MARCH 2012 News Conference for Forest Owners
Sponsored by the Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.
This Conference was recorded on March 28,

Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00)
Comment |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this news
conference. Hayes' email address is
Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.

Dr. Peter F. Kolb
Hear Conference
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Forestry Minutes -- Why Does He Do That?
Peter Kolb, as
Associate Professor of Forest Ecology & Management at the
University of Montana and
Extension Forestry Specialist at
Montana State University
Extension, does a forestry radio show five days a week called,
The Montana Forestry Minute. He broadcasts on KGVO in
Missoula and KLYQ in Hamilton. Since beginning the one-minute forestry spots
in January 2011, he's done almost 260. He sticks to basic-forestry concepts
for his general audience, and covers pertinent seasonal information about
what's going on in the woods. So, it would be like, as you drive down the
road and you look at the landscape what do you see that's fairly obvious,
but that no one has brought to your attention. It could be: Why do you see
logging trucks on the roads?; or What trees are turning color?; or What are
those red trees along the pasture? Peter also seizes opportunities presented
by current events, like beetle outbreaks. He may focus 20 broadcasts on a
specific topic, with greater detail each succeeding day. Each installment is
three to seven sentences and they are concise stand-alone messages,
generally aimed at the more conservative listeners. The air times are
usually during morning commute times. The response has been very good and
the radio station loves them, so Peter intends to just keep going.
Listen to some past minutes.
Suggested Reading:
Phone: (406) 243-4705
Email: peter.kolb@cfc.umt.edu

Dr. Steven G. Horwitz
Hear Conference
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The Economics of The Lorax
Steve Horwitz
is is the
Charles A. Dana
Professor of Economics at St. Lawrence University, Canton, New York,
and is Contributing Editor at
The Freeman.
Shortly after watching the animated 3D movie,
Lorax, I read Dr. Horwitz's critique, entitled,
The Economics of The Lorax: Where are the property rights? I
chided myself, “Why hadn’t I thought of that?” A few days later, my wife and
I took our 7 year-old grandson, Caleb, to see the movie. "Did you think it
was odd that the landowner didn't tell the Once-ler [the young man who cut
all the trees] that he couldn't cut the trees without permission?" Caleb
didn't seem terribly worried about the trees or our question. We suspect most foresters
will watch the movie and think the little boy, Ted, was the first
forester, and be as unconcerned about the question, Where are the property
rights?" as Caleb was. Several years ago the timber industry passed around
a book entitled,
Lesson Plan), a response to the book,
The Lorax, which emphasized planting trees and long-term forest
management for the public good. Truax author Terri Birkett didn't seem to know
any more about property rights than Lorax author,
Dr. Seuss. And now, the U.S. Forest Service is using The Lorax to
the Forest, a project designed to get kids outdoors. But only
Dr. Horwitz has asked, Where are the property Rights?
Recommended Reading:
Are We Running Out of Resources -- with 5 resources linked below the
Phone: (315) 229-5731
Email: shorwitz@stlawu.edu

Shawn Schafer
Hear Conference
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Deer Farming is a Right of Property Owners
Shawn Schafer is Executive Director of the
North American Deer Farmers
Association based in Canton, Ohio. We were introduced to Shawn by
the writer of the following email dated 3/6/12:
Dear AFOA: Are you aware that the QDMA has joined an all out attack of land
owners rights by joining the fight to stop high fence preserve and deer
farming? As a land owner and past supporter of the QDMA I am at the least
shocked. [Two feed companies] have pulled their sponsorship of QMDA. I am
asking you to inform all the land owners of Alabama of the stance taken by
QDMA. This is as more of a land owner rights issue than a hunting issue.
Many of the Alabama Land Owners are QDMA members and should be aware of
their protest of the land owners rights.
Regards South Alabama Landowner
Along with introducing us to Shawn Schafer,
the South Alabama Landowner led us to
Keith Warren's
Outdoor Adventures webpage. There we read, under the heading, ACTION
"I’m a believer that QDMA had no idea that this
announcement would cause the uproar it has, not only with some of their
sponsors, but also with some of their members. Many of their members are
deer farmers themselves and virtually every deer farmer I know (and I know
hundreds of them personally) all hunt deer. They, like me, got into the
whitetail business because they too couldn’t get enough of deer by just
hunting them. "I’m also a believer that there are many members of QDMA
that had no idea that they belonged to an organization that they now know is
dead set against them, their business of deer farming/ranching and
ultimately what many feel is against the future of whitetail deer and deer
Phone: (330) 454-3944
Email: schafer@nadefa.org

