension Office, Room 1468, Carpenter Road
S. This course will discuss available silvicultural
treatments and their responses and evaluate the
trade-offs between the costs and benefits for different
mixes of silvicultural treatments. Fee: $360. Contact Ingvar Elle
at (706) 583-0566 or
July 28...Online 5:30 -
6:30 PM CT.
Small Ruminant Production Virtual Series will be
presented via Zoom. This month's session topic is
Processing and Marketing Goat Meat.
For more information contact Valens Niyigena at (256)
583-1811 or
July 29-31...Jekyll Island, Georgia.
Georgia Forestry Association (GFA) Annual Conference
at Jekyll Island Convention Center. Continuing education credits
available. Fee: $600. Questions? Call GFA at (478)
> August 2022
August 2 - October
Outdoor Alabama Photo Contest - All amateur
photographers invited to enter. Categories include, but
not limited to: Birds, Bugs, Wildlife, Cold-blooded
Critters, Nature-Based Recreation, Scenic, Shoots and
Roots, Alabama State Parks, Scenic, and more. For more
information contact Billy Pope at (334) 242-3151 or
August 4...Calhoun
County 10 AM.
Board Meeting of Alabama Forever Wild Land Trust
at the Oxford Civic Center, 401 McCullars Lane, Oxford. This meeting
will provide an opportunity for any individual who would
like to make comments concerning the program. The public
is invited to attend this meeting and is urged to submit
comments. For more information call (334) 242-3484.
Editor's Note: Here are some questions you may consider
asking yourself and others. Should the state provide
recreational property? Is recreation a necessary
service? Does the state need more public land to compete
with recreational opportunities (many of which are
already) provided by private forestland owners?
August 4...Online 7 - 9 PM
Wills, Powers of Attorney, and Advance Directives will be held via Zoom
Meeting. Why you need estate planning documents and what
each does and does not do. For more information contact
Robert Tufts at (334) 734-2120 or
August 4-7...Jefferson
Farm & Land Expo
at the Sheraton Birmingham, 2101 Richard Arrington Jr.
Boulevard North, Birmingham. The Expo will feature new
products and town hall style presentations on a wide
array of topics. The Green Tour appears to include a
tour of Jasper Lumber, LLC. Fee: Variable. For more
information contact Codie Hancock at (334) 613-4138.
August 6...Elmore County
5:30 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off
State Finals at Alabama Wildlife
Federation Headquarters, 3050 Lanark Road, Millbrook.
Attend the cook-off and enjoy live music, door prizes,
youth activities, and sample wild game recipes. Fee:
$35/single; $50/couple. Youth 15 and under free. Call the Alabama Wildlife
Federation at 1-800-822-9453.
August 7-10...Reading,
Northern Nut Growers Association Annual Meeting
at the Penn State Berks Campus. The conference is
open to all people with an interest in nut trees. This
meeting will be held jointly with the Chestnut Growers
of America. Fee:
$190. For more
information contact Sara Fitzsimmons at (814) 404-6013
August 9...Online
12 Noon - 1:15 PM CT.
Understanding Carbon Markets will be presented via
Zoom Webinar. This lunch and learn is for women that own
forestland or are just interested in learning more about
forestry in a relaxed, fun setting. Join during your
lunch break as Regional Extension Agent, Jessica Kelton,
explains carbon markets in the US with an emphasis on
carbon marketing in the agriculture and forestry sector. Pre-registration required. Contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
August 10...Nationwide 10:00 AM to 10:15 AM (Central
News Conference for Forest Owners.
This 15 minute telephone/Internet conference
will feature state & national experts, researchers & authors
on breaking issues, current research, can't-miss
educational events, books & publications, timber market
update and more. To
listen live call AFOA to register at (205) 624-2225.
Listen on the web or download to listen on your device
of choice: August 10,
2022 CI -- Live! This will be a
link once program is finished and available.
Click Here for Index to
Past Conferences.
August 11...Cherokee
County 8:30 AM - 2 PM.
Recreational Pond Management Workshop at the
Chamber of Commerce, 801 Cedar Bluff Road, Centre. This
event will provide a great opportunity for pond owners
and managers to gain a better understanding of what it
takes to properly construct, manage, and maintain a
recreational pond. Pre-registration is required. For
more information or to register, contact Cherokee County
Extension at (256) 927-3250 or
August 11...Autauga County
9 AM - 3 PM.
Land Management Field Day at Autauga County
Extension Office, 2226 AL Highway 14 W, Autaugaville.
The field day will include presentations on timber
management, silvopasture and agroforestry, managing for
deer and turkey, trapping nuisance wildlife, and
portable sawmills. Some presentations will include
demonstrations. Lunch provided. For more information
contact Lynn Dickinson at (334) 303-8360 or
August 11...Monroe
County 3 - 8 PM.
A Guide to Herbicides in Natural Areas at the
Monroe County Conservation and Education Center, 1 Teen
Trail, Monroeville. Topics include application methods,
sprayer calibration, invasive species identification,
food plot management, and managing vegetation around
waterways. CEUs available. Pre-registration required.
For more information contact Ryan Mitchell at (251)
423-9415 or
August 11...Shelby
County 6 - 8 PM.
Dinner and Discussion at
The Anvil Pub, 611 Doug
Baker Boulevard, Suite 103, Hoover, AL 35242. The Anvil
Pub is in the Lee Branch Shopping Center near Tazikis. No-host dinner at 6
PM. Then listen to a 15 minute program, and talk about
the issues with other forest landowners. To attend,
RSVP AFOA at (205) 624-2225 or
rll@afoa.org. |
August 12...St. Clair
County 10 AM - 1:30 PM.
Forestry & Wildlife Workshop at the Ashville
ALFA Building, 32775 US-231, Ashville. Topics include
district programs, wildlife property planning, Natural
Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) programs, Farm
Service Agency (FSA) programs, and Alabama Forestry
Commission programs. Lunch provided to pre-registrants.
For more information call (205) 338-7215.
August 12-14...Jefferson County.
Annual World
Deer Expo at Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex, 2100
Richard Arrington, Jr. Boulevard North, Birmingham. The expo will have
hunting products, apparel, outfitters from all over the world, seminars,
outdoor celebrities, kid’s activities, and more. Fee: $20; $5 discount
if purchased in advance. For more info call Channing Brown at (205) 678-4141.
August 15...Tuscaloosa County
8 AM.
Alabama Certified Prescribed Burn Manager
Re-certification Workshop at the Alabama Fire
College, 2501 Phoenix Drive, Tuscaloosa. Fee: $100;
breaks and lunch provided. Limited to 50 seats.
For more info call Marti Davis at (334) 240-9332.
August 16...Coffee
County 3 - 8:30 PM.
A Guide to Herbicides in Natural Areas at the
Coffee County Farm Center, 1015 East McKinnon Street,
New Brockton. Topics include application methods,
sprayer calibration, invasive species identification,
food plot management, and managing vegetation around
waterways. CEUs available. Pre-registration required. To
register, call the Coffee County Extension at (334)
August 16-19...Tuscaloosa County.
Alabama Certified Prescribed Burn Manager
Certification Course at the Alabama Fire
College, 2501 Phoenix Drive, Tuscaloosa. No lodging
provided. Fee: $150; breaks and lunches provided.
