FEBRUARY 2022 News Conference for Forest Owners
Produced by the Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.
This Conference was recorded at 10:00 AM Central Time on
Wednesday, February 16, 2022 with a live audience. If you would like to be a
member of the audience on the next program, call (205)
624-2225 to register.

Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00) |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this news
conference. Hayes' email address is
Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.
Capital Ideas - Live!
is brought to you by
Forester Search, a web resource developed
by the Alabama Forest Owners' Association with the support of the
Bradley/Murphy Forestry & Natural Resources Extension Trust.
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Brian Seasholes
Hear Conference |
An Update on Waters of the U.S.
Brian Seasholes is an independent consultant who works heavily on
wildlife and land-use issues. Today he will share updates with us about a
case that will be going before the Supreme Court: Sackett v. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA). The case stems from the EPA's enforcement of the
Clean Water Act, which was used to prevent the Sackett family from building
on their own property decades ago. In this long-awaited case, the Sacketts
are looking to the Supreme Court to clarify and specifically define what the
EPA can regulate under the Clean Water Act and what it cannot. The case can
have a monumental impact on landowners everywhere when it comes to how they
can utilize their own land.
Suggested Reading:

Vic Hemard
Hear Conference |
Ransomware in Forestry
Vic Hemard, MBA, ACF is the Founder and President of
Hemard & Company, a
consulting firm providing information systems and technology for the
effective management of forestry and forest product companies. Vic is the
author of many technology-related articles, and he recently wrote an article
for The Consultant about ransomware in forestry. These sorts of
cyberattacks are getting all too frequent, and the forestry industry is not
immune. He will share with us what landowners should know to protect
themselves from it.
Suggested Reading:
Phone: (903) 832-5819

Travis Chesser
Hear Conference |
What is the Cogongrass Mitigation Program?
Travis Chesser is the
Forest Specialty Supervisor/Cogongrass Crew Leader
for the
Forestry Commission. Cogongrass is a federally listed noxious weed
that grows naturally in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. It
has been introduced into other parts of the world, and it's now on every
continent except Antarctica. Cogongrass is a serious threat to native
ecosystems, and unfortunately the weed has become widespread in some parts
of Alabama. To try to combat the problem, the Alabama Forestry Commission
recently launched the Cogongrass Mitigation Program, which seeks to reduce
the number of acres affected across the state and eliminate the threat by
assisting landowners affected by cogongrass. Travis will speak with us about
the recently launched program, how landowners can tell if they have
cogongrass, and how they can apply for the program.
Suggested Reading:
Phone: (334) 818-0544

Peter Stewart
Hear Conference |
2022 Predictions for the Forest Industry
Pete Stewart
is the Founder, President, and CEO of
Forest2Market, a
global provider of timber pricing, cost benchmarks, and in-depth analytics
for participants in the raw materials supply chain. Each year, Pete makes
his predictions on what the forestry industry will see, and he will be
joining us to discuss his predictions for 2022. Spoiler alert: he expects
the Southern log market to pick up steam.
Suggested Reading:
Phone: (704) 540-1440