January 2 - February
23…Marshall County.
Eagle Awareness Weekends at Lake Guntersville
State Park, 1155 Lodge Drive, Guntersville. This program
runs each weekend. Watch Bald Eagles glide across the
sky and view their nesting sites. Guided interpretive
programs held each weekend will help you get in touch
with one of America’s greatest symbols. Call Lake
Guntersville State Park for pricing at (256) 571-5445.
January 7...Geneva
County 1 - 4 PM.
Restricted Use Private Applicator Training at
2765 State Highway 52, Hartford. Fee: $20. Contact Gavin
Mauldin at (334) 684-2484 or
gpm0006@auburn.edu. Editor’s Note: There are very
few restricted use chemicals used by forest landowners.
Check to make sure this class will fulfill your needs.
January 9...Clay/Cleburne
Counties 10 AM - 1 PM.
Take A Hike Creek Walk: Winter Observations at
Cheaha State Park. Best suited for ages 10 to adult.
Bring your camera! Fee: $5; pre-registration required by
January 7. Contact Renee Morrison at (256) 782-8010 or
12-14...Woodworth, Louisiana.
Longleaf Academy: Longleaf 101 at The Wesley
Center, 2350 Methodist Parkway. Topics include: Use of
fire in longleaf, Regeneration, Site selection, Site
prep, Stand management, Wildlife management, Understory
restoration, and more. Fee: $200; includes meals and
lodging. Contact Casey White at (334) 427-1029 or
January 19...Starkville, Mississippi
8 AM - 5 PM.
Introduction to GPS using SOLO Forest at East Mississippi
Community College, 8731 South Frontage Road, Mayhew.
how to collect points, lines, areas; use photos and
topos in the field; create cruise grids, make simple GIS
maps, and more. 7.5 hours of CFEs
available. Fee: $250. For more info call (662) 769-5344.
19-21...Jasper, Texas.
Longleaf Academy: Longleaf 101 at Rayburn
Country, 2376 Wingate Boulevard. Topics include: Use of
fire in longleaf, Regeneration, Site selection, Site
prep, Stand management, Wildlife management, Understory
restoration, and more. Fee: $300; includes meals and
lodging (Tue and Wed night). Contact Casey White at
(334) 427-1029 or
January 20...Starkville, Mississippi
8 AM - 5 PM.
Forest Inventory using TCruise at East Mississippi
Community College, 8731 South Frontage Road, Mayhew.
how to set up and use a forest inventory program. 7.5 hours of CFEs
available. Fee: $250. For more info call (662) 769-5344.
January 20...Montgomery County
8 AM - 3:30 PM.
Annual Nonpoint Source Conference at Renaissance Hotel
Conference Center, Montgomery. The conference format consists of
presentations on projects, topics, efforts associated with nonpoint
source pollution and its impact on water quality. Call Patti Hurley at
(334) 394-4350. Editor’s Note: Nonpoint Source Water Quality
Regulations have a direct affect on the management of, and income from,
your land.
January 20...Nationwide 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM (Central
News Conference for Forest Owners.
This 30 minute telephone/Internet conference
featured state & national experts, researchers & authors
on breaking issues, current research, can't-miss
educational events, books & publications, timber market
update and more.
Listen on the web or download to listen on your device
of choice: January 20, 2016 CI -- Live!
Click Here for Index to
Past Conferences. |
January 20-21...DeKalb County.
Alabama Freshwater Mollusk & Crayfish at Little River Canyon Center, Fort
Payne. Fee: $10; No meals provided. Email Paul Johnson, Alabama
Department of Conservation & Natural Resources, at
January 21...Tuscaloosa County 6 PM.
Dinner and Discussion at
JamisonMoneyFarmer PC Office, 2200 Jack Warner Parkway,
Suite 300, Tuscaloosa. Enjoy a BBQ dinner, listen to the
January Capital Ideas -- Live! News Conference for
Forest Owners, and argue about the issues with other
landowners afterwards. Dinner at 6 PM with 30 minute
program starting about 6:45 PM. Fee: $7. To attend, RSVP
Beth Crocker at (205) 366-4009 or
bcrocker@jmf.com. |
January 21...Shelby County 6 PM.
Dinner and Discussion in
private dining room at
Joe’s Crab Shack, 20 Mountain View Drive, Hoover.
Come enjoy dinner, listen to AFOA’s January News
Conference, and argue about the issues with other
landowners. Dutch Treat dinner at 6 PM with 30 minute
program starting at 6:45 PM. Limited seating.
Walk-ins may not have a seat. To attend
RSVP AFOA at (205) 987-8811 or
rll@afoa.org. |
January 22...Online
12 Noon CT.
Timber Tax Filing for the 2015 Tax Year
Webinar will cover the rules for timber tax
reporting, including the latest law changes. It will
will also cover the 1099 filing that the foresters must
know. Have your tax questions handy to get answers from
the presenter. Presented by Dr. Linda Wang, National
Timber Tax Specialist, USDA Forest Service. Contact Bill
Hubbard at (706) 340-5070.
January 24-26…Lee
The Changing Landscape of Forest Management is
the theme of the Southeastern Society of American Foresters
Annual Meeting at The Hotel at Auburn University and
Dixon Conference Center, Auburn.
Landowners welcome to attend. Topics will include: Papermaking and Its
Environmental Consequences, Evolving Landowners,
Evolving Forestland Income, Regulatory Risk in Forest
Management, Forest Health, Evaluating Risks of Invasive
Plant Listings, Wood Pellet Technology in a Global
Market, Solid Wood Products and Uses for Today and
Tomorrow, and more. Registration fee: $300; $55 discount for SAF member. Contact Sharon Dolliver at (478) 628-1196 or
January 28...DeKalb County 6 PM.
Dinner and Discussion at Western
Sizzlin, 1114 Glenn Boulevard SW, Fort Payne. Enjoy sandwiches and salads,
listen to the January CI -- Live! News Conference for Forest Owners, and argue
about the issues with other landowners afterwards. Dutch Treat dinner at 6 PM
with 30 minute program starting about 6:45 PM. To attend, RSVP Susan Dooley at
(256) 997-6713 or
27...Knoxville, Tennessee 5:30 PM.
Tennessee Forestry Association (TFA) Regional Meeting
at Calhouns on the River. Program: "Future for Tennessee
Wood Markets." Presenter: Adam Taylor, University of
Tennessee. Fee: $25. Contact Dana Howard at (615)
883-3832 or
January 28-31...Louisville, Kentucky.
Quality Deer Management Association (QDMA) National Convention
at Kentucky Exposition Center. Fee: $230. Call QDMA at 1-800-209-3337.
> February 2016
2...Chambers County 8 AM - 12 PM.
Private Pesticide Applicator Training Class at
the Alfa Building, Lafayette. One of the most useful
aspects of this class for landowners may be learning how
to calibrate a backpack sprayer. Fee: $45; $20 for
training and $25 for licensing. Call Chambers County
Extension at (334) 864-9373.
February 3...Lee County
11 AM - Noon.
Wood Energy: A Game Changer, a program in the Auburn School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences Seminar Series at Auburn University,
SFWS Room 1101. Speaker: Rich Vlosky, Louisiana State
University. Refreshments served. Contact
Brian Via at (334) 844-1088 or
February 4...Elmore
County 8 AM - 12 PM.
Private Pesticide Applicator Training Class at
the Elmore County Extension Office. One of the most
useful aspects of this class for landowners may be
learning how to calibrate a backpack sprayer. Fee: $45;
$20 for training and $25 for licensing. Call Elmore
County Extension at (334) 567-6301.
February 4...Montgomery
County 10 AM.
Board Meeting of Alabama Forever Wild Land Trust
at Richard Beard Building, Agriculture and Industries
Auditorium, 1445 Federal Dr., Montgomery. This meeting
will provide an opportunity for any individual who would
like to make comments concerning the program. The public
is invited to attend this meeting and is urged to submit
comments. For more information call (334) 242-3484.
Editor's Note: How much public land is enough?
4...Dickson, Tennessee 5:30 PM.
Tennessee Forestry Association (TFA) Regional Meeting
at Montgomery Bell State Park. Program: "Surviving in
These Challenging Times." Presenter: Jere Jeter,
Tennessee State Forester. Fee: $25. Contact Dana Howard
at (615) 883-3832 or
February 5...Elmore County 2 -
4:45 PM.
Applied Forestry & Wildlife
Outreach Symposium at Alabama Wildlife
Federation NaturePlex, 3050 Lanark Road, Millbrook.
Topics: Biomass, Managing for Native Vegetation, Women in the Forest,
and Landowners Influence Their Children, Grandchildren,
and the Future. Fee: $30; $5 discount if paid by January
15, 2016. Call Alabama
Forestry Association at (334) 481-2135.
February 5...Elmore County 5 -
7:30 PM.
Alabama Natural Resources Council Awards Banquet at
Alabama Wildlife Federation NaturePlex, 3050 Lanark
Road, Millbrook.
This awards banquet will recognize the 2015 award recipients of the
Alabama Tree Farmer of the Year, the W. Kelly
Mosley Environmental Award, the Outstanding Alabama Forestry Planning
Committees, the Alabama Tree Farm Inspector of the Year, the Alabama
Tree Farm Leadership Award, and the Alabama Tree Farm Hard Hat Award
Winners. Fee: $30; $5 discount if paid by January 15, 2016. Call Alabama
Forestry Association at (334) 481-2135.
9...Randolph County 8 AM - 12 PM.
Private Pesticide Applicator Training Class at
the Alfa Building, Wedowee. One of the most useful
aspects of this class for landowners may be learning how
to calibrate a backpack sprayer. Fee: $45; $20 for
training and $25 for licensing. Call Randolph County
Extension at (256) 357-2841.
February 9...Montgomery
County 5 PM - 7 PM.
Alabama Agribusiness Council Legislative Reception at RSA Plaza
Terrace, 770 Washington Avenue, Montgomery. Great opportunity to meet
state legislators interested in forestry & agriculture. Sponsored in
part by AFOA along with several other organizations. Contact Leigha Cauthen at (334) 834-4006 or
10...Online 12 PM CT.
The Application of Traditional and Modern Heavy Timber
Connections Webinar will include topics such as:
Connection types, Methods use to repair existing timber
members, European connectors, and European specific
design applications including cross laminated timber.
Call GoToWebinar at 1-800-263-6317 for help with logging
in to the webinar.
February 11...Lee
County 8 AM - 12 PM.
Private Pesticide Applicator Training Class at
the Lee County Extension Office, Opelika. One of the
most useful aspects of this class for landowners may be
learning how to calibrate a backpack sprayer. Fee: $45;
$20 for training and $25 for licensing. Call Lee County
Extension at (334) 749-3353.
February 11…Cullman
County 8:30 AM - 2 PM.
Invasive Plant Management Workshop at North
Alabama Agriplex Heritage Center, 1714 Tally Ho Street
SW, Cullman. Fee: $25; lunch included. Contact Norm
Haley at (256) 630-4248 or
February 11...Blount County 9 AM.
Natural Resources Planning Committee Meeting at USDA Conference
Room, 55545 US Hwy 231, Oneonta. The Blount County
Treasure Forest Association (BCTFA) has dissolved and
any BCTFA members as well as any other forest landowners
that are interested are welcome to attend and
participate in this meeting. Contact Merry Gaines
at (205) 274-2363x3 or
February 11...Lee County 6 PM.
Alabama Forestry Association Auburn Regional Reception at Coach
Pat Dye's Crooked Oak Lodge. Contact Liz Chambers at (334) 481-2135 or
11-14...Nashville, Tennessee.
Annual National Wild Turkey Federation National Convention at
Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center. Fee: $260. Call Marsha at
February 13...Various Counties 9 AM
- 1 PM.
Take A Hike at various locations. Jacksonville State University
Field School is leading a hike the second Saturday of each month. The
locations vary; may include Little River Canyon National Preserve,
DeSoto State Park, Talladega National Forest, Dugger Mountain
Wilderness, Mountain Longleaf National Wildlife Refuge, Cheaha State
Park, or other locations. Fee: $5; pre-registration required 5 days in
advance of hike. Contact Renee Morrison at (256) 782-8010 or
February 16-17...Starkville, Mississippi.
ArcGIS for Foresters Class at East Mississippi
Community College, 8731 South Frontage Road, Mayhew.
ArcGIS simplified for foresters and landowners. Learn
how to digitize and make great maps. 11.5 hours of CFEs
available. Fee: $400. For more info call (662) 769-5344.
February 17...Lexington, Mississippi 8:30 AM - 3 PM.
Outdoor Business Workshop for Landowners at
Lexington Community Center, 333 Yazoo Street. Come learn about
the various types of outdoor businesses, including the
pros and cons and potential income of each. Fee: $20;
lunch provided.
For more information call (662) 325-3133.
February 17...Lee
County 11 AM - Noon.
Sustainability, Forestry, & Economics, a program
in the Auburn School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences
Seminar Series at Auburn University, SFWS Room 1101.
Speaker: Jacek Siry, Warnell School of Forestry &
Natural Resources. Refreshments served. Contact Brian
Via at (334) 844-1088 or
February 17...Online
12 Noon - 1 PM CT.
El Nino, La Nina and the 1998 Florida Wildfires Webinar.
Speaker: Scott Goodrick, US Forest Service Research
Meteorologist. Email Southern Fire Exchange for
information at
17-19...Bushnell, Florida.
Wildlife & Invasive Species Education at Sumter
County Extension, 7620 SR 471, Suite 2. Fee: $35. Call
Sumter County Extension at ( 352) 569-6862.
February 18...Tuscaloosa County 6 PM.
Alabama Forestry Association Regional Reception at
The Cypress Pavilion, 501 Rice Mine Road, Tuscaloosa. Contact Liz Chambers at (334) 481-2135 or
18-21...Winston County.
Southeast Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
(SEPARC) at Camp McDowell, 105 Delong Road, Nauvoo.
Theme: Herp Conservation on Private Lands. This meeting
will include multiple herp-based workshops, working
groups, and field trips. Fee: $150. For more information email
February 19…Colbert
County 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM.
Alabama People Against a Littered State (PALS)
Law Enforcement Conference at Colbert County Health
Department, 1000 Jackson Hwy, Sheffield. Topics:
Identifying and Investigating Criminal Litter Cases;
Fines for Criminal Littering; Current State Criminal
Littering Laws. Fee: $35; $10 discount if paid in
advance. Call Patsy Thompson at (256) 383-4376.
20...Montgomery County 9 AM.
Alabama Conservation Advisory Board Meeting at
the Alabama State Capitol Auditorium, 600 Dexter Avenue,
Montgomery. The decisions of this board impact all
hunting activities that take place on your land. Anyone
wishing to speak must register between 8 - 8:30 AM. For
more information, call (334) 242-3486.
February 21-27...Statewide.
Alabama Arbor Week. This is a good week to include the family in
your tree planting activities. Send AFOA a picture of your children or
grandchildren planting a tree!
22...Lauderdale County 5:30 - 9 PM.
Estate Planning Workshop at the Lauderdale County
Extension Office, 802 Veterans Drive, Florence.
