
Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00) |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this
news conference. Hayes' email address is
Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.

Dr. Patrick Moore
(00:31) |
Trees are the Answer
Dr. Patrick Moore is "...a member of a family that has been
logging on northern Vancouver Island [British Columbia] for three
generations..." and "...a lifelong environmentalist who was a co-founder
and long-time leader of Greenpeace." In his book,
Green Spirit – Trees are the Answer, he "demonstrates that
rather than reducing our consumption of wood, we should be planting more
trees and using more renewable wood in order to reduce our reliance on
non-renewable fuels and materials." An article by Dr. Moore appeared in
the March 26, 2002, Los Angeles Times entitled:
Don't See Forest for the Trees. As you might imagine, many
environmentalists don't like his message and one group has created the
"Patrick Moore is a Big Fat Liar" webpage. Moore has responded with a
webpage entitled:
Order the
$15 US.
Phone: (604) 221-1990

Dr. Peter J.
(04:01) |
Forest Research: How does it help us?
Pete Roussopoulos is the Director of the
USDA Forest Service
Southern Research Station and in that role, he manages forestry
research at 18 laboratories across 13 Southern States. AFOA members who
attended our 2000 Annual Meeting at Auburn, Alabama will remember that
the George W. Andrews Forestry Sciences Laboratory hosted a Friday field
trip and a Saturday workshop. Most of us may not be able to describe any
specific research work that has been useful to us in the management of
our forests, and yet we know that we don't use the same techniques today
for planting pines or regenerating hardwoods that were used 25 years
ago. Research is often unappreciated because we have adopted its
recommendations so readily.
Take time to look at a few of the thousands of publications derived from
research at the Southern Research Station,
Here. Then type in any of the following topics in the
Description box of the Focused Search area on the
lower-left of your screen and click on Submit Query.
Try searching for:
southern pine beetle
Dr. Roussopoulos also recommends a review of
Forest Landowners' Guide to the Federal Income Tax - Ag Handbook # 718.
Phone: (828) 257-4300
Email: proussopoulos@fs.fed.us

Dr. Honorio F. Carino
(08:12) |
Older is Better
Honorio F. Carino is Professor of Forest Products
Production/Operations Management at
University. He and Dr. Evangelos Biblis have done a study that
examined the volume and value of lumber that might be expected to be
produced from 25 to 50 year-old loblolly pine plantations. Based on
Summer 2000 prices, they found that stumpage values of the 25 year
old sawtimber would be about $250 per thousand board feet,
while the stumpage value of the 50 year-old sawtimber was worth
about $450
per thousand board feet. The research suggests that sawmill stumpage
buyers should pay less for young trees and more for older trees. In a
parallel vein, forest owners should be sure to market their older (and
more valuable) trees to mills that appreciate high quality.
Phone: (334) 844-1090
Email: carinhf@auburn.edu

Dr. Terry R. Clason
(13:14) |
Pruning Pines Improves Quality
Dr. Terry Clason is a research forester at Hill Farm Research
Station, Homer, Louisiana.
A few months ago
he was a guest on Capital Ideas - Live! describing the effect that
tree planting spacing would have on the value and timing of future
thinning operations. Today he discusses the value of pruning
loblolly pines (click
here to view "how-to" slides) to improve timber quality and
Click here to read a paper on a
financial evaluation of thinning and pruning. Gulf States Paper
Company, owner of a sawmill, has been pruning thousands of acres of pine
plantations for several years. Pruning may be an economical choice for
landowners who process their pruned logs at their own sawmills, but for
those of us who don't own a sawmill, pruning may not be a rational
activity at this time. To be of value to most Alabama forest owners,
pruning may need the assist of a "Pruning Certification" system that
does not now exist in the U.S.
Click here for a glimpse of Pruning Certification in New Zealand.
Phone: (318) 927-2578
Email: tclason@agctr.lsu.edu