Brian Murphy
Hear Conference
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Deer Farming is a Threat to Hunting Heritage
Brian Murphy is
Chief Executive Officer of the
Quality Deer Management
Association. After AFOA received the March 6, 2012 email from a
south Alabama landowner (see email in Shawn Schafer segment, above), we
called Brian Murphy to find out what was going on. He sent us a
QDMA Press Release and
Frequently Asked Questions
About QDMA's Stance on Captive Deer Breeding. Brian also wrote an
editorial on the topic,
Inside QDMA, in the April-May issue of
Quality Whitetails.
From Frequently Asked Questions:
"On February 23, 2012 the Quality Deer
Management Association (QDMA) issued a national press release urging its
members and other concerned sportsmen in several states to contact their
elected officials and urge them to oppose legislation initiated by the deer
breeding industry that would enable introduction of captive deer breeding
operations or expansion of these practices within those states." [Georgia,
Indiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Tennessee, West Virginia]
"QDMA’s mission is to ensure the future of white-tailed deer, wildlife
habitat and our hunting heritage. This mission is specific to wild
white-tailed deer, not those genetically altered, artificially created and
human-habituated. QDMA believes that growth and expansion of the captive
deer breeding industry could threaten North America’s wild white-tailed deer
and the deer-hunting heritage. QDMA is responding to aggressive moves to
legalize deer breeding in several new states and to loosen regulations in
others. Previously, such efforts were limited to just a few states annually
(which QDMA also opposed). However, during the 2012 legislative season, this
number swelled to nine states. Simply stated, QDMA believes the potential
negative implications warrant our actions."
"QDMA has a long history of supporting
private property rights, especially those which do not infringe on our
members’ rights to hunt healthy, wild, white-tailed deer on the properties
they own, manage or hunt. Under the North American Model of Wildlife
Conservation and the Public Trust Doctrine, wildlife, including white-tailed
deer, are collectively owned by all citizens rather than individuals. We
contend that captive deer breeding facilities infringe upon the tenets of
the North American Model. Thus, we see this as a resource issue (use,
access, and allocation) rather than a private property rights issue."
Phone: 1-800-209-3337
Email: bmurphy@qdma.com

Dr. William W. Hargrove
Hear Conference
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ForWarn - a satellite-based monitoring and assessment tool
Bill Hargrove is a
Research Scientist at the
Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center, USDA Forest Service
Southern Research Station, based in Asheville, North Carolina. A
Press Release from the Southern
Research Station popped into our email inbox last week and we knew
after a quick glance that SRS researchers were announcing a really big piece
of news for forest owners. We opened the
Change Assessment Viewer and zoomed in on Tuscaloosa. Then, in the
Map Layers menu we selected the Forest Disturbances Detection Maps
and in the menu that opened, we selected current_february26_mar20.tif
(under Disturbances Since 2010), and there it was. A big
red streak from Tuscaloosa to Birmingham - the April 27, 2011 tornado.
When we zoomed out, it was easy to see the tornado path all the way back to
Mississippi and other tornado paths were visible, too. We contacted Dr.
Hargrove and congratulated him for creating this potentially great tool. We
asked if ForWarn was equipped with an alert system, whereby after a tornado
or hurricane, forest owners might receive email messages that damage had
occurred on or near their land. He said, "Not yet," but "what we want
is for landowners to watch their own forests via the Assessment Viewer with
us. We will also be watching 'over their shoulders' here at the Threat
Centers." He went on, "Our next set of research development foci will include an automated
highlighting of disturbed areas, calling them to our attention. Also, we
hope to establish a variety of alerting systems, including email, RSS feeds,
Twitter, Facebook, and texting. Users would 'subscribe' to one or more of
these, whichever represent the best fit with their management styles."
Satellite-Based Change Recognition and Tracking (the ForWarn
ForWarn Support & Training (this page contains a demo video and
Phone: (828) 257-4846
Email: hnw@geobabble.org

Brian Stearns
Hear Conference
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Safety Connection to Home or Office
Brian Stearns is an
Application Engineer at DeLorme (the maps and GPS gadgets
company), based in Yarmouth, Maine. We called him after reading an article
in the January 2012 issue of
The Forestry Source
that described DeLorme's
(2-way satellite communicator with GPS). He reminded us that the
inReach is a satellite communications device -- it gets signals from and
sends signals to satellites in space, not local cell towers. It will work
any place in the world. The stand-alone gadget costs $249.95 and, with a
monthly connection fee of $9.95, will allow you to send up to 10
preprogrammed text and SOS messages per month. The text messages (can be
sent to email addresses) are preprogrammed by you and might say, "I'm OK,"
or, "Need assistance, but not emergency." For larger monthly fees, inReach
can send periodic tracking information (it has GPS capabilities) to a
website, so your family would know where you are. For example: you leave
home and inReach sends a location report every 10 minutes that plots on a
map your exact travel path. inReach can be
coupled with an Android phone to allow two way messaging
(from anywhere). Pretty neat.
Phone: (207) 846-7113

Dr. Rebecca J. Barlow
Hear Conference
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Harvesting Pine Straw for Profit
Becky Barlow,
Alabama Cooperative Extension System Specialist and Assistant Professor in
the School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences, Auburn University, has co-authored
Harvesting Pine Straw for Profit: Questions Landowners Should Ask Themselves
(ANR-1418). When telling us about the new publication, a county
Extension Agent asked us, "Did you know that it is possible to make $200 to $300 per acre
per year
from pine straw?" "Production of nontimber forest products such as pine straw
can be a good way for forestland owners to earn an income, especially when
traditional timber markets are down. Pine straw consists of the needles that
fall from pine trees. Pine straw offers landowners the opportunity to earn
short-term income while managing their property for other land uses, but
owners must first consider what is best for their land and whether pine
straw falls within the bounds of their management plans. There are a number
of important factors to consider before investing time and money into pine
straw harvesting operations."
Questions Becky suggests you ask yourself:
- What species of pines are growing on my
- How much pine straw will the stand
- Are the stand characteristics favorable
for pine straw harvesting?
- What property characteristics are
conducive to pine straw harvesting?
- How will fertilizer treatments affect
pine straw production?
- How will herbicide treatments affect
pine straw production?
- How will prescribed burning affect pine
straw production?
- How will thinning affect pine straw
- How will pine straw removal affect the
- How will pine straw removal affect water
- How can negative effects of pine straw
harvesting be mitigated?
- Is there a local demand for pine straw?
- What type of contract is appropriate?
- Are there reliable contractors who can
do the work?
Phone: (334) 844-1019
Email: rjb0003@auburn.edu
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