Instructor: Dr. Robert Tufts. Dr. Tufts is professor
emeritus at Auburn University’s School of Forestry &
Wildlife Sciences where he has specialized in the
intersection of law and forestry, especially in estate
planning. To register, call (256) 766-6223.
23...Talladega County 8 AM - 12 PM.
Private Pesticide Applicator Training Class at
the Talladega County Extension Office, Talladega. One of
the most useful aspects of this class for landowners may
be learning how to calibrate a backpack sprayer. Fee:
$45; $20 for training and $25 for licensing. Call
Talladega County Extension at (256) 362-6187.
February 27...Talladega County 3 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off at Talladega Superspeedway, Talladega. Attend
the cook-off and enjoy live music, door prizes, youth activities, and
sample wild game recipes. Fee: $40; Youth 15 and under free. Call the
Alabama Wildlife Federation at 1-800-822-9453.
February 29...Statewide.
End of Rabbit, Squirrel, Raccoon, Opossum, and Quail Seasons. End of
Trapping Season. Are
you aware of when your hunters are on your property? Did you purchase or
renew your hunting liability insurance?
> March 2016
March 1...Statewide.
Primary Election Day for President and U.S. Senate. Find more information about
U.S. Senate
Candidates at
ballotpedia.org. Sample ballots are at
1...Multiple Counties.
Votes Related to Property & Rural Land. Landowners should check the
sample ballots in the following counties:
March 1...Coosa County
8 AM - 12 PM.
Private Pesticide Applicator Training Class at
the Coosa County Extension Office, Rockford. One of the
most useful aspects of this class for landowners may be
learning how to calibrate a backpack sprayer. Fee: $45;
$20 for training and $25 for licensing. Call Coosa
County Extension at (256) 377-4713.
March 1...Rolling
Fork, Mississippi 8:30 AM - 3 PM.
Outdoor Business Workshop for Landowners at
Rolling Fork Community Center, 227 Parkway Avenue. Come
learn about the various types of outdoor businesses,
including the pros and cons and potential income of
each. Fee: $20; lunch provided. For more information
call (662) 325-3133.
March 3...Cleburne
County 8 AM - 12 PM.
Private Pesticide Applicator Training Class at
the Cleburne County Extension Office, Heflin. One of the
most useful aspects of this class for landowners may be
learning how to calibrate a backpack sprayer. Fee: $45;
$20 for training and $25 for licensing. Call Cleburne
County Extension at (256) 463-2620.
March 3...Blount County
10 AM.
Classroom in the Forest Field Day Preparation at
Mountain Shadows Farm, 930 Ketchum Road, Blountsville.
Landowners are welcome to assist. Contact Merry Gaines
at (205) 274-2363x3 or
March 3...Gainesville,
Florida 5:30—7:30 PM ET.
Florida Forestry Association (FFA) Regional Meeting
at Austin Cary Forest Learning Center. FFA members can
weigh in on issues of importance to them while
fellowshipping with other FFA members on a local level.
No Fee, but must RSVP. Contact Debbie Bryant at (850)
222-5646 or
March 3...Baldwin County
6 PM.
Alabama Forestry Association Regional Reception at
Five Rivers Delta Resource Center, 30945 Five Rivers
Boulevard, Spanish Fort. Contact Liz Chambers at (334) 481-2135 or
March 4-6...Shelby County.
Becoming an Outdoors-Woman (BOW) at Alabama 4-H Center on Lay
Lake near Columbiana. Participants choose from over 50 courses such as:
backyard wildlife, rock climbing, camp cooking, map and compass,
camping, mountain biking, fishing, hunting, canoeing, and many more. Fee
$225; includes most meals, lodging, program materials, and instruction. Contact Marisa Futral at 1-800-245-2740 or
March 5...Haughton,
Women in the Outdoors at Bayou Bodcau Dam &
Reservior, 177 Ben Durden Road. Women in the Outdoors
events are designed just for women using expert
instructors. Fee: $TBD. Contact Belinda Prudhome at
(318) 469-7114 or
March 5...Calhoun
County 9 AM - 3 PM.
Guided Archaeology Hike: Sacred Stone Structures. Join Jacksonville State’s Dr. Harry Holstein
as he leads a guided
tour of rock mounds, stone effigy structures, and more.
The group will begin with a 45 minute 'Sacred Stone'
program in the Archaeology Lab at Jacksonville State
University. Hikes are moderate with some 'steep' short
areas to get to the structures. Fee: $15. Contact Renee Morrison at (256) 782-5697
5...Various Locations (water dependent) 6 PM - 8 PM.
Early Spring Frog Pond Adventure. Learn to identify frog songs
and get hands-on experience with George Cline. Fee: $5. Contact Renee
Morrison at (256) 782-8010 or
March 8...Autauga
County 8 AM - 12 PM.
Private Pesticide Applicator Training Class at
the Autauga County Extension Office, Autaugaville. One
of the most useful aspects of this class for landowners
may be learning how to calibrate a backpack sprayer.
Fee: $45; $20 for training and $25 for licensing. Call
Autauga County Extension at (334) 361-7273.
March 8-10....Macon
Longleaf Academy: Longleaf 101 at
Tuskegee University, Tuskegee. Topics will include: Use
of fire in longleaf, Stand management, Understory restoration, and more.
Fee: $150. Contact Casey White at (334) 427-1029 or
March 9...Online
12 PM Noon CT.
Forest & Forest Products Webinar will answer
many questions about forests and forest products such
as: Where do our trees and forests grow? How have
forests changed over time? What is the relationship
between people and forests - now and in the past? How
are forests managed - and are they being managed
responsibly? Speaker: Kathryn Fernholtz, Dovetail
Partners, Inc. No fee. If you have any difficulties
logging into the Webinar, please call (800) 263-6317 for
immediate assistance from GoToWebinar.
March 10...Athens, Georgia
7:45 AM -
5 PM ET.
GPS for Beginners at Warnell School of Forestry and Natural
Resources, Building 4, Room 516. Learn the basics of the Global
Positioning System (GPS) and the accuracy of the technology when used in
forested conditions. Fee: $195; lunch included. Contact Ingvar Elle at
(706) 583-0566 or
March 10...Scott’s Ferry,
Florida 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM CT.
Florida Forestry Association (FFA) Regional Meeting
at Neal’s Camp, 4540 SE Iola Road. FFA members can weigh
in on issues of importance to them while fellowshipping
with other FFA members on a local level. No Fee, but
must RSVP. Contact Debbie Bryant at (850) 222-5646 or
March 10...Tuscaloosa County
6 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off at
River Market, 1900 Jack Warner Parkway, Tuscaloosa. Attend the cook-off and enjoy live music,
door prizes, youth activities, and sample wild game recipes. Fee: $40. Youth 15 and under free. Call the
Alabama Wildlife Federation at 1-800-822-9453.
March 10...Clarke County 6
Recreational Pond Management at G&D Outdoors,
20107 Highway 43, Grove Hill. Speaker: PJ Waters. No
fee, but pre-registration required. Contact Kevan Tucker
at (251) 275-3121 or
March 15...Clay County
8 AM - 12 PM.
Private Pesticide Applicator Training Class at
the Clay County Extension Office, Ashland. One of the
most useful aspects of this class for landowners may be
learning how to calibrate a backpack sprayer. Fee: $45;
$20 for training and $25 for licensing. Call Clay County
Extension at (256) 354-5976.
March 16...Nationwide 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM (Central
News Conference for Forest Owners.
This 30 minute telephone/Internet conference
featured state & national experts, researchers & authors
on breaking issues, current research, can't-miss
educational events, books & publications, timber market
update and more.
Listen on the web or download to listen on your device
of choice: March 16, 2016 CI -- Live!
Click Here for Index to
Past Conferences. |
March 17...Washington
Recreational Pond Management in Leroy. Speaker:
PJ Waters. No fee, but pre-registration required.
Contact Stacy Ferguson at (251) 847-2295 or
March 17...Macon
County 8 AM - 12 PM.
Private Pesticide Applicator Training Class at
the Macon County Extension Office, Tuskegee. One of the
most useful aspects of this class for landowners may be
learning how to calibrate a backpack sprayer. Fee: $45;
$20 for training and $25 for licensing. Call Macon
County Extension at (334) 727-0340.
March 17...Morgan County 10 AM.
Alabama Clean Water Partnership (ACWP)
Tennessee Basin Stakeholder
Meeting at Waterworks Center for Environmental Education, 5514
Highway 31 South, Hartselle. Call Jay Grantland at (256) 773-8495.
Editor’s Note: Folks who own forestland in CWP basins should stay
aware of the happenings at these stakeholder meetings.
17...Jefferson County 6 PM.
Dinner and Discussion at Landry’s Seafood, 139 State
Farm Parkway, Birmingham.
Come enjoy dinner, listen to AFOA’s March News
Conference, and argue about the issues with other
landowners. Dutch Treat dinner at 6 PM with 30 minute
program starting at 6:45 PM. Limited seating.
Walk-ins may not have a seat. To attend
RSVP AFOA at (205) 987-8811 or
rll@afoa.org. |
March 19…Elkton, Tennessee.
Healthy Hardwoods Field Day at D'Addario
Drumstick Sawmill, George Whitfield Industrial Park
Road. Program will cover Site Prep, The Tree Planting
Process, and will feature a field tour. Contact Dana Howard at (615) 883-3832 or
March 19...Colbert/Lauderdale County
4 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off at
a location in the Quad Cities area. Attend the cook-off and enjoy live music,
door prizes, youth activities, and sample wild game recipes. Fee: $35. Youth 15 and under free. Call the
Alabama Wildlife Federation at 1-800-822-9453.
March 19-20…Jefferson
The Alabama Gun Collectors Birmingham Gun Show
will be held at Jefferson Civic Center, 2100 Richard
Arrington Junior Boulevard North, Birmingham. Fee: $8;
children 12 & under free. Contact Brent Goodwin at (205)
317-0948 or
March 22...Conecuh County.
Recreational Pond Management at 102 Liberty
Street, Evergreen. Speaker: PJ Waters. No fee, but
pre-registration required. Contact Emily Brogden at
(251) 578-2762 or
March 24...Baldwin County.
Progressive Agriculture Safety Day (Kids Only) at
Baldwin County Coliseum & Fairgrounds, Robertsdale. Fourth grade
students. Contact Rhonda Bryars
at (251) 937-3297 or
March 24...Forsyth,
Georgia 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM.
Forest Bioenergy Conference at Monroe County
Conference Center, 475 Holiday Circle. "The Conference
will focus on bringing together experts and leaders from
the forest bioenergy sector to provide updates on the
economic, regulatory and technological advances in the
industry." Fee: $235; $40 discount if paid by March 11.
Contact Marilou Myers at (478) 992-8110 or
March 24...DeKalb County 6 PM.
Capital Ideas -- Live! Dinner and Discussion at Western
Sizzlin, 1114 Glenn Boulevard SW, Fort Payne. Enjoy dinner,
listen to the March CI -- Live! News Conference for Forest Owners, and argue
about the issues with other landowners afterwards. Dutch Treat dinner at 6 PM
with 30 minute program starting about 6:45 PM. To attend, RSVP Susan Dooley at
(256) 997-6713 or
spdooley@hotmail.com. |
March 24...Choctaw County
6 PM.
Alabama Forestry Association Regional Reception at
Ezell's Fish Camp, Butler. Invited special guest: Luther Strange,
Alabama Attorney General. Contact Liz Chambers at (334) 481-2135 or
24...Collins, Mississippi 6 PM.
Covington County Mississippi Forestry Association
Meeting at the Multi-Purpose Building, 68 Collins
Industrial Park Drive. Guest speaker will be Paul Ott of
"Listen to the Eagle." Fee: $10; catfish dinner
included. Call the County Extension Office at (601)
March 26...Shelby County 8 AM.
Conservation Advisory Board Meeting
at the Pelham Civic Complex, 500 Amphitheater Rd.,
Pelham, AL 35124. The decisions of this board impact all hunting
activities that take place on your land. For more information, call
(334) 242-3486.
March 29...Atlanta,
Georgia 7:45 AM - 3:30 PM ET.
Applied Forest Finance at Georgia Tech Global Learning Center.
This class details the step-by-step financial analysis required to
answer key investment and forest management questions. Learn how to
identify, value, and rank timber and forestry investments. Fee: $680;
$100 discount if paid by March 15.
Groups of 3 or more earn a 10% discount. Contact Heather Clark at (770) 725-8447 or
March 31...Macon County
8 AM - 4:30 PM.
Year-Round Forage Production and Grazing/Browsing
Management Training at 201 Mary Starke Harper
Hall, Tuskegee University. No fee. Pre-registration is
required. Working lunch provided. Contact Dr. Uma Karki
at (334) 421-2139 or
March 31...Lowndes County 9
AM - 2:30 PM.
Managing Wild Pig Damage at 9022 US Hwy 80 West,
Tyler. Speakers: Mark Smith, Chris Jaworowski, and Jeff
Thurmond. Fee: $20. Contact Mark Smith at (334) 844-8099
March 31...Baker, Florida
8 AM - 3 PM CT.
Quail Management Workshop at Gum Creek Lodge,
5899 Buckward Road. Learn about quail habitat,
management, predator control, upland ecosystem
restoration, control burns and cost share assistance.
Registration is required. Lunch included. Contact Billie
Clayton at (850) 767-3634 or
> April 2016
1...Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
Pine Thinning and Southern Pine Beetle Workshop
at Mill Creek Community Center. Call Lamar County
Extension Office at (601) 794-3910.
April 5...Vernon,
Florida 9 AM CT.
Landowner Property Tour of the Gould Tree Farm,
4132 Shell Landing Road. The property is for forestry,
wildlife, recreation, and aesthetics. Tour will involve
riding on open trailers. Wear appropriate clothing and
bring rain gear. Fee: $10; lunch provided. Contact Chris
Demers at (352) 846-2375 or
April 5...Jefferson County 1
Alabama Clean Water Partnership (CWP) Cahaba Stakeholders Meeting
at Jefferson County Environmental Services Training Facility, 1331 Oak
Grove Road, Birmingham. Contact Glenn Littleton at (205) 217-2592 or
April 5...Wiggins,
Mississippi 5 PM.
Pearl River/Stone County Forestry Association (CFA)
Meeting at The Sawmill Restaurant. For more
information call Pearl River CFA at (601) 928-5286.
April 5...Butler County 5:30
Recreational Pond Management at Beeland Park
Community Center, 1016 East Commerce, Greenville.
Speaker: PJ Waters. No fee, but pre-registration
required. Contact Anthony Pinkston at (334) 382-5111 or
April 5...Madison County
6 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off at the Huntsville Botanical
Garden, 4747 Bob Wallace Avenue SW, Huntsville. Attend
the cook-off and enjoy live music, door prizes, youth
activities, and sample wild game recipes. Fee: $50; $10
discount if paid in advance. Youth 15 and under free.
Call the Alabama Wildlife Federation at 1-800-822-9453.
April 7...Fulton,
Mississippi 8:15 AM - 4 PM.
