February 2006 News Conference for Forest
Owners Sponsored by Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc. Conference
was recorded February 22, 2006.

Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00) |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this
news conference. Hayes' email address is
Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.

Dr. Catherine M. Mater
(00:22) |
To Reach Offspring, Speak to
their Pocketbook!
Catherine Mater, President of
Mater Engineering
out of Corvallis, Oregon, also serves as a Senior Fellow to the
Pinchot Institute for
Conservation based in Washington, DC. Mater conducted the research
on this upcoming generation of private forest landowners to understand what
this generation really thinks. She found that unlike their
predecessors, offspring are more concerned about taxes. Both boys and girls
ranked taxes as their top challenge to owning land and a main reason they
would ever consider selling it. It is also interesting to note that boys and
girls valued the land differently: girls liked the land in its untouched
natural state, and guys were more interested in the land's income producing
Phone: (541) 753-7335
Email: catherine@mater.com

Dr. Thomas C. Swearingen
(07:59) |
Conservation Easement + Development = Value
Tommy Swearingen is a natural resources manager who has figured out a
way to preserve his family's farm while also taking advantage of
profitable housing market. His development plan involves selling 22
homesites on the property and keeping the rest of the 1,150 acres
undeveloped and eventually placed into conservation easements.
"Everybody wants to have 20 acres in the woods," says Swearingen. He
explains why he thinks this is an appropriate option with many benefits for
Phone: (251) 937-3276
Email: info@beebefarm.com

Don Hoyt Gorman
(12:23) |
Some see a glass half empty; some see a glass half full
Don Hoyt Gorman is Senior Editor of
SEED Magazine,
a global science magazine published in New York, NY (Gorman resides in
London). He recently featured the musings of
Nesbitt Burns as the investment banking firm considered the Avian Flu
from an economic perspective. Their belief is that since a disproportionate
share of 20 to 40-year-olds will have the highest mortality rate, housing
markets would weaken in response to excess supply, thus building and real
estate businesses would suffer, and property values would fall. Gorman
discusses these economic impacts from the viewpoint of a survivor and how
one might position his capital, should the worst case scenarios occur. His
glass, it would seem, is at least half full.
Phone: +44 20 7+ 731-4603
Email: gorman@seedmagazine.com

Dr. John Mayer
(16:07) |
Feral Hogs: A problem or an opportunity?
Jack Mayer is a researcher and scientist at the
U.S. Department of Energy's
Savannah River Site in Aiken, South Carolina. A nationally
recognized wildlife ecologist who has been studying wild pigs for the past
thirty years, he even investigated the famous 12-foot, 1000-pound swine,
known as “Hogzilla,”
National Geographic Explorer. Feral hogs on your property - even those
lacking legendary status - can be a problem...or an opportunity. Mayer tells
us about the problem of feral hogs, how it affects Alabama, and how we can
control - and perhaps, to some degree, take advantage of - the situation.
Phone: (803) 208-2952
Email: john.mayer@srs.gov

Dr. James M. Guldin
(19:58) |
Alternatives to
Intensive Forest Management
Jim Guldin
is the Supervisory Ecologist and Project Leader for the
Southern Research
Station in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Guldin's research centers on managing
timber stands using methods that retain continuous forest cover and that
rely on natural regeneration instead of planting. Both pines and hardwoods
can be managed using natural regeneration. Though he urges you to consider a
forester when using natural regeneration with your stands, at least he takes
some of the "intensity" out of intensive stand management.
Phone: (501) 623-1180x103
Email: jguldin@fs.fed.us

Dr. H. Glenn Hughes
(24:27) |
Hurricanes Damage Different Trees Differently
Glenn Hughes is with the
Mississippi State University Extension Service and the
Department of Forestry at MSU's College of Forest Resources. In the
aftermath of Katrina he noticed differences in the amount and type of damage
among your loblolly, slash, and longleaf pines. Hughes talks about what he
knows about these differences, such as why hardwood bottomlands, pine
sawtimber, and recently thinned pine stands were most severely damaged, and
explains why you may have had a yard full of mostly snapped loblolly and
slash pines. He speculates on management practices you could use to minimize
damage from future storms.
Phone: (601) 794-0671
Email: ghughes@ext.msstate.edu

Mr. George C. Rowland
(28:07) |
Pine Straw Biz
George Rowland serves as
Coordinator for the North Central Resource Conservation and Development
Council in New Albany, Mississippi. They developed a "Pine Straw Market" in
North Mississippi, and he shares some of the things he learned with us on
the opportunity to bale and sell loblolly pine straw. Pine straw business is
a multi-million dollar industry. How can we get in on some of that?
Phone: (662) 534-7651

Ms. Sara Baldwin
(31:28) |
Alabama Pine Timber Prices Up in Fourth Quarter 2005
Sara Baldwin is Editor of Timber Mart-South located out of Athens,
Georgia. Timber Mart-South provides a quarterly report of the market for raw
forest products in eleven southern states. She reports on the recent market
prices for the South and for Alabama.
Phone: (706) 542-4760