Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.                 Advocate for the Forest Owner

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SEPTEMBER 2014 News Conference for Forest Owners
Sponsored by the Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.
This Conference was recorded on September 17, 2014

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This conference is in .mp3 format, which is compatible with Windows Media Player and most other media devices.

Hayes D. Brown   Alabama Forest Owners' Association

Hayes D. Brown

starting time: (00:00)


Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this news conference. Hayes' email address is

Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.


Dr. Terry L. Anderson

Hear Conference


A Property Rights Approach

Terry Anderson is the former President and Executive Director of the Property and Environment Research Center (PERC), a think tank devoted to solving environmental problems with an idea he created called Free Market Environmentalism. From the PERC website -- Free Market Environmentalism emphasizes three important points:

  • Markets, property rights, and the rule of law are fundamental to economic growth, and economic growth is fundamental to improving environmental quality. There is a strong correlation between treatment of the environment and standards of living.
  • Property rights make the environment an asset rather than a liability by giving owners an incentive for stewardship.
  • Markets and the process of exchange give people who have different ideas and values regarding the use of natural resources a way of cooperating rather than fighting. When cooperation supplants conflict, gains from trade emerge.

Terry and co-author Gary Libecap have recently written a book entitled Environmental Markets: A Property Rights Approach. We ask him today to relate the book to the interests of private forest owners in Alabama.

We also ask Dr. Anderson to describe a project he is working on to document conservation benefits that flow from private land stewardship. The results will be interesting to all private forest owners who have long produced conservation benefits that are unfairly claimed by public agencies and NGOs as their own.

Phone: (406) 587-9591


Dr. Bernard Kliska

Hear Conference


The Value of Family Retreats

Bernard Kliska is a licensed family therapist and Consultant of the Family Business Consulting Group, Inc. If your family forestland encompasses enough acres to be a business in its own right, you and your family business participants may need to step back once in a while to take a breath and see where you are going. We read Dr. Kliska's 7/1/14 blog on family retreats and knew that some of the members of the Alabama Forest Owners' Association would benefit from his advice.

A few excerpts from his blog:

  • a family retreat should be a time to align values
  • have some fun
  • held in an informal setting
  • have a facilitator to help guide the family with their interaction
  • a good idea .. can fall flat or even become an occasion for family flare-ups -
       so what makes for a good family retreat?
    • Develop a Defined Outcome
    • Be Thoroughly Prepared
    • Bring Solid Content
    • Ensure Effective Process
  • an opportunity to prevent confusion, dissension and conflict

Phone: (312) 988-9328


Melisa V. Love

Hear Conference



Lisa Love is President of Forestry Consultants, Inc. and Vice Chairman of the Bradley/Murphy Forestry and Natural Resources Extension Trust. Long interested in improving public knowledge of the consulting forestry profession, Lisa has untaken a huge project for the Bradley/Murphy Trust. She has created a website,, that will contain professional and biographical information on all the consulting foresters in Alabama. The list will contain contact information and a biographical sketch for each consultant in each county where the consultant seeks clients. Future plans include providing professional assistance with each consultants bio-sketches and also producing a brief video introduction for each consultant.

BUT RIGHT NOW, Lisa would like you to visit to use it, test it, and critique what you find there. Remember the goals of the site are: 1) to make it easy for consulting foresters to introduce themselves to forest landowners, and 2) to make it easy for landowners to select the consulting foresters that they believe will help them accomplish their forest management goals.

If you are a landowner: When the "Alabama Consulting Forester Directory" opens up, begin typing in the name of the county where your land is located. Select your county and the names of foresters who seek work in that county will appear. Is the contact information easy to use? Could you easily find the foresters phone number? Were the bio-sketches well written? easy to read? Did you learn enough about the foresters in your county that you would feel comfortable contacting one or more to help you with your forest management work? Send your comments to Lisa at

If you are a consulting forester: When the "Alabama Consulting Forester Directory" opens up, select the "Forester Signup" tab and complete the form. Was the signup process easy to use? Do you think landowners will know enough about you to consider hiring you? If you need to edit information after completing the form, are you able to go back into your account to make desired changes? Send your comments to Lisa at

Phone: (334) 745-7530


Kip Adams

Hear Conference


Fun in the Woods for Kids

Kip Adams is a Certified Wildlife Biologist and Director of Education and Outreach for the Quality Deer Management Association. He is aware that hunter numbers continue to decline in the U.S. and works in a variety of ways to reduce the decline. His efforts to make deer hunting trips fun for his own kids may give you ideas on how to make visits to your forestland fun for your kids (at least the little ones). His daughter, Katie, made list of things that make deer hunting fun. Who knows, with Katie's list and some added ideas on how to make boundary line painting or trail building fun, your kids might want to own and manage your forestland someday.

Katie's List from Make Deer Hunting Fun for Kids, Quality Whitetails, August/September 2014.

  • Putting on camo face paint
  • Wearing camo clothes
  • Spraying for scent-control
  • Playing cards in the blind
  • Carrying (and using) game calls and grunt tubes
  • Word searches
  • Coloring books
  • Sharing snacks
  • Playing “What bird is singing?”
  • Playing “What bird will sing next?”
  • Playing “Where will the next deer come from?”
  • No deer moving? Playing “Where will the next squirrel come from?”
  • Taking photos

Phone: (814) 326-4023


Andy Callahan

Hear Conference


Pine Straw Harvesting

Andy Callahan is an Area Forest Supervisor in Alabama and Mississippi for Soterra, LLC. Andy called us last month when we sent out an email to members and others in Dallas County looking for pine straw harvesters. He said Soterra was just getting started buying and raking straw and was looking for landowners interested in selling their straw. He explained that pine stands that haven't been raked usually need some cleaning up before the harvesting can begin. In fact it might take 2 or 3 years of prescribed burns and herbicide applications before the straw is clean enough to rake. Because Soterra will have invested money in the cleaning process, Andy said they are interested in long-term contracts with serious sellers.