Limited to 50 seats. For more information call Marti
Davis at (334) 240-9332.
August 17...Chilton
County 10 - 11:30 AM.
Nuisance Wildlife Management at Chilton County
Extension Office, 504 First Avenue North, Clanton.
During this program, Dr. Wesley Anderson will talk about
some common nuisance wildlife and different management
strategies. For more information contact Lynn Dickinson
at (334) 303-8360 or
August 18...Covington
County 6 - 8 PM.
Wildlife Food Plot Management Program at 23952 AL
Highway 55, Andalusia. Speakers: Bence Carter and
Zachary Hayes. For more information contact Melissa Wise
at (334) 222-1125 or
August 18...Brandon,
Mississippi 6 PM.
Rankin County Forestry Association Meeting at the
County Extension Building, 601 Marquette Road. Topic:
Restoration with Improved Genetics. Speaker: Paul
Jeffreys, ArborGen. To RSVP, call the Rankin County Extension at (601)
August 18...Online 7 -
8:30 PM
Estate Planning for Landowners will
be presented via Zoom. The workshop will discuss
how most individuals have simple Wills that leave
everything to their spouse or to their children equally.
For land owners, this creates a tenancy in common which
means jointly managed property. This make it subject to
partition (division so each child gets their share)
which will probably happen if the children do not agree
or one want money for a new house. You can use a
business entity or a trust to hold the property to
prevent partition but allow the children the benefit
from the property, but can’t be sued out of it or
divorced out of it. For more information contact Robert Tufts at
(334) 734-2120 or
August 19...Bibb County 9
- 11 AM.
Developing a Management Plan will be held in
Centreville. This workshop will teach participants how
to develop a management plan for their property. They
will learn the steps in management plan development and
begin creating a management plan for their property. For
more information contact Lynn Dickinson at (334)
303-8360 or
August 22...Athens, Georgia
7:30 AM -
4:30 PM ET.
Women in Forestry: Basics of Land Management at Flinchum’s
Phoenix, 650 Phoenix Drive. This is a three-part series
of workshops. This first workshop will focus on tree
identification, federal tree-planting incentives, and
wildlife management. For more
information contact Elizabeth McCarty
at (706) 389-9725 or
August 23-24...Raymond,
Mississippi Society of American Foresters Annual
Meeting will be held at Eagle Ridge Conference
Center. Fee: $110. For more information contact
Mississippi SAF at (601) 906-6541 or
August 23-24...Tifton, Georgia.
Forest Herbicide Workshop at Tift County
Extension Office, 1468 Carpenter Road South.
Participants will learn about forest herbicide safety,
application, modes of action, results from recent
research trials, integration of herbicide use for site
preparation, control of weeds in forest stands, and use
in hardwood management. Fee: $350. Contact Ingvar Elle
at (706) 583-0566 or
August 23-26...Atlanta,
International Woodworking Fair (IWF) at the Georgia
World Congress Center. The IWF is one of the top
woodworking trade shows for furniture manufacturing,
architectural woodwork, and custom and general
woodworking industries. Fee: $50. Contact IWF at (404) 693-8333 or
August 25...Online 9 AM -
3 PM CT.
Wood Flows & Cash Flows
will be presented via Zoom Webinar. Maximizing returns from timberland assets and
wood-using facilities relies on a current, localized
understanding of factors driving forest industry
economics, markets and technologies. Wood Flows & Cash
Flows details investment-relevant research and insights
for the forest industry. This one-day conference
includes tangible content that directly applies to
strategic plans, market analyses, valuations, and
competitive benchmarking. The conference will feature a
panel of industry executives, and the Forisk team will
share new investment research and strategic analysis for
the forest industry, sector by sector. Fee: $600.
Contact Pamela Smith at (770) 725-8447 or
August 25...Online 5:30 -
6:30 PM CT.
Small Ruminant Production Virtual Series will be
presented via Zoom. This month's session topic is
Making Profits from Value-added Goat Dairy Products.
For more information contact Valens Niyigena at (256)
583-1811 or
August 25...Online 7 -
8:30 PM CT.
Heirs Property will be presented via Zoom. Dr. Robert Tufts
will discuss how heirs property is created, what it
means for those who have an interest in the property and
how those who have an interest can clear title and get
the portion they are entitled to using the Uniform
Partition of Heirs Property Act in Alabama. For more
information contact Robert Tufts at
(334) 734-2120 or
August 30…Shiloh, Tennessee 5:30
Tennessee Forestry Association (TFA) Regional Meeting
at Hagy’s Catfish Hotel, 1140 Catfish Lane. Program will
feature discussion on finding the positives in 2022.
Speaker: Jeff Jenkins, Appalachian Region Consultant for
Forest Resources Association. Fee: $30; meal included.
RSVP to Dana
Howard at (615) 883-3832 or
August 30 - September 1...Amelia
Florida Forestry Association (FFA) Annual Meeting at
the Omni Amelia Island Resort. Fee: $400. For more information call FFA at (850) 222-5646.
August 31...Online 12 Noon - 1 PM
Logging Impacts: Soil and Water Quality will be presented via
Zoom. This talk will cover how soils and water quality
are protected during and after harvesting timber. For more information contact
Norm Haley at (256) 574-2143 or
August 31...Online 12
Noon - 1 PM
Landowner Liability will be presented via Zoom.
This webinar will focus on matters of premises liability
and timber protection for forest landowners, including
matters of trespass, legal sufficiency of boundary and
hazard marking, as well as disputes over boundaries and
easements. If you need assistance connecting to the
webinar email
> September 2022
1...Limestone County 12 Noon - 1 PM.
Effective Online Searching will be presented
in-person at Limestone County Extension Office, 1109 W
Market Street, Suite A, Athens. It will also be
presented online since in-person attendance is very
limited. This course will cover how to get accurate and
research based information to your questions. For more
information contact Kerry Steedley at (334) 350-0485 or
September 1...Booneville, Mississippi
6 PM.
Pine Herbicides at
the Prentiss County Extension Office, 2301 North Second
Street. Speaker: Dr. Brady Self. To RSVP call (662) 728-5631.
September 1...Online 7
- 8:30 PM CT.
Using Trusts in Estate Planning will be presented via Zoom. Dr. Robert Tufts will discuss how
sometimes a Will cannot accomplish your objectives. A
Will distributes all your property to the beneficiaries
after your death. Maybe you would prefer that your
children get some now, some in 5 years and some later;
or some when they get married or graduate from college;
or hold the money for your children or grandchildren’s
education; or hold the farm for the use of your farming
children while the other children get some income from
the assets but cannot force the sale of the land. For
more information contact Robert Tufts at
(334) 734-2120 or
September 1-2...Fayette
Forestry Continuing Education at Beville State
Community College in Fayette. Topics include
Gas Lines, Drones, Whitetail Institute, Logging Safety,
Ethics, Forestry Law, Burning, Deer Herd Management, and more. CFE
hours available. This meeting is geared toward foresters,
but landowners welcome as well. Fee: $225; lunch included. For more
information call Jim Sims at (205) 932-0469.
September 7...Madison
County 10 AM - 2 PM.
