
Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00) |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this news
conference. Hayes' email address is
Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.

George F. Will
Hear Conference
George F. Will: Thoughts on Biofuel
George Will is one of the most
widely recognized, and widely read, writers in the world
and has written a bi-weekly commentary for Newsweek magazine since 1976.
His recent piece, "The Biofuel Follies", prompted AFOA to inquire
further about this issue.
Today Mr. Will will
share his thoughts on the politics of biofuels, cautions for forest owners
involved in this market and tensions between energy policy vs. agriculture

Frank Stewart
Hear Conference
Taking Forest Landowners' Concerns to Washington
Frank Stewart is
the contract lobbyist for the
Forest Landowners Association and the
Executive Director of the
Forest Landowners Tax Council. Recently
these two organizations sponsored a Washington Fly-In where landowners were
able to personally meet with Congressional Delegates on issues that affect
forest landowners.
Today Frank will walk you
through the activities for the two-day event to familiarize you with the
process and encourage you to consider joining them next time.
Phone: (703) 549-0347

Dr. William C. Siegel
Hear Conference
It's That "Taxing" Time of Year Again!
Taxes are always in the back of the minds of forest landowners, but this
time of year they are a central concern.
Bill Siegel, one
of the nation's foremost authorities on forest tax matters, joins us today
to talk about taking timber-related deductions on our 2007 tax returns.
Phone: (504) 914-1868 (phone number
updated 02/28/13)

George Screpetis
Hear Conference
What Does a Quality Tree Look Like?
George Screpetis
is a consulting forester and will share his more than 40 years of experience in the 53rd Annual Hardwood
Log, Lumber, and Tree Grading workshop March 11-14, 2008. The workshop is
sponsored by the School of Forestry at Louisiana Tech University and is
coordinated by Dr. Mark Gibson. Participants will learn the basics of hardwood lumber, log
and tree grading, as well as recognition of defects that affect these
Today George will tell us a little about the workshop and give forest
landowners a few pointers about identifying quality in standing timber.
Phone: Dr. Mark Gibson
(318) 257-3392
Email: Dr. Mark Gibson mgibson@LaTech.edu .

Hear Conference
Woodland Options for Small Landowners
Jennifer Gagnon is an
Extension Forester at the Virginia Tech Department of Forestry and
coordinates the Virginia Forest Landowner Education Program. She is here to
discuss a course that begins in March titled "Woodland Options for Small
Landowners." The course is offered on-line and is self-paced making it a
viable option for many.
Phone: (540) 231-6391
Email: forester@vt.edu

Richard Straight
Hear Conference
Longleaf Silvopasture
Rich Straight is the Technology Transfer
Lead for the USDA National Agroforestry Center. His primary focus there is to promote understanding and
adoption of agroforestry in the U.S.
Today he will describe silvopasture and its advantage over other pastures as well
as discuss what is unique about a longleaf pine silvopasture.
(402) 437-5178 ext 4024 Email:

Dr. David Dickens
Hear Conference
Longleaf Pine Straw
David Dickens is an Associate Professor of Forest Productivity at Warnell School of
Forest Resources, The University of Georgia. He has researched and written
extensively about southern pines and their management.
Today he discusses pine straw from longleaf pine stands -
harvesting, selling, and what to consider when you're starting a new stand.
Phone: (912) 681-5639
Email: ddickens@warnell.uga.edu

Gene Matchen
Hear Conference
What You Need to Know About Deer Feeders
Gene Matchen
is the Customer Service Manager at Moultrie, the leading brand in wildlife
feeders. Gene and his
service team not only provide technical support, but also offer advice to
customers on game management and supplemental feeding. He is an avid hunter
and knows firsthand the importance of instituting a good game management
Today he will
be discussing what you need to know to get started.
(205) 664-6700