Forest Growth & Yield / Financial Analysis at
Itawamba Community College, Technical Education
Building, Rm 108, Brandon Street. Fee: $25. Call the
Itawamba County Extension at (662) 862-3201.
7...Talladega County 5 PM.
Piedmont District Regional Reception at Selwood
Farms, 706 Selwood Road, Alpine. Join the Alabama
Forestry Association for food, refreshments, and
conversation. Contact Liz Chambers at (334) 481-2135 or
April 7...Statewide 9 PM.
America's First Forest: Carl Schenck and The Asheville
Experiment on Alabama Public Television (APT) or
Public Broadcast Station (PBS). The local APT station
number will vary according to what area of Alabama you
live in and your TV service provider. This program will
air nationwide on APT World. However, only some folks
may subscribe to APT World.
Air Times and Stations
April 8...DeKalb County
9 AM - 3 PM.
Shortleaf Pine Field Day at DeSoto State Park Lodge,
Fort Payne. No Fee. Pre-registration required for lunch.
Contact William Green at (334) 612-5235 or
April 9...Barbour County
9 AM - 2 PM.
Year-Round Forage Production, Grazing Management, and
Care of Goat Herd at 36 County Road 40, Eufaula.
No fee, but pre-registration is required. Working lunch
provided. Contact Dr. Uma Karki at (334) 421-2139 or
April 11...New Albany,
Mississippi 6 PM.
Union County Forestry Association (CFA) Meeting
at Union County Extension Building, 112 Fairground
Circle. For more information call Union County Extension
at (662) 534-1917.
April 12...Calhoun County
5 PM.
Timber Taxation at the Oxford Civic Center.
Dinner at 5:30 PM. Program at 6 PM. Speaker: Dr Robert
Tufts. Contact Kathy McCrimmon at (256) 452-9678 or
Jennifer Yates at (256) 835-0512x3.
April 12...Lee County 6 PM.
Alabama Treasure Forest Association Regional Dinner
at the Auburn University School of Forestry & Wildlife
Sciences, 602 Duncan Drive, Auburn. Fee: $5. Contact
William Green, Jr. at (334) 612-5235 or
12...Philadelphia, Mississippi 6 PM.
Neshoba County Forestry Association (CFA) Meeting
at Neshoba County Coliseum. Catfish dinner provided.
Call (601) 656-4602 for more details.
12...Coffeeville, Mississippi 6 PM.
Yalobusha County Forestry Association (CFA) Meeting
at Multi-Purpose Building on Highway 7. Tim Traugot will
speak on timber sales and absentee landowners. For more
details call Yalobusha County Extension at (662)
April 14...Ripley,
Mississippi 8:30 AM - 2 PM.
Are My Pine Trees Ready To Thin, Again? Workshop
at Tippah County Extension Office, 10791B Hwy 15 South.
Topics will include: How to prevent bark beetle attack,
When to thin your pine trees, Which trees should be
removed, and How to enhance wildlife habitat. Attendees
will have a hands-on experience measuring trees and
making calculations to evaluate the stand for thinning.
Fee: $22; lunch included. Call Nick Simmons at (662)
April 14...Pike County 6
Alabama Treasure Forest Association Regional Dinner
at John & Carol Dorrill's Farm, 1361 County Road 5523,
Troy. Fee: $5. Contact William Green, Jr. at (334)
612-5235 or
Alabama People Against A Littered State (PALS)
“Don’t Drop It On
Alabama” Spring Cleanup. All materials furnished by Alabama PALS.
Call (334) 263-7737.
April 19...Covington
County 8:30 AM - 3:15 PM.
Forestry Herbicide and Pesticide Workshop at
Covington County Extension Office, 23952 Hwy 55, Suite
4, Andalusia. Topics include; Pesticide safety, Plant ID
& Control, Herbicide use in longleaf pine forest, and
Ground and aerial applications of forestry herbicides.
Register by April 15. Seating limited. Lunch provided.
To register call the Extension Office at (334) 222-1125.
April 19...Washington,
D.C. 10 AM.
Oversight Hearing on Critical Habitat Designations
and Implementations for Endangered Species at 1324
Longworth House Office Building. The House Committee on
Natural Resources will hold an oversight hearing titled
"Recent Changes to Endangered Species Critical
Habitat Designation and Implementation." The meeting
is open to the public and a live video stream will be
broadcast at
House Committee on Natural Resources. Contact
Elise Daniel at (202) 226-9019.
22-23...Okeechobee, Florida.
Women in the Outdoors at Quail Creek Plantation,
12399 NE 224th Street. Women in the Outdoors events are
designed just for women using expert instructors. Fee:
$100. Contact Denise Helms at (772) 475-1158 or
April 22-23...DeKalb
National Trappers Association Southeast Regional
Convention at the North East Agri-Business
Center, 1571 McCurdy Avenue North, Rainesville. Fee:
$10. Contact Mike Sievering at (205) 340-1183 or
April 23…Delano,
Healthy Hardwoods Field Day at East Tennessee
State Nursery, Highway 411. Program will cover Site
Prep, The Tree Planting Process, and will feature a
field tour. Contact Dana Howard at (615)
883-3832 or
April 23...Elmore County 9 AM - Noon.
Living Off the Grid Cabin Property Tour in
Coosada, Alabama (tentative). GPS Coordinates:
32.487189, -86.335674 Topics: Solar power and rain water
collection/purification. Fee: $5; lunch with hamburgers
and hotdogs with RSVP. Contact Mike Hagen at (334)
300-5678 or
County. Location: Headquartered at the
Shocco Springs Conference Center, 1314 Shocco Springs Rd, Talladega, AL
to see the agenda with the most up-to-date
details about the annual meeting as they become
available. The link to online registration and the phone
number for registration is on the agenda.Registration will be done through
the Shocco Springs Conference Center.
April 26-27...Shreveport, Louisiana.
Forest inSight Conference at Shreveport Convention Center will
provide the latest information for establishing and managing Loblolly
Pine. Fee: $103.20. Contact Cara Monfort at 1-800-633-4506 or
April 28...Lowndes County.
Progressive Agriculture Safety Day (Kids Only) at
Holyground Battlefield Park, White Hall. Fourth grade
students. Contact Katanga Mants
at (334) 548-2315 or
April 28...Gainesville,
Florida 9 AM - 3 PM ET.
Use Prescribed Fire Safely and Effectively Workshop
at Austin Cary Memorial Forest, 10625 NE Waldo Road.
This workshop will provide an overview of the uses of
fire natural resource management and the proper planning
necessary for a successful prescribed burn. A burn
demonstration will be planned and executed, if
conditions allow. Fee: $10; lunch included. Contact
Chris Demers at (352) 846-2375 or
April 28...Elmore
County 6 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off at the Alabama Wildlife
Federation Headquarters, 3050 Lanark Road, Millbrook.
Attend the cook-off and enjoy live music, door prizes,
youth activities, and sample wild game recipes. Fee:
$50; Youth 15 and under free. Call the Alabama Wildlife
Federation at 1-800-822-9453.
April 29...Talbot
County, Georgia 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM ET.
Forestry/Wildlife Field Day on the New
Chattahoochee Fall Line Wild Life Management Area only
45 minutes from Phenix City, Alabama. Topics include:
Feral hog control, Drone demonstration, Forest
certification, and more. Fee: $20; lunch included. For
more information call (706) 570-1966 or 665-8079.
April 30…Jackson,
Healthy Hardwoods Field Day at West Tennessee
Research & Education Center, 605 Airways Boulevard.
Program will cover Site Prep, The Tree Planting Process,
and will feature a field tour. Contact Dana Howard at (615) 883-3832 or
April 30...Dallas County
9 AM - 2 PM.
Year-Round Forage Production, Grazing Management, and
Care of Goat Herd at 431 County Road 540, Selma.
No fee, but pre-registration is required. Working lunch
provided. Contact Dr. Uma Karki at (334) 421-2139 or
> May 2016
May 2-5...Coral Springs, Florida.
Aquatic Weed Control Short Course at Fort Lauderdale Coral
Springs Marriott, 11775 Heron Bay Boulevard. This course focuses on
species affecting Florida and provides participants opportunities to
share field experiences and lessons learned. Fee: $345. Contact Jasmine Garcia at (352) 294-3584 or
May 2 - July
Woodland Options For Landowners Shortcourse. This course
is to help landowners gain an introductory level understanding of basic
forest management principles. Fee: $45 per family. Contact Jennifer Gagnon at (540)
231-6391 or
May 3...Elmore County 8 AM -
4:30 PM.
Alabama Invasive Plant Council Annual Conference
at Lanark, 3050 Lanark Road, Millbrook. Fee: $55; lunch
included. Contact Nancy Loewenstein at (334) 844-1061 or
May 3...Meridian,
Mississippi 8 AM - 3 PM.
Forest Landowner Workshop at East Mississippi
Electric Power Association Auditorium, 2128 Highway 39
North. Topics include: Timber tax tips, Markets, Timber
prices, Timber Products, Forest threats, Forest
management, Wildlife management, Estate planning, and
more. RSVP the USDA Natural Resources Conservation
Service at (601) 483-4100x3.
May 3...New Albany,
Mississippi 8:30 AM - 1 PM.
Tree Identification Workshop at Union County
Extension Office, 112 Fairground Circle. Wear
appropriate outdoors clothes and insect repellent. Fee:
$25; lunch included. Call Gina Wills at (662) 534-1917.
May 4...Leesville, South
Carolina 7:50 AM - 4:35 PM ET.
Growing Our Future Landowner Meeting at T & S
Farm, 3500 Pond Branch Road. Topics include: Pine
seedling selection, Planting, Managing stand density for
saw timber production, Identifying superior lumber in
standing trees, Tree Farm update, What trees I want to
see in my mill, Wood quality, and Herbicide applications
for forest landowners. Fee: $45. Call Beth Richardson at (803) 534-6280.
May 5...Iuka, Mississippi
8:30 AM - 1 PM.
Tree Identification Workshop at Tishomingo
County Extension Office, 238 Kaki Street. Wear
appropriate outdoors clothes and insect repellent. Fee:
$20; lunch included. Call Zach Yow at (662) 432-7016.
May 6...Mobile County 8 AM
- 1:45 PM.
Forestry Field Day southwest of Mobile. Topics
include: Threatened species, Pine Straw Management,
Herbicide Calibration, Trapping Nuisance Wildlife, and
more. Lunch provided. Contact Soil & Water Conservation Office at (251)
May 7...Marshall County 6
Wild Game Cook-Off in Guntersville. Location
details to be determined. Attend the cook-off and enjoy
live music, door prizes, youth activities, and sample
wild game recipes. Fee: $40; Youth 15 and under free.
Call the Alabama Wildlife Federation at 1-800-822-9453.
May 11...Macon County.
Progressive Agriculture Safety Day (Kids Only)
at Tuskegee Public School, Tuskegee. Fifth grade
students. Contact Millicent Braxton at (334) 727-0340 or
May 11...Online 11 AM -
Noon CT.
An Approach to Pruning Webinar will show you
practical strategies to increase long-term tree
survival. Speaker: Dr. Ed Gilman, Environmental
Horticulture Department, University of Florida. For more
information email Bethany Unger at
May 12...Lee County 1 - 4
Best Management Practices (BMP) Trail Retirement
Demonstration at the Mary Olive Thomas
Demonstration Forest, Moores Mill Road, Auburn. Hubert
Boatwright will demonstrate skid trail retirement
techniques in a recent harvest area. Subject to
cancelation due to weather conditions. Contact Mathew
Smidt at (334) 844-1038 or
May 12...Walker County 6 PM.
Alabama Forestry Association Jasper Area Regional
Reception at Musgrove Country Club, 916 Country
Club Road, Jasper. Contact Liz Chambers at (334) 481-2135 or
May 14...Elmore County 5
Wild Game Cook-Off at Lake Martin Amphitheater,
Eclectic. Attend the cook-off and enjoy live music, door
prizes, youth activities, and sample wild game recipes.
Fee: $40; Youth 15 and under free. Call the Alabama
Wildlife Federation at 1-800-822-9453.
Canceled...See May 17-19 May 16-18....Fort
Stewart, Georgia.
Longleaf Academy: Longleaf 101
topics will include: Use
of fire in longleaf, Stand management, Understory restoration, and more.
Fee: $TBD. Contact Casey White at (334) 427-1029 or
May 17...Batesville,
Mississippi 8:30 AM - 2 PM.
Understanding Global Positioning System (GPS) Landowner
Workshop at Cliff Finch Office Building, 245-C
Eureka Street. Topics include: Sources of Error,
Waypoints, Marking, Navigation Routes, Tracks, and
Determining Area by Walking Perimeter. Dress for the
outdoors. Fee: $33; lunch included. Call Judd Gentry at
(662) 563-6260.
May 17...Limestone County
5:30 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off at Canebrake Club, Athens.
Attend the cook-off and enjoy live music, door prizes,
youth activities, and sample wild game recipes. Fee:
$35; Youth 15 and under free. Call the Alabama Wildlife
Federation at 1-800-822-9453.
May 17-19...Baxley,
Herbicides and Longleaf 201 at Plant Hatch
Recreational Building, 11028 Hatch Parkway (classroom)
and Moody Forest (field). This course will help you
select herbicides for ecological restoration: rates,
timing, active ingredients, calibration, equipment,
safety, surfactants, and application methods that target
weed species while minimizing impact to desired species.
Fee: $150; includes lunch Tuesday and Wednesday. Contact
Casey White at (334) 427-1029 or
May 18...Nationwide 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM (Central
News Conference for Forest Owners.
This 30 minute telephone/Internet conference
featured state & national experts, researchers & authors
on breaking issues, current research, can't-miss
educational events, books & publications, timber market
update and more.
Listen on the web or download to listen on your device
of choice: May 18, 2016 CI -- Live!
Click Here for Index to
Past Conferences. |
May18-19...Gainesville, Florida.
Annual Spring Symposium on Advances in Southern Pine
Silviculture at The Learning Center, 10625 NE
Waldo Road. Fee: $175; includes breakfast, lunch, BBQ
dinner, and social. Contact Chris Demers at (352)
846-2375 or
May 19...Blount County 9 AM.
Natural Resources Planning Committee Meeting at USDA Conference
Room, 55545 US Hwy 231, Oneonta. Landowners welcome to
attend. Contact Merry Gaines
at (205) 274-2363x3 or
May 19...Tuscaloosa County 6 PM.
Dinner and Discussion at
JamisonMoneyFarmer PC Office, 2200 Jack Warner Parkway,
Suite 300, Tuscaloosa. Enjoy a BBQ dinner, listen to the
May Capital Ideas -- Live! News Conference for
Forest Owners, and argue about the issues with other
landowners afterwards. Dinner at 6 PM with 30 minute
program starting about 6:45 PM. Fee: $7. To attend, RSVP
Beth Crocker at (205) 366-4009 or
bcrocker@jmf.com. |
May 19...Jefferson County 6 PM.
Dinner and Discussion at Ameriprise Financial, 1500
Urban Center Drive, Vestavia (Liberty Park).
