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July 2002 News Conference for Forest Owners
Sponsored by Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.
Conference was recorded Thursday, July 18, 2002.

to Listen to the

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Scroll Down for Conference Guest Information

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Hayes D. Brown

starting time: (00:00)


Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner,  will moderate this news conference. Hayes' email address is

Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.


Dr. Bruce Yandle


Water Quality Trading Rights ...
Income Opportunity?

Bruce Yandle is a Senior Associate at the Political Economy Research Center (PERC) in Bozeman, Montana, and Professor of Economics Emeritus at Clemson University. Dr. Yandle describes the opportunity that would be created to improve water quality if "water quality permits" could be bought and sold. A Mercatus Center Public Interest Comment, authored by Dr. Yandle and Dr. Brian Mannix, on The Environmental Protection Agency’s Proposed Water Quality Trading Policy was recently posted along with a Mercatus Center press release on the topic.

He also suggests that you read:  EPA's special web page on Watershed and Permit Trading (click here). But first, we suggest you read Reinventing Environmentalism in the New Era (click here), paying particular attention to three principles:
1. Incentives matter.
2. Secure and tradable property rights encourage cooperation and resource stewardship.
3. Polluters should be liable for harms they cause others (and only for such harms).

Tar-Pamlico Trading Program discussed by Dr. Yandle. 

Phone: (864) 656-4700

Dr. Amanda D. Rodewald


Farming Found More Detrimental to Birds Than Timber Harvesting

Amanda Rodewald is Assistant Professor and Extension Wildlife Specialist at the School of Natural Resources, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. While studying nesting success of forest birds, she and her colleague, Richard H. Yahner, found that nesting sites in forested landscapes disturbed by timber harvesting were about two and a half times more successful than in those disturbed by farming. Click here to read about their research in The Forestry Source. Those of us who have created game food plots to improve hunting and believed the permanent food plot openings were good for broad varieties of wildlife may want to review Dr. Rodewald's work.

Scientific articles not available on the web without subscriptions are:

  • Rodewald, A. D. and R. H. Yahner. 2001. Influence of landscape composition on avian community structure and associated mechanisms. Ecology 82: 3493-3504.
  • Rodewald, A. D. and R. H. Yahner. 2001 Avian nesting success in forested landscapes: influence of landscape composition, stand and nest-patch microhabitat, and biotic interactions. Auk 118:1018-1028.

Amanda also recommends, as a good primer on landscape-level impacts on wildlife, Landscape ecology and ecosystem management, University of Kentucky Extension Publication FOR-76.

Phone: (614) 247-6099

Dr. Jeffrey H.  Dorfman


Forest Property Taxes Excessive

Jeffrey Dorfman, Professor of Agricultural Economics and Applied Economics at the University of Georgia, has produced a report that will help you hold your head high the next time you hear a politician say you don't pay your fair share of property taxes. His studies have shown that, unlike residential development areas, forestland typically pays more tax dollars to the government than it receives back in community services.

He recommends reading The Economic Costs of Development for Local Governments.

Phone: (706) 542-0754

David Howse


Low Interest Rates Bring Opportunities

David Howse is President & CEO of the Federal Land Bank Association of North Alabama, FLCA, based in Cullman, Alabama. Without encouraging anyone to get into financial difficulties because of easy money, David does point out that interest rates are low and money to buy land or carry out management work is available. Click here to review a 47 year history of the prime rate. The prime rate on July 18, 1981 was 20.5% compared to today's 4.75%.

Phone: 1-888-305-0074

Kent Hanby


Forest Fires & Forest Management

Kent Hanby teaches Forest Fire Management at Auburn University's School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences. For that reason, we thought Kent might be able to explain why we haven't been reading about forest fire disasters in Alabama similar to those we've heard about in Colorado, Arizona and other Western States.

Phone: (334) 844-1050

Jeff Baggett


Cypress & Cedar: A Specialty Market

Jeff Baggett owns and operates Southern Cypress and Lumber, Inc., in Frisco City, Alabama. Baggett's unique operation produces lumber, siding, beams, shingles and mulch from Cypress, Atlantic White Cedar and Eastern Redcedar. He buys logs from landowners who deliver them or have them delivered to his mill. He sells his wood products to a wide variety of specialty wood users. Click here to view a few pictures from his mill site.

Phone: (251) 267-2223

Darlene Guzman


Turn Your Trees Into Lumber

Darlene Guzman is the Customer Service Manager of Wood-Mizer Products, the company that makes those portable orange band sawmills. If you would like to have some logs turned into lumber, Darlene has a way for you to get in touch with Wood-Mizer owners in Alabama who want to work with you. Of course, if you want to buy a mill of your own, she will be happy to help, too.

Click Here for Custom Cutting Referral Service. Give them your zip code and they will have mill owners in your area contact you.

Phone: 1-800-525-8100 x 1616

Dr. Kenneth J. Muehlenfeld


Long Range Stumpage Market Outlook

Ken Muehlenfeld is Director of the Forest Products Development Center at Auburn University. Dr. Muehlenfeld stays in touch with the people who make investment decisions at forest product manufacturing companies. Because of that, we seek him out to learn about the demand, several years down the road, that manufacturers will have for our trees.

Recent Headlines to Ponder:

  • International Council of Forest And Paper Associations Established-39 Countries on 6 Continents Work Together (link no longer works)
  • Lumber-for-labor plan proceeds (link no longer works)
  • Enviros sue Indiana to halt timber sales (link no longer works)
  • Second Quarter Results Can't Hide Long-term Negative Impact of US Softwood Lumber Duty (link no longer works)

Phone: (334) 844-1094

Issues and Topics AFOA is following.

To suggest an issue or a topic for a future news conference, please send an email note to AFOA by clicking here.

  • National or Federal Issues
  • EPA Proposed Water Quality Trading
  • Energy Bill
  • CCA Treated Southern Pine Lumber
  • TMDLs
  • EPA Basin Projects
  • CARA
  • Forest Certification
  • 2002 Farm Bill
  • Energy Crisis & Federal Eminent Domain
  • Red Hills Salamander
  • State or Local Issues
  • Constitutional Revision/Tax Reform
  • County Zoning
  • Right to Farm & Practice Forestry
  • Illegal Dumping
  • Delaney Family Current-Use Case
  • JeffCo Storm Water Management Program
  • Current Use Tax Assessment Rates
  • Local Harvesting Restrictions & Road Weight Limits
  • Bridge Repairs & the Alabama Trust Fund
  • Dog Hunting & Hunter Trespass
  • Forest Management Issues
  • Seasonal Forest and Wildlife Management Tips
  • Southern Pine Beetle: Salvage & Prevention
  • Forest Fertilization
  • Intensive Forest Management
  • Long Rotation Management & Natural Regeneration
  • Technology
  • Palm Pilots & Forest Records
  • Useful Computer Software
  • Markets
  • Industry Consolidation & Timber Markets
  • Stumpage & Forest Product Markets
  • Forestland For Sale
  • Wood Buying Policies During SPB Epidemic
  • Alabama's Pine Straw Wholesale Market
  • Minerals, Gas & Oil Activity
  • Recreational Businesses for Forest Owners
  • Forest Taxation