Quality Deer Management Workshop at the Charles
Stone Agricultural Center, 819 Cook Avenue, Huntsville.
This workshop will cater to the land owner or manager
who is interested in learning more about white-tailed
deer and improving their property’s habitat in order to
attract, hold, and harvest better quality deer.
Topics will include deer biology and habitat
requirements, the role of food plots and predators in
their management, advantages and instructions related to
prescribed burning, quality deer management techniques,
and habitat enhancements. Discussions regarding,
predators, disease, and baiting will be held as well. For more information contact
Norm Haley at (256) 574-2143 or
September 7, 8, 14 &
Preparing for Generation NEXT
- Legacy Planning Workshop will be
presented via Zoom. The workshop covers nine steps to
successful legacy planning. Some of these steps include:
Commit to beginning the planning, Determine your family
assets, Write down long-term goals, Hold a family
meeting, Gather essential documents, and more. Fee:
$25; $50 per family. For more information
contact Karen Snape at
(540) 231-6494 or
September 8...Chilton
County 9 AM - 4 PM.
Alabama Prescribed Fire Council Annual Meeting
at the Jefferson State Community College, Clanton
Campus, 1850 Lay Dam Road, Clanton. Topics will
include: What's needed by law for a burn plan in
Alabama, Use of publicly available mapping tools,
Lessons learned when using UTVs/ATVs in Rx fire
operations, Fire Weather Dashboard, Tools to use to
monitor on-site weather conditions, Tactics for
maximizing burn days, and more. Landowners and land
managers welcome to attend. There will be an online
option as well. CFE hours available. Fee:
$50; lunch included. For more information contact Nathan
Hatch at (205) 790-8925 or
September 8...Fayette
County 9:30 AM - 1 PM.
Forestry Tour: Pre-Commercial Thinning Demonstration
at Joe Wilson's Farm. Lunch provided. For more
information call (334) 505-9124.
September 9, 16, 23,
& 30...Online.
Family Directors Essentials is presented by The Family
Business Consulting Group (FBCG). This program is for
multi-generational family businesses who are current or
potential future board of directors for their family
enterprise. It would be a good option for families who
want to efficiently share common governance approaches
with a group of family members/directors. Fee: $1,750
per board representative and $1,550 for each additional
member up to a maximum of 5 per family. For more information contact
Kristi Daeda
at (773) 784-5008 or
September 11...Baldwin
County 9 AM.
Issues Affecting Timberland Ownership
at the Perdido Beach Resort in Orange Beach. The
seminar will focus on timberland ownership & forest
stewardship, developing best management practices, the
timber management regulatory framework, adherence to the
Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act and
habitat management, as well as legal issues and
generational wealth planning and transfer challenges. Fee: $200;
$100 discount if combining registration with the AFA
annual meeting just below. Contact Liz Chambers at
(334) 481-2135 or
11-13...Baldwin County.
Alabama Forestry Association Annual Meeting at
the Perdido Beach Resort in Orange Beach. Fee: $495.
Contact Liz Chambers at (334) 481-2135 or
September 14...Online 12 Noon - 1 PM
Prescribed Fire & Ticks will be presented via
Zoom. This session will focus on current research being
conducted on the effects of prescribed fire on tick
population dynamics and disease transmission risk to
humans. For more information contact
Norm Haley at (256) 574-2143 or
September 15...Macon
County 10 AM - 12:30 PM.
Central Alabama Prescribed Burn Association (PBA)
Annual Meeting will be held at 8410 U.S. Highway 80
West, Tuskegee. This meeting will include topics such as
increasing awareness of the association & NRCS programs,
membership, and developing burn plans for each county.
RSVP to Lee Stuckey at
15...Limestone County 12 Noon - 1 PM.
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Web Soil
Survey will be presented in-person at Limestone
County Extension Office, 1109 W Market Street, Suite A,
Athens. It will also be presented online since in-person
attendance is very limited. This course will cover the
free online tool, NRCS Web Soil Survey. This course will
go over basics of the online tool and ways to use it to
assist with land management. For more information
contact Kerry Steedley at (334) 350-0485 or
September 15...Jefferson County
6 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off at
the Birmingham Zoo, 2630 Cahaba Road, Birmingham. Attend the cook-off and enjoy live music,
door prizes, youth activities, and sample wild game recipes. Fee: $50;
$10 discount if paid in advance. Youth 15 and under free. Call the
Alabama Wildlife Federation at (334) 285-4550.
September 15...Online
7 - 9 PM CT.
Choice of Business Entity will
be presented via Zoom. This program will cover business
entities available in Alabama and a comparison of
characteristics, such as, liability of owners,
participation in management, transferability of
interest, etc. For more information contact Robert Tufts at
(334) 734-2120 or
16...Fayette County 8:30 AM - 3 PM.
Northwest Alabama Forestry Workshop at the Upper
Coastal Plains Substation, 171 Experiment Loop,
Winfield. Lunch provided. For more information contact
Kerry Steedley at (334) 350-0485 or
16-17...Gainesville, Florida.
Small Ruminant
Short Course at the University of Florida
Professional Development Center (Day 1) and the Beef
Teaching Unit South (Day 2). The program will include
lectures and demonstrations on parasite control, herd
health, marketing, management, and more. Fee: $80; $15
discount if paid by September 1.
For more information contact Catalina Cabrera at (352)
294-4311 or
September 17...Autauga County 9
AM - 1 PM.
Wreath Making with Forest Products at the
Autauga Extension Office, 2226 Highway 14, Autaugaville.
This workshop will demonstrate how to use non-timber
products in a creative way. Participants will make
wreaths with items gathered from local forests. Fee:
$15. For
more information contact Lynn Dickinson at (334)
303-8360 or
September 19...Prentiss,
Mississippi 7 PM.
Jefferson Davis County Forestry Association Meeting
at Bethany Baptist Church, Clem Road. Topic:
Idaho Forest Group Operations. Speaker: Kyle Bush. To RSVP call (601) 792-5121.
September 20...Alapaha, Georgia
7:30 AM - 5 PM ET.
Women in Forestry: Prescribed Fire and Land Management
at Gaskins Forest Education Center, 3359 Moore Sawmill
Road. This is a three-part series of workshops. This
second workshop will focus on prescribed fire, forestry
consultants, and wildlife management. For more
information contact Elizabeth McCarty
at (706) 389-9725 or
September 20...Forest, Mississippi
6 PM.
Prescribed Burning and Weather at
Foothills Diner,1039 MS-35. Speakers: Butch Bailey and
Patrick Ellis. To RSVP call (601) 469-4241.
September 20-22...Portland,
"Who Will Own The Forest?" and Forest Products Forum at
the World
Forestry Center. Join the professionals as they discuss issues
pertaining to the economy, forestland valuations, investing overseas,
and emerging values such as carbon, biomass, and environmental credits.
Fee: $2,800. Contact Sara Wu at (503)
228-1367 or
September 22...Raymond,
Mississippi 9 AM - 1 PM.
Evergreen Arrangements Workshop for Farmers and
Producers at the Central Mississippi State
Research and Extension Center, 1320 Seven Springs Road.
