August 2006 News Conference for Forest Owners
Sponsored by Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc. Conference was recorded
August 16, 2006.

Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00) |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this
news conference. Hayes' email address is
Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.

Don Heath
(00:34) |
Redirection at Alabama Forestry Commission
Don Heath is Senior Vice President of
AmSouth Bank's
Resources and Real Estate Department in Birmingham, Alabama. He is
also the Chairman of the
Alabama Forestry Commission's
of Commissioners - a seven-member board appointed by the Governor.
The Alabama Forestry Commission is
accepting applications and nominations for the position of Alabama
state forester, a post which involves supervision of over 325 personnel with
an annual operating budget of over $30 million. Heath tells us about the
Board of Commissioners' goals for the AFC and what qualities they seek in a
state forester.
Application: A letter, applicant’s
vision statement for the agency, résumé, and three professional
references should be sent to Dr. Richard W. Brinker. Evaluation of
applications will begin on September 1, 2006. Applications will be
accepted until the position is filled.
Contact: Dr. Richard W. Brinker, Search
Committee Chair, School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences, 3301 Forestry &
Wildlife Sciences Building, Auburn University, AL 36849. Phone: (334)
844-1004 and Email:
Phone: (205) 320-7212

Dana McReynolds
(03:32) |
Southern Pine Beetle Update
Dana McReynolds
is the Forest Health Coordinator for the
Alabama Forestry Commission's
Forest Management Division, and resides in Homewood, Alabama. The
Alabama Forestry Commission conducts southern pine beetle detection flights
every year, several times a year. During April and May 2006, they flew over
twenty-four counties in Alabama. The flights showed the
northwest and
northeast regions of the state had no beetle spots detected and
southeast region saw only 10 spots. The
southwest region saw 11 spots. McReynolds gives us some details
about the flight and how she interprets the data. Note: the next SPB data
will be posted on the AFC website in September 2006.
Phone: (334) 240-9363

John L. Clark
(06:51) |
Log Exports Good For Timber Growers
John Clark
is the sales manager of
Kitchens Brothers
Manufacturing Co., Inc., in Hazlehurst, Mississippi. U.S. hardwoods
are being exported overseas for lumber, veneer, plywood, flooring, moulding,
and dimension materials. In fact, a big importer of U.S. hardwood logs,
China, can utilize domestic logs, make a product, and ship it back to the
U.S. cheaper than those products can be sold here. Clark will suggest that
U.S. hardwood exporting serves the
free market and can benefit those of us who grow hardwoods. In
addition, he will talk about the current U.S. hardwood market and policy.
Phone: (601) 894-2021

Robert H. Davis
(10:24) |
Wood Pellet Industry
Rob Davis
is President of the Forest Energy
located in Show Low, Arizona, and serves on the Board of Directors of
Pellet Fuels
Institute. Many of us in the Southeast have never used or
even seen a
wood pellet stove. You might be surprised to hear that
pellets provide efficient, clean-burning, low-ash fuel, while
sustaining a high
BTU (unit used
to measure quantity of heat). Considering the threat of
high natural gas prices this winter, we had to ask Davis if he
thinks this could mean a growing demand for wood pellets and what impact
that could have on forest landowners.
Phone: (928) 537-1647
Email: rdavis@forestenergy.com

Drew S. Mendoza
(14:14) |
LLPs, LLCs, FLPs: Business Models For What?
Drew Mendoza is a family business consultant and the managing
principal of
The Family Business
Consulting Group, Inc. in Marietta, Georgia. Succession in the
family business
can be a painful process. Although family business models make the
succession process go more smoothly, some of the terminology
can be confusing. Mendoza will help us understand these terms, tell us about
the different kinds of models, how they ease succession, and where to get
more information.
Upcoming FBA audio conferences:
Family Business Models
Phone: 1-800-551-0633

Darrell L. Dunteman
(18:39) |
Giving Away Farm Equipment
Darrell Dunteman
is an agricultural financial consultant and accountant located in Bushnell,
Illinois. Dunteman also serves as managing editor of
Ag Executive's newsletters
which provide readers with the financial information they need to manage
their farms and ranches in today's complex business environment. Were you
aware that you can't just
give away a piece of farm equipment to a family member without the
possibility of incurring taxes & penalties? Like most things, there is a
process you have to go through, including looking at possible IRS
regulations. Dunteman will outline the steps involved in properly giving
away farm equipment, including how to get an appraisal on the equipment and
what the IRS will expect of you concerning the transfer.
Phone: (309) 772-2168

Stanley W. Ford
(22:17) |
4-H Team Needs Volunteers
Wayne Ford is the
Tuscaloosa County Extension Service Coordinator, and coaches the
Tuscaloosa County 4-H Wildlife Team. The team won this year's
National 4-H Wildlife Habitat Evaluation Invitational held in
Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. This makes
seventh national championship, more than any other state, and Ford
has coached five Tuscaloosa County teams to national championships and two
more to reserve championships. Such an exceptional team deserves exceptional
recruits to help them in their future success. Ford tells us about the team,
describes the competition, and lets you know
you can be a 4-H team volunteer.
Phone: (205) 349-4630

Dr. Jack Lutz
(25:23) |
Market Update
Lutz is a forest economist and founder of the
Forest Research
Group in Alton, Maine. Lutz is also the editor of the
Forest Research Notes newsletter, so we've asked him to sit in
this month's "Market's Chair." Lutz fills us in on the latest info on the
timber market, and also tells us a little bit about the history of pulpwood
in the Southern United States (and where Alabama fits into that history).
Phone: (207) 827-1019