Come enjoy dinner, listen to AFOA’s May News
Conference, and argue about the issues with other
BBQ dinner from Full Moon BBQ at 6 PM with 30
minute program starting about 6:45 PM. Fee: $11. Very limited seating. No Walk-ins.
To attend you must
RSVP AFOA at (205) 987-8811 or
rll@afoa.org. |
May 20...Washington
County 8:30 AM - 1 PM.
Forestry Field Day at Spring Hill Baptist Church,
898 Carpenter Road, Chatom. Field tour will be on Susan
Turner’s Property. Topics include: Benefits of
prescribed fire, Live fire demo (weather permitting),
Steps to conduct a prescribed burn, and more. No Fee.
Lunch provided. Call Drema Trammell at (251) 847-6041.
20-21...Shelby County.
Southern Region Landowner Conference at The
Alabama 4H Center, 892 4-H Road, Columbiana. Field
Tours, Panel discussions with forest industry leaders,
breakout sessions for private forest landowners, and a
banquet celebrating the American Tree Farm System will
all be included. Contact Leigh Peters at (334) 796-7663
May 23...Clarksdale,
Mississippi 8 AM - 3:15 PM.
Proactive Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Management at
Coahoma County Extension Office, 503 East Second Street.
Topics include: EAB detection, Managing alternative
species, Logging logistics, Ash timber outlook,
Insecticide options, and more. Fee: $40; lunch included.
Call Laura Giaccaglia at (662) 843-8361.
May 26...Geneva County 10 AM.
Alabama Clean Water Partnership (ACWP)
Choctawhatchee-Pea-Yellow Rivers
Meeting at Geneva County Farm Center, 2765 East State Highway
52, Hartford. Keith Owen with Jager Pro will provide
information on Wild Swine Control to help protect land
and water quality. He will highlight several local farms
that participate in their effective capture system.
Contact Lisa Harris at (334) 301-9603 or
Editor’s Note: Folks who own forestland in CWP basins should stay
aware of the happenings at these stakeholder meetings.
May 26...DeKalb County 6 PM.
Dinner and Discussion at Western
Sizzlin, 1114 Glenn Boulevard SW, Fort Payne. Enjoy sandwiches and salads,
listen to the May CI -- Live! News Conference for Forest Owners, and argue
about the issues with other landowners afterwards. Dutch Treat dinner at 6 PM
with 30 minute program starting about 6:45 PM. To attend, RSVP Susan Dooley at
(256) 997-6713 or
May 27 - June 14...Sweden and
Scandinavian Forestry Tour will focus on private forestry and
the role of woodland owner cooperatives. Meet private woodland owners,
tour tree farms, see harvesting equipment in action, visit forestry
companies, sawmills, forestry museums, and more. Deadline for
reservations was October 1, 2015. Cost estimate: $5,100-5,500. Contact
Oregon Woodland Cooperative at 1-888-800-1192 or
May 31 - June
3...Orlando, Florida.
National Conference of Private Forest Landowners
at Marriott Orlando World Center. Fee: $650. Contact Forest
Landowners Association at 1-800-325-2954 or
> June 2016
June 2...Thomasville,
Georgia. 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM ET.
Longleaf Pine Forest Restoration & Management
Workshop at Greenwood Plantation. Fee: $5. Call
David Godwin at (850) 893-4153 ext 261.
June 2...Marshall County 5 PM.
Guntersville Area Regional Reception at Dream
Ranch, 6926 Alabama Highway 79 South, Guntersville. Join the Alabama
Forestry Association for food, refreshments, and
conversation. Contact Liz Chambers at (334) 481-2135 or
June 2...Autauga County 6
Zika Virus/Lyme Disease Seminar at the William B.
Smith Agricultural Center, 2226 Highway 14 West,
Autaugaville. Topics include: prevention, symptoms, and
stopping the spread of the Zika Virus, Lyme disease, and
other tick borne illnesses. Speaker: Patty Stadlberger,
Alabama Department of Public Health. Contact the Autauga
Forestry & Wildlife Stewardship Council at (334)
June 4...Tallapoosa
County 8:30 AM.
Landowner Field Day at Jerry Brown's Property,
1030 Saxon Road, Goodwater. The tour will feature
forestry and wildlife management practices with three
guest speakers. Catfish Fry lunch. Call Tallapoosa
County Extension Service at (256) 825-1050.
June 8-10....Milton, Florida.
Longleaf Academy: Longleaf 101
at Coldwater Gardens, 7009 Creek Stone Road. Topics will include: Use
of fire in longleaf, Stand management, Understory restoration, and more.
Fee: $150. Contact Casey White at (334) 427-1029 or
June 8...Webinar
Noon CT.
Preserving Family Wealth: Why Plans Fail and How to Fix
Them presented by The Family
Business Consulting Group (FBCG). Fee: $129. Call FBCG
at 1-866-872-5840.
June 9...Rochelle,
Longleaf Management & Productivity Field Day at
Pope City Church. Learn about making longleaf management
decisions from age 15 onward. Contact David Dickens at
(912) 681-5639 or
June 9...Batesville,
Mississippi 8:45 AM - Noon.
Hardwood Plantation Management Workshop consists
of a field tour through privately managed hardwood
forest sites. Wear outdoors appropriate clothing. Fee:
$25. Call the Tallahatchie County Extension Office at
(662) 647-8746.
10-12...Columbia, Missouri.
Chestnut Growers of America (CGA) Annual Conference
at the University of Missouri. The Saturday morning
program will include a variety of presentations while
the afternoon will feature visits to orchards. Fee: $55.
Contact CGA at (360) 887-3669 or
June 11...Statewide.
Free Fishing Day allows residents and
non-residents of Alabama to fish without a fishing
license in both salt and fresh public waters. Private
ponds require an owner’s permission.
June 11...Mobile County 2
- 5 PM.
Mineral and Alternative Energy Rights for the
Landowner Session at the Renaissance Mobile
Riverview Plaza hotel in Mobile. This session is part of
Association of Consulting Foresters National Conference.
This one session is being offered
complimentary to landowners. The course will be taught
by Gee Ogletree, Jr., Jeff Trotter, and Ashley Harris ~
Adams and Reese LLP. Register by contacting Jon at (703)
548-0990 or
June 11-12...Talladega
Women’s Handgun Preparedness Workshop at the
Civilian Markmanship Program facility, 4387 Turner Mill
Road, Talladega. Fee: $50; Saturday lunch included.
Contact Marisa Futral at 1-800-245-2740 or
12-15...Starkville, Mississippi.
Wildlife Recreation Residential Camp for rising 6
- 12th graders. Hands-on learning about wildlife and
outdoor recreational opportunities, including fishing,
archery, and canoeing. This residential camp also offers
the option for certification in Hunter Education. Fee:
$325; includes food and lodging. Contact Diane Weeks at
(662) 325-3174 or
d.d.weeks@msstate.edu or
register online.
June 14...DeKalb County
10 AM.
Great Outdoors Day at DeSoto State Park picnic
area, 7104 DeSoto Parkway NE, Fort Payne. The event will
consist of live animal education programs, and guided
fitness and nature hikes. Fee: $2. Contact Brittney
Hughes at (256) 997-5025 or
June 14...Webinar 1 PM CT.
Managing Soil Quality in Forests will teach
participants about how to help protect your forest soil
through different types of management practices.
Presenter: Eunice Padley, USDA Natural Resources
Conservation Service.
For more information email Holli Kuykendall at
June 14 &
16...Coffeeville, Mississippi.
Ties to the Land: Your Family Forest Heritage at
Yalobusha County Multipurpose Building, 18025 Hwy 7. Are
you concerned about: Your land not receiving adequate
care due to lack of interest from the younger
generation, Handing land over to family members with
financial or other problems, The reality that your land
will someday be owned by the next generation, or Estate
planning preparations. This is a two session workshop
from 6:30 PM to roughly 9:15 PM both days. Fee: $50;
discount for couples. Call Kyle Jeffreys at (662)
June 16...Dale County 1
- 3 PM.
Mushroom Workshop at 202 S. Highway 123, Suite
D, Ozark. Shiitake mushrooms grow very easily in logs.
Learn how to grow mushrooms by inoculating your own log
to take home. Fee: $10. Contact Lucy Edwards at (334)
774-2329 or
16-17...Lauderdale County.
Wildlife School for Landowners at Joe Wheeler
State Park, 4403 McLean Drive, Rogersville. Topics
include: Managing hardwoods in bottom/wetlands, moist
soil management, waterfowl ID, beaver control, and more.
CFE points available. Fee:
$40; $5 discount if paid by June 1. Contact Katherine
Patton at (205) 384-0606x101 or
19-24...Ellisville, Mississippi.
Teacher’s Conservation Workshop at Jones County
Junior College. The workshop will include numerous field
trips including industries, harvesting operations,
management practices, and hands-on activities. Fee:
$115; meals and lodging included. Forest owners and
forest products companies are urged to sponsor a teacher
-- cost is $115. Contact Anna Kendall at (601) 354-4936
June 23...Lauderdale County 10 AM
- Noon.
Alabama Clean Water Partnership (ACWP) Tennessee Basin Stakeholder
Meeting at Lauderdale Extension Office, 802 Veterans Drive, Florence. Call Jay Grantland at (256) 773-8495.
Editor’s Note: Folks who own forestland in CWP basins should stay
aware of the happenings at these stakeholder meetings.
June 23...Shiloh, Tennessee 5:30 PM.
Forestry Association (TFA) West Regional Meeting at
Hagys Catfish Hotel Restaurant, 1140 Hagy Lane. Topic: Forest Health.
All the catfish, chicken, country ham, and fixins you
can eat. Speaker: Heather Slayton, Tennessee Division of
Forestry. Fee: $25. Contact Dana Howard at (615)
883-3832 or
June 26-July
1...Lee County.
Forestry Camp on Auburn University Campus. Open
to high school students ages 15-18. “This
hands-on camp will give students an opportunity to get
outdoors and learn about forestry in Alabama and the
importance of forestry field measurements in making
forest management decisions.” Fee: $650. Two partial
scholarships available. Contact Dr. Becky Barlow at
(334) 844-1019 or
June 29...Online Noon - 1
Legal Liability for Prescribed Fire Accidents in
the Southeast is a free one hour webinar that will
discuss the legal liability associated with prescribed
fire accidents in the Southeastern United States.
Presenter: Stephen McCullers. For more information email
the Southern Fire Exchange at
> July 2016
July Multiple
Dates...Multiple Counties.
Game Check Seminars will be happening across the
state. We have
expressed our misgivings about the Game Check
Program, but since game checks will be
mandatory in the 2016-17 hunting seasons, the Game
Check Seminars happening statewide can give you the
information you need to be in compliance. For more
information call the Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries
at (334) 242-3465.
July 19...Scottsboro
July 21...Greenville
July 25...Selma
July 26...Jacksonville
July 28...Auburn
July 7 & 14...Senatobia,
Mississippi 5:30 - 8:30 PM.
Ties to the Land: Your Family Forest Heritage at
Tate County Extension Office, #1 French’s Alley. Topics
include: Steps to Succession Planning, Goals for Family
Forests, Heir’s Interest, Legal Considerations,
Financial Impacts of Ownership Transfers, and more. Fee:
$55; $85 per couple. Call Tara Ferguson at (662)
July 11...Lauderdale County 6 PM.
Alabama Forestry Association Shoals Area Regional
Reception at The River Bottom Grill, 1050
Clayborn Lillies Drive, Florence. Contact Liz Chambers at (334) 481-2135 or
July 11-14...Lee County.
Teacher’s Conservation Workshop for Teachers of All Grades at
Auburn University School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences. The workshop
will focus on forest ecology, management and products through guest
speakers, field trips and hands-on activities. The goal is to
demonstrate the importance working forests have to the environment and
economy. Teachers pay small fee: ~$75. Forest owners and forest products
companies are urged to sponsor a teacher -- cost is about $500.
Teachers are needed. Contact
Ashley Smith at (334) 481-2133 or
11-13...Jackson, Mississippi.
Teacher’s Conservation Workshop at Mississippi
Ag and Forestry Museum. The workshop will include
numerous field trips including industries, harvesting
operations, management practices, and hands-on
activities. Fee: $50; meals and lodging included. Forest
owners and forest products companies are urged to
sponsor a teacher -- cost is $50. Contact Anna Kendall
at (601) 354-4936 or
July 13...Quincy,
Florida 8:30 AM - 2 PM ET.
Advanced Forest Site Prep Herbicide Workshop at
the North Florida Research and Education Center, 155
Research Road. Private landowners are encouraged to
attend. CEUs and CFEs are offered as well. Bring your
own lunch. Call Megan at (850) 875-7100.
July 14...Autauga County
6 PM.
Hardwood Management at the William B. Smith
Agricultural Center, 2226 Highway 14 West, Autaugaville.
Speaker: Jim Jeter, Alabama Forestry Commission. Contact
Autauga Forestry & Wildlife Stewardship Council at (334)
July 15-17...Jefferson County.
Annual World
Deer Expo at Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex, 2100
Richard Arrington, Jr. Boulevard North, Birmingham. The expo will have
hunting products, apparel, outfitters from all over the world, seminars,
outdoor celebrities, kid’s activities, and more. Fee: $10; kids receive
discounted admission. Call Channing Brown at (205) 678-4141.
July 16...Morton,
Mississippi 8 AM - Noon.
Central Mississippi Tree Farm Field Day at 3323
Morton-Rankin County Line Road. Topics include: Managing
for Wildlife, Water Quality, and Rural Land Financing.
Call Scott County Extension Office at (601) 469-4241.
July 18...DeKalb County
8 AM.
Alabama Certified Prescribed Burn Manager
Re-certification Workshop at Sand Mountain
Research & Extension Center, 13112 Alabama Highway 68,
Crossville. Instructor: John Stivers. Fee: $75. Limited
seating. For more info call John at (334) 253-2139.
Attendees must register at:
Select the Re-Certify option.
July 19...Autauga County
8:30 to Noon.
Management of Native Warm Season Grasses Workshop
at Grey Rocks Ranch, 1058 County Road 15 S, Selma, AL
36703. Contact Paula Adams at (334) 365-5124x101 or
July 19...Nationwide 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM (Central
News Conference for Forest Owners.
This 30 minute telephone/Internet conference
will feature state & national experts, researchers & authors
on breaking issues, current research, can't-miss
educational events, books & publications, timber market
update and more.
Listen on the web or download to listen on your device
of choice: July 19, 2016 CI -- Live!
Click Here for Index to
Past Conferences. |
July 19-22...DeKalb
Alabama Certified Prescribed Burn Manager Certification
Course at Sand Mountain Research & Extension
Center, 13112 Alabama Highway 68, Crossville.
Instructor: John Stivers. Fee: $125. Limited seating.
For more info call John at (334) 253-2139. Attendees
must register at:
Select the Certify option.
**Update**July 20
(was the 21st)...Shelby County 6 PM.