This training program is offered for Christmas tree
growers, farmers, farmer florists, or anyone with
interest in learning how to create and retail evergreen
arrangements for a profit. We will discuss social media
marketing, suitable plant materials, cold storage, and
design of arrangements and centerpieces. Fee: $20; lunch
included. For more information contact Jim DelPrince at
(662) 549-0521 or
September 22...Online 11
AM - 12
Invasive Forest Pests will be presented via Zoom.
Invasive threats can impact tree health and degrade
forest environments. This talk will cover the most
prevalent invasive threats to North Carolina's forests
and some up and comers to be aware of. If you need assistance connecting to the
webinar email
22...Crenshaw County 6 PM.
Wildlife Management Basics at the Tom Harbin Ag
Center, 816 Airport Road, Luverne. Speaker: Bence
Carter, Auburn University Cooperative Extension System.
For more information contact Amanda Evans at (334)
335-6312 or
22...Lauderdale County 6 - 8 PM.
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Public Meeting at
the University of North Alabama, Norton Auditorium, 1
Harrison Plaza, Florence. Wildlife and Freshwater
Fisheries officials will provide an overview of the
Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural
Resources' response to CWD, including a new hunting
regulation and the CWD Management Zone covering
Lauderdale and Colbert counties. The presentation will
be followed by a question and answer session. For more
information call Marianne Gauldin at (334) 242-3469.
23...Russell County 9 AM - 1 PM CT.
Women Owning Woodlands at the Historic
Tuckabatchee Masonic Lodge at Crawford Park, 4499 US-80,
Phenix City. This workshop aims to help women network
with other landowners, plan for future generations,
learn about local resources, and discuss basic land
management concepts. All landowners (men too) are
welcome. Fee: $15. Registration required. Contact
Jennifer Davidson at (334) 298-6845 or
September 24…Sharps
Chapel, Tennessee
7 AM - 1 PM.
Healthy Hardwoods Field Day
at Chuck Swan State Forest. Topic:
Cost Share Practices. Lunch included. Contact Dana Howard at (615) 883-3832 or
September 24...Limestone
County 8 AM - 3:30 PM.
Adult Mentored Hunt Workshop at the Swan Creek
Wildlife Management Area, 18936 Harris Station Road,
Tanner. The workshop will provide
participants with an opportunity to learn hunting
basics, firearm safety and handling, where to hunt, and
the equipment and gear needed. There are eligibility
requirements. Fee: $20. For more information email
Justin Grider at
September 28...Online 12 Noon - 1 PM
Ecology & Management of the Firebird will be presented via
Zoom. This talk will cover the basics of managing for
quail on private lands in Alabama. For more information contact
Norm Haley at (256) 574-2143 or
September 29...Tifton,
Georgia 9 AM - 3:30 PM ET.
Georgia Prescribed Fire Council Annual Meeting
at the Tifton Campus Conference Center. Fee: $50. Contact Jessica McCorvey at (229) 734-4706x289 or
29...Limestone County 12 Noon - 1 PM.
iNaturalist will be presented in-person at
Limestone County Extension Office, 1109 W Market Street,
Suite A, Athens. It will also be presented online since
in-person attendance is very limited. This course will
cover the free platform iNaturalist. This course will go
over basics of how to use the platform and the ways that
it can assist in land management. For more information
contact Kerry Steedley at (334) 350-0485 or
September 29...Autauga County
4 - 8 PM.
Wild Pig Management: Beyond the Basics at the
Autauga Extension Office, 2226 Highway 14, Autaugaville.
Topics will include the top 10 mistakes in pig control,
the top 10 must-do's for pig control, and updates on
feral swine programs. There will also be equipment
demonstrations. Meal included. For
more information contact Lynn Dickinson at (334)
303-8360 or
September 29...Online 5:30 -
6:30 PM CT.
Small Ruminant Production Virtual Series will be
presented via Zoom. This month's session topic is
Tools for Parasite Resistance and Tolerance in Sheep and
For more information contact Valens Niyigena at (256)
583-1811 or
30...Bainbridge, Georgia 7:30 AM - 2 PM.
Fall Field Day will include a property history &
quail hatch update at Southlands Plantation followed by
a field tour. Fee: $50; BBQ lunch included. RSVP to Tori
Crawford at (850) 893-4153x249 or
September 30...Coila,
Mississippi 9:30 AM.
Forestry Field Day at Cedar Bluff Farm will
include the following topics: Drones, Alternative
markets for generating forest income (pine straw,
Christmas trees, & agroforestry), Wildlife enterprises
and recreation, and Forestry site prep. For more
information call Tracy at (662) 458-4879.
September 30 - October 1...Asheville,
North Carolina.
The American Chestnut Foundation (TACF)
Symposium will cover topics including assisted
migration, birds and pollinators, and climate change. Fee: $225.
For more information call TACF at
(828) 281-0047.
> October 2022
October 1…Pikeville, Tennessee
7 AM - 1 PM.
Healthy Hardwoods Field Day
at Bledsoe State Forest. Topic:
Cost Share Practices. Lunch included. Contact Dana Howard at (615) 883-3832 or
October 1...Shelby
County 8 AM - 3:30 PM.
Adult Mentored Hunt Workshop at the Cahaba River
Wildlife Management Area Check Station, 3956 Coalmont
Road, Helena. The workshop will provide
participants with an opportunity to learn hunting
basics, firearm safety and handling, where to hunt, and
the equipment and gear needed. There are eligibility
requirements. Fee: $20. For more information email
Justin Grider at
4...Covington County 7:30 AM - 12 PM Noon.
Fall Landowner Tour will include topics such as:
Income from Pine Straw, Quail Management in Longleaf,
Forest Management Program Opportunities, Invasives, and
Basic First Aid. Lunch
provided. For more information contact Covington County Extension at (334)
222-1125 or
October 4...Bruce,
Mississippi 8:30 AM.
Forestry Field Day at John Carter's Tree Farm.
Topics will include timber management, wildlife
management, timber harvesting, and more. To RSVP, call
(662) 412-3177.
October 5...DeKalb
County 9 AM - 5 PM.
Alabama Master Naturalist - DeSoto Field Day at
7104 DeSoto Parkway NE, Fort Payne. The field day will
include interpretive hikes and opportunities to learn
about the history, habitats, plants, and animals of the
area. Dress for outdoor activities. Close-toed
shoes that can get muddy should be worn. Bringing a
change of clothes for after the program has concluded is
encouraged. Bring bug spray, sunscreen, water, and a
packed lunch. Binoculars will be beneficial, but not
required. Fee: $15. Contact Wesley Anderson at (334)
750-9458 or
October 5...Online 11:30 AM
- 4:30 PM CT.
Deer Management and Forestry Best Management Practices
(BMPs) will be presented via Zoom Meeting. This
short course aims to provide technical information on
specific techniques, including BMPs, used to enhance and
preserve wildlife habitat on forested land. Instructors:
Dr. James Johnson and Scott Thackston. Must register by
October 3. Fee: $100. Contact Ingvar Elle at (706)
583-0566 or
October 5-7....Buchanan, Tennessee.
Tennessee Forestry Association Annual Meeting at
Paris Landing State Park Lodge, 400 Lodge Road, Buchanan. Fee: $300. Contact
Dana Howard at (615) 883-3832 or
October 6...Mobile
County 8:30 AM.
