News Conference for Forest Owners
Sponsored by the Alabama Forest Owners' Association,
This Conference was recorded on January 20, 2016.

Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00)
Comment |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this news
conference. Hayes' email address is
Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.

Johnny Thompson
Hear Conference
Mapping & Landowner Info for Smart Phones & Tablets
Johnny Thompson is
Managing Partner of
Spatial Solutions, LLC, and reports that he "has been using,
testing, selling, supporting, and training others in GPS [Global Positioning
Systems] and GIS [Geographic Information Systems] applications for the past
22 years." In a recent email, Johnny wrote,
"We have been selling Terrain Navigator
Pro (TNP) for a year now and have sold over 100 copies. It is
a great alternative to ArcGIS if you are looking for a simpler way to make
maps. TNP includes excellent topos, NAIP (National Agriculture Imagery
Program) and Google photos, and Parcel Boundaries with Ownership Data!!
That's right. If you want to know who owns what and where, you can click
on a polygon and have that info. 95% of the counties are covered all
across the US. You can also digitize stands, calculate acres, print
excellent maps, synchronize projects with your smart device..."
Details at Landmark's Website:
Phone: 1-866-395-5440 ext 1

Henry I. Barclay, III
Hear Conference
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Capital Gains and Expensing Still on Chopping Block
Henry Barclay,
CPA and Managing Partner of
Lehmann, Ullman and Barclay
LLP, is a member of the boards of directors of
Forest Landowners Tax Council,
Forest History Society, and the
Alabama Forest Owners'
Association. At a recent meeting of the AFOA Board of Directors, Henry
expressed concern that
important forestry tax provisions* that had been targeted by the U.S.
House Committee on Ways and Means several years ago may still be in
jeopardy. His concern lies in the fact that while the leadership of the
Committee has changed since then, staff members who developed the reform
proposals are still on the job.
In a report just posted to his website, Henry writes:
"It is SIGNIFICANT that there
is draft legislation simply waiting to be resurrected which does not
contain these valuable provisions. If and when the draft legislation is
resurrected, it will be an uphill fight to make Congress aware of the
important aspects of forest land ownership and beneficial provisions.
Three Important Forestry Tax Provisions:
- Timber Growing Costs Deduction
- Tree Planting Deduction/Amortization
- Timber Revenue Subject to Capital
Phone: (205) 439-6520

Dr. Robert A. Tufts
Hear Conference
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Estate Planning Information on Extension Website
Robert Tufts
Professor Emeritus
Auburn University’s
School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences where he has specialized in the
intersection of law and forestry, especially in estate planning. Dr. Tufts
assisted the
Alabama Cooperative Extension
System (ACES) in the development of a
webpage with
estate planning information to get you started. For those who would like
to explore the topic further, ACES will be holding a series of estate
planning workshops around the state this year. The first is
Monday, February 22, 2016 at the Lauderdale County Extension Office (802
Veterans Drive, Florence, Alabama 35630), from 5:30 - 9 pm. To register, call
(256) 766-6223. Keep an eye on the
ACES calendar for workshops in your area.
Estate Planning at the Extension website:
Phone: (334) 734-2120

F. Bradford Butler
Hear Conference
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Financing Timberland Purchases
Brad Butler is the
Owner and a
Real Estate Broker at
Butler Land and
Timber Company, specializing in the sale of timber and recreational
tracts 20 acres and larger. Every few days we receive an email from Brad
describing a new listing, such as the 140 acre
Little Coon Creek Tract in Jackson County or the 359 acre
Majors Creek Tract in Baldwin County. Sometimes -- actually most of the
time -- the properties we like best are priced above the amount of money we
have in the bank, so we called Brad to learn how he helps buyers finance
their purchases. He said that financing forestland is not a problem. Several
companies actively pursue loans on farms and land (see the list below). He
said that today, "with approved credit, you can get a loan for 85% of the
value for 25 to 30 years at 4 to 5% interest rates."
Phone: 1-800-704-0645

