
Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00) |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this
news conference. Hayes' email address is
Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.

Dr. Thomas Adams
Hear Conference |
The Role of Wood as a Biofuel
Tom Adams is the Engineering Outreach Coordinator at the
University of Georgia. His research interests include Biofuels, Bioenergy,
and Bioproducts Research, Development and Demonstration. He will talk about the role that wood may play in the future
of biofuels, and what landowners will need to know to prepare themselves and
their land for that future. This topic was covered by Dr. David Bransby at
AFOA's May 5, 2007 Annual Meeting.
Phone: (706) 542-0793

Dr. Mark Thornton
Hear Conference |
The Future of U.S. Energy Policy: Are We Heading in the Right Direction?
Mark Thornton is an Economist and Senior Fellow at the
Ludwig von Mises Institute.
He was a guest speaker at the 2007 AFOA Annual Meeting, and will address
some thought-provoking questions regarding U.S. energy policy. For example,
will fossil fuel supplies last forever? Should we depend heavily on unstable
parts of the world for our critical energy supplies? What happens if
bio-processing methods never improve much and we spend huge amounts of our
wealth on unsustainable bioenergy projects? How will forest owners be
impacted in a changing energy environment?
Phone: (334) 321-2100

Dr. Charles D. Haynes
Hear Conference |
Getting the Best Deal on Your Oil and Gas Lease
Charlie Haynes is a
Mining, Petroleum, and Coalbed Methane Consultant and was another guest
speaker at the 2007 AFOA Annual Meeting. He will update us on current
exploration possibilities in Alabama and provide several important tips when
leasing oil and gas rights. This is a timely topic in light of the huge
natural gas field that is being developed in St. Clair County and may
include Cherokee and Etowah Counties as well. If an interested buyer knocks
on your door, will you know how to negotiate the best possible lease for
your oil and gas rights?
Phone: (256) 582-7711

Albert F. Schober
Hear Conference |
When Planting Loblolly Pine Seedlings, Timing is Almost Everything
Rick Schober is a consulting forester
with the Schober Forestry and Land Companies located in Orrville, Alabama.
Rick will
discuss how
to time your tree planting and plant your seedlings at the correct depth in order to
maximize their survival, especially in times of drought.
Suggested articles by
Professor David South:
Phone: (334) 431-0078

Allan Andress
Hear Conference |
Hunting on Your Own Land: License Requirements
Allan Andress is Chief of the
Enforcement Section of the Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division within
the Alabama
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. He will discuss
the circumstances in which a landowner and his family are exempt from the
State's hunting license requirements when they are hunting on the
landowner's own property in Alabama. Specifically, does the landowner and
his family need to reside on the property in order to qualify? Which family
members fall within the exemption? And what if they wish to hunt for ducks
or doves on the landowner's own property? Do any special requirements
apply in these circumstances?
Phone: (334) 242-3467

Dr. Peter Smallidge
Hear Conference |
The ForestConnect
2007 Forestry Internet Seminar Series
Peter Smallidge is the State Extension
Forester and Arnot Forest Director in New York State. He is also the Chair
of the Editorial Committee and Ex-Officio Board Member of the New York
Forest Owners Association. He will explain how Alabama forest owners, using
a Web browser and an Internet connection, can participate in a series of
forestry seminars called the
ForestConnect 2007 Forestry Internet Seminar Series. The goal of these
seminars is to provide research-based and unbiased information to forest
owners and others interested in private forest lands management. The
interactive nature of the seminars gives participants an opportunity to ask
questions of the presenter in real time. There is no charge to participate,
but registration is required.
Phone: (607) 592-3640

Johnny Thompson
Hear Conference |
New Mapping and Aerial Imagery Product for Forest Owners
Johnny Thompson is the Gulf Regional Sales Manager
Systems, a leading provider of mapping services headquartered in
Tallahassee, Florida. Some of the questions he will discuss are: What
kind of technology-based tools are available for the forest industry today?
Which of these tools would be suitable for the forest owner? And how could
forest owner actually use these basemaps on the computer?
Phone: (662) 272-5344

Prof. Thomas G. Harris
Hear Conference |
Timber Market Report
Tom Harris is Professor of
Forest Business Management at the
for Forest Business - Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources. He is also the publisher of
Timber Mart-South, a quarterly market price survey and report of the major
timber products in 11 Southeastern States. He will give us an update of
timber market conditions.
Phone: (706) 542-2832