Regional Forestry Field Day at the property of
Wayne McCollough, 9209-A Bohannon Road, Wilmer.
Topics will include gopher tortoise habitat, pond
management, longleaf management, and quail management.
Lunch provided. To RSVP call (251) 441-6505x3.
October 6...Online 11
AM - 12
Southern Pine Beetle and Ips Bark Beetles will be presented via Zoom.
Learn about the different pine bark beetles in Georgia,
how to identify them and what the best management
options for each species are. Also get an update on
current beetle activity in Georgia. Instructor: Lynne
Womack, Georgia Forestry Commission. If you need assistance connecting to the
webinar email
October 7-9...Shelby County.
Becoming an Outdoors-Woman (BOW)
at Alabama 4-H Center on Lay Lake near Columbiana.
Participants choose from over 50 courses such as:
backyard wildlife, rock climbing, camp cooking, map and
compass, camping, mountain biking, fishing, hunting,
canoeing, bird watching, shooting sports, and many more.
For women 18 years or older. Courses are held rain or
shine. Fee: $275; includes meals and lodging. For more
information call Marisa Futral at (334) 242-3620.
October 8...Baldwin
County 8 AM - 3:30 PM.
Adult Mentored Hunt Workshop at the Upper Delta
Wildlife Management Area Shooting Range. GPS Coord:
31.130701021119776, -87.84785768044755 The workshop will provide
participants with an opportunity to learn hunting
basics, firearm safety and handling, where to hunt, and
the equipment and gear needed. There are eligibility
requirements. Fee: $20. For more information email
Justin Grider at
October 8...Gainesville,
Florida 8:30 AM - 12 Noon ET.
North Florida Prescribed Burn Association General
Meeting at Prairie Creek Lodge, 7204 SE County Road
234. For more information email
October 8-9...Talladega
County 9 AM.
Alabama Mushroom
Festival at Lake Howard, 850 Boat Dock Lane,
The two primary goals for the Alabama Mushroom Festival:
educate on the amazing world of mushrooms and collect
data on the fungi of Alabama. There will be vendors
selling products of all kinds, forays led by
professionals and enthusiasts, various classes,
presentations, demonstrations, mushroom foods, and more.
Fee: $50; $10 discount if paid in advance. For more
information email the Alabama Mushroom Society at
October 10-11...Athens,
Forestry for Non-Foresters at Flinchum’s Phoenix,
Whitehall Forest, 650 Phoenix Road. “This course will be especially
useful for landowners and those who work with foresters and the forest
industry such as forestry agencies, associations, forestry investment
firms, real estate investment trusts and banking institutions with
forest investments.” Fee: $400; $50 discount if paid by September 26. Contact Ingvar Elle at (706) 583-0566 or
ingvar@uga.edu. See the leaders of this course give a
presentation at the 2016 AFOA Annual Meeting.
October 11...Online
12 Noon - 1:15 PM CT.
Land Surveying will be presented via
Zoom. This lunch and learn is for women that own
forestland or are just interested in learning more about
forestry in a relaxed, fun setting. Join during your
lunch break as Auburn University Professor, Dr. Tom
provides an introduction to land surveying and what to
look for when hiring a professional. Pre-registration required. Contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
October 11-12...Statesboro, Georgia.
Longleaf Pine Establishment and Management at
the Bulloch County Extension Office, 151 Langston Chapel
Road. Upon completion of this course, a forest landowner
or land manager will be able to make effective
silvicultural and economical management decisions on
managing longleaf stands with an emphasis on early
survival and growth. Fee: $330; $55 discount if paid by
September 27. Contact Ingvar Elle
at (706) 583-0566 or
11-12...Gainesville, Florida.
Hot Topics in Prescribed Fire will be held at
the Stern Learning Center and Austin Cary Forest. This
symposium will cover prescribed fire practice in
Florida, fire weather and planning tools, ecosystem
restoration, Southern Fire Exchange resources, and more.
Fee: $150; includes some meals. For more information
contact Chris Demers at (352) 846-2375 or
October 12...Online 12 Noon - 1 PM
Wild Game Preservation will be presented via
Zoom. This talk will outline the proper precautions and
methods towards processing and preserving wild game. For more information contact
Norm Haley at (256) 574-2143 or
October 13...Russell
County 3 PM.
Forestry Tour & Dinner at the Old Seale
Courthouse, 5 Jackson Street, Seale. Demonstrations will
include: Longleaf straw production, pine timber
management, pig trapping, stages of tree growth and
release, and more. Pre-registration
required. Fee: $15. To register call Jennifer Davidson
at (334) 298-6845.
October 14...St. Clair
County 9 AM - 3 PM.
Land Management Field Day at 1359 Pleasant
Valley Road, Odenville. The field day will cover topics
such as nuisance wildlife management, invasive species
identification and control methods, non-timber forest
products, understory control and how to develop a
management plan. Lunch provided. For more information
contact Lynn Dickinson at (334) 303-8360 or
18-20...Moultrie, Georgia.
Sunbelt Agricultural
Exposition at Spence Field, 290-G Harper Blvd.
Activities: Tractor & ATV test drives, Stock Dog Trials,
educational seminars, and much more. Fee: $10. Call
(229) 985-1968 for more information.
October 19...Guyton, Georgia
7:30 AM - 5 PM ET.
Women in Forestry: Challenges Facing Female Forest
Landowners at Mary Kahrs Warnell Forest
Education Center, 5960 Georgia 17. This is the last
segment of a three-part series of workshops. This final
workshop will focus challenges facing female forest
landowners. For more information contact Elizabeth
at (706) 389-9725 or
October 20...Coosa County
8:30 AM.
Forest Landowner Tour at Robinwald Farm, LLC,
12080 Highway 22, Rockford. Topics include
Trapping, Brown Spot Needle Blight in Loblolly Pine,
Mid-Rotation Release, and Native Grass. For more
information or to RSVP call Coosa County Extension at
(256) 377-4713.
October 20...Greene
County 8:30 AM - 2 PM.
Leavellwood Farm Tour at Leavellwood Lodge in
West Greene. The tour stops will consist of food plots,
supplemental feeding, trophy lakes, forestry practices,
and dove fields. Fee: $10. To register, call Greene
County Extension at (205) 372-3401.
October 20...Saucier,
Mississippi 9 AM - 12:30 PM.
Forestry and Wildlife Field Day at Harrison
Experimental Forest, 23332 Success Road. Topics will
include Longleaf pine management, Red Cockaded
Woodpecker restoration, use of prescribed fire, and
understory restoration. Lunch included. Wear appropriate
field clothes. For more information call Harrison County
Extension at (228) 865-4227.
October 20...Dallas County 6 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off
at ArtsRevive, 3 Church Street, Selma.
Attend the cook-off and enjoy live music, door prizes,
youth activities, and sample wild game recipes.
Fee: $50; $10 discount if paid in advance. Youth under 15 free. Call the Alabama Wildlife
Federation at (334) 285-4550.
21...Chilton County 8 AM - 1 PM.
