Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.                 Advocate for the Forest Owner

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Archived 2010 News, Issues & Information

(12/28/10) For Landowner Early Adopters: The Swinglet CAM -- a remote controlled plane with 12 megapixel camera with the ability to fly to pre-programmed location and gather images over pre-programmed course. There ought to be business potential here as SenseFly has no U.S. dealers. Be sure to watch the video.

(12/23/10) The same group (Institute for Justice) that has been fighting misuse of government's power of eminent domain has helped a group in Colorado. Watch their brief and funny video. Their problem may have some interest to landowners fighting the home-rule campaigns in various Alabama counties.

(12/17/10) Bambi Hunting --  A Potential New Form of Land Use.

(12/13/10) Louisiana Office of Forestry Laying Off Foresters and Fire Fighters. Source:, 12/4/10

(11/29/10) More land is made every day; but where will the buyers come from? -- an essay by Jonathan Goode on, 11/23/10

(11/23/10) Make Good On Tea Party Rhetoric By Selling Federal Lands. Source:, 11/18/10

(11/18/10) Lame-Duck Caution from H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D., a Senior Fellow at the National Center for Policy Analysis. Click here for a text version of his comments. Dr. Burnett was keynote speaker at AFOA's 2010 Annual Meeting in Atmore.

(11/9/10) "...University of Georgia Cooperative Extension has lost 23 percent of its state funding," and has "...eliminated...88 county Extension agents and 26 specialists and administrator positions." Source:, 10/22/10

(10/28/10) Federal Agency Calls Time-out in Its Game to Increase Federal Lands in Alabama. "I wholeheartedly oppose the expansion and think this proposal should be dropped altogether."  "I hope the six-month re-evaluation will show Fish and Wildlife Service the error of their ways and they will completely abandon this proposal." Senator Richard Shelby as quoted in The Birmingham News, 10/26/10. Perhaps USF&WS believes landowners will lose interest in 6 months and their plan to expand federal control of land in central Alabama will move forward without incident. ??

(10/20/10) Alabama Under No Burn Order. "Burning anywhere in the state while a no-burn order is in effect without first obtaining a burn permit from the Forestry Commission can bring up to a $1,000 fine and up to six months in jail." Source: Shelby County Reporter, 10/19/10. (11/5/10) "Fire Alert Lifted for all 67 Alabama Counties" Source: Alabama Forestry Commission press release

(10/01/10) “I unequivocally oppose this attempt at a giant federal land grab by the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS),” said Shelby. “If FWS continues to push this egregious and unjustified expansion, I will do all in my power to ensure its failure. We are already making great efforts to protect the Cahaba River watershed, as we should be, but this proposal is simply a bridge too far lacking any legitimate justification whatsoever. Pure and simple, this is an overreach by the federal government that I will fight.” Source: Richard Shelby, United States Senator of Alabama website Newsroom. About 200 landowners applauded Shelby's statement when it was read at the organizational meeting of the Cahaba Landowners Association in Brent, Alabama on Thursday, September 30. We wonder if Senator Jeff Sessions and Representative Spencer Bachus have plans to make similar unambiguous statements?

(09/18/10) Comments on Federal Land Acquisition in Central Alabama -- Sept. 2, 2010, Brent, Alabama

Watch several more comments from landowners and others at the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service's September 2 Public Meeting in Brent, Alabama. Landowners from the impacted area have formed the Cahaba River Landowners Association. They will meet at the Sawmeal Restaurant in Brent on September 30 from 5 to 7:30 PM. All are welcome to attend. A web page will be developed at For more information, contact Brent Belcher at (205) 926-4666 or

(08/06/10) Federal Government Proposes Huge Expansion of Land Ownership and Control in Central Alabama. Draft environmental assessment contains details. Based on a quick calculation using the NAFO/F2M report, Economic Impact of Privately-Owned Forests, the 106,415 acre land acquisition will cost Alabama 702 jobs, $22.8 million in annual payroll contributions, $778,958 in state tax contributions each year, $67 million in annual sales, and $26 million in Gross Domestic Product every year. What the cost will be for the reduced productivity caused by the conservation easement lockup of an additional 173,380 acres is not known, but will likely be a considerable amount. The public comment period has been extended from August 6 to September 7. Plan to attend Public Meeting on September 2 in Bibb County.

(07/02/10) Six Months to Go Until the Largest Tax Hikes in History. Source: National Center for Policy Analysis Daily Policy Digest, 7/2/10

(06/18/10) Conservation Easements: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly Source:

(06/09/10) Alabama Forestry Commission continues its efforts to stop timber theft with arrest of Etowah County man. Source: AFC Press Release 6/9/10

(04/27/10) Did you or someone you know miss the 2010 AFOA Annual Meeting or would you like to see or hear one of the topics again? Find out what you missed at this year's Annual Meeting by visiting the 2010 Annual Meeting page. Video, Powerpoint Slides, and speaker bios will be available for much of the meeting as we process and publish them to the website. Let us know if having this available was helpful and informative or...

(03/21/10) Will Your Forestland Soon Begin Paying Medicare Taxes? That's a possibility under the proposed healthcare reform bill, according the the National Center for Policy Analysis.

(03/15/10) $1,000 per Landowner Available to Trap Feral Hogs in the following counties: Baldwin, Covington, Coffee, Crenshaw, Dale, Geneva, Lowndes, Macon, Mobile, and Wilcox. Deadline to apply for 2010 funding: 3/24/10. Source: NRCS Press Release 3/15/10.

(01/04/10) Pulpwood prices are up, according to Forest2Mill News, January 2010.