September 2019 News Conference for Forest
Produced by the Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.
This Conference will be recorded at 10:00 AM Central Time on Tuesday,
September 10, 2019 with a live audience. If you would like to be a member of
the audience on the next program, call (205) 624-2225 to

Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00) |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this news
conference. Hayes' email address is
Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.
Today's issue of Capital Ideas - Live!
is brought to you by
Forester Search, a web resource
developed by the Alabama Forest Owners' Association with the support
of the
Bradley/Murphy Forestry & Natural Resources Extension Trust.
Visit for a list of
Consulting Foresters in your area. |

Joe Clark
Hear Conference
Comment |
Why is it Important to Have Public Support for
Commercial Forestry?
Joe Clark is
Forest2Market’s Client Representative for Supply Chain Services and Sales.
Approximately 360 million acres, or 70 percent, of the working forests
in the U.S. are on private land. Forestry-related industries contribute to
state, regional and national economies. Private timberlands contributed
approximately $92.0 billion of the total $107.5 billion contribution of
forestry-related businesses to GDP. A continuing cycle of planting, growing,
and harvesting and active forest management maximizes forests’ ability to
clean our air, clean our water, and provide a mosaic of landscapes for
wildlife. Without public support, all of that could suffer.
Suggested Reading:
Combating the Anti-Forestry Narrative
Historical Perspective on the Relationship between Demand and Forest
Productivity in the US South
The Economic Impact of Private, Working Forests in the US
Phone: (980) 233-4028

Scott Jones
Hear Conference
Comment |
Why is it
Important to Have Good Markets for Forest Products?
"Without markets, we cannot be successful and private forests won’t be
sustained." Scott
CEO of
the Forest
Landowners Association,
a nationwide association based in Atlanta, Georgia,
stated in his remarks on opening day of the 2019 FLA conference held earlier
this year in California. Wood is renewable, beautiful and durable, and its
production has significantly less impact on the environment than most other
materials. The United States is the largest supplier of forest products in
the world, providing nearly half of the global supply of wood fiber.
Restrictions to the global markets is a huge challenge for America's working
forests, and may have the unintended consequence of placing significant
barriers to free trade while doing nothing to maintain the sustainability of
our resources here in the United States. Scott and his organization are
outspoken proponents for markets of forest products.
Suggested Reading:
FLA Conference 2019
FLA Policy Priorities
Forest Facts
The Economic Value of Private Forests
Phone: (800) 325-2954

Arthia W.
"Billy" Rye
Hear Conference
Why is it Important to Have Trusted Advisors (Accountants,
Attorneys, Foresters)?
Arthia W. "Billy" Rye, owner and president of
Forest Management
Specialists, Inc.,
has assisted over 500 landowners in five different states with marketing
their timber and other forest management activities and is considered a
trusted advisor to many of his clients. A trusted advisor can diagnose a
client's problems and challenges and make the right recommendation to
improve the situation. Forest landowners certainly can use a consulting
forester for their properties, but accountants and attorneys are helpful as
well. Because of their subject matter expertise, trusted advisors know their
business, their client's business, and they have a enough general knowledge
about how things work to offer advice worth taking.
Suggested Reading
The Trusted Advisor Relationship
What a Consulting Forester Does
The Benefits of
Using a Consulting Forester
Phone: (256) 810-6876

Marianne Hudson
Hear Conference
Comment |
Why is it Important to Recruit New Hunters?
Marianne Hudson
performs a variety of conservation education duties at the
Alabama Department
of Conservation and Natural Resources as the Alabama Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division’s Conservation Outreach Specialist.
An avid outdoorswoman who enjoys hunting squirrels and deer particularly, she
is well aware of how important hunting is to our society and earth. The
Alabama Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries have several programs to teach
hunting safety, monitor licenses and promote the sport.
Suggested Reading:
Why we are losing hunters and how to fix it
RETENTION AND REACTIVATION, “R3” is an important issue for anyone concerned
about wildlife management
Becoming an Outdoors Woman Workshops
Phone: (334) 242-1814
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