Fall Landowner Tour at Turtle Creek, 1277 County
Road 508, Marbury. This landowner tour provides regional
residents the opportunity to learn pond management,
beekeeping, firebreak management, and understory control
while touring Turtle Creek. Fee: $15. For more
information contact Lucy Edward at (205) 280-6268 or
21...Marion/Winston County 9 AM - 3 PM.
Landowner Tour and Regional Forestry Field Day
at Bill and Ann Self Farm, 2821 County Road 59,
Haleyville. Topics include: Short Leaf Pine (SLP)
Initiative, SLP Planting Site History, Water Quality and
Streamside Management Zones (SMZs), Prescribed Burning,
and Non-native Species. For more information contact
Zack Brannon at (256) 489-5376 or
25-28...Wilmington, North Carolina.
Biennial Longleaf Conference
at the Hotel Ballast in Wilmington. Fee: $470. For more
information email Sarah Crate at
26-28...Flowood, Mississippi.
Mississippi Forestry Association Annual Meeting
at Sheraton Flowood, The Refuge Hotel & Conference Center,
2200 Refuge Boulevard. Fee:
$550/non-member. Contact Casey
Anderson at (601) 354-4936 or
October 27...Tuscaloosa
County 6 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off
at Woods N Water, 5101 Summit Ridge, Tuscaloosa.
Attend the cook-off and enjoy live music, door prizes,
youth activities, and sample wild game recipes.
Fee: $50. Youth under 15 admitted free. Call the Alabama
Wildlife Federation at (334) 285-4550.
27-28...Shelby County.
Alabama Landowners Conference
at the Alabama 4-H Center, 892 4-H Road, Columbiana.
Topics will include Pond Construction/Management, Food
Plot Design/Management, Forestry Herbicide Application,
Invasive Plant Species, and Timber Management
Prices/Strategies. Field tour on day one. Awards
presented on day two: Tree Farm, Helene Mosley Memorial, W. Kelly Mosely, and others. Fee:
$100. Contact Liz
Chambers at (334) 481-2135 or
October 28...Earleton,
Florida 9 AM ET.
Land Steward Tour at Sparkleberry Farm, CR 1469.
Attend the tour to gain some valuable, hands-on
information about multiple-use forest
management, and network with professionals and other
landowners who share your interests. This will be a
walking tour. Wear appropriate field clothing and bring
water. Fee: $10; lunch included. For more information
contact Chris Demers at (352) 846-2375 or
> November 2022
November 1...Natchez,
Mississippi 6 PM.
Estate and Succession Planning at the Adams
County Extension Office, 75A Carthage Point Road.
Speakers: David Bean and Dr. Curtis VanderSchaaf. To
attend, RSVP to Adams County Extension at (601)
November 1-4...Newton,
Ecological Forestry Workshop at Joseph W. Jones Ecological
Research Center, 3988 Jones Center Drive. This program is designed as an
alternative to production oriented silviculture. Fee: $430; meals
and lodging included. Contact Jessica McCorvey at (229) 734-4706 or
November 2...Autauga
County 8 AM - 2 PM.
Annual Fall Landowner Tour at 2228 County Road 40, Billingsley. GPS Coord.:
32.551, -86.741 The tour will cover bee keeping,
pollinators, fruit orchards, pasture to pines, gully
erosion control, and more. Fee: $20; lunch provided. For more
information call Matthew Sorrells at (334) 239-5258 or
November 3...Bibb
County 9 AM - 1 PM.
Wreath Making with Forest Products at
Mount Carmel Baptist Church, Old Highway 5, West
Blockton. This workshop will show the
participants how items in their woodland can be used for
alternate purposes such as craft projects. Fee: $15. For
more information contact Lynn Dickinson at (334)
303-8360 or
November 3...Tuscaloosa
County 10 AM.
Board Meeting of Alabama Forever Wild Land Trust
at the Bryant Conference Center, 240 Paul W. Bryant
Drive. This meeting
will provide an opportunity for any individual who would
like to make comments concerning the program. The public
is invited to attend this meeting and is urged to submit
comments. For more information call (334) 242-3484.
Editor's Note: Here are some questions you may consider
asking yourself and others. Should the state provide
recreational property? Is recreation a necessary
service the government should provide? Does the state need more public land to compete
with recreational opportunities (many of which are
already) provided by private forestland owners?
November 3...Bogue
Chitto, Mississippi 3 PM.
New Timber Markets at Renee Naeger's Tree Farm in
Lincoln County. Speaker: Tedrick Ratcliff. To attend,
RSVP the Lincoln County Extension at (601) 835-3460.
November 3...Macon
County 5 - 8 PM.
Forest Landowner Dinner at the Macon County
Extension Office, 207 North Main Street, Tuskegee. This
dinner and workshop will feature talks and discussions
regarding preparing and conducting timber sales,
managing wild hog populations, and cost-share assistance
programs to help you achieve your forest management
goals. For more information contact Janice Hall at (334)
727-0340 or
November 3...Clarke
County 6 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off
at Old Grove Hill Academy Football Field, 15471 Highway
43, Grove Hill.
Attend the cook-off and enjoy live music, door prizes,
youth activities, and sample wild game recipes.
Fee: $50; $10 discount if paid in advance. Youth under 15 admitted free. Call the Alabama
Wildlife Federation at (334) 285-4550.
November 3...DeKalb,
Mississippi 6 PM.
Chronic Wasting Disease at the Kemper County
Extension Office, 587 Old Scooba Road. Speaker: William
McKinley. To attend, RSVP the Kemper County Extension at
(601) 743-2837.
3...Mendenhall, Mississippi 6 PM.
Advances in Seedling Genetics at the Simpson
County Extension Office, 2785 Simpson Highway 49.
Speaker: Paul Jeffreys. To attend, RSVP the Simpson
County Extension at (601) 847-1335.
November 4...Lowndes County.
Progressive Agriculture Safety Day (Kids Only) at
the Jackson Steele Community Center, White Hall. 5th
grade students only. For more information call Tana
Shealey at (334) 548-2315.
November 4...DeKalb
County 9 AM - 5 PM.
Alabama Master Naturalist Field Day at DeSoto
State Park, 7104 DeSoto Parkway NE, Fort Payne. Content
will include interpretive hikes and opportunities to
learn about the history, habitats, plants, and animals
of the area. Wear clothing for outdoor activities. A
change of clothes is encouraged. Bring bug spray,
sunscreen, water, and a packed lunch. Binoculars are
beneficial, but not required. Fee: $15. For more
information contact Wesley Anderson at (334) 750-9458 or
November 5...Chambers
County 8 AM - 5 PM.
Traditional Hunter Education Course at the
ALFA Insurance Building, 50 LaFayette Street South,
LaFayette. No fee.
This is a two night class and you must attend both
classes. To register, call John Davidson at (256) 435-1642. Successfully
completing an approved hunter education course is
mandatory for all non-supervised Alabama hunting license
buyers born on or after August 1, 1977. There are some
exceptions. There are other courses being taught at
various locations and dates as well as online only
courses. For additional information contact Marisa Futral at 1-800-245-2740 or
November 7...Tupelo,
Mississippi 6 PM.
Hardwood Regeneration at the Lee County
Extension Office, 5338 Cliff Gookin Boulevard. Speaker:
Dr. Brady Self. To attend, RSVP the Lee County Extension at
(662) 841-9000.
