July 2007 News Conference for Forest
Sponsored by the Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.
This Conference was recorded on July
17 & 18, 2007 with a live audience.

Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00) |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this news
conference. Hayes' email address is
Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.

Charles C. Mann
Hear Conference |
Forest Management Before Columbus
Charles Mann is a
correspondent for The Atlantic Monthly and Science. He will discuss his
most recent book, 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus,
which has been described as a "groundbreaking
work of science, history, and archaeology ... In the last twenty years, archeologists and anthropologists
equipped with a battery of new scientific techniques have made far-reaching
discoveries that have completely changed their understanding of what the
Americas were like before Columbus's arrival. Most of us learned in school
that Indians crossed the Bering Strait 12,000 years ago, that they were few
in number, and that they lived so lightly on the land that much of the
Americas was essentially a wilderness. Most researchers now believe that
every one of these statements is wrong. Indians were here far longer than
previously believed, they lived in vastly greater numbers than had been
thought, and they transformed the American landscape thoroughly. Not only
has this fascinating new knowledge vastly altered our understanding of our
history, it has enormous implications for today's environmental disputes.
Charles Mann illuminates all of these issues and reports on how these
discoveries were made in this enthralling journey of scientific
Web Site:

Teddy Reynolds, RF, ACF, SR
Hear Conference |
Carbon Growers Update
Teddy Reynolds is President
of Reynolds
Forestry Consulting-RFC, Inc. in Magnolia, Arkansas, and is the host of
Timber Talk, a
popular radio program that informs, educates, and updates landowners, as
well as the general public, about forestry. To help give us a better
understanding of the carbon credit program, Mr. Reynolds will explain what
carbon credit offsets are and what timberlands qualify for selling carbon
credits. He will also discuss what returns a timberland owner can receive
from participating in selling carbon credit offsets, and will then go on to
describe how a landowner can enlist in the program, and at what cost. This
promises to be a very informative interview on a topic that is receiving
increasing attention.
For additional information on carbon
sequestration, please listen to these other interviews on Capital Ideas --
Phone: (870) 234-0200 x6

Joseph Fureigh
Hear Conference |
Who are the Sellers and Buyers of Timberland?
Joseph Fureigh
is a Qualifying Broker and General Manager of
United Country
Land Crafters based in Pike Road, Alabama. United Country Land Crafters
is a national franchise system specializing in real estate throughout the
small towns and cities of rural America. In an
earlier edition of Capital
Ideas -- Live!, we took a broad look at some of the
changes that are occurring in timberland ownership in this country. As a
follow-up, we have invited Mr. Fureigh, an experienced broker in Central
Alabama, to tell us how these trends are playing out in the local real
estate market--specifically, who are the sellers and buyers, where are they coming from,
and how are they affecting land prices?
Phone: (334) 277-6501

Prof. Michael Flannery
Hear Conference |
Alabama's Medicinal Plants: Historical
Mike Flannery
is Professor and Associate Director for Historical Collections at
Lister Hill Library,
University of Alabama at Birmingham. Professor Flannery will discuss his
recent book,
Civil War Pharmacy: A History of Drugs, Drug Supply and Provision, and
Therapeutics for the Union and Confederacy. At a time when camp disease
was a major cause of death and illness in the Union and Confederate armies,
the role of pharmacy had considerable importance. Professor Flannery will
examine the successes and failures of drug provision at that time, including
the Confederacy's attempts to find adequate substitutes for drugs in short
supply due to the Union blockade of Southern ports.
In addition to joining us on Capital Ideas -- Live!, Professor Flannery will
be a guest speaker and tour leader for our
21, 2007 AFOA Educational Program, and we invite all interested members of
the public to attend.
Phone: (205) 934-4475

Eleanor J. Drake
Hear Conference |
Marketing Techniques for Leasing Hunting Land
Janie Drake is a retired school
teacher and wildlife enthusiast. In 1997 she started leasing land for hunting as a way
of covering the expense of showing her Rottweilers. She now has ten years'
leasing experience and
would like to share some of her marketing techniques with those who might be
interested in getting started. For example, what are the first steps to be taken by the landowner
before leasing land to hunters? How does a landowner decide what to
charge for the lease? And what qualities should a landowner look for in a
Phone: (334) 272-3208

Lori B. Rose
Hear Conference |
Preventing Hunting Accident Claims
Lori Rose is a Major Case
Specialist for Southeastern Claims Services, a Davis-Garvin Company, and oversees all
claims filed in connection with the hunt club insurance program offered by AFOA. She will talk about the type of hunting accidents that she has found
to be the most costly, what she has found to be the primary causes of these
accidents, and whether there is anything that hunt clubs and landowners can do to
prevent these losses.
Phone: 1-800-962-1625 x121

Dr. L.C. "Fudd" Graham
Hear Conference |
Restricted Use Pesticides: License Requirements
Fudd Graham is the Coordinator
of the Alabama Fire Ant Management Program/Pesticide Safety Education
Program. He will lead us through the basic steps that a landowner in Alabama
needs to take in order to obtain a license for the application of
restricted use pesticides on your own land. First, he will explain what a restricted use
pesticide is. Next, he will discuss how a landowner can obtain a license to
use restricted use pesticides, and how that license can be renewed. And
finally, he will address whether a landowner who uses restricted use
pesticides needs to keep records and for how long. As an alternative to
using a restricted pesticide, are there unrestricted pesticide
Phone: (334) 844-2563

Peter J. Stewart
Hear Conference |
Timber Market Report
Peter Stewart is the President,
Chief Executive Officer, and Founder of
Forest2Market, Inc., which provides industry-specific news, commentary,
analysis, and timber price summaries in subscription-based publications and
topic-specific primers. In giving this month's timber market report, he will
discuss several issues of interest to forest landowners in Alabama: What
are the implications of the wood fuel market and carbon credit market to the
Alabama forestland owner? How long will the housing slump last? And what is
the forecast for wood prices over the next six months to one year?
Phone: (704) 357-0110