Dinner and Discussion at
Nino's Italian Restaurant, 2698 Pelham Parkway,
Come enjoy dinner, listen to AFOA’s July News
Conference, and argue about the issues with other
landowners. Dutch Treat dinner at 6 PM with 30 minute
program starting at 6:45 PM. Limited seating. To attend
RSVP AFOA at (205) 987-8811 or
rll@afoa.org. |
July 21...Coosa County 6 PM.
Forestry Tax Seminar at the Coosa County E911
Building, 66 Communications Drive, Rockford. Presenter:
Rick Norris, CPA. Contact Lori Woodfin at (256)
July 21...Jefferson County 5 PM.
Birmingham Area Regional Reception at The
Historic Cahaba Pumping Station, 4012 Sicard Hollow
Road, Birmingham. Join the Alabama
Forestry Association for food, refreshments, and
conversation. Contact Liz Chambers at (334) 481-2135 or
July 21-22...Athens, Georgia.
Introduction to ArcGIS at Warnell School of Forestry & Natural
Resources, Room 1-201, 1197 S Lumpkin Street. Attendees should have
taken a basic GIS course or have some familiarity with GIS prior to this
course. Fee: $295. Contact Ingvar Elle at (706) 583-0566 or
July 23-25...Jekyll Island, Georgia.
Georgia Forestry Association (GFA) Annual Conference & Forestry Expo
at Jekyll Island Convention Center. Fee: $575. Call GFA at (478)
July 26-27...Athens,
Wildlife Management at Flinchum’s Phoenix,
Whitehall Forest, 650 Phoenix Drive. This course will
focus on wildlife-habitat management techniques for
three primary game species in the Southeast —
white-tailed deer, wild turkey, and bobwhite quail. Fee:
$296. Contact Ingvar
Elle at (706) 583-0566 or
July 28-31...Mobile
Commodity Producers Conference at the
Renaissance Riverview Plaza Hotel. The Green tour will
include a drone demonstration in forestry and the latest
technology used to help eradicate wild hogs. Fee: Will
vary according to registration selections. Email
questions to Casey Earnest at
July 31 - August 3...Nebraska
City, Nebraska.
Northern Nut Growers Association Annual Meeting
at Lied Lodge and Conference Center. The conference is
open to all people with an interest in nut trees. Fee:
$84. Contact Grant Glatt
July 31 - August
3...Lawrenceburg, Indiana.
Annual Walnut Council Meeting at
DoubleTree by Hilton which is a stone's throw from Ohio
and Kentucky. The meeting will include field trips, indoor
presentations, question and answer session, and awards banquet. Fee: $175.
Contact Liz Jackson at (765) 583-3501 or
> August 2016
August Multiple
Dates...Multiple Counties.
Game Check Seminars will be happening across the
state. We have
expressed our misgivings about the Game Check
Program, but since game checks will be
mandatory in the 2016-17 hunting seasons, the Game
Check Seminars happening statewide can give you the
information you need to be in compliance. For more
information call the Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries
at (334) 242-3465.
August 2...Tuscaloosa
August 4...Butler
August 9...Gallion
August 11...Troy
August 13...Huntsville
August 16...Spanish
August 18...Alexander City
August 23...Cullman
August 29...Camden
August 2...Wiggins,
Mississippi Noon.
Pearl River-Stone County Forestry Association Meeting
at Sawmill Restaurant on Highway 49. Dutch Treat lunch.
For more information call (601) 928-5286.
August 2...Jefferson County 1 PM.
Alabama Clean Water Partnership (CWP) Cahaba Stakeholders Meeting
at Jefferson County Environmental Services Training
Facility, 1331 Oak Grove Road, Birmingham. Topic: Cahaba
River Nutrient TMDL Update. Contact Glenn Littleton at (205) 217-2592
Editor’s Note: Folks who own forestland in CWP basins should stay
aware of the happenings at these stakeholder meetings.
August 2-3...Athens, Georgia.
Wetlands Ecology & Management at Flinchum’s Phoenix, Whitehall
Forest, 650 Phoenix Road. “The primary goal of this class is to focus
on the relationship between forest management and wildlife, fisheries,
and wetlands management.” Fee: $295.
Lunch included on day one. Contact Ingvar Elle at (706) 583-0566 or
August 4...Autauga
County 12 - 1 PM.
Protecting your Property from Wildfires at 2175
Cobbs Ford Road, Prattville. Presenter: Brigetta Giles,
Autauga County Forester. Bring a sack lunch. Drinks
provided. Call Mallory Kelley at (334) 361-7273.
August 4...Cleveland,
Mississippi 6 PM.
Drone Usage for Wildlife and Legal Issues at the
Bolivar County Extension Office, 406 N Martin Luther
King Junior Drive. Conducted by Louis Wasson, MSU
Extension Geosystems Research Institute. Call (662)
843-8362 to reserve your seat.
August 6...Elmore
County 5:30 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off Finals at the Alabama Wildlife
Federation Headquarters, 3050 Lanark Road, Millbrook.
Attend the cook-off and enjoy live music, door prizes,
youth activities, and sample wild game recipes. Fee:
$35; Youth 15 and under free. Call the Alabama Wildlife
Federation at 1-800-822-9453.
August 8...Lee County
8 AM.
Alabama Certified Prescribed Burn Manager
Re-certification Workshop at Auburn University
Forestry & Wildlife Sciences Building, 602 Duncan Drive,
Auburn. Instructor: John Stivers. Fee: $75. Limited
seating. For more info call John at (334) 253-2139.
Attendees must register at:
Select the Re-Certify option.
August 9-12...Lee
Alabama Certified Prescribed Burn Manager Certification
Course at Auburn Unversity Forestry & Wildlife
Sciences Building, 602 Duncan Drive, Auburn. Instructor:
John Stivers. Fee: $125. Limited seating. For more info
call John at (334) 253-2139. Attendees must register at:
Select the Certify option.
August 11...Mobile
County 8:30 AM - 4 PM.
Hardwood Management at the Jon Archer
Agricultural Center, 1070 Schillinger Road, N., Mobile.
Topics include: Hardwood Sites, Regeneration, Upland,
Bottomland, Herbicides, Wildlife, and Forest Pests. Fee:
$30. Contact Beau Brodbeck at (251) 574-8445 or
August 11...Elmore
County 10 AM.
Board Meeting of Alabama Forever Wild Land Trust
at Alabama Wildlife Federation NaturePlex, 3050 Lanark
Road, Millbrook. This meeting
will provide an opportunity for any individual who would
like to make comments concerning the program. The public
is invited to attend this meeting and is urged to submit
comments. For more information call (334) 242-3484.
Editor's Note: How much public land is enough? Is this a
necessary program?
August 12-13...Natchez,
Managing White-tailed Deer at 111 N Broadway
Street. Fee: $100; $50 per day if attending only one
day. Call College of Forest Resources at (662) 325-2952.
August 13...Ocean
Springs, Mississippi.
Southern Christmas Tree Conference at Gulf Hills Hotel &
Conference Center. This conference is for established growers and landowners
considering growing Christmas trees. Fee: $115; $10 discount if paid by
August 6. Contact Michael Buchart at (225) 505-6335 or
August 17...Hernando,
Mississippi 8:30 AM - 4 PM.
Extreme Weather Events and Risk Management Options for
Family Forests at Gale Center, 2601 Elm Street.
Topics: Timber Insurance, Seedling survival, Species
selection, Storm damaged timber salvage, Thinning,
Uneven-aged management, IRS timber casualty loss
provisions, and more. Fee: $25; lunch included. Contact
Tarah Ferguson at (662) 562-4274 or
August 18...Blount
County 9 AM.
Natural Resources Planning Committee Meeting at USDA Service
Center, 55545 US Hwy 231, Oneonta. Contact Merry Gaines
at (205) 274-2363x3 or
August 18...Senatobia,
Mississippi 6 PM.
Tate/DeSoto Forestry Association Meeting at #1
French's Alley. John Auel will give an overview of Best
Management Practices. Contact Tarah Ferguson at (662) 562-4274 or
August 18...Autauga County
6:30 PM.
Wildlife Openings/Food Plots at the William B. Smith
Agricultural Center, 2226 Highway 14 West, Autaugaville.
Speaker: Chris Jaworowski, Regional Extension Agent,
will discuss tips and tactics for improving fall and
spring wildlife openings. Also, Jason McHenry, Alabama
Department of Conservation, will talk about the new Game
Check System. This is a mandatory system starting this
hunting season for deer and turkey. Contact
Autauga Forestry & Wildlife Stewardship Council at (334)
August 19-20...Verona,
Managing White-tailed Deer at the North
Mississippi Research and Extension Center, 5421 Hwy 145
S. Fee: $100; $50 per day if attending only one
day. Call College of Forest Resources at (662) 325-2952.
19-21...Andersonville, Tennessee.
Deer Steward Module: Habit Enhancement will be
led by Dr. Craig Harper, University of Tennessee. Topics
tentatively include: hack and squirt, girdling,
prescribed burning, seasonal disking, us of herbicides,
site evaluation, and more. If you want to shape and
design a property for deer hunting then do not miss this
learning opportunity. Fee: $550. To register call QDMA
at 1-800-209-3337.
August 22 &
29...Winona, Mississippi 5:30 PM & 6 PM respectively.
Alternative Sources of Forest Income Short Course
(2 day course) at Montgomery County Extension Office,
618 Summit Street. Topics include: Specialty wood
products, Recreational leases, Managing for utility
poles, Raking pine straw, Agroforestry, Christmas trees,
and more. Fee: $45; $70 per couple. Call Amy Ware at
(662) 283-4133.
24-25...Madison County.
Clear Water Alabama Seminar and Field Day at
Insanity Complex, 100 Skate Park Drive, Madison. This
program is designed to help professionals learn more
about erosion and sediment control practices and
products. This information could be useful to landowners
as well. Fee: $225; $50 discount if paid by August 12.
Call Earl Norton at (334) 728-4107.
24-25...Statesboro, Georgia.
Increasing Timberland Returns through Objective Value
Added Silvicultural and Management Decisions at
Bulloch County Ag Center, 151 Langston Chapel Road. This
course will help a landowner make effective
silvicultural and economic decisions for managing
loblolly, longleaf, and slash stands. Fee: $210. Contact Ingvar Elle at
(706) 583-0566 or
August 25-26...Newton,
Managing White-tailed Deer at the Coastal Plain
Experiment Station, 51 Coastal Plains Road. Fee: $100; $50 per day if attending only one
day. Call College of Forest Resources at (662) 325-2952.
August 26-27...Starkville, Mississippi.
Forestry Equipment Show. Longest-running live logging/biomass
event in the country and only such venue located in the heart of the
South's forest industry. Fee: $20; $5 discount for advance
registration. For additional information call (662) 325-2191.
August 26-28…Jefferson
Rick & Bubba Outdoor Expo for “all things hunting, fishing, and
outdoors” at the Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex. Fee: $10; Kids 12 and under free.
August 30-September
1...Amelia Island,
Florida Forestry Association (FFA) Annual Meeting at
the Omni at Amelia Island Plantation Resort. Fee: $370;
$30 discount if paid by August 1. Call FFA at (850) 222-5646.
> September 2016
September Multiple
Dates...Multiple Counties.
Game Check Seminars will be happening across the
state. We have
expressed our misgivings about the Game Check
Program, but since game checks will be
mandatory in the 2016-17 hunting seasons, the Game
Check Seminars happening statewide can give you the
information you need to be in compliance. For more
information call the Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries
at (334) 242-3465.
September 8...Monroeville
September 22...Eufaula
September 27...Shorter
September 1...Lee County
8 AM - 4:30 PM.
Alabama Prescribed Fire Council Annual Meeting at
Auburn University, School of Forestry & Wildlife
Sciences Building, Room 1101. Theme: "As a burner, are
you a good neighbor?" Landowners and land mangers
welcome to attend. If you are currently a certified burn
manager in Alabama this meeting will suffice for your
required continuing education to maintain your
recertification every 5 years. Fee: $45; lunch included.
Online Registration. Contact John Stivers at (706) 773-5749 or
September 2...Sumter
County 9 AM - 2:30 PM.
Managing Wild Pig Damage at Alfa Hall, University
of West Alabama, Livingston. Speaker: Mark Smith and
Chris Jaworowski of the Alabama Extension System, and
Jeff Thurmond, USDA. Fee: $20; lunch provided. Contact Mark Smith at
(334) 844-8099 or
September 2...Online 1
Snake Identification Webinar. Learn tips to help
you distinguish venomous and non-venomous snakes. Contact
Kenneth Creel at (256) 532-1578 or
September 6...Vicksburg,
Mississippi 8 AM - 3:30 PM.
Proactive Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Management at
Southern Cultural Heritage Center, 1302 Adams Street.
Topics include: EAB detection, managing alternative
species, logging logistics, ash timber outlook,
insecticide options, and more. Fee: $40; lunch included.
Call Anna McCain at (601) 636-5442.
September 7...Bullock
County 8 AM.
Forest Management in the Coastal Plains at Wehle
Land Conservation Center, 4996 Pleasant Hill Road,
Midway. Topics: longleaf pines, gopher tortoises, and
prescribed burning. Lunch included. Contact Ashley Smith
at (334) 481-2137 or
September 7-9...Baldwin County.
Alabama Water Resources Conference & Symposium at Perdido Beach
Resort, Orange Beach. Fee: $350; $70 discount if paid by August 19. For
more information call (334) 844-5100.
Click Here for online registration form.
September 9...Monroe
County 9 AM - 3 PM.
Deer Management I at Monroeville County
Extension Office, 334 Agriculture Drive, Monroeville.
Topics covered: Deer Management (Mgmt), Forest Mgmt, Food
Plot Mgmt, Invasive Plants, Camera Surveys, and
Predation/Predator Mgmt. Fee: $30; lunch included.
Contact Kelly Knowles at (334) 844-1010 or
September 10...Russell
County 9 AM - 2 PM.
Pond Management Workshop at 508 14th Street,
Courthouse Annex, Alabama Extension Office, Phenix City.
Classroom session followed by a hands-on demonstration
at a pond. Dress appropriately for outdoors. Fee: $10;
lunch provided. Contact Jennifer Davidson at (334)
298-6845 or
September 10...Dallas
Silvopasture and Goat Herd Management Field Day
at 472 Pecan Road, Plantersville, 36758. Register by
8/19. For more details, contact Dr. Uma Karki at (334)
421-2139 or
September 11-13...Baldwin County.
Alabama Forestry Association Annual Meeting at the Perdido Beach
Resort in Orange Beach. Speakers: Mark Crosswhite, CEO, Alabama Power,
Craig Blair, CEO, Resource Management Services, Jim
Porter, President, WestRock Paper Solutions, Kay Ivey,
Lieutenant Governor, Ted Seraphim, CEO, West Fraser,
Richard Shelby, US Senate, Luther Strange, Attorney
General, State of Alabama. Fee: $475. Contact Liz Chambers at (334)
481-2135 or
12...Barbour County 8 AM.
Alabama Certified Prescribed Burn Manager
Re-certification Workshop at Wallace Community
College, Sparks Campus, 3235 South Eufaula Avenue,
Eufaula. Instructor: John Stivers. Fee: $75. Limited
seating. For more info call John at (334) 253-2139.