November 8...Statewide.
General Election
November 8...Online
12 Noon - 1:15 PM CT.
Prescribed Fire will be presented via Zoom
Webinar. This lunch and learn is for women that own
forestland or are just interested in learning more about
forestry in a relaxed, fun setting. Join during your
lunch break as Regional Extension Agent, Ryan Mitchell,
discusses the importance of prescribed fire to southern
forest, prescribed burning techniques and how they can
be manipulated to achieve your goals. Pre-registration required. Contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
November 9...Nationwide 10:00 AM to 10:15 AM (Central
News Conference for Forest Owners.
This 15 minute telephone/Internet conference
will feature state & national experts, researchers & authors
on breaking issues, current research, can't-miss
educational events, books & publications, timber market
update and more. To
listen live call AFOA to register at (205) 624-2225.
Listen on the web or download to listen on your device
of choice: November 9, 2022 CI -- Live! This will be a
link once program is finished and available.
Click Here for Index to
Past Conferences.
November 9...St. Clair
County 10 AM - 12 PM Noon.
Developing a Management Plan for Your Woodlot at
the St. Clair Extension Office, 1815 Cogswell Avenue,
Pell City. There will be discussion on how to manage
your land to achieve the goals and objectives you
desire. This workshop will help teach you how to develop
and begin writing a management plan for your property.
For more information contact Lynn Dickinson at (334)
303-8360 or
November 9...Online 12 Noon - 1 PM
Costs of Forestry Services will be presented via
Zoom. This talk will cover the current costs and trends
of forestry services. For more information contact
Norm Haley at (256) 574-2143 or
November 10...Knoxville,
Tennessee 5:30 PM.
Tennessee Forestry Association (TFA) Regional Meeting at
Calhoun's on the River, 400 Neyland Drive. Topic: How the Wood
Industry Can Protect Against Liability Issues. Fee: $30.
Contact Dana Howard at (615) 883-3832 or
November 10...Shelby
County 6 - 8 PM.
Dinner and Discussion at
The Fish Market Restaurant, 5407 Highway 280,
Hoover. We'll start with a no-host dinner at 6 PM, then
listen to a 15 minute program and talk about the issues
with other forest landowners.
Limited seating. To attend,
RSVP AFOA at (205) 624-2225 or
rll@afoa.org. |
11-13...Freeport, Florida.
Gopher Tortoise Council
(GTC) Annual Meeting at The E.O. Wilson
Biophilia Center at Nokuse Plantation. Fee: $130; price
increases after October 21. For more information email Ericha Nix
November 12-13...Butler County.
Trappers Education Workshop
at the Butler County Forestry Commission Office, 59 Fire
Tower Road, Greenville. The workshop passes on the historical aspects of
trapping, biological information concerning furbearers
and furbearer management, and allows students to learn
the proper techniques that include the use of trapping
as a sound wildlife management tool. Recommended ages 7
and up. Pre-registration is required. Fee: $10. Contact
Mike Sievering at (205) 340-1183 or
November 14...St. Clair
County 10 AM - 12 Noon.
Developing a Management Plan for Your Woodlot at
Friendship Baptist Church, 19436 US Highway 411,
Springville. The workshop will talk about how to manage
your land to achieve the goals and objectives you
desire. This workshop will help teach you how to develop
and begin writing a management plan for your property.
For more information contact Lynn Dickinson at (334)
303-8360 or
14-18...Tallapoosa County.
Central Alabama Wildland Fire Training Course at
Camp ASCCA, 5278 Camp Ascca Drive, Jackson's Gap. This
course is primarily for veterans and first responders,
but there is a very limited number of slots left
available to anyone. For more information or to help
sponsor this course contact Lee Stuckey at (910)
548-8864 or
November 15...White
Plains, Georgia 12:30 - 5 PM ET.
Deer Management and Forestry BMPs at White
Plains Schoolhouse, 7410 Highway 15 South. This short
course aims to provide technical information on specific
techniques, including forestry best management practices
(BMPs), used to enhance and preserve wildlife habitat on
forested land. Topics will include forestry BMPs and
white-tailed deer ecology and management. Fee: $100.
Must register by November 11. For more information
contact James Johnson at (706) 308-6396 or
November 15...Carrollton,
Mississippi 6:30 PM.
Carroll County Forestry Association Annual Meeting
at the Carrollton Community House. Topics: New
mill update and Carbon credits. Speakers: Shawn Britt
and Mike Williams. Fee: $10. For
more information call (662) 237-6926.
November 16-17...Online.
Timber Market Analysis
will be presented via Zoom Webinar. This class walks
through the process to understand, track, and analyze
the price, demand, supply, and competitive dynamics of
local timber markets and wood baskets. Instructors: Dr. Brooks Mendell, Amanda Lang,
and Shawn Baker. Fee: $650; $100 discount if paid by
November 3. Contact Heather Clark at (770) 725-8447 or
November 18...Shelby
County 9 AM - 5 PM.
Alabama Master Naturalist Field Day at Oak
Mountain State Park, 200 Terrace Drive, Pelham. Content
will include interpretive hikes and opportunities to
learn about the history, habitats, plants, and animals
of the area. Wear clothing for outdoor activities. A
change of clothes is encouraged. Bring bug spray,
sunscreen, water, and a packed lunch. Binoculars are
beneficial, but not required. Fee: $15. For more
information contact Wesley Anderson at (334) 750-9458 or
21...Tallapoosa County 9 AM - 5 PM.
Alabama Master Naturalist Field Day at Wind
Creek State Park, 4325 Alabama Highway 128, Alexander
City. Content will include interpretive hikes and
opportunities to learn about the history, habitats,
plants, and animals of the area. Wear clothing for
outdoor activities. A change of clothes is encouraged.
Bring bug spray, sunscreen, water, and a packed lunch.
Binoculars are beneficial, but not required. Fee: $15.
For more information contact Wesley Anderson at (334)
750-9458 or
November 29...Tallapoosa
County 6 - 7 PM.
Well Water Workshop at New Site Town Hall, 12791
AL-22, New Site. The workshop will cover the basics of
well water testing and well maintenance, how to test
your well water, how to interpret test results, and how
to select treatment options. For more information
contact Jessica Curl at (334) 844-3809 or
November 30...Lee County
8 AM - 2 PM.
Professional Logging Manager (PLM) Workshop at
the Lee County Extension Office, 600 South 7th Street,
Suite 4, Opelika. Landowners are welcome to attend. CFEs
available to registered foresters. Lunch provided. For
more information contact Richard Cristan at (334)
750-6471 or
30...Baldwin County 9 AM - 5 PM.
Alabama Master Naturalist Field Day at
20115 State Park Road, Gulf Shores. Content will include interpretive hikes and
opportunities to learn about the history, habitats,
plants, and animals of the area. Wear clothing for
outdoor activities. A change of clothes is encouraged.
Bring bug spray, sunscreen, water, and a packed lunch.
Binoculars are beneficial, but not required. Fee: $15.