Beth W. Richardson
(17:08) |
Poultry Litter as Forest Fertilizer
Beth Richardson
is an Area forester with Clemson University Extension Service in
Orangeburg, South Carolina. She recently conducted a workshop for forest
owners on the use of poultry litter as a forest fertilizer. In a brief
paper on the subject (click
here), Beth includes considerations of tax deductions as well as
expected points on timing of application, advantages and disadvantages.
For forest owners in Cullman and other areas of Alabama where poultry
litter is available, her ideas will be useful.
suggests a visit to the bugwood fertilization web page.
Phone: (803) 534-6280
Email: mrchrds@clemson.edu

Dr. Robert G. Haight
(21:49) |
Forest Structure Affects Wildlife
Dr. Robert G. Haight
and Dr. Stephen DeStefano are the co-editors of a new book entitled
Forest Wildlife-Habitat Relationships: Population and Community Responses
to Forest Management. The structure of the forest environment -
big trees vs. small trees, closed canopy vs. forest openings - and how
structural differences affect various wildlife species are examined by
the authors of the 26 papers included in the 288 page book. We wonder
what affect the pruning activities discussed by Terry Clason (above) or
the lengthening of stand rotation ages discussed by Honorio Carino
(above) might have on wildlife populations?
Click here to review the titles of the included papers and/or order the
Cost: $57. Published by the Society of American Foresters.
Phone: (651) 649-5178
Email: rhaight@fs.fed.us

Henry Barclay, III
(25:37) |
Judge Quashes Tax Advantages for Limited
Liability Entities!
Henry Barclay,
CPA and forest tax expert at
Lehmann, Ullman and Barclay, LLP, Birmingham, Alabama, recently
brought to our attention two cases where a U.S. Tax Court Judge has
denied certain tax advantages enjoyed by Limited Liability Entities.
Many forest owners have formed LLEs in the past few years and many more
are considering forming them to take advantage of the gifting discounts
that LLEs have made possible. Henry urges you and your tax advisor to
review the Hackl and Harper cases that he has described (click
Phone: (205) 328-5966
Email: henryb@lub.com

Wade Camp
(29:43) |
Lumber Sales Predict Stumpage Markets
Wade Camp follows
regional and global lumber markets for the
Southern Forest
Products Association. He discusses stumpage values and their
relationship to lumber prices and gives us an idea of the 2002 market
outlook for southern pine.
Food for thought:
Pine beetle outbreak stuns officials
(link no longer works)
Investors Buy Irish Paper Company
(link no longer works)
Russian Cabinet Approves Timber Industry Development Blueprint
(link no longer works)
Fire Season Includes Summer in Virginia ; Gypsy Moths Creating Fall-LIKE
(link no longer works)
Phone: (504) 443-4464
Email: wcamp@sfpa.org
Issues and Topics AFOA is
To suggest an issue or a
topic for a future news conference,
please send an email note to AFOA by clicking here. |
- National or Federal Issues
EPA Proposed Water Quality Trading
- Energy Bill
- CCA Treated Southern Pine Lumber
- EPA Basin Projects
- Forest Certification
- 2002 Farm Bill
- Energy Crisis & Federal Eminent
- Red Hills Salamander
- Constitutional Revision/Tax Reform
- County Zoning
- Right to Farm & Practice Forestry
- Illegal Dumping
- Delaney Family Current-Use Case
- JeffCo Storm Water Management Program
- Current Use Tax Assessment Rates
- Local Harvesting Restrictions & Road
Weight Limits
- Bridge Repairs & the Alabama Trust
- Dog Hunting & Hunter Trespass
- Seasonal Forest and Wildlife
Management Tips
- Southern Pine Beetle: Salvage &
- Forest Fertilization
- Intensive Forest Management
- Long Rotation Management & Natural
- Palm Pilots & Forest Records
- Useful Computer Software
- Industry Consolidation & Timber
- Stumpage & Forest Product Markets
- Forestland For Sale
- Wood Buying Policies During SPB
- Alabama's Pine Straw Wholesale Market
- Minerals, Gas & Oil Activity
- Recreational Businesses for Forest