Attendees must register at:
Select the Re-Certify option.
13...Lee County.
Special Primary Election for the vacant District
79 seat of Mike Hubbard in the Alabama House of
Representatives. If a special primary runoff is needed,
it is set for November 29, 2016 with the special general
election set for February 7, 2017. If a special primary
runoff is not needed, the special general election will
be November 29, 2016.
13-16...Barbour County.
Alabama Certified Prescribed Burn Manager Certification
Course at Wallace Community College, Sparks
Campus, 3235 South Eufaula Avenue, Eufaula. Instructor:
John Stivers. Fee: $125. Limited seating. For more info
call John at (334) 253-2139. Attendees must register at:
Select the Certify option.
14...Walker County 8 AM - 4 PM.
Improving Your Property’s Natural Resources Workshop
at Bevill State Community College, Jasper Campus. Topics include: Deer
Management Plans, Wild Hog Control, Quail Habitat
Management, Forest Herbicides, and more. CFE and PLM hours available. No Fee. To register call
Katherine at (205) 384-0606x101.
14-15...Martinez, Georgia.
Conservation Easements for Forest Landowners and their Advisors
at Grand Rapids Ballroom, Savannah Rapids Pavilion, 3300 Evans to Locks
Road. Fee: $295; $50 discount if paid by August 24. Lunch
included. Contact Ingvar Elle at (706) 583-0566 or
ielle@warnell.uga.edu. Editor’s Note: Be especially wary when
signing away property development rights. If you are considering placing
a conservation easement on your forestland, you may want to read
Attorney calls easements a ‘government land grab.’
15...Tallapoosa County 8 AM - 12 PM.
Private Pesticide Applicator Training Class at
the Tallapoosa County Extension Office, Dadeville. One
of the most useful aspects of this class for landowners
may be learning how to calibrate a backpack sprayer.
Fee: $45; $20 for training and $25 for licensing. Call
Tallapoosa County Extension at (256) 825-1050.
September 15...Eastpoint,
Florida 9 AM - 3 PM ET.
Invasive Exotic Species and Control Workshop at
Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve, 108
Island Drive. This program will describe some of the
more common and troublesome plants and animals in this
region and current strategies to control them. Fee: $10;
lunch provided. Contact Anita Grove at (850) 670-7708 or
September 16...DeKalb County.
Progressive Agriculture Safety Day (Kids Only) at
Geraldine Town Park, Geraldine. Third grade
students. Contact Cameron Mitchell
at (256) 601-0958 or
September 16-17...Swainsboro,
Georgia Trappers Annual Convention at the JC
Fairgrounds, 324 Fair Ground Road. Fee:
$5. Email Georgia Trappers Association at
19...Covington, Georgia.
Women in the Outdoors at Georgia FFA Center, 720
FFA-FHA Camp Road. Women in the Outdoors events are
designed just for women using expert instructors. Fee:
$TBD. Contact Dee Lowrey at (678) 936-4314 or
September 19...Sarepta,
Mississippi 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM.
Forestry & Wildlife Field Day will meet at the
Pavilion of the Sarepta Cemetery, County Road 69. Then
we will travel by trailer to tour the Wright Family Tree
Farm. Wear appropriate outdoor clothing, shoes, and
insect repellent. Fee: $28; lunch included. Call Trent
Barnett at (662) 412-3177.
19-20...Cullman County.
Forest-Her: A Workshop for women who love the land
at Riverwood Farms, 7851 County Road 35, Bremen. Topics will include: Goal
setting, Management for Wildlife, Timber Management,
Non-Timber Forest Products, Hands-on Field Tour, and
Forest Measurements. Fee: $65. Contact Norm Haley at
(256) 630-4248 or
19-22...Savannah, Georgia.
National Association of State Foresters Annual Meeting
at Hilton Savannah DeSoto, 15 East Liberty Street.
Landowners are welcome to attend. Fee: $525. Call Rusty
Brown at (478) 752-1233.
September 20...Natchez,
Proactive Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Management
will include topics such as: EAB detection, managing
alternative species, logging logistics, ash timber
outlook, insecticide options, and more. Fee: $40; lunch
included. Call Anna McCain at (601) 636-5442.
September 20...Webinar
Noon CT.
From Partners by Chance to Partners by Choice: Building
Trust-based Partnerships with Siblings and Cousins presented by The Family
Business Consulting Group (FBCG). Fee: $129. Call FBCG
at 1-866-872-5840.
September 20-22...Portland,
"Who Will Own The Forest?" and Forest Products Forum at World
Forestry Center. Join the professionals as they discuss issues
pertaining to the economy, forestland valuations, investing overseas,
and emerging values such as carbon, biomass, and environmental credits.
Fee: $2,400. Contact Sara Wu at (503)
228-1367 or
September 21...Covington
County 8 AM.
Forest Management in the Coastal Plains at
the Solon Dixon Forestry Education Center, 12130 Dixon
Center Road, Andalusia. Topics: longleaf pines, gopher tortoises, and
prescribed burning. Lunch included. Contact Ashley Smith
at (334) 481-2137 or
September 21...Online
12 Noon CT.
Cogongrass Management - Past, Present, and
Future. This webinar will discuss the
identification, biology, and management of cogongrass in
the southeastern U.S. Presented by Dr. Greg MacDonald,
Extension Professor, University of Florida. Contact Bill
Hubbard at (706) 340-5070.
21-23....Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.
Tennessee Forestry Association Annual Meeting at
Margaritaville, 131 The Island Drive. Fee: $225. Contact
Dana Howard at (615) 883-3832 or
22...Marengo County 9 AM - 1:30 PM.
Landowner Tour on Highway 69 South of Linden.
Contact Bayne Moore at (334) 295-5811 or
September 22...Jefferson County
6 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off at
the Birmingham Zoo, 2630 Cahaba Road, Birmingham. Attend the cook-off and enjoy live music,
door prizes, youth activities, and sample wild game recipes. Fee: $50;
$10 discount if paid in advance. Youth 15 and under free. Call the
Alabama Wildlife Federation at 1-800-822-9453.
September 23...Baldwin
County 9 AM - 2:30 PM.
Managing Wild Pig Damage at Five Rivers Delta
Resource Center, 30945 Five Rivers Boulevard, Spanish
Fort. Speaker: Mark Smith and Chris Jaworowski of the
Alabama Extension System, and Jeff Thurmond, USDA. Fee:
$20; lunch provided. Contact Mark Smith at (334)
844-8099 or
September 27...Munson,
Florida 8:30 AM - 3 PM CT.
Use Prescribed Fire Safely and Effectively at Blackwater River
State Forest, Bear Lake Pavilion. This workshop will
provide an overview of the uses of fire as a management
tool and the proper planning necessary for a successful
prescribed burn. A burn demonstration will be planned
and executed if conditions allow. Fee: $10; lunch
provided. Call Bethany at (850) 675-6654.
27-29...Clearwater Beach, Florida.
Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) Annual Conference
at the Hilton Clearwater Beach. Fee: $795. Contact Amy
Doty at (202) 596-3458 or
amy.doty@sfiprogram.org. Editor’s Note: Do we
need to pay someone to tell us our wood is good and that
we are managing it correctly? What if we don’t actively
manage our land? Does that make it bad forestland?
September 27 -
November 1...Online.
Farm Woodlot Management (BF 150) is a course
designed to examine the methods to assess forest
resources and discuss common woodland activities such as
cutting firewood, harvesting logs for mushroom
cultivation, and support for wildlife and long-term
forest health. The bulk of this course happens on your
own time. Webinars will be woven into the online
interface of the course to allow you to meet on a weekly
basis to learn from presenters and ask questions in real
time. The webinars will occur each Tuesday evening and
are recorded for later viewing. Fee: $250. Contact Peter
Smallidge at (607) 592-3640 or
September 28...Webinar 1 PM CT.
Using NRCS's PLANTS Database in Conservation Planning.
"Participate to learn how the data available in the
National Plant Data Team’s PLANTS database and
can be used in conservation planning. PLANTS is the
central repository of basic plant information for NRCS,
and provides data for the approximately 25,000 native
and naturalized plant species in the United States and
its possessions."
For more information email Holli at
29...Tifton, Georgia.
Georgia Prescribed Fire Council Annual Meeting
at the Tifton Campus Conference Center. Fee: $30. Contact Jessica McCorvey at (229) 734-4706 or
29...Jackson, Mississippi 8:30 AM - 3 PM.
Outdoor Business Workshop
for Landowners at Mississippi Farm Bureau
Federation, 6311 Ridgewood Road. Come learn about
the various types of outdoor businesses, including the
pros and cons and potential income of each. Fee: $25.
Online registration. For more information call (662) 325-3133.
30...Macon County 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM.
Agroforestry Practices at
102 Mary Starke Harper Hall & the Agroforestry Research
and Demonstration Site, Tuskegee University. Topics include:
Forage selection, Suitable animal species, Forest
farming, Mushroom production, and more.
Light breakfast and lunch provided. Pre-registration by
September 9 required. Contact Dr. Uma Karki at (334)
727-8336 or
30...Lexington, Mississippi 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM.
Forest Management for Wildlife Workshop at Black
Creek Outfitters Camp, 2835 Bowling Green Road. This
workshop introduces landowners to the basics of forest
management with the dual objectives of timber and
wildlife production covering topics such as: pine
thinning, multiple use forestry, hardwood management,
and wildlife population management. Please wear field
clothes, boots, and insect repellant. Fee: $25; lunch
included. Call Betsy Padgett at (662) 834-2795.
September 30...Coffee
County 9 AM - 2:30 PM.
Managing Wild
Pig Damage at Enterprise State Community
College, Multipurpose Room, 600 Plaza Drive, Enterprise.
Speaker: Mark Smith and Chris Jaworowski of the Alabama
Extension System, and Jeff Thurmond, USDA. Fee: $20;
lunch provided. Contact Mark Smith at (334) 844-8099 or
> October 2016
October Multiple
Dates...Multiple Counties.
Game Check Seminars will be happening across the
state. We have
expressed our misgivings about the Game Check
Program, but since game checks will be
mandatory in the 2016-17 hunting seasons, the Game
Check Seminars happening statewide can give you the
information you need to be in compliance. For more
information call the Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries
at (334) 242-3465.
October 6...Andalusia
October 13...Vernon
October 4...Wiggins,
Mississippi 8:30 - 11:30 AM.
Second Pine Thinning Workshop at John Guthrie
Tree Farm, Hwy 49 South and India Road, 3 miles south of
Wiggins. This workshop covers all aspects of a second
thinning. Dress appropriately for outdoors. Fee: $20;
Dutch Treat lunch. To register call Glenn Hughes at
(662) 769-9886.
4...Online 1:30 CT.
Cross-laminated Timber, What’s all the fuss about?
Contact Megan Dettenmaier at (435) 797-8424 or
October 4...Morgan County 5:30 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off at Ingalls Harbor, Decatur. Attend the
cook-off and enjoy live music, door prizes, youth activities, and sample
some wild game recipes. Fee: $35; youth under 15 admitted free. Call the Alabama Wildlife Federation
at 1-800-822-9453.
October 4...Collins,
Mississippi 6:30 PM.
Marketing and Merchandising Your Timber at the
Multi-Purpose Building. Presenters: Dr. Glenn Hughes and
Don Williams. For more information call Covington County
Extension Office at (601) 765-8252.
4-5...Athens, Georgia.
Managing Forest Health, Wildlife, and Productivity
at Flinchum’s Phoenix, Whitehall Forest, 650 Phoenix
Drive. “Forest management strategies for enhancing
wildlife populations and improving water quality will be
discussed, as will fire as a forest management tool, and
the use of pesticides in forest systems.” Fee: $295. Contact Ingvar Elle at
(706) 583-0566 or
October 4-6....Yemassee,
South Carolina.
Longleaf Academy: Understory 201
at Nemours Plantation.
Class is FULL. Contact Casey White at (334) 427-1029 or
October 6...Cleveland,
Mississippi 8:30 AM - 12 PM.
Wildlife Habitat Management Workshop near
Cleveland will introduce the basics of habitat
management for wildlife and the latest techniques in
wild hog control. Wear field clothes, boots, and
insect repellant. Fee: $25. Contact Laura Giaccaglia at
(662) 843-8362 or
October 6...Gainesville,
Florida 9 AM - 3 PM ET.
Tree/Plant Identification Field Day at
Morningside Nature Center, 3540 East University Avenue.
Wear appropriate clothing for walking outside. Fee: $10;
lunch included. Contact Chris Demers at (352) 846-2375
October 6...Autauga
County 12 - 1 PM.
Nuisance Wildlife at Christ Lutheran Church, 2175 Cobbs Ford Road,
Prattville. Presenter: Chris Jaworowski, Wildlife
Biologist. Bring a sack lunch. Drinks provided. Call
Mallory Kelley at (334) 361-7273.
October 7...St. Clair
County 9 AM - 2:30 PM.
Managing Wild Pig Damage at Pell City Civic
Center, 2801 Stemley Bridge Road, Pell City. Speaker:
Mark Smith and Chris Jaworowski of the Alabama Extension
System, and Jeff Thurmond, USDA. Fee: $20; lunch
provided. Contact Mark Smith at (334) 844-8099 or
October 7...Online
1 PM CT.
Calibrating Sprayers and Spreaders Webinar by
Dr. Wayne Buhler, North Carolina State University.
Contact Taylor Vandiver at (256) 766-6223 or
October 7-9...Shelby County.
Becoming an Outdoors-Woman (BOW) at Alabama 4-H Center on Lay
Lake near Columbiana. Participants choose from over 50 courses such as:
backyard wildlife, rock climbing, camp cooking, map and compass,
camping, mountain biking, fishing, hunting, canoeing, and many more. Fee
$225; includes most meals, lodging, program materials, and instruction. Contact Marisa Futral at 1-800-245-2740 or
October 10...Chilton
County 8 AM - 1 PM.
Fall Landowner Tour at the Wade Connell Property,
Clanton. GPS coord: Lat. 32.390422, Long. 86.540451
Topics include: Management objectives, Right-of-Way
considerations, Skeet shooting operation, Annosus Root
Rot, Food plots, Wood duck hunting, Hardwood management,
Best Management Practices, and Firebreaks and Boundary
lines. Fee: $15; lunch provided. To pre-register call
the Autauga Forestry & Wildlife Stewardship Council at
(334) 365-5124x3.
11...Meridian, Mississippi 6:30 PM.
Lauderdale County Forestry Association Meeting at
East Mississippi Electric Power Association. Guest
Speaker: Paul Jefferies with ArborGen Seedlings. Fee:
$20; dinner & dues included. Call Lauderdale Extension
Office at (601) 482-9764.
October 12...Lee County
11 AM - Noon.
Why Take a Hike on a Long Distance Trail? at Auburn University,
School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences (SFWS), Room 1101. Topic: Integrating tourism and recreation through
research. Speaker: Taylor Stein, University of
Florida. Refreshments served. Contact
Brian Via at (334) 844-1088 or
October 12...Mobile County 6 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off at The Bluegill Restaurant, Mobile Bay
Causeway, Mobile. Attend the cook-off and enjoy live music, door prizes,
youth activities, and sample some wild game recipes. Fee: $50; youth
under 15 free. Call the
Alabama Wildlife Federation at 1-800-822-9453.
