MAY 2008
News Conference for Forest Owners
Sponsored by the Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.
This Conference was recorded on MAY 21,

Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00) |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this news
conference. Hayes' email address is
Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.

Timothy P. Albritton
Hear Conference |
Carbon Offsets: Show Me The Money
Tim Albritton is an Elmore
County landowner who has actually sold carbon sequestration rights and has a
copy of his carbon payment check to prove it. Tim is Natural Resources
Conservation Service State Forester and worked for many years with the
Alabama Forestry Commission, but his carbon sales activities were strictly
Tim Albritton, private landowner. Tim and son Joseph planted 8 acres of
loblolly pines on an old cotton field back in January 1995. Then, last year, April 2007, Tim filled out
the forms to register his "carbon" with "carbon aggregator"
Delta Institute in order to
sell his sequestration rights for the carbon. Earlier this year (2/08) he finally received a check in the
mail. AFOA advises carbon traders to have their attorneys check
contracts before signing.
Phone: (334) 887-4560

Dr. John L. Adrian
Hear Conference |
Farm & Forest Land Values & Cash Rents
John Adrian is a Professor in
Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology at Auburn
University. John and Dr. Walt Prevatt, also an ag economist, published a
report last summer that may be of interest to many forest owners. Entitled
Alabama Farm Real Estate: A Comparison of Returns and Values Since 1970,
the report discusses large farmland value increases in recent years.
"Numerous factors seem to be influencing the farm real estate market such as
historically low interest rates, the popularity of
1031 Exchanges, the
desire for recreational land, the satisfaction received from the amenities
of 'rural' living, and the search for investment opportunities that will
possibly outperform the stock market and other potential investments."
Phone: (334) 844-5625
Email: jadrian@auburn.edu

Michael C. Hill
Hear Conference |
Refocusing Forestry Law Enforcement in Alabama
Craig Hill was recently selected
to be the Alabama
Forestry Commission's Law Enforcement Chief. For the past 21 years he
has worked as a conservation officer, investigator, and supervisor with the
Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries, Alabama Department of
Conservation and Natural Resources, where he has been the Operations Chief
for the past six years. Under Hill's leadership, the Forestry Commission
wants to raise public awareness about the law enforcement services available
to landowners, the timber industry, and the citizens of this state. He
points out that AFC law enforcement officers have full police power. They
primarily investigate and enforce laws and regulations pertaining to the
- Timberland arson
- Timber theft
- Theft of timber harvesting equipment
- Illegal dumping
To report these types of violations please
call 1-800-222-2927. This number is manned 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Phone: (334) 240-9366

Dr. David Mercker
Hear Conference |
After the Tornado: claiming a timber casualty loss
David Mercker described
Hardwood Corridor Thinning on the last
issue of Capital Ideas - Live!, but since then he has spent a lot of
time assisting landowners that have been hit by tornados in Tennessee. In
the process of developing and leading landowner workshops on recovering from
tornado damage, David wrote a short paper on claiming
a casualty loss (it has been pointed out to us that "salvage should
be reported separately, i.e. claim the entire loss and report the salvage
sale as a separate event--they will wash out when losses and gains are
balanced." 5/4/11). Tornado damage is frequent in Alabama and the tracks of
two (from AFC website) that touched down in February 2008 in
Fayette, Tuscaloosa and Walker counties and
Lawrence and Morgan counties may be of interest to absentee owners.
Websites for help:
Phone: (731) 425-4703
Email: dcmercker@utk.edu

Jaime White
Hear Conference |
The Ridge: Private ATV Trails and Camping
Jaime White is the
Administrative Officer of
The Ridge
Riding Club, a family owned, family run business on 500+ acres or
near Springville, Alabama, exit 154 on Interstate 59 northeast of
Birmingham. "The Ridge is an off-road riding park specifically catering to
motorcycle and four-wheeler riders of all ages and abilities." The White
family works on trails, sells riding memberships, and rents cabins and
camping sites. They're even building a 6-room hotel to accommodate riders.
We thought AFOA members who own ATVs that need a little exercise might like
to get lost on 35 miles of trails (most are one-way). Or some
may be in the market for a new 4-wheeler or side-by-side and would benefit from a
Demo Day
at The Ridge. Hanging a hammock in the woods and taking a nap after a hard
ride is permitted.
Phone: (205) 467-7490

Dr. Russell A. Wright
Hear Conference |
Fish Ponds: all you'll ever want to know
Rusty Wrightis
an Extension Specialist and Associate Professor of Fisheries in the
Department of
Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures
at Auburn University. He is an enthusiastic teacher and forest owners should
make a point of attending workshops when Rusty is on the program. Rusty has
developed a web page that has loads of useful information on it. He
suggests you take a look at the following links on the
www.ALEARN.info website:
Phone: (334) 844-9311
Email: wrighr2@auburn.edu

Gary P. Delaney
Hear Conference |
Woody Plant Seed Manual
Gary Delaney, vice president
of Louisiana Forest Seed Company, follows his father and grandfather
in the tree seed processing business. LFSCo was established in 1983 and
currently processes about 200 species of seed for the horticulture and
forest industries. We suspect that many forest owners have brought home a
handful of acorns or blackgum berries to see if they could get them to grow.
A resource that would be nice to have, if you were to try growing trees from
seed, is the
Woody Plant
Seed Manual. First published in 1948, the book sits on the desk
of nearly every U.S. nurseryman and is now available on the web. The current
edition, USDA FS Agriculture Handbook 727, was published April 2008.
- Part 1 Principles and General
Methods of Producing and Handling Seeds
- Chapter 1-Seed Biology
- Chapter 3-Seed Harvesting &
- Chapter 4-Storage of Seeds
- Chapter 7-Nursery Practices
- Part 2 Specific Handling
Methods and Data for 236 Genera
For a copy of Louisiana Forest Seed
Company's Wholesale Prices, write: Louisiana Forest Seed Company,
303 Forestry Road, Lecompte, LA 71346.
Phone: (318) 443-5026
Email: gdelaney@lfsco.com

Thomas E. Carignan, Jr.
Hear Conference |
Add Value: Hire a Consulting Forester
Tom Carignan is owner and
manager of
Forestry Consultants and spends much of his time describing the
activities and skills involved in making timber sales. Many landowners are
skeptical when it comes to paying a sales commission to a consultant so Tom
has written the story of Mary Rose to help you understand the value added by
a consultant. The article is
the cover story of the May-June 2008 issue of Tree Farmer magazine.
In the beginning, Mary Rose "was confused...and more than
a little bit worried."
Phone: 1-866-361-7677