News Conference for Forest Owners
Sponsored by the Alabama Forest Owners' Association,
This Conference was recorded on November 18, 2015.

Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00)
Comment |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this news
conference. Hayes' email address is
Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.

Pete Williams
Hear Conference
Writing & Publishing
Family Forest Stories
Pete Williams is a
Writer, Author, and Broadcaster, who, since 2013, has served as
Editor of
Forest Landowner magazine. When we read Pete's ad in Forest
Landowner, we thought you would be interested in
this unique
Is Your Family's Forest Story
Worthy of a Book? Whether it's an illustrated photo history or a
narrative, writer Pete Williams specializes in helping
people craft their stories in self-published book form.
Preserve your family's story for generations to come.
Phone: (727) 723-3926

Dr. Allen Nipper
Hear Conference
Comment |
Family Involvement -- Best Management Practices
Allen Nipper and his wife Ginny are
Founders of
Landowner Legacy
Communication, which provides support to landowner families as they
consider how to make intergenerational transfer of their land, timber,
assets, and legacy as smooth as possible. They developed a list of Best
Management Practices for family involvement with the land. We asked
Allen to tell us more about how to involve and harness the younger
generation by utilizing their own skills and interests.
Family Involvement Best Management
- start early
- work towards effective communication
- develop a culture of family meetings
- utilize responsibilities / roles for all
family members
- be open with all information
- have an organized structure for family
- be involved in forestry / land groups &
- encourage training / education in areas
of importance and interest
- donate as a family to worthy causes
- promote forestry / landownership
© Landowner Legacy
Communication, 2013
For further research:
Phone: (225) 749-8811

Dr. Bronson Strickland
Hear Conference
Deer Hunt App for Landowners & Hunters
Bronson Strickland is an
Associate Extension Professor, Wildlife Ecology and Management in
Department of Wildlife, Fisheries & Aquaculture, Mississippi State
University. Gathering useful information on local deer populations (age,
sex, etc.) to help make correct management decisions has been a chronic
problem for wildlife biologists. Mississippi researchers think they have
created a smart phone app that will begin to solve that problem.
The Deer Hunt app was developed
to make collecting the most critical deer data painless and paperless.
Hunters can record how many deer they saw while hunting, the number of
mature bucks, and the ratio of fawns, does and bucks. Such information
is vital data for a deer manager to collect, but most people don’t do it
because they just don’t want to deal with the paperwork and number
But with this new app, there’s no more filling out observation forms or
recording numbers on harvest sheets. All that information can be entered
and recorded on your phone. You can set up an account for your hunting
club, so that all the deer data are recorded for hunting club members.
If you are not a member of a hunting club, you can set up a private
account to record only your deer data. You can even enter stand
locations on the app and see what the weather conditions are at your
hunting property.
After a successful hunt, the harvest data, including body weight, antler
size, etc., can be entered in the app, too. The data are stored at
Mississippi State, and users can run reports on the number of deer seen
on a particular stand, deer sightings in the morning vs. afternoon,
fawns per doe and locations of mature buck sightings. Just about every
question you could have about deer sightings and herd characteristics
can be answered with the app, if you and your club members use it every
time you hunt. The more data you enter, the more you can learn.
For more information on the free Deer Hunt app:
Phone: (662) 325-8141

Dr. L. Wes Burger, Jr.
Hear Conference
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Forest & Wildlife Management
Wes Burger is
Associate Director of the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment
Station, Associate Director of the Forest and Wildlife Research Center,
Mississippi State University, and
Dale Arner Distinguished Professor of Wildlife Ecology in the Department of
Wildlife, Fisheries, and Aquaculture at Mississippi State University.
Since Wes recently spoke to the members of the Mississippi Forestry
Association at their annual meeting on the Emerging Role of UAVs in
Forest Research & Management, we asked him to share his ideas on how
this new tool might be used. Unfortunately, a short review of the news at will
make you aware that much of the robotics research and new products are not
coming from the U.S. due to tight regulations on their use here.
For Further Research:
Phone: (662) 325-7552

Jacob M. Hodnett
Hear Conference
Herbicides for Road & Trail Maintenance & Clean Pine Straw
Jacob Hodnett is
Senior Forestry & IVM Sales Specialist for
Dow AgroSciences LLC, based in Wadley, Alabama. Included in Jacob's
July PowerPoint presentation to members of the Society of American Foresters
were two slides that caught our attention.
The photo in the first slide
shows thick grass cover on a woods road, a condition that should
minimize erosion. The first bullet point reads: "Control brush, weeds,
and vines without harming grasses."
The second slide that we
thought might be useful to all rakers of pine straw, whether commercial
or home use, stated, "Key Benefit: Controls understory vegetation
while leaving no residual behind in pine straw. Residual herbicides can
be moved to gardens and landscapes, causing damage."
For Further Reading:
Phone: (256) 395-0075

Mark J. Hainds
Hear Conference
Forest Technology Program Reboots
Mark Hainds is the new
Forest Technology Instructor at
Lurleen B. Wallace Community College (LBWCC). LBWCC's Forest
Technology Program is "the only two-year program of its kind in Alabama."
The Forest Technology program trains
students for the position of forest technician. The technician is an
employee who works under the direction of a professional (BS degree)
forester and will undertake the fieldwork that is necessary to manage
the forest. A career as a forest technician involves a variety of
challenging jobs including timber inventory, procurement, maintenance of
forest roads, forest management, forest stand improvement, fire and pest
control, soil and water conservation, wildlife management, harvest
planning, logging, cartography, and surveying. Technicians work outside
in all kinds of weather and have to do some office work.
The Forest Technology curriculum emphasizes the development of practical
field skills. Students often have the opportunity to participate in
forestry field operations such as control burning, stand description,
running land lines, and development of forest management plans. The
curriculum emphasizes forestry practices that are common and accepted in
the Southeast. The training is sufficiently broad to assure the graduate
of competing successfully for jobs throughout the United States.
Source: LBWCC
Forest Technology
Phone: (334) 881-2275

Holmes A. Hendrickson
Hear Conference
Selling Pine Straw
Holmes Hendrickson is the
Alabama Area Manager and a
Partner of
Southern Forestry
Consultants, Inc. About two months ago, AFOA sent an email to
members and forestry related businesses in the Pike County area seeking the
names of pine straw buyers. Holmes replied, "I am handling Pine Straw Leases
for several clients in Pike County. Please give AFOA members my contact
information if they are interested in that service." So that's what we are
doing today. We ask Holmes to tell us about the typical pine straw contract,
payment rates per acre, and recommended land management practices, like
prescribed burning.
Past AFOA discussions on pine straw:
Phone: (334) 393-7868

Joe Clark
Hear Conference
Stumpage Market Report
Joe Clark is the
Forester at Forest2Market,
Inc., an organization that "provides market price data, supply chain
expertise and other decision support services to participants in the forest,
wood and paper products, recovered fiber and bioenergy industries."
The recession slowed the demand for
new homes, especially bigger, single family homes, a market that has not yet
recovered. Although sawtimber demand slowed with the decrease in new home
building, the trees in our woods kept right on growing, increasing stumpage
supply. We ask Joe to help us understand the intertwined pine pulpwood,
chip-n-saw, and sawtimber markets for us. We also ask him to look into the
future; will the Millennials ever move out of mom & dad's house and buy
their own? F2M projects "good" housing start numbers in the 2020s. We hope
they are right. (see graph near the end of the second blog post, below)
Relevant F2M Blog Posts:
Phone: (980) 233-4028
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