October 12-13...Butler
South Region Forestry Field Day at
Cambrian Ridge Golf Course Clubhouse (evening
presentation) and Cedar Creek Plantation (field day and
tour), Greenville.
Topics include: The Redhills of South Alabama, Water
Quality, Native American History, Knowing What’s On Your
Land, and the History of Manningham. Please
pre-register. Lunch included. Call Butler Farm Service
at (334) 382-3151x2.
13...Tallapoosa County.
Alabama Master Naturalist Program is an eight
session course held on Thursdays either once or twice a
month. Classes will be from 9 AM - 4 PM. Fee: $30 per
day or $200 for all 8 sessions. Other course locations
to be determined. Call Shane Harris at
(256) 825-1050.
Topics will include:
Taxonomy, Botany, and Native Plants
Freshwater Ecosystems and Living Streams
Forests and Ecosystems
Birds and Mammals
Amphibians and Reptiles
Geology, Soils, and Weather
Alabama’s Cultural Landscape
Invertebrates (including insects)
October 13...Atlanta, Georgia 7:30
AM - 5 PM ET.
Timber Market Analysis at Georgia Tech Global Learning Center.
This class teaches a detailed approach and specific strategies for
analyzing timber markets for timberland, bioenergy, wood procurement,
and forestry consulting applications. Speakers: Dr. Brooks Mendell and
Amanda H. Lang. Fee: $680; $100 discount if paid by September 29. Contact Heather Clark at (770) 725-8447 or
October 13...Chambers County
5:30 - 7:40 PM.
Forest Landowners Conference at Farmers Federation Building,
LaFayette. Theme: Landowner & Logging Liability and the Use of Genetics
for Trees. Speakers: Trip Walton, Walton Law, Bryant
Bucher, Quest Engineering, Paul Jeffreys, ArborGen, and
T. R. Clark, F & W Forestry Services. Fee: $4.00;
dinner included. Contact Bill Frazer at (334) 864-7865 or
October 13, 14, &
15...Escambia County.
Progressive Agriculture Safety Day (Kids Only) at Auburn
Experiment Station, Brewton. Fifth grade students only. Contact Chasity Pettis at (251) 867-8042 or
13-15...Escambia County.
Alabama Treasure Forest Association Annual Meeting
at Wind Creek Hotel & Casino, 303 Poarch Road, Atmore.
Fee: $100. Registration deadline was September 20.
Contact Casey Earnest at (334) 613-4080 or
14...Woodville, Florida.
Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year Tour and Awards
Ceremony at the Register Family Partnership Tree
Farm just south of Tallahassee. For more info call
Whitney at (850) 222-5646.
18...Monroe County 6 - 7:30 PM.
Recreational Pond Management at a location to be
determined. Bring a water and weed sample along with any
questions about your lake/pond. Contact Willie Williams
at (251) 575-3477 or
18-20...Moultrie, Georgia.
Sunbelt Agricultural
Exposition at Spence Field, 290-G Harper Blvd. Activities:
Tractor & ATV test drives, Stock Dog Trials, educational
seminars, and many more. Fee: $20 multiday pass; $10
single day pass. Call (229) 985-1968 for more
October 18-20...Athens,
Forestry for Non-Foresters Part 1 (Oct 18) at Flinchum’s Phoenix,
Whitehall Forest, 650 Phoenix Road. “This course will be especially
useful for landowners and those who work with foresters and the forest
industry such as forestry agencies, associations, forestry investment
firms, real estate investment trusts and banking institutions with
forest investments.” Fee: $210.
Forestry for Non-Foresters Part 2 on October 19-20 is
Contact Ingvar Elle at (706) 583-0566 or
ielle@warnell.uga.edu. See the leaders of this course give a
presentation at the 2016 AFOA Annual Meeting.
October 19...Lee County
11 AM - Noon.
Growing Loblolly Pine Trees in a Silvopasture System at Auburn University,
School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences (SFWS), Room 1101. Speaker: Kozma Naka, Alabama A&M University. Refreshments served. Contact
Brian Via at (334) 844-1088 or
19...Online 12 PM Noon CT.
High Performance Wood Structures: An Example of
Increased Efficiency in Multi-Family Construction
Webinar. Tell your builder and architect friends
about this webinar. Email any questions to Karen Droste
19-21...Jackson, Mississippi.
Mississippi Forestry Association Annual Meeting
at the Hilton Jackson. Fee:
$445. Contact Casey
Anderson at (601) 354-4936 or
October 20...Coosa
County 8 AM.
Central Region Forestry Field Day at Rolling
Mountain Plantation. Topics include: Burn or No Burn,
Change Your Forest Fast/Understory Removal by Mulching,
The Importance of Road Signs and Boundary Lines, and
Wild Turkey Research in Alabama. Lunch provided. RSVP to
Jennifer or Lori at (256) 377-4713 or (256) 377-4750.
20...Crestview, Florida 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM.
Managing Your Forests and Farms for Fish and Wildlife
at University of Florida Institute of Food and
Agricultural Sciences Extension Office. Lunch provided,
but pre-registration by October 15 is required. Call
Billie Clayton at (850) 767-3534.
October 20...Online &
Teleconference 9 AM CT.
Information Webinar on Black Warrior Waterdog
will be a briefing on the proposed listing and critical
habitat of the Black Warrior Waterdog by the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service Alabama Field Office. "DETAILS:
The Black Warrior waterdog is a large, aquatic,
nocturnal salamander. It is only found in the streams
within the Black Warrior River Basin in Alabama,
including the main channel of the Black Warrior River,
parts of the North River, Locust Fork, Mulberry Fork,
and Sipsey Fork along with all its tributaries. The U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing to list the
waterdog as “endangered” under the Endangered Species
Act. The Service would also like to designate critical
habitat for the benefit of the species. We will have a
10 to 20 minute webinar on our proposals, followed by a
question-and-answer session."
For audio portion of the webinar call 1-888-469-3652.
Use passcode: 5180338.
Join Instructions for Instant Net Conference:
1. Join the meeting:
2. Enter the required fields.
3. Indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy.
4. Click on Proceed.
October 20...Bryceville,
Florida 9:30 AM - 3 PM ET.
Managing Your Forests for Timber & Wildlife at
Jacksonville Forestry Station, 7247 Big Oaks Road.
Classroom instruction followed by afternoon walking tour
of the Foster Family Tree Farms. Lunch provided, but you
must pre-register by October 11. Contact Robin Holland
at (352) 732-1273 or
October 20...Webinar
Noon CT.
Choosing Stewardship over Self Interest: Changing the
Climate of Your Family Business presented by The Family
Business Consulting Group (FBCG). Fee: $129. Call FBCG
at 1-866-872-5840.
20...Shelby County 6 PM.
Dinner and Discussion at The Boot at Brook Highland,
5279 Highway 280, Birmingham, AL 35242. Enjoy dinner and
discuss the issues with other
landowners. Dutch Treat dinner at 6 PM with
program starting about 6:45 PM. Orman Wilson,
JamisonMoneyFarmer, gave a short presentation on
Forestry Taxes.
See the
presentation outline here. Limited
seating. To attend
RSVP AFOA at (205) 987-8811 or
rll@afoa.org. |
October 25...Bibb
County 6 PM.
"Timber Talk" at The Sawmeal Restaurant, 6880
AL-5, Brent. A "Timber Talk" panel will discuss Timber
Taxation, Estate Planning, and Conservation Easements.
Presenters: Kasey Powell, Quinn Roe, Cathy Rice, and
Orman Wilson from JamisonMoneyFarmer and Katherine
Eddins, Georgia Alabama Land Trust. There will also be
an Ask Your Forester Q & A session with area foresters.
Dinner provided. Contact Natalie ReMine at (205)
366-4062 or
nremine@jmf.com. Editor’s Note: Be especially wary when
signing away property development rights. If you are considering placing
a conservation easement on your forestland, you may want to read
Attorney calls easements a ‘government land grab.’
25-26...Watkinsville, Georgia.
Forest inSight Conference at Oconee Civic Center,
2661 Hog Mountain Road. Fee: $167.50. A Field Tour each
day is included. CFE and CLE credits available. Contact
Cara Monfort at (229) 985-0321 or
25-28...Tallahassee, Florida.
Prescribed Fire for Wildlife at the Tall Timbers
Research Station, 13093 Henry Beadel Drive. The training
combines classroom lectures, panel discussions, and
field exercises covering a variety of wildlife and
habitats. Contact Jim Schortemeyer at
(239) 455-5847 or
26...Macon County 8:30 AM - Noon.
Wildlife Candy: Planting Fruit Trees for Wildlife
at The Wildlife Group, 2858 County Road 53, Tuskegee.
Topics include: types of trees, wildlife benefits,
genetic improvements, and proper establishment of new
trees. This landowner workshop is free, but registration
is required by October 21. Rain-out date is November 2.
For more information call Matt at (334) 725-0034.
October 26...Lee County
11 AM - Noon.
A Brief Overview of U.S. Timberland Investments
at Auburn University, School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences
(SFWS), Room 1101. Speaker: Richard
Hall, Forest Investment Associates. Refreshments served.
Obtain Visitor's Pass and park across the street from
the building. Contact
Brian Via at (334) 844-1088 or
bkv0003@auburn.edu. Richard gave a
Timber Market
Report at the 2016 AFOA Annual Meeting.
October 26...Online
12 Noon CT.
The Biology, Diagnosis, Epidemiology, and
Management of Oak Wilt in the Southeastern U.S.
This webinar will instruct attendees "how to identify
oak wilt (and distinguish it from similar oak maladies)
and what to do once it's infected a tree. Management
options, including chemical, will be covered." Contact Bill
Hubbard at (706) 340-5070.
26...Hattiesburg, Mississippi 1 - 3 PM.
Public Meeting on the Black Pinesnake at Forrest
County Extension Office, 952 Sullivan Drive. “A public
meeting will be held for private forest landowners who
would like additional information, or have questions
about how the 4(d) ruling could impact their future
forest management activities. Speakers will be from the USFWS office in Jackson, MS. Topics will include
identification characteristics of the black pinesnake,
and how this listing might impact forest management
activities on private land.” Call Forrest County
Extension at (601) 545-6083.
October 26...Webinar 1 PM CT.
Buying Seed: Not a Leap of Faith.
This webinar "will discusses the physical,
physiological, health, and genetic qualities that
determine seed quality. In addition, we will explore
what it means to purchase certified seed and how it
ensures seed quality. We will also look at various ways
to calculate seeding rates."
For more information email Holli at
October 27...Cleburne
County 8 AM.
North Region Forestry Field Day at
Jimmy and Sue Jimmerson’s Farm, 30544 County Road 49,
Fruithurst. Topics include: Managing Your Timber,
Archeological Sites on Your Property, Permanent Stream
Crossings, and Prescribed Burning in Hardwood. PLM and
CFE points available. Lunch provided. Contact Cindy Beam
at (256) 463-2620 or
27...Tuscaloosa County 5 PM.
"Timber Talk"
JamisonMoneyFarmer PC Office, 2200 Jack Warner Parkway,
Suite 300, Tuscaloosa. A "Timber Talk" panel will
discuss Timber Taxation, Estate Planning, and
Conservation Easements. Presenters: Kasey Powell, Quinn
Roe, Cathy Rice, and Orman Wilson from
JamisonMoneyFarmer and Katherine Eddins, Georgia Alabama
Land Trust. There will also be an Ask Your Forester Q &
A session with area foresters. Dinner provided. Contact
Natalie ReMine at (205) 366-4062 or
nremine@jmf.com. Editor’s Note: Be especially wary when
signing away property development rights. If you are considering placing
a conservation easement on your forestland, you may want to read
Attorney calls easements a ‘government land grab.’
> November 2016
November 1...Dallas
County 11 AM.
"Timber Talk"
the Selma Dallas County Public Library, 1103 Selma
Avenue, Selma. A "Timber Talk" panel will discuss
Timber Taxation, Estate Planning, and Conservation
Easements. Presenters: Kasey Powell, Quinn Roe, Cathy
Rice, and Orman Wilson from JamisonMoneyFarmer and
Katherine Eddins, Georgia Alabama Land Trust. There will
also be an Ask Your Forester Q & A session with area
foresters. Meal provided. Contact Natalie ReMine at
(205) 366-4062 or
nremine@jmf.com. Editor’s Note: Be especially wary when
signing away property development rights. If you are considering placing
a conservation easement on your forestland, you may want to read
Attorney calls easements a ‘government land grab.’
1-2...Fort Pierce, Florida.
Small Farms and Alternative Enterprises Conference
at Indian River Research and Education Center, 2199
South Rock Road. Fee: $75. Lunch included. Contact Jose Perez at (352)
294-1692 or
1-4...Savannah, Georgia.
Biennial Longleaf Conference at the Savannah
Marriott Riverfront. This year's theme is
Growing a Legacy: A working forest for the long run.
Fee: $515. Contact Carol Denhof at (678) 595-6405 or
November 2...Mascotte,
Florida 9 AM ET.
Tree Farm Tour at the property of John and
Margaret Jahreis, 12042 S. Bay Lake Road. The property
is a multiple-use working farm and forest. Come learn
about their management plan and objectives. Please wear
appropriate outdoor clothing. Fee: $10. For more
information call Lake County Extension at (352)
November 2-6...Madison,
Society of American Foresters (SAF) National Convention
at the Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center. Fee:
$730. Contact SAF at 1-866-897-8720 or
November 3...Tuscaloosa
County 8 AM - 2 PM.
Forestry Workshop at Holman Property, Highway 11
South, Fosters. Topics include: Hardwood regeneration,
Game management food plot, Quail management, and
Hardwood management. A drone demonstration and the Game
Check System will be covered around lunch. Fee: $10.
Call the Tuscaloosa County Extension Office at (205)
November 3...Clarke County 6
Wild Game Cook-Off
at Thomasville Golf & Recreation Park Clubhouse, 1250
Country Club Drive, Thomasville. Attend the cook-off and enjoy
live music, door prizes, youth activities, and sample
wild game recipes. Fee: $40; Youth under 15 free.
Call the Alabama Wildlife Federation at 1-800-822-9453.
4...Talladega County 9 AM - 1 PM.
Fall Forestry Field Day/Landowner Tour on the Jim
Cassidy property in Munford. Topics include: timber
sales, recreation mgmt., wildlife mgmt., food plots,
prescribed burning, longleaf mgmt., timber stand
improvement, and streamside management zones. BBQ lunch
provided. Pre-register by October 28. For more info call
Thomas McDaniel at (205) 669-5121.
November 4...Talladega
County 9 - 11 AM.
Pecan Management Workshop at Talladega County
Extension Office, 130 N Court Street, Talladega. Topics
include: Site selection, Varieties, Proper planting,
Fertilization, Weed control, and more. To pre-register
call (256) 362-6187.
