MAY 2012 News Conference for Forest Owners
Sponsored by the Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.
This Conference was recorded on May 16,

Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00)
Comment |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this news
conference. Hayes' email address is
Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.

Thomas J. Saunders
Hear Conference
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Logging Notification Act
Tom Saunders is the
General Counsel and Director of
Government Affairs for the
Alabama Forestry Association (AFA). He has been very busy for the
past three months as he has nudged and coaxed legislators to move
legislation of interest to the forest industry through the State House in
Montgomery. Every few days we get an email from Tom briefly describing the
status of bills he is following and/or nurturing. The following is an
example of a recent email (attachments not included):
Attached is the legislative
update reflecting the week’s activity as of close of business Thursday,
May 10th, the 29th legislative day. The next meeting day is Wednesday,
May 16th, which will be the last legislative day. We anticipate a
special session being called that will be held beginning Thursday, May
16th to address redistricting for the legislative districts. We will be
providing a comprehensive analysis of the entire legislation in the near
- County Notice Bill (SB409)
Has become law.
- Unemployment Fund Bill
(SB300) Has become law.
- Trucking Indemnification
Bill (HB339) Compromise bill has become law.
- Trespass Bill (SB342) Has
become law.
- Bridge Bond Bill (SB339)
Dead for this session. Negotiations with the Governor appear to be
fruitful and more on this will be forthcoming soon.
- Incentives Bill
(HB159/HB160) No action this past week.
- Immigration Changes Bill
(HB658) Awaits action on Senate floor.
Best regards,
It's a great service. But we really asked Tom
to join us today to tell us about a bill that became law - The Logging
Notification Bill. "SB409 (Act#2012-257) is legislation aimed at creating a
consistent and uniform manner for notice of pending logging activity to
be given to counties. Over the last several years, AFA’s members have had to
deal with newly created 'logging ordinances' that have been cropping up in
numerous jurisdictions around the state."
Phone: (334) 481-2126

L. Reed Watson, Jr.
Hear Conference
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Unintended Consequences of Forest Certification Schemes
Reed Watson
is a Research Fellow and the Director of Applied Programs
Property & Environmental Research Center. Watson's expertise lies in
developing and promoting market-based solutions to natural resource
conflicts, particularly for water and wildlife. Reed caught our attention
when we read his article,
Unintended Consequences: How
Sustainability Certification and Renewable Biomass Mandates Threaten
Nonindustrial Private Forests,
Forest Landowner magazine, March/April 2012. We have long been
skeptical of sustainable forest management certification schemes, especially
those that were
on retailers by extortionist tactics of various save-the-rainforest
groups. Consistently lacking in all these schemes is consumer driven demand.
Phone: (406) 587-9591
Email: reed@perc.org

Matthew D. Ross
Hear Conference
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To Recognize, Encourage & Inspire
Matt Ross is a
certified wildlife biologist and a
licensed forester and is the
Certification Programs
Manager for the
Quality Deer
Management Association (QDMA). Matt wrote to AFOA about a month ago
asking us to help him find professional land managers who might be
interested in becoming inspectors for his new Land Certification Program (LCP).
To learn more about the program we opened
QDMA's Land Certification webpage and learned, "The LCP was developed to
recognize the accomplishments of landowners and sportsmen
implementing the four cornerstones of Quality Deer Management [herd
management, habitat management, hunter management, herd monitoring]
throughout North America, as well as those committed to ethics, conservation
and biodiversity through land stewardship; and to encourage
management practices on participating lands that will enhance deer and other
wildlife species, habitat conditions, and hunting experiences by providing
incentives, recommendations and/or assistance; and finally to inspire
others to engage in sound wildlife management and conservation of our
natural resources." The
LCP Overview Brochure contains details. It wasn't long after
receiving Matt's request for help, that our copy of the April-May 2012 issue
of Quality Whitetails arrived in the mail with landowner
Bruce Ingram's article entitled Certified Land Steward. Ingram
described how the program “offered an exciting opportunity to become a
better land manager,” and stated, “These signs will … be a visual reminder
that wildlife habitat on a particular property is being enhanced.” While
AFOA members who become certified under the LCP may be recognized and
may encourage and inspire others, they might also enhance their hunting lease
revenues. Just a thought.
Phone: (518) 280-3714
Email: mross@qdma.com

