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AUGUST 2008 News Conference for Forest Owners
Sponsored by the Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.
This Conference was recorded on AUGUST 20, 2008.

to Listen to the
This conference is in .mp3 format, which is compatible with Windows Media Player and most other media devices.

Hayes D. Brown   Alabama Forest Owners' Association

Hayes D. Brown

starting time: (00:00)


Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this news conference. Hayes' email address is

Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.


Dr. Rebecca L. Moore

Hear Conference

Clean Water, Clean Air: What are they worth?

Rebecca Moore is Assistant Professor of Natural Resource Economics at the University of Georgia. Dr. Moore is heading up a project that will "quantify the value, in monetary terms, of the non-timber benefits of forest ecosystem services." The two-year project is funded by the Georgia Forestry Foundation. Foundation Executive Director Steve McWilliams said, "Forest landowners do not get near the credit they deserve for the contributions of their timberlands to the environment, a fact which this research will clearly demonstrate." McWilliams continued, "Georgia's elected officials and other policy makers are operating in a vacuum without this information when they make decisions ... about land use, taxes, and other forest-related issues."

Weblinks recommended by Dr. Moore:

Phone: (706)583-8932


Dr. Barry D. Shiver

Hear Conference

Timber Inventory -- Is it worth the expense?

Barry Shiver is a principal in ForesTech International, LLC, a firm that is "actively engaged in research and development of decision making tools and information systems supporting management of forestry investments."

"What is your current timber inventory? How many pine sawtimber stems are currently growing on your property? Where are they located and how much are they worth? How many pre-merchantable pine stands do you have on your property? How old are they, how dense are they, how much competition is growing in these stands? When do you expect your pre-merchantable pine stands to be ready for a fertilization treatment or a woody release treatment or a first thinning? How many stands of timber do you have that were thinned in the past three years? Where are they, how much timber volume do they currently contain, should they be thinned again and if so, when? If you are in the timber growing business, these questions go on and on, and if you cannot answer these questions, you are in the same boat as most timberland business owners." Source: Timber Inventory: Managing Timberlands in the Southern U.S. The article was originally published in Forest Landowner, a publication of the Forest Landowners Association.

A Comparison of Forest Inventory Methods, September 9-10, Athens, Georgia

Phone: (706) 534-2419


Dr. James E. Henderson

Hear Conference

Uneven- versus Even-Aged Management

James Henderson leads the state-wide forestry extension education program in forest economics and management at Mississippi State University. As you are well aware, forest owners are pulled and tugged in many different directions by our advisors and by users of our land. A consultant forester may try to sell you on longleaf management, while a paper company forester urges growing loblolly pine for quick return on investment. Hunters want more food plots, and hikers want less logging. One extension agent says even-aged management is the way to go; another says uneven-aged management is best. Who do we listen to? Dr. Henderson recently wrote an article on the latter two tugs and pulls -- Uneven- versus Even-Aged Management -- that should help you with your decision-making. The article was originally published in Forest Landowner, a publication of the Forest Landowners Association.

Phone: (662) 325-0754


R. Kevin McIntyre

Hear Conference

Stoddard-Neel Approach to Forest Management

Kevin McIntyre is Education Coordinator, at the Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center at Ichauway. The Center "seeks to understand, to demonstrate, and to promote excellence in natural resource management and conservation on the landscape of the southeastern coastal plain of the United States." Leon Neel and Herbert Stoddard will be remembered for their "approach" to forest management. "The SNA is unique not for the specific silvicultural tools utilized, but rather for the focus on maintaining the forest ecosystem with all its components, intact and in perpetuity."  "The SNA relies on single tree selection as its basic tool." Source: New Jones Center 30+ page publication entitled Multiple Value Management: The Stoddard-Neel Approach to Ecological Forestry in Longleaf Pine Grasslands. Read on line or contact Kevin for a paper copy.

A Google Search on "Stoddard-Neel Approach" found the following:
 o  The Longleaf Pine Ecosystem: Ecology, Silviculture, and Restoration
 o  Balancing Ecosystem Values: Innovative Experiments for Sustainable Forestry

Phone: (229) 734-4706


Jane Eckert

Hear Conference

Successful Marketing of Agritourism

Jane Eckert, CEO of Eckert AgriMarketing, Inc., wants "the family farm - the backbone of our country's heritage - to thrive and survive for future generations." Jane, author of several books on agritourism, has developed a web page at that is designed to help landowners and agribusinesses market their products. Whether it's a pumpkin patch, a winery, bed & breakfast, farmers market, or you-name-it, Rural Bounty helps put buyers and sellers together. It goes without saying that in 2008, a tourist business without a website is doomed, so Eckert AgriMarketing helps agritourism businesses setup their own websites -- Alabama landowners who have developed hunting lodges, fishing camps, and ATV trails should consider working with Jane to open the door to a wider audience.

Phone: (314) 862-6288


Ed Mumm

Hear Conference

Dig This

Ed Mumm is the Founder and Owner of Dig This, an outdoor adventure and learning center for big kids in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. From the August 2, 2008 Wall Street Journal: "A few years ago, Ed Mumm bought a piece of property in this stunning ski town and rented an excavator to clear the land. Scooping dirt by the ton, tossing boulders like pebbles, Mr. Mumm had an epiphany: This was fun. And then another: People might pay to do this. Three years and $500,000 later, Mr. Mumm, 42 years old, spends his days draping orange vests around wealthy thrill-seekers at Dig This, which he bills as the first, and only, heavy-equipment playground in the U.S."

When AFOA read about Mumm's creation, we thought our members would like to dig with Ed in his giant sandbox. We also thought Mumm should expand into logging equipment such as skidders and grapple loaders. But that's a bit out there yet...

Phone: 1-888-DIG-THIS


Robert S. Simpson

Hear Conference

Tree Farm Endorsed by PEFC

Bob Simpson is Senior Vice President, American Forest Foundation (AFF), Center for Family Forests. The American Tree Farm System (ATFS), which lives under the AFF umbrella, has been a long-time "good forest management" recognition program since its inception in 1941. Now the ATFS has been given the official endorsement of the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC), an organization that "promotes an internationally credible framework for forest certification schemes and initiatives in European countries. Bob will explain how he believes the endorsement will help U.S. forest products companies and U.S. forest landowners.

Phone: (202) 463-2458


Paul Jannke

Hear Conference

Underlying Market Strong

Paul Jannke is Senior Vice President, Wood and Timber Information at RISI, an organization that "provides news, prices, forecasts and analysis on the global forest products industry, including pulp and paper, tissue, wood products and timber." In a recent paper entitled RISI ECONOMISTS: Are we nearing the end of the current downturn in North American softwood lumber consumption?, Jannke concludes, "While total North American softwood lumber consumption will remain low in 2009, the markets will be rebounding and growth accelerating (especially towards the end of the year). This should set 2010 up to be a good year for lumber markets."

Phone: (781) 734-8929