November 5-6...Marion
Alabama Adult Trappers Education Workshop passes
on the historical aspects of trapping, biological
information concerning furbearers and furbearer
management, and allows students to learn the proper
techniques that include the use of trapping as a sound
wildlife management tool. Fee:
$TBD. Contact Mike Sievering at (205) 339-5716 or
November 7...New
Albany, Mississippi 8:30 AM - 4 PM.
Alternative Sources of Forest Income at Union
County Extension Office, 112 Fairground Circle. Topics
include: Overview of specialty woods, Agroforestry,
Christmas Tree farming, Managing for utility poles, Pine
straw, Business aspects of recreational leasing, and
more. Fee: $34; lunch included. Call Gina Wills at (662)
November 7-10...Newton,
Ecological Forestry Workshop at Joseph W. Jones Ecological
Research Center, 3988 Jones Center Drive. This program is designed as an
alternative to production oriented silviculture and focuses more on
management of natural areas and multiple use properties. Fee: $430; meal
and lodging included. Contact Jessica McCorvey at (229) 734-4706 or
8...National & Statewide.
Election Day for Presidential and Congressional
elections. Do you know what choices you'll have to make?
Look at a
sample ballot from your county. Then, do some
research on the candidates and amendments you'll be
voting on come November 8.
Look here for an explanation of all 14 Statewide
Amendments by the Fair Ballot Commission whose purpose
is "to provide to the public a fair and accurate
explanation of what a vote for and what a vote against a
statewide ballot measure represents."
November 8...Multiple
Tax Votes:
Sumter County
voters will decide on a six mill property tax
increase in the general election.
Franklin County voters will decide on a Fire
Protection Service Fee (AKA Property Tax). A $36 per
year fee will be decided in 9 Volunteer Fire
Department Districts. We don’t know if the ‘fee’
will apply to forest or agriculture land, but
Franklin County voters should check this out. See
page 3, middle column of the October newsletter for
a forest landowner’s perspective on Fire Dues.
Marion County
voters will decide on a three mill property tax
County voters will decide on a $120 per year
‘fire service fee’ for Volunteer Fire District 35.
Tallapoosa County voters will decide on
an annual $50 per residence and $100 per commercial
business fire protection ‘fees’ in the Tallassee
Fire District. Forest and farm landowners should
check to be sure these new fees do not apply to
them. See page 3, middle column of the
newsletter for a forest landowner’s perspective on
Fire Dues.
November 9...Blount County 9 AM.
Natural Resources Planning Committee Meeting at USDA Conference
Room, 55545 US Hwy 231, Oneonta. Forest landowners
are welcome to attend and
participate in this meeting. Contact Merry Gaines
at (205) 274-2363x3 or
November 9...Lee County
11 AM - Noon.
Coyote Predation on Fawns in the Southeast at
Auburn University, School of Forestry & Wildlife
Sciences (SFWS), Room 1101. Speaker: William Gulsby,
SFWS. Refreshments served. Obtain Visitor's Pass and
park across the street from the building. Contact
Brian Via at (334) 844-1088 or
November 9...Online 12 PM
Noon CT.
Fire Retardant-Treated Wood: The Basics Webinar.
Tell your builder and architect friends about this
webinar. Email any questions to Karen Droste at
10...Covington County 9:30 AM - 3 PM.
Forest Forum on At-Risk Species Listings, Managing
for Economic Returns & Utilization of Cost Share
Programs at the Solon Dixon Forestry Education
Center, 12130 Dixon Center Road, Andalusia. The agenda
and dialogue will focus on at-risk species listings,
rulings, and the impact on managing forestland for
economic returns, as well as the utilization of
cost-share programs. RSVP Greg Pate at
10...Clarke County 5:30 - 7:30 PM.
Timber Tax Workshop at the Civic Center, 559 West
Front St., Thomasville. Topics include: Acquiring land,
Determining basis, Timber sales income, Depletion
allowances, Reporting income to the IRS, and Expenses.
Forester and Logger CFE points available. Fee: $20. To
pre-register call Clarke County Extension at (251)
10...Covington County 6 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off at the Covington Center
Arena, Andalusia. Attend the cook-off and enjoy live
music, door prizes, youth activities, and sample wild
game recipes. Fee: $40; Youth under 15 free. Call the
Alabama Wildlife Federation at 1-800-822-9453.
November 10...Cleveland,
Mississippi 6 PM.
Mid Delta Forest Woodland and Wildlife Association
Meeting at the Bolivar County Extension Office. Dr.
Stephen Dicke will present “Tax Talk”. Contact Laura
Giaccaglia at (662) 843-8362 or
November 12...Lee
County 8 AM.
Horse Ownership Resources, Skills, & Education for Youth
at the Horse Unit & Beef Teaching Unit, Auburn
University. Activities include: Trailer safety,
Buying/Leasing Your Next Horse, Horse Judging, Digestive
Tract Problems, and Trail & Exercise Physiology. Fee:
$20. Contact Dr. Betsy Wagner at (334) 844-7503 or
November 12...Baldwin
County 9 AM - 4 PM.
Annual Stockton Sawmill Days at Live Oak
Landing, State Highway 225, Stockton. Witness
log-rolling, pole climbing, cross-cut sawing, boom
walking, and other activities performed by professional
lumberjacks. Other items of interest: portable sawmills
operating, circular saw blade sharpening, basket making,
syrup making, and much more. Bring a lawn chair. Fee:
$10; discount for children. Contact Lynn Bozone at (251)
937-3738 or
November 15...Webinar
Noon CT.
Introducing Teens and Young Adults to the Family
Enterprise presented by The Family
Business Consulting Group (FBCG). Fee: $129. Call FBCG
at 1-866-872-5840.
15...Russell County 5 PM.
Forestry Dinner and Workshop at WestRock French
House, Cottonton. Speaker: Dr. Doug Phillips. The program will
focus on the rich natural history and heritage of
Alabama. Fee: $10; steak dinner included. Call Russell
County Extension at (334) 298-6845.
16...Autauga County 9 AM - 1 PM.
Farm Safety Day at R. H. Kirkpatrick Agriculture
Pavilion, Autaugaville. Sixth grade students. Bring a
sack lunch. Fee: A canned food item. Call Autauga
Extension Office at (334) 361-7273.
16...Elmore County 12 PM.
PALS (People Against A Littered State) Governor's Awards at Marriott at Capitol Hill, Prattville.
Call Alabama PALS at
(334) 263-7737. Click here
to watch Margaret McElroy, State Adopt-A-Mile
Coordinator, speak at the 2015 AFOA Annual Meeting.
17...Autauga County 8 AM - 2 PM.
Fall Landowner Tour at Bubba Phillips Property,
1410 Fair Place Road, Prattville or GPS coord.:
32.390422, -86.540451 Turn South off of Highway 14 West
onto County Road 29 South. Topics include: Wood duck mgmt.,
Forest Stewardship planning, Honey Bee mgmt., Benefit of
bats, Pond mgmt., and Swamp & Cabin tour. Fee: $15;
lunch provided. Pre-register with Autauga Forestry &
Wildlife Stewardship Council at (334) 365-5124.
November 17...Online
12 Noon CT.
Heterobasidion (aka Annosum or Fomes) Root
Disease of Pines in the South. "This
webinar will cover Heterobasidion Root Disease (HRD)
identification, biology, and management on pines in the
southeastern U.S." Landowners, consulting
foresters, foresters, land managers, and others are
encouraged to participate. Contact Bill Hubbard at (706)
November 18...Starkville,
Proactive Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Management
course will provide attendees with information on how to
reduce the impact of EAB. Call Anna McCain at (601)
29 - December 1...Brooksville, Florida.
Longleaf Academy: Fire & Longleaf F201 at the
Withlacoochee Training Center, 24059 Childs Road. Topics
will include: fire ecology, fire in young longleaf,
ignition patterns, fireline tools, burn plans, and more.
Live fire demo weather permitting. Fee: $200; lodging
and meals included. Contact Casey White at (334)
427-1029 or
> December 2016
1...Crawfordville, Florida 9:30 AM - Noon ET.
Prescribed Burn Association (PBA) Informational Meeting
at TCC Wakulla Environmental Institute, Room 108A, 170
Preservation Way. PBAs are formed and run by landowners
who help conduct prescribed burns on each other’s land.
Members gain experience, have access to equipment, and
have access to help from other landowners who are more
experienced burners while saving money. Call Billie
Clayton at (850) 767-3634.
December 1...Escambia County
Alabama Forestry Association
Brewton Area Regional Reception at the Country
Club of Brewton, 700 Clubhouse Road.
Conversation, food, and refreshments. RSVP required. Contact Liz
Chambers at (334) 481-2135 or
1...Byhalia, Mississippi 6 PM.
Marshall County Forestry Association Annual Meeting
at the Byhalia United Methodist Church, 2511 Church
Street. For more information contact Marshall County
Extension at (662) 252-3541 or
December 2...Lee
County 5 - 8 PM.
Bacteriological Monitoring at the CASIC
Building, 559 Devall Drive, Auburn. Trainer: Bill
Deutsch and Eric Reutebuch. For more information contact
the workshop at (334) 844-4785 or
2-4...Franklin County.
Alabama Youth Trappers Education Workshop in
Redbay passes on the historical aspects of trapping,
biological information concerning furbearers and
furbearer management, and allows students to learn the
proper techniques that include the use of trapping as a
sound wildlife management tool. Contact Mike Sievering at (205) 339-5716 or
mike.sievering@dcnr.alabama.gov. This same course
takes place on the same days in Greenville in Butler
County as well.
3...Lee County 9 AM - 3 PM.
Water Chemistry Monitoring at the CASIC
Building, 559 Devall Drive, Auburn. Trainer: Bill
Deutsch, Michael Freeman, and Eric Reutebuch. For more
information contact the workshop at (334) 844-4785 or
4-5...Montgomery County.
Alabama Farmers Federation Annual Meeting at the
Montgomery Renaissance Hotel and Convention Center, 201
Tallapoosa Street. Fee: $25; does not include meals.
Contact Caroline Chapman at (334) 613-4953 or
December 5-6...Cullman County
5 - 8 PM.
Traditional Hunter Education Course at the Cullman National
Guard Armory, 1000 23rd Street SW, Cullman. No fee. Call
Stuart Goldsby at (256)
737-8732. Successfully completing an approved hunter education course is
mandatory for all non-supervised Alabama hunting license buyers born on
or after August 1, 1977. There are some exceptions. There are other
courses being taught at various locations in December as well as online
only courses. Contact Marisa Futral at 1-800-245-2740 or
December 6...Warner
Robins, Georgia 8 AM - 5 PM ET.
Introduction to GPS using SOLO Forest at Fort
Valley State University/Warner Robins Campus. This class
is typically for foresters. Fee: $250. Call Johnny
Thompson at (662) 769-5344.
December 7...Crossville,
Tennessee 5 PM.
Tennessee Forestry Association (TFA) Regional Meeting at
Cumberland Mountain State Park Lodge. Program: "The Future of Oak
in Tennessee."
Presenter: Dr. Scott Schlarbaum, Professor of Genetics
at University of Tennessee. Fee: $15. Contact Dana
Howard at (615) 883-3832 or
7-8...Autauga County
5:30 - 9:30 PM.
Traditional Hunter Education Course at the Autaugaville
Agricultural Center, 2226 Hwy 14 W, Autaugaville. No fee. Call
Jason McHenry at (205)
339-5716. Successfully completing an approved hunter education course is
mandatory for all non-supervised Alabama hunting license buyers born on
or after August 1, 1977. There are some exceptions. There are other
courses being taught at various locations in December as well as online
only courses. Contact Marisa Futral at 1-800-245-2740 or
December 8...Atlanta,
Georgia 7:50 AM - 3 PM ET.
Investing in Timberland and Timber REITs at Georgia Tech Global
Learning Center. This course details the operations, performance, market
risks, and costs associated with timberland investment vehicles.
Speakers: Dr. Brooks Mendell and Amanda H. Lang. Fee: $680. Contact Heather Clark at (770)
725-8447 or
December 10...Location
May Vary 9 AM - 1 PM.
Take A Hike locations vary; may include Little
River Canyon, DeSoto State Park, Talladega National
Forest or other locations. Fee: $5; pre-registration
required five days prior to hike. Call Pete Conroy at
(256) 782-8010.
10-11...Mobile County.
Alabama Youth Trappers Education Workshop in
Citronelle passes on the historical aspects of trapping,
biological information concerning furbearers and
furbearer management, and allows students to learn the
proper techniques that include the use of trapping as a
sound wildlife management tool. Contact Mike Sievering at (205) 339-5716 or
12-13...Athens, Georgia.
Deer Ecology & Management at Flinchum’s Phoenix,
Whitehall Forest, 650 Phoenix Drive. This course will
benefit those interested in wildlife management on their
land, especially deer enthusiasts. Fee: $325; $75
discount if paid by November 21. Lunch provided on day
1. Contact Ingvar Elle at (706) 583-0566 or
13-14...Baldwin County 6 - 10 PM.
Traditional Hunter Education Course at the Five Rivers Delta
Resource Center, 30945 Five Rivers Boulevard, Spanish
Fort. No fee. Call Daniel Musselwhite at (251) 626-5474. Successfully completing an approved hunter education course is
mandatory for all non-supervised Alabama hunting license buyers born on
or after August 1, 1977. There are some exceptions. There are other
courses being taught at various locations in December as well as online
only courses. Contact Marisa Futral at 1-800-245-2740 or
13-14...Mayhew, Mississippi.
Introduction to ArcGIS for Foresters at East
Mississippi Community College. This class is typically
for foresters. Fee: $400. Call Johnny Thompson at (662)
December 14...Randolph County
9 :30 - 11:30 AM.
Alabama Clean Water Partnership (ACWP)
Upper Tallapoosa Sub-basin
Meeting at ALFA Building, 112 Main Street, Wedowee. Contact
Sabrina Wood at (334) 429-8832 or
14...Online 12 PM Noon CT.
The First Cross Laminated Timber School in the US: A
Builder’s Perspective Webinar. Tell your builder
and architect friends about this webinar. Email any
questions to Karen Droste at
14-15...Athens, Georgia.
Introduction to ArcGIS at Warnell School of
Forestry & Natural Resources, Room 1-201. Attendees
should have taken a basic GIS course or have some
familiarity with GIS. Fee: $295; one lunch included.
Contact Ingvar Elle at (706) 583-0566 or
December 15...Ocala,
Florida 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM ET.
Managing Your Forests and Pastures for Water and
Wildlife at the Marion County Growth Services
Building, 2710 E Silver Springs Blvd. Program topics
include: Imperiled Species Wildlife Best Management
Practices (BMP), Water Quality BMPs, Basin Management
Action Plans, Prescribed Burn Associations, and more.
Contact Robin Holland at (352) 732-1273 or
16-18...Geneva County.
Alabama Youth Trappers Education Workshop passes
on the historical aspects of trapping, biological
information concerning furbearers and furbearer
management, and allows students to learn the proper
techniques that include the use of trapping as a sound
wildlife management tool. Contact Mike Sievering at (205) 339-5716 or
End of 2016 Calendar of Past Events