January 2002 News Conference for Forest Owners
Sponsored by Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.
Conference was recorded Wednesday,
January 16, 2002.
Scroll Down for
Conference Guest Information

Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00) |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this
news conference. Hayes' email address is
Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.

Gary Palmer
Home Rule --
What does it mean to forest owners?
Gary Palmer
is president of the
Policy Institute. He has expressed concerns about forming a
constitutional convention to rewrite Alabama's Constitution and has
pointed out that
constitutional reform
boils down to two issues: taxes and home rule. Forest owners
might wonder, What could be wrong with home rule? Shouldn't we want less
centralized government? Wouldn't it be better if more government
decisions were made "closer to home?"
recent column from Gary Palmer
Phone: (205) 870-9900

Mel Harkrader Pine
(05:07) |
Attack on Treated Lumber Harms Our Timber Market, But...
Is it safe?
Mel Pine is Director of Communications and State Government
Relations for the
American Wood Preservers Institute. He has the tough job of
helping us through an environmental scare that has caused people to fear
using lumber that has been treated with
Chromated Copper Arsenate
Forest owners interests are
two-fold: On the one hand, we are concerned that 40% of southern pine
lumber is CCA-treated, so our timber income depends heavily on the
continued sales of treated lumber. On the other hand, we use treated
lumber around our homes and we want to be sure it is safe for our
families and livestock. Mel suggests a visit to the following web
Phone: (703) 204-0500
Email: mpine@awpi.org

Dr. Robert Tufts
Estate Planning
Robert Tufts, is an Associate
Professor in the
School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences at Auburn University.
Dr. Tufts' academic interests range from timber harvesting and design of
woods roads to helping forest owners understand estate planning
techniques that might reduce gift and estate taxes. He discusses the
changes in the estate tax laws that occurred last year and suggests we
spend time at the following web sites:
Phone: (334) 844-1011
Email: tuftsra@auburn.edu

Dr. Terry R. Clason
Spacing of
Planted Trees Controls Income
Dr. Clason
teaches and studies agroforestry and silviculture at the
Hill Farm Research Station. In a no nonsense practical approach,
he has been questioning the logic of planting large numbers of pine
seedlings per acre. He points out that widely spaced seedlings will grow
into higher value products sooner than their closely spaced neighbors,
but cautions us to employ the best tree planting techniques available
to prevent large gaps in our timber stands caused by seedling mortality.
Dr. Clason will be in Mobile, Alabama on
February 16 to speak to the members of the
Alabama Cattlemen's Association.
Phone: (318) 927-2578
Email: tclason@agctr.lsu.edu

Brian W. Kramer
New Handbook
on Forest Road Construction
Brian Kramer is a registered professional engineer and a senior
instructor in the Forest Engineering Department in the College of
Forestry at Oregon State University. His new handbook,
Forest Road Contracting, Construction, and Maintenance for Small Forest
Woodland Owners, should be especially useful to forest owners in
north Alabama counties where the terrain, though not as rough as
Oregon's, presents road building and maintenance problems.
Brian stresses the importance of:
- Traffic Control
- Good Drainage
- Sub-Grade Stability
To order a copy, write to Forestry
Communications Group, Oregon State University, 256 Peavy Hall,
Corvallis, Oregon 97331-5704 or call (541) 737-4271 or send email to
forspub@cof.orst.edu. Cost is $5.
Phone: (541) 737-4952
Email: brian.kramer@orst.edu

Travis E. Ford
Preventing Timber
Travis Ford
is the Chief Investigator for the
Forestry Commission. He investigates timber thefts of many
types, but today he will present ideas on preventing theft when:
- a neighbor's logger cuts over onto
your side of the property line, or;
- timber is stolen by your logger or an
employee of your logger.
Travis also suggests that you and your
lawyer review the Alabama law passed about 2 years ago that removed the
requirement that stolen timber be removed from your property "knowingly
and willfully." The law penalizes the thief with a fine (paid to the
Forestry Commission) of double the fair market value and might make it
easier for landowners to recover losses in civil court.
Click here to read the law.
Phone: (256) 315-5077
Email: fordt@forestry.state.al.us

Jim Bradford
Quail Hunters
and Landowners Share Interests
Jim Bradford is president of
Alabama Quail Hunters, Inc. The group meets at 7:00 PM on the
second Tuesday of each month at Lloyd's Restaurant on US 280 near
Birmingham. From a visitor's perspective, their meetings are
refreshing and light-hearted, and they really enjoy talking and
learning about quail hunting and management. You might enjoy their
company when in town.
Phone: (205) 910-0845
Email: sunbrad@msn.com

Dr. George Kessler
Master Tree
Farmer Seminars Begin in February
Dr. George Kessler is a professor of forestry at Clemson
and has become famous in forestry circles as the producer of the
Master Tree Farmer Satellite Broadcast Series. A new
Advanced Master Tree Farmer
seven-part series will begin on February 5 and we are sure you
will find it educational and useful in your search for knowledge.
Registration in Alabama for the entire series costs $90 per person or
$125 per couple with a discount of $20 if paid by January 22. A huge
(900 pages) loose-leaf resource book is included in the registration
The topic schedule is as follows:
- Managing the Forest Site 2/5/02
- Silviculture Prescriptions 2/12/02
- Controlling Unwanted Vegetation
- Forest Health 2/26/02
- An Introduction to Best Management
Practices 3/5/02
- Forest Measurements and Forest
Products 3/12/02
- Advanced Wildlife Management
Concepts- Managing for Deer, Turkey and Quail 3/19/02
More Program and Registration Details:
Phone: (864) 656-4836
Email: gksslr@clemson.edu
Issues and Topics AFOA is
To suggest an issue or a
topic for a future news conference,
please send an email note to AFOA by clicking here. |
- CCA Treated Southern Pine Lumber
- EPA Basins Projects
- Constitutional Revision/Tax Reform
- Forest Certification
- 2002 Farm Bill
- Energy Crisis & Federal Eminent Domain
- Palm Pilots & Forest Records
- Red Hills Salamander
- County Zoning
- Right to Farm & Practice Forestry
- Illegal Dumping
- Industry Consolidation & Timber Markets
- Stumpage & Forest Product Markets
- Seasonal Forest and Wildlife Management
- Forestland For Sale
- Repeal of Estate Tax
- Forest Taxation: Income, Estate, &
- Southern Pine Beetle: Salvage &
- Wood Buying Policies During SPB
Section 631(b) Capital Gains Tax Change
- Delaney Family Current-Use Case
- JeffCo Storm Water Management Program
- Alabama's Pine Straw Wholesale Market
- Useful Computer Software
- Forest Fertilization
- Intensive Forest Management
- Long Rotation Management & Natural
- Minerals, Gas & Oil Activity
- Recreational Businesses for Forest
- Current Use Tax Assessment Rates
- Local Harvesting Restrictions & Road
Weight Limits
- Bridge Repairs & the Alabama Trust Fund
- Dog Hunting & Hunter Trespass
- and more