For Further Listening & Reading on Pine Straw from Capital Ideas - Live!:

Webinar - October 9, 2014: Manage Your Forest for Pine Straw, Rake in the Profits
Short Course - November 5-6, 2014: Pine Straw Production - Stand Management and Economics

Phone: (251) 275-2355 ext 24


Joel S. Martin

Hear Conference


Solon Dixon Forestry Education Center -- AFOA Annual Meeting 2015

Joel Martin is Director of the Solon Dixon Forestry Education Center located in Covington County, about midway between Andalusia and Brewton on US 29. While we haven't put together an agenda for the April 17 & 18, 2015 Annual Meeting, you might expect tours of forestland and forest industry on Friday and indoor and outdoor learning sessions at the Dixon Center on Saturday. There have been a lot of changes and improvements to the classrooms and sleeping accommodations since we last met at the Dixon Center for our 17th Annual Meeting in 1998. However, overnight space is still limited. If you plan to stay at the Center on Friday night, make reservations for hotel style rooms or bunkhouse rooms as soon as possible. When sleeping space runs out at the Center: Hotels in Andalusia are: Best Western (334) 222-9999, Comfort Inn (334) 222-8891, Days Inn & Suites (334) 427-0050, Econo Lodge (334) 222-7511, and the Holiday Inn Express (334) 222-2740. Hotels in Brewton are: Ramada Brewton (251) 867-5741 and Quality Inn (251) 867-9999.

What to do on Friday? We'll probably organize a visit to some managed forestland, maybe the Escambia Experimental Forest, and some folks will probably take a look at one or more of the local forest industry companies: perhaps T. R. Miller Mill or Georgia-Pacific. Some may want to avoid the crowds and enjoy a long walk or mountain bike ride up to the Conecuh River or a shorter walk or ride over to the big sink hole on the 5,300 acres of the Dixon Center. Maps are available (bring bug spray and a hat; woods boots and long pants are probably a good idea, too) You might also consider a visit to the Conecuh National Forest, the Geneva State Forest (Alabama), the Blackwater State Forest (Florida), or Canoe the Blackwater River with Adventures Unlimited. Destin, Fort Walton and Pensacola are within 1.5 hours of the Center. Dauphin Island Sea Lab – The State of Alabama’s Marine Science Institute and Gulf Island National Seashore are "local" research and education resources. On Friday evening, we'll all gather at the Dixon Center for a reception and dinner (maybe a hotdog roast) - a good time to share the day's activities with others or just cover lost ground since last seeing old friends at past AFOA Annual Meetings.

On Saturday we'll schedule lots of experts on a wide variety of topics that should help you manage and enjoy your forestland. We'll take advantage of the classrooms and auditoriums used by university professors at the Center, but we also will use the woods right out the door for tree and shrub identification and timber cruising/forest measurements instructions. Some of the topics we covered in 1998 were Boundary Line Marking, Longleaf Management, Forest Taxation & Estate Planning, Forest Herbicides, Timber Cruising & Valuation, Wildlife Food Plots, Legal Aspects of Timber Sales, Mapping and Area Measurements -- not bad topics to give the meeting planners a baseline.

To make reservations for sleeping accommodations at the Dixon Center, contact Teresa Cannon at (334) 222-7779 or send your request to Annual Meeting Registration information will not be available from AFOA until January 2015 and will be sent to members in the monthly newsletter, Capital Ideas.

Phone: (334) 222-7779


Tim Logozzo, Sr.

Hear Conference


Private Fire Suppression Services

Tim Logozzo is CEO and Co-Owner with his wife, Karla, of Wild Fire Services, Inc., based in Yakima, Washington. When we read Risk Takers: Wild Fire Services provides firefighters on demand in the Yakima Herald, 9/8/14, and remembered You Can Pay Me Now, Or Pay Me Later, an editorial about tightening state budgets, in Alabama Forests, Summer 2014, we thought perhaps there is another way to protect our forestland from wildfires that doesn't require full-time state employees, rain or shine, in every county. Tim and Karla Logozzo send crews out to fight wild fires, but they also keep their crews and equipment busy between wild fires, thinning stands to reduce fire hazard and conducting prescribed burns. 

Perhaps the private fire suppression model being employed in the Pacific Northwest won't work here in Alabama, but we know the old Alabama fire suppression model has already changed a lot in the past 25 years and is likely to change a lot more in coming years. Tim Logozzo's successful business offers us ideas on how to change with the times.   

Phone: (509) 949-2825


Daniel E. Stuber, IV

Hear Conference


Timber Market Report

Daniel Stuber is Vice President, Analytic Services for Forest2Market, a firm that offers, among other things, stumpage pricing services to forest landowners. Daniel was a guest of Capital Ideas - Live! two years ago under the headline: Construction Up...Sawtimber Prices Down? While it might appear on the surface that not much has changed in pine sawtimber markets, the housing market has improved since 2012, with total starts hovering around one-million per year. On the other hand, the continued reduction in pine sawtimber clearcuts, which also contain pulpwood and topwood, has reduced pulpwood supply and resulted in strong pine pulpwood prices. Daniel doesn't give us much near-term hope for better pine sawtimber prices, but suggests that those of us who hold stands of pine pulpwood might be prepared to thin a bit sooner and more heavily to take advantage of anticipated price increases.

Phone: (704) 540-1440 ext 1



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