For more information contact Wesley Anderson at (334)
750-9458 or
November 30...Online 12 Noon - 1 PM
The Importance of Healthy Streamside Forests will be presented via
Zoom. This talk will outline the benefits of trees for
streams and rivers. It will also cover some invasives to
watch for and strategies for replanting with native
plants. For more information contact
Norm Haley at (256) 574-2143 or
> December 2022
December 1...Elmore County 9
AM - 1 PM.
Natural Resources Tour at 271 Mack Taylor Road,
Tallassee. Topics will include: Brown Spot on
Loblolly Pine, Multi-purpose land use, Risk Management,
and Logging. Fee: $10; lunch included. To register call
the Elmore County Extension at (334) 567-6301.
December 3...DeKalb
County 9 - 11 AM.
Art of Woodburning at DeSoto State Park in Fort
Payne. The classes are open to local residents,
overnight guests, and park visitors. Participants in
this class will learn the basic techniques of decorative
wood burning from artist April Blanks, and will work on
their own souvenir DeSoto Falls magnet or ornament. The
class is for ages 14 to adult. A second class will be
held from 12 Noon - 2 PM. Fee: $25. For more information
email Brittney Hughes at
December 4...Cleburne
County 12 Noon - 4 PM.
Learning by the Lake at Cheaha
State Park. The interpretive team will help kids connect
to the natural world through art, activities,
storytelling, games, and much more.
For more information contact Mandy Pearson at (256)
488-5115x2814 or
4-5...Montgomery County.
Alabama Farmers Federation Annual Meeting
at the Renaissance Montgomery Hotel & Convention Center,
201 Tallapoosa Street, Montgomery. For more information
contact Caroline Bodden at (334) 613-4953 or
December 6...Online 8:45
AM - 4 PM ET.
Virtual Training on Silviculture and Wildlife Best
Management Practices for Forestry will help
educate landowners and land managers about Florida's
Silviculture Best Management Practices (BMPs) for water
quality and the Florida Forestry Wildlife Best
Management Practices for State Imperiled Species. For
more information email
December 6...Talladega County
11 AM.
Alabama Forestry Association
Sporting Clays Fundraiser at Selwood Farm in
Alpine. This is event is for those who are more
politically active and want to help raise funds for the
Forest PAC. For more information contact Anna Duke at
(334) 481-2129 or
December 6...Buckhead,
Georgia 6:30 PM.
Greene-Morgan Forest Landowners Association Meeting
will be held at Bonner's Restaurant, 1500 Bonner Lane.
The meeting will consist of a panel of four foresters.
They will give insight from their perspectives of
forestry in Greene-Morgan area. RSVP to (706) 549-5050
December 7...Butler County
9 AM - 3 PM.
Last Chance Professional Logging Manager Workshop
at Beeland Park Community Center, 1016 East Commerce
Street, Greenville. Landowners welcome to attend.
Topics include: Timber harvests around endangered
species, Venomous snakes of Alabama, Feral swine,
Ecological impacts of forestry, Best Management
Practices, and Invasive species identification and
control. Fee: Free for those who don't need credits/$50
for credits. Lunch provided. Everyone must register.
Contact Ryan Mitchell at (251) 423-9415 or
December 8...Williston,
Florida 9 AM ET.
Property Tour at the Albert Fuller Tree Farm,
951 NE 140th Avenue. Topics will include
agroforestry, livestock grazing, wildlife management,
longleaf pine regeneration, prescribed burning, and
more. This is a walking tour of less than 1 mile. Wear appropriate field clothing and bring
water. Fee: $10; lunch included. For more information
contact Chris Demers at (352) 846-2375 or
December 8...Burns,
Tennessee 5:30 PM.
Tennessee Forestry Association (TFA) Regional Meeting at
Montgomery Bell State Park Lodge. The program will cover
University of Tennessee research programs that support
Tennessee wood products industry and forest landowners. Fee: $30.
Contact Dana Howard at (615) 883-3832 or
December 9...Shelby
County 10 - 11 AM.
Chainsaw Safety
at the Shelby County Extension Office, 56 Kelly Lane,
Columbiana. This luncheon & mini-workshop was created
with women landowners in mind. It will cover the basics
of chainsaw safety and personal protection equipment.
Participants will also learn how to properly start and
operate a chainsaw. For more information contact Lynn
Dickinson at (334) 303-8360 or
December 10...Bibb County
7:30 AM.
Alabama Quail Hunters Fall Field Trial will be
held at Gates Shaw's Farm in Brierfield. Bring a lunch,
snacks, chairs, binoculars, and whatever else you may
need for your dog. All participants must register before
7 PM December 8 by sending an email to
December 10-11...St.
Clair County.
Trappers Education Workshop
at Majestic Outdoors, 30 Majestic Way, Pell City. The workshop passes on the historical aspects of
trapping, biological information concerning furbearers
and furbearer management, and allows students to learn
the proper techniques that include the use of trapping
as a sound wildlife management tool. Recommended ages 7
and up. Pre-registration is required. Fee: $10. Contact
Mike Sievering at (205) 340-1183 or
December 13...Online
12 Noon - 1:15 PM CT.
Forest Inventories will be presented via
Zoom. This lunch and learn is for women that own
forestland or are just interested in learning more about
forestry in a relaxed, fun setting. Join during your
lunch break as Auburn University Professor, Dr. Becky
explains forest inventories, their importance in
management decisions. Pre-registration required. Contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
December 13...Crossville,
Tennessee 5:30 PM.
Tennessee Forestry Association (TFA) Regional Meeting
at Forte's on the Square, 27 East 4th Street. Topic:
Farm Service Agency Focus on Forestry. Fee: $30.
Contact Dana Howard at (615) 883-3832 or
13-14...Athens, Georgia.
Wildlife Management at Flinchum’s Phoenix,
Whitehall Forest, 650 Phoenix Road. Topics will include managing
forest stands for wildlife and timber, managing for
white-tailed deer and game bird species in the
Southeast, things to consider when planting food plots
and other wildlife plantings, and other principles and
applications of wildlife-habitat management techniques. Fee: $350; $50 discount if paid by
November 29. Contact Ingvar Elle at (706) 583-0566 or
December 14...Online 12 Noon - 1 PM
Forest Stand Improvement will be presented via
Zoom. This talk will discuss the concept and techniques
related to Forest Stand Improvement (FSI) for wildlife
enhancement. For more information contact
Norm Haley at (256) 574-2143 or
December 16...Kissimmee,
Florida 9 AM - 4 PM ET.
Central Florida Prescribed Fire Council Hybrid Annual
Meeting will be hosted in-person at Osceola
Heritage Park, 1875 Silver Spur Lane. Topics will
include Bunchgrass Ecology, Fire Insurance, Burning on
Private Ranches, Engaging the Public in Prescribed Fire,
and more. There will be equipment demonstrations,
sponsor booths, raffle prizes, and pizza. For more
information email
December 31 - January
1...Bibb County.
Trappers Education Workshop
at 5252 Highway 219, Centreville. The workshop passes on the historical aspects of
trapping, biological information concerning furbearers
and furbearer management, and allows students to learn
the proper techniques that include the use of trapping
as a sound wildlife management tool. Recommended ages 7
and up. Pre-registration is required. Fee: $10. Contact
Mike Sievering at (205) 340-1183 or
End of 2022 Calendar of Past Events