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June 2004 News Conference for Forest Owners Sponsored by Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc. Conference was recorded Wednesday, June 16, 2004.

to Listen to the

This conference and all future conferences will be in the .mp3 format, which is compatible with Windows Media Player and most other media devices.

cilhayes.jpg (3561 bytes)

Hayes D. Brown

starting time: (00:00)


Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner,  will moderate this news conference. Hayes' email address is

Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.


J. Bishop Grewell


Recreation Fees: The Fifth Question

J. Bishop Grewell is a research associate with PERC - Property and Environment Research Center - in Bozeman, Montana. Beginning in 1996, the federal government started raising (and in some cases newly instituting) recreation fees on public lands and using them at the sites where they were collected. This Fee Demonstration Program, which is scheduled to end in 2004, has sparked a debate over ethical and practical issues. In his publication, Recreation Fees - Four Philosophical Questions, Grewell addresses "recreational fee" issues by asking four specific questions related to fairness, double taxation, commercialization, and accountability. Today, AFOA poses a fifth question for Mr. Grewell's and your consideration.

Grewell's Four Philosophical Questions

  1. Will recreation fees price low-income citizens out of access to the public lands?
  2. Will recreation fees commercialize our public lands - ruining the nature experience?
  3. Because public lands are paid for by taxes, do recreation fees amount to unfair, double taxation?
  4. Do recreation fees reduce accountability of federal land agencies to Congress and the public by freeing federal land managers from the appropriations process?

AFOA's Fifth Philosophical Question

  1. Without access fees, isn't government unjustly competing with private landowners in the recreation business?

Additional Information

Phone: (406) 587-9591


Henry Barclay, III, CPA


Forest Fertilization Now Deductible

Henry Barclay is president of Lehmann, Ullman & Barclay, LLP, a firm with three generations of experience assisting the owners of forestland with their income and estate tax problems. Most of us understand the importance of fertilizing farm crops, gardens and lawns, but we've never considered spending money to fertilize our forestland. To make it more difficult, the IRS hasn't allowed us to immediately deduct the expenses of fertilizing established timber stands. But, on June 2, 2004 the IRS issued guidance to clarify that "costs incurred by a timber grower for post-establishment fertilization of an established timber stand are deductible expenses." Henry describes how we might apply this new ruling.

Phone: (205) 328-5966,


Dr. H. Lee Allen


Forest Fertilization Pays Big Dividends

Lee Allen is Co-Director of the Forest Nutrition Cooperative at North Carolina State University's Department of Forestry. The Forest Nutrition Co-op is one of the largest cooperative forest research and education programs in the world and is located in Raleigh, North Carolina. Allen, a soil nutrition expert, explains the purposes of fertilizing stands, how to determine what factors need to be considered when fertilizing stands, and gives details on what types of fertilizers one should use and under what conditions.

Reading Resources

Fertilizer Applicators

Red River Specialties, Inc (205) 664-1077
Helena Chemical Company (334) 875-3814
Woodlands Specialists, Inc. (334) 376-9707
McKinley and Lanier Forest Resources, Inc 1-800-247-0041
UAP Timberlands (706) 453-9042
Add your name to this list: Contact Billy (205) 987-8811

Phone: (919) 515-3500


Stephen J. Hudson


Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace

Stephen Hudson is the managing editor of a "to be written" forestry book that will be the product of a cooperative effort between the Alabama Forestry Commission, the Alabama Forestry Association, and Auburn's School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences. Hudson's goal is to produce a book that will become an important forest management reference guide for forest owners. He expects it to be a companion to the Alabama Wildlife Federation's Managing Wildlife on Private Lands in Alabama and the Southeast.

Stephen comes to us today to ask for our help. We know that Managing Forests on Private Lands in Alabama and the South will end up on most of our desks one day and we know that we will reach for it when we have a question about how to . . .      Please take time right now to read the Draft Outline of the book to see if he has left anything out that you would like included. This is a great opportunity to make an important contribution to forestry in Alabama!

Managing Forests steering committee members

Read the Draft, and then call or write Stephen at:

Phone: (334) 844-1026


Andrew Eills


Can You Hear Me Now?

Andrew Eills is the Shareholder-Director of Gallagher, Callahan & Gartrell in Concord, New Hampshire. Andrew advises telecommunications carriers on local competitive regulatory issues under the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Today Mr. Eills helps us identify important points to be considered when leasing land to cellular carriers. His article, Cell Tower Leases: Revenue Opportunities for Property Owners, answers many general questions such as leasing, security, insurance concerns and more. While new land leasing opportunities are encouraging, it is important to take all the variables into consideration. 

Additional Articles on Cell Tower Information

AFOA will host a telephone conference on July 29, 2004 to allow participants to discuss the pros and cons of leasing land for cell towers. For more information, or to get your name on the conference call attendance list, call AFOA at (205) 987-8811 or click here. Check the Calendar of Events section of the July newsletter for more details.

Phone: 1-800-528-1181X220


Dr. H. Lee Stribling


Timely Tips for Game Food Plots

Lee Stribling is an Associate Professor with Auburn’s School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences. Lee is a game management expert who reminds us that it's that time of year to plan (soil testing, for example) for fall planting of game food plots so they'll be ready by hunting season. Since more than 3,000 AFOA members lease land to hunters, we thought a discussion on game food plots would be useful to a lot of listeners. Dr. Stribling offers some timely tips for hunters and landowners in order to make the appropriate preparations.

Additional Information on Game Food Plots

Phone: (334) 844-9248


Ernest Whatley


ATV Trail Riding Club on Private Land in Lee County

Ernest Whatley is a retired dairy farmer and organizer of Beauregard Off-Road Vehicle Club in Opelika. One could say that Whatley is a sort of  Renaissance man of forestland ownership. Sure, he draws an income by traditional means, such as leasing his land to hunters, but he's also diversified his land "portfolio" by leasing to families for the purpose of enjoying a 4-wheeler trail system. With $300 and the adherence to his #1 rule, "Don't embarrass Ernest Whatley," families can join the club and enjoy the trails, and Whatley has an alternative form of income. Ernest shares with us how he started, how he gets paid, how he avoids liability, and how he handles the demand for ATV trail riding fun.

Links and Resources

Phone: (334) 745-5570


Richard  W. Hall


Imported Pulp: A Growing Option for Alabama Paper Mills

Richard Hall is an international investment expert with Bank of America's Timberland Services Group. In 2003, International Paper Company took delivery of about 15,000 tons of eucalyptus chips from its Amcel facility in northern Brazil for a test run at its mill at Cantonment, Florida. In addition, Domtar also did a test run of about 7,000 tons of eucalyptus logs at their mill at Ashdown, Arkansas. With millions of acres of forests here in the South, why did they do this? Mr. Hall explains why Southern paper mills would choose to import eucalyptus, and how it benefits the importing mills. In a global economy, it is important for forest owners to understand overseas competition.

Phone: (404) 607-4837