Lamar Dewberry
Hear Conference
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Family Forest Blog
Lamar Dewberry is a private
forest landowner in Lineville, Alabama where he and his wife Felicia own
Dewberry Lands, LLC and Mountains Streams Realty, Inc. Lamar and Felicia
have put together a blog that's full of photos and captions of family,
friends, visitors, mushrooms, and trees. Two captions under photos of
grandkids may whet your appetite to visit
Lands blog.
James, Selah, and Eden were with us
Thursday through Sunday and the highlight of our week was a picnic over
at Bowden Grove at our park area. They played and played in the water,
climbed trees, watched butterflies, caught caterpillars, and walked to
the swamp. James did not want to leave. He said the next time he wanted
to camp and stay all night. [photos of kids playing in woods and
Can you tell this girl likes putting up tree stands on the property?
She loved riding the gator for miles, picking up acorns, rocks, and
leaves. She is learning so much about nature..... Don't say the word
"outside" around her unless you are going outside. [photo of young
girl enjoying a ride through the woods]
After you have traveled the Dewberry blog,
you will know that Lamar enjoys observing the wide variety of wildflowers
and other plants on their land. He recommends that you add to your personal
Wildflowers and Plant Communities of the Southern
Appalachian and Piedmont, by Timothy P. Spira.
Phone: (256) 396-2485

Jim Sollecito
Hear Conference
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Caught On Camera
Jim Sollecito is a
Horticulturist/Nursery Owner, a Hunter, and recently a World Record Holder
for setting 2
International Game Fish Association World Records for Chinook
Salmon and Spanish Mackerel. But we asked Jim to join us today to tell us
about the big one he caught on one of his game cameras. In his article,
entitled Unhappy Trails,
Quality Whitetails, April-May 2012, Jim wrote, "Imagine my surprise on
August 8, 2011 as I viewed 158 photos taken on one of my cameras in the
middle of my woods. First I saw some good bucks in velvet, and then a flock
of turkey poults, a nice red fox, and then a
black Chevrolet ¾-ton truck."
After you read Unhappy Trails and look carefully at the photo of the truck,
you may find yourself shopping for a
game or trail camera.
Phone: (315) 468-1142
Email: jim@sollecito.com

Roger Simons
Hear Conference
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Do it yourself small engine repairs
Roger Simons is the
Founder of
Advanced Technical Training Network,
a "new 'service school' online that walks members step-by-step through
preventative maintenance and small engine diagnostics." In an article in
Farm Show, vol.
36 #2, Roger said, "We film professional mechanics who work on chainsaws and
other small engine tools every day." "They will walk through a repair
scenario on all the things likely to be repaired through the life cycle of a
product." "Our goal is to show people who want to do their own maintenance
or diagnostics how to do it. If repairs are needed, they may well decide to
take it to the repair shop. However, now they'll understand the problem or
its complexity and feel better about paying for the repair." Roger's
background includes starting a technical training program for Stihl
chainsaws in the U.S.
Phone: (704) 907-3097

William C. Siegel
Hear Conference
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2012 or 2013 -- Taxing Decisions
Bill Siegel has degrees in
forestry, economics and law, and is a forest landowner. He currently is in
private practice as an attorney and forestry consultant, and is Immediate
Past Chairman of the Board of the
Forest Landowners Tax Council.
He has both
spoken and published widely on forestry taxation and estate planning. Bill
was a featured speaker at a recent meeting of the Southeastern Society of
American Foresters where he highlighted some of the tax law changes that
will take place on January 1, 2013. Estate tax and gift tax changes could
make it beneficial for you to consider gifting before the end of this
year. The estate tax, now set at 35% of the estate value above $5 million
is going to increase to 55% of the estate value above $1 million. It doesn't
take much good timber on a few hundred acres to exceed $1 million. Bill also
pointed out that the U.S. is the only country in the world that doesn't
allow the immediate write-off of tree planting expenses. He encouraged the
foresters to work to reform the passive loss rules and change income
averaging laws that allow farmers and fishermen to smooth out and flatten roller coaster
incomes, but exclude forest landowners. Today we asked Bill to tell us about
the benefits of making a timber sale or gifting forestland in 2012 instead
of waiting until next year.
Recommended reading:
Phone: (504) 914-1868 (phone
number updated 02/28/13)
Email: wcsieg@aol.com

Chris J. Williams
Hear Conference
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Tax Deferred Property Exchanges
Chris Williams is a
Certified Public Accountant and Tax Manager for
PC. He specializes in preparing and reviewing tax returns for
businesses, individuals, estates, trusts, and non-profit organizations with
a special focus on Timber, Oil, and Gas Taxes. You may have met Chris at
AFOA's April Annual Meeting where he led a workshop on Record Keeping for
Tax Purposes. We asked him to join us today to explain like-kind exchanges,
AKA 1031 exchanges, AKA tax-free property exchanges. Whatever you might call
them, 1031 exchanges allow you to sell a property, replace it with another,
and put-off or defer payment of any income tax you might have owed on the
gain if you had sold the property for cash. From the
Sheet Like-Kind Exchanges: 1031 Exchange authored by Chris:
The Internal Revenue Code under
§1031(a)(1) states: “No gain or loss shall be recognized on the
exchange of property held for productive use in a trade or business or
for investment if such property is exchanged solely for property of
like-kind which is to be held either for productive use in a trade or
business or for investment.”
Phone: (205) 366-4007
Email: cwilliams@jmf.com
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