L. Keville Larson
Hear Conference
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Endangered Species Act Threatens Forest Owners
Keville Larson is
Chairman of the consulting forestry firm
Larson & McGowin, Inc. and
Past President of the
Forest Landowners Association. Like most of us, Keville had read or
heard that "Designating critical habitat should not affect landowners taking action on
their land unless the action involves federal funds, permits, or
activities." This quotation is taken from a
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service slide show posted on the
website and dated 3/10/15. (Scroll to slide 16 for the above quote and
slide 14 to see maps of Critical Habitat Areas.) So he was quite
surprised when he learned from a U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Questions and Answers dated 10/5/15, that "Within the range
of the species, activities not exempted from take include those that: 1)
convert existing longleaf-dominated forests to other land uses, or forest
cover types." (Scroll down to the last paragraph of Q5.) Keville
wrote to AFOA on 1/6/16: "The recent listing of the black pine snake is the first time I know of where
a landowner must get approval from the USFWS to change land use (e.g.
longleaf to loblolly or longleaf to ag or pasture)."
- What is “critical habitat”?
- Since “critical habitat” is only situations involving a federal agency,
does this include cost share programs?
- What does 51% longleaf mean? Is the
percent based on number of trees, merchantable volume, basal area?
- How much active forest
management is necessary?
- What is necessary to change land use?
- Is it a taking to stop burning in critical habitat?
- Is pine straw raking allowed in critical habitat?
Phone: (251) 605-7936

Kim G. Nix
Hear Conference
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Outdoor Alabama Online News Service
Kim Nix is the
Information and Education Section Chief for the
Alabama Department of Conservation
& Natural Resources. Many of us have received information about the
Department and its many interests through Outdoor Alabama, a magazine
that has been edited by Kim for many years. Now, faced with changing
demographics and cost concerns, the Department has made the switch to
electronic communications, and we think you will like what she has done.
For starters,
the subscribing process is really easy (click here to begin - no password
required!) -- and offers more than 60 choices to allow you to
zero in on your personal outdoor interests. You can decide to receive
periodic emails on your choices or she will send you a weekly digest. We
also liked how easy it is to return to the site to change our selections.
Topic Categories Include:
- Department News
- State Parks
- Freshwater Fishing
- Wildlife
- Hunting
- State Lands
- Marine Resources
Phone: (334) 242-3157

Joseph E. Rigsby
Hear Conference
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Auctioning Hunting Rights
Joe Rigsby
is the
Rigsby Investment Company, Inc.
based in Georgiana, Alabama. During the past 10 years, Joe has leased many
tracts to hunters using AFOA's webpage, We invited Joe to talk to us today, because he
reported success in offering several tracts with a price of "best offer
by" a fixed time and date. This type of auction process, if handled
well, may be useful to landowners who don't know the value of their land for
hunting. In a phone conversation, Joe reminded us to tell prospective
lessors to have maps and lease agreements ready on the day the land is
listed on the web, because calls and emails will follow almost immediately
requesting specific information.
(334) 265-8200

Dr. Yenie Tran Smith
Hear Conference
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Stumpage Market Report from Timber Mart-South
Smith is
Marketing Director and Staff Editor at
Timber Mart-South, "a timber price reporting service providing U.S.
South timber prices and market information since 1976." A graph she provided
of Alabama
Average Stumpage Prices from 2005 to 2015 shows the complete flip in
pine and hardwood sawtimber prices during that 10-year period. Hardwood
pulpwood dominates pulpwood prices on the same page. In a specially prepared
Mart-South Quarterly Market Report, Alabama 4th Quarter 2015 we
State-wide, sawtimber stumpage prices
declined in the 4th Quarter of 2015. However, both pine and hardwood
pulpwood prices improved. Stumpage prices in Alabama for the major pine
products were similar to or below the South-wide average this quarter.
However, the two major hardwood products averaged significantly higher
than the regional Southern average – more than $4 per ton higher for
hardwood sawtimber and $3 per ton higher for hardwood pulpwood.
(706) 542-4756 office or (202) 299-6060 cell
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