August 2007 News Conference for Forest
Sponsored by the Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.
This Conference was recorded on August 15, 2007 with a live audience.

Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00) |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this news
conference. Hayes' email address is
Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.

Dr. Rebecca Barlow
Hear Conference |
Forest Facts: New AFOA Feature
Becky Barlow is an Assistant
Professor and Extension Specialist in Forest Management and Economics at Auburn University.
In AFOA's monthly newsletter, she has started a new feature called "Forest
Facts," which can also be found on AFOA's Web site. In each issue she will focus on a different county in Alabama and
highlight some of the significant facts about that county's forests. On
Capital Ideas -- Live! she will talk about a couple of
statewide forest facts: the 22.9 million acres of timberland
throughout the state, and the timber industry's impact on the economy of
Alabama. She will also explain how she obtains her forest facts, and
welcomes any suggestions that our listeners might have.
Phone: (334) 821-1993

Dr. William J. Libby
Hear Conference |
Genetically Modified Forests
Bill Libby is a senior associate
with Zobel Forestry Associates, Inc. of Cary, North Carolina. He previously
served as a professor at the University of California-Berkeley from
1961 until 1994, with joint appointments in the Genetics, Forestry, and
Conservation of Natural Resources departments. He will discuss his recent
Genetically Modified Forests: From Stone Age to Modern
Biotechnology, which he co-authored with Rowland D. Burdon: "The
term biotechnology came into common usage in the 1980s. Broadly defined,
it is anything that combines biology and technology, but it commonly refers
to genetic manipulation of plants and animals. And it has a long history;
the genetics of many tree species have been purposefully modified for more
than 5,000 years. In Genetically Modified Forests, the authors trace
the history of tree improvement, helping the reader to understand both human
effect on tree genetics and the real and imagined concerns of genetic
Phone: (925) 376-5896

Dr. Edward Loewenstein
Hear Conference |
Oak Regeneration
Ed Loewenstein is an
Assistant Professor of Silviculture at the Auburn University School of
Forestry and Wildlife Sciences with a research interest in hardwood
silviculture. Oaks are a highly valued species, but forest owners can face a
number of challenges in successfully regenerating them. Dr. Loewenstein will
explain what some of those difficulties are, and what a landowner can do to
increase the probability of success. He stresses, though, that "oak
regeneration isn't rocket science; it's much more difficult than that. It is
simply not possible to come up with one, or several, prescriptions that if
followed carefully will guarantee successful regeneration of oak in your
forest stand. Each stand must be evaluated individually."
Phone: (334) 844-1069

Ms. Candace D. Johnson, Esq.
Hear Conference |
What Every Landowner Should Know About Easements
Candace Johnson is a partner
with the law firm of
Adams and Reese LLP
and is based in their Mobile, Alabama office. She represents companies in
the areas of real estate, forestry, oil and gas, general corporate, and
commercial law, and is listed in The Best Lawyers in America (Timber
Law). If a utility company approached you about giving them an easement,
would you know what to do? Ms. Johnson will discuss the definition of an
easement, ways to create and terminate an easement, and practical ways you
can protect yourself when faced with this situation.
Phone: (251) 433-3234

Ms. Lori B. Rose
Hear Conference |
Hunting Land Insurance
Lori Rose is a Major Case
Specialist for Southeastern Claims Services, a Davis-Garvin Company, and oversees all
claims filed in connection with the hunt club insurance program offered by AFOA.
In a previous
edition of Capital Ideas -- Live!, she spoke about how hunt clubs
and landowners can prevent hunting accident claims. In this month's program,
she turns her
attention to hunting land insurance and what that kind of policy, broadly
speaking, is designed to cover or not cover. Last policy year, AFOA's hunting
lease liability group insurance policy was used by 4,514 landowners with
3,550,913 acres. Ms. Rose recommends that if any of our listeners have specific
coverage questions about the AFOA policy, they should contact Dr. Ed Wilson,
Account Executive at Davis-Garvin, at 1-800-845-3163 x151.
Phone: 1-800-962-1625 x121

Dr. Linda Wang
Hear Conference |
Essentials of Tax Basis
Linda Wang
is a Forest Taxation Specialist with the USDA Forest Service in Atlanta,
She is
responsible for timber tax education to foresters, landowners, loggers,
tax professionals, and attorneys, and is also involved in timber tax policy
studies and assessment. One of the most frequently lost deductions for
forest landowners and misunderstood timber tax subjects is timber
basis. Presented by one of the nationally recognized timber tax
educators, this program will give you a clear and concise review
of the importance of documenting timber basis, what timber basis is, and how
to properly set it up. Dr. Wang will provide practical insight and tips
to help you deal with this tax issue.
Phone: (404) 347-2067

Dr. John L. Greene
Hear Conference |
Drought-Related Losses: Can You Get Tax Relief?
John Greene
is a Research Forester with the
Service Southern Research Station, based in New Orleans, Louisiana. His
area of expertise is forest economics and policy. Unfortunately, many forest
owners lost seedlings to the drought this summer and may be asking whether
they can get any kind of tax relief for their loss, and if so, to what
extent. Dr. Greene will give landowners guidance on these issues and will
point out the particular tax forms that they should use to report a
non-casualty loss.
Phone: (919) 549-4093

Mr. Earl Ketchum, RF
Hear Conference |
Timber Market Report
Earl Ketchum is the owner and manager of Ketchum Land & Timber, LLC,
a forestry consulting firm located in Clayton, Alabama. For this month's timber
market report, he will
take a look at what effect the recent decline in the U.S. housing
market has had on pine saw timber stumpage prices. He will also discuss the
mills' tight wood quotas and their impacts, and will tell us
where he thinks pine pulpwood stumpage prices are headed.
Phone: (334) 734-2312