Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.                 Advocate for the Forest Owner

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August 2005 News Conference for Forest Owners Sponsored by Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc. Conference was recorded August 17, 2005.

to Listen to the

This conference and all future conferences will be in the .mp3 format, which is compatible with Windows Media Player and most other media devices.

Hayes D. Brown

starting time: (00:00)


Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this news conference. Hayes' email address is

Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.


Matt Bennett


Bowater Creates Problems for All Landowners

Matt Bennett is Vice President of Sales for Emmet Vaughn Lumber Company located in Maryville, Tennessee. He's figured out what's really going on among big landowners and environmentalist groups. On June 29, 2005, Bowater signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Dogwood Alliance, and the Natural Resources Defense Council that pledged Bowater to several meaningless, politically correct policies that won't affect their bottom line but might affect yours. "In return," Bennett observes, "these two groups agreed to stop bad-mouthing Bowater and tell everyone what good guys they are." However, Bennett notes that Bowater has been a good corporate and environmentally conscious citizen for decades. So, why would Bowater go through this charade?

Bowater has agreed to:

  • Not convert hardwood forests to pine plantations
  • Not buy pine pulpwood from landowners who converted hardwood to pine after 2007
  • Not aerially apply herbicides within 300 feet of their property line


Phone: (865) 577-7577


Frank Stewart


Energy Bill - Another Example of Hand-outs and Subsidies...ho hum

Frank Stewart is the contract lobbyist for the Forest Landowners Association.  On July 29, 2005, the Energy Bill was signed, and it is a sad example of the way we, both Congress and the citizens of this country, attempt to solve problems. Frank thinks he's found a few good apples in this stinking barrel, and he's here to tell us about it.

Use THOMAS to get more information on the Bill:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter the Energy Bill Number (H.R.6) into the "Search Bill Text 109th Congress (2005-2006)" Search field
  3. Click on the "Search" button

Phone: (703) 549-0747


Dr. Loren W. (Wes) Burger, Jr.


Funds Available for CRP Mid-Rotation Forest Management

Wes Burger is an Associate Professor of Wildlife Ecology in the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries at Mississippi State University. According to the latest Farm Service Agency report (6/05), 177,930 acres in Alabama on 4,145 contracts were enrolled in Conservation Reserve Programs. The FSA has approved cost share funding for pruning, prescribed burning, herbicide treatments, etc., but they're not likely to tell you about it - you'll have to ask them.

Approved Treatments

  • Prescribed burning
  • Fertilization
  • Pruning
  • Interseed native plants

CRP Information

 Phone: (662) 325-8782


Edward P. "Buck" Whatley


Strength in Numbers Works in Hale County

Buck Whatley is a landowner and owner of the Magnolia Restaurant in Greensboro, Alabama. In 1989, he successfully organized fellow landowners in Hale County to form a group that grew to represent 64,000 acres! The North Hale County Landowners Association successfully leased to ARCO Gas and Victory Resources for methane gas and oil exploration and drilling, but the group didn't stop there. The group was responsible for having internet services brought to North Hale County and opposed and prevailed in an attempt to annex farm land into town limits (an action which would have raised their taxes and provided few, if any, benefits). Today, Whatley and his fellow landowners are involved with part of the same group in getting a better price for their oil and gas leases.  

Phone: (334) 624-0777


Clint Bentz


Successful Family Meetings

Clint Bentz is a partner with Boldt, Carlisle & Smith, LLC in Stayton, Oregon, a certified public accountant, and the 2002 National Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year. It is dangerous to assume that your heirs will share your vision for the family forestlands after you are gone. They may not know how to practice sound forest management. They might be planning to sell the land. They may not get along! One way to solve these problems and put all fears aside is to plan a structured and "professional" meeting with your family to prevent serious problems that could destroy years of building good family relationships, as well as years of good forest management, after you are gone.

Upcoming Courses in Family Business

Phone: (503) 769-2186


Dr. Mark D. Gibson


You Control Wood Quality

Mark Gibson is the Associate Director of the School of Forestry and a professor at Louisiana Tech University in Ruston, Louisiana. Tree Growth, Forest Management, and Their Implications for Wood Quality, written by John Punches, Oregon State University Extension Service, is just as valid in Alabama as it is in Oregon. Although Punches was writing for a Pacific Northwest audience, the wood growing principles he describes are valid in the South. Gibson, an expert in tree growth/wood quality/wood property relationships, helps us apply those principles to southern pines.

Phone: (318) 257-3036


Dr. Stephen P. Prisley


Highly Rated Computer Mapping Software is Free!

Stephen Prisley is an Associate Professor of Forest Inventory and GIS at the Department of Forestry at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in  Blacksburg, Virginia. If you've been wary to experiment with GIS (geographic information system) software in the past because you're intimidated by cost or difficulty, you should check out fGIS (Forestry GIS). This Freeware GIS Mapping software is available through Digital Grove and is free! Not only that, fGIS was rated highly by Prisley and grad student Aaron Bernard in their review of "small-scale" GIS systems. They found that fGIS is "a stand-alone system for private landowners that need simple, useful ways to perform land management." The fGIS software received high marks in the following categories:

  • Ease of use
  • Ease of installation
  • Attribute table functionality and adaptability
  • Map printing customization capability

Downloadable GIS Data for Alabama

Phone: (540) 231-7674


David Edwards, Jr.


Timely Wildlife Tips

Dave Edwards is a wildlife biologist with Westervelt Wildlife Services in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. For those of us making preparations to plant wildlife food plots this fall, Edwards offers some recommendations on what things to plant. He also offers some deer harvesting strategies on how to determine which does to harvest in order to properly manage for a quality deer herd. In addition, he will talk about infrared census methods to monitor deer herds and how to employ this useful tool.

Phone: (205) 562-5408
