MARCH 2008
News Conference for Forest Owners
Sponsored by the Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.
This Conference was recorded March 19,

Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00) |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this news
conference. Hayes' email address is
Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.

Dr. Oliver R. W. Pergams
Hear Conference |
Life-Style Changes Affect Outdoor Businesses
Oliver Pergams is a
Conservation Scientist at the University of Illinois at Chicago and
is a founder, along with Dr. Patricia Zaradic, of the
Rock Institute, Inc., an organization "interested in examining all
aspects of people's changing relationship with nature..." Pergams &
Zaradic's recent publication entitled
Evidence for a fundamental and pervasive shift away from nature-based
recreation, has created a great deal of interest from rather
diverse groups. Environmentalists worry that a lack of
interest in nature might develop into a lack of support for laws and
regulations designed to improve the environment. State conservation
departments, funded by hunting and fishing licenses, worry that
license purchases might drop and pull down budgets. Landowners
should worry that income from businesses dependent on demand for wildland access
might stop growing or even decline.
Web Links of Interest:
Phone: (312) 996-5446
Email: pergams@uic.edu

Dr. W. Daryl Jones
Hear Conference |
Revenue Potential from Natural Resource Enterprises
Daryl Jones, is the Coordinator
of the
Natural Resource Enterprises (NRE) Program and Assistant Extension
Professor at the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries at Mississippi State
University. The majority of forestland in the eastern U.S. is privately
owned; most of it in the hands of individual and family owners. Dr. Jones'
interest in helping us develop outdoor recreation businesses is both
important to us and to our potential customers. The
NRE website contains all kinds of ideas and examples of businesses you
might find interesting. Currently about 4,000 AFOA members lease land for
hunting, but few of us do more than sign a lease and collect annual fees.
Jones will give us clues on how to dig a bit deeper.
Phone: (662) 325-5769
Email: djones@gri.msstate.edu

Mr. Joseph W. Eiland
Hear Conference |
Yahoo Web Page Building for Beginners
Joe Eiland is the owner of
Eiland Forestry &
Real Estate, a forest management and real estate sales firm with
over 30 years experience. Joe lists various tracts of land for sale on
his website and spent several minutes last week telling us how easy it
was to post maps and photos of the land to the web. He uses
Yahoo Small
Business Web Hosting Service (about $10 per month). We thought AFOA
members might find a use for an easy "do it yourself" website
(no software in your computer or to buy) to post photos and maps for
view by family members and others. By the way, Joe's listing on AFOA's
"forestland for sale" webpage is located at
Joe's Recipe for Starting a Web Page
- Go to
- Click on ‘get a website’ to set up your
- Go to ‘pick your look’ to set up the
basic layout of your site
- Click on ‘select your pages’ to add your
own site pages
- At each page enter text as indicated
- Photos, maps, or drawings can be added
to each page by clicking on page boxes
- After each page save your work
- View all work to make sure its what you
want on web
- Hit "publish to web"
- At anytime the site may be edited by
going to back to
click on manage your services, then edit
Phone: (205) 655-0191
Email: eilandforestry@yahoo.com

Dr. John L. Greene
Hear Conference |
Income Tax Updates
John Greene
is a U.S. Forest Service
Research Forester attached to the
Southern Research
and based in New Orleans. He is always a ready source of solid forest
taxation information and today provides us with some updates that came about
when the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 was signed February 13, 2008. In the
first slide show (first link below), John describes New minimum tax rate
for long-term capital gains plus Reforestation Incentives. In the
second slide show (second link below) he discusses Increases in the
section 179 deduction and Family business tax simplification
Phone: (919) 549-4093
Email: johnlgreene@fs.fed.us

Dr. David South
Hear Conference |
14 Reasons Why Bareroot Loblolly Seedlings Die
South is a Professor at the
School of Forestry and
Wildlife Sciences at Auburn University. He specializes in nursery
management, seedling quality, and regeneration and AFOA frequently calls on
him for advice. David's comments to us for this program: "Some landowners
are willing to invest large amounts of money in mechanical site preparation
and chemical weed control but are unwilling to invest a small amount for
effective planting methods. If making 11-inch holes costs 2 cents more per
tree, the cost per acre might increase by $10. Likewise, penny pinchers
might save $25 per acre by not machine planting an old-field.
However, paying more for machine planting, large-diameter seedlings in
November can be a good investment, especially in years when droughts occur."
14 Reasons Why Bareroot Loblolly Pine Seedlings Die
Phone: (334) 844-1022
Email: southdb@auburn.edu

Dr. David Mercker
Hear Conference |
Hardwood Corridor Thinning
David Mercker loves hardwood
trees and he loves to help landowners grow them. His work as
Forester with the
University of Tennessee gives him the opportunity to pursue both of
these loves. David has the ability to name activities that increase a
landowner's chances to improve his hardwood forestland. Several years ago he
wrote a well focused 8-page booklet called
Crop Tree Release in Precommercial Hardwood Stands. Now David
has come up with a new hardwood action plan called
Hardwood Corridor Thinning. Listen up, North Alabama forest
Phone: (731) 425-4703
Email: dcmercker@utk.edu

Mr. Gilbert F. Dukes, III
Hear Conference |
Tax Deferred Property Exchanges Made Easy
Gil Dukes is a Partner in the
law firm of
Coale, Dukes, Kirkpatrick & Crowley, P.C., a group that practices in the
following areas of law: Taxation, Estate Planning, Estate Administration,
Gift and Income Tax Planning, Probate, Commercial, Corporate,
Reorganizations, Real Estate. Mr. Dukes has specialized in 1031 Tax Deferred
Exchanges for many years and provides services of a qualified
intermediary. The 1031 Exchange allows you to sell your land and then, within a
limited time period, find and buy a second tract -- all free of income tax
on the sale -- if you do it right. Gil is the man who knows how to do it
Phone: (251) 471-2625
Email: gdukes@cdklaw.com

Mr. Marshall D. Thomas
Hear Conference |
Timber Market Report
Marshall Thomas is President of
F & W
Forestry Services, Inc., a forest resource management and consulting
firm based in Albany, Georgia, with branches in 10 states and 13 cities. The
company publishes a well-written and very interesting quarterly newsletter
entitled F&W Forestry
Letter available by subscription. Because of the numerous and widely
scattered branch offices, Marshall receives timber market reports almost
Phone: (229) 883-0138x132
Email: mthomas@fwforestry.com