November 2005 News Conference for Forest
Owners Sponsored by Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc. Conference
was recorded November 16, 2005.

Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00) |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this
news conference. Hayes' email address is
Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.

Richard Louv
(00:28) |
Last Child in the Woods: Nature-Deficit Disorder
Richard Louv is a columnist for
The San Diego Union-Tribune, Senior Editor of
Connect for Kids,
and author of
seven books. In his most recent book,
Last Child in the Woods:
Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder, Louv describes
Nature-deficit disorder as "the human costs of alienation from nature." He
also writes about studies that directly link the lack of nature in today's
technology-obsessed youth to rises in
childhood obesity,
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and
So get your kids to go outdoors. After all, healthy kids are more likely to
become interested and
in the family lands.
More about NDD
Phone: (858) 530-0591
Email: rlouv@cts.com

Tim Cosby (04:31) |
Creating Fun Memories for Kids
Tim Cosby is a retired
Law Enforcement Section Chief for the
Alabama Department of
Conservation and Natural Resources who currently resides in Ramer,
Alabama. Cosby's love for squirrel hunting goes
back to his childhood, and to this day he prefers hunting squirrels
because it's more social. Unlike other forms of hunting, squirrel hunting is
loud anyway, so it's easier for young people to talk and laugh, and just
make noise. He participates in
an annual youth squirrel hunt in Barbour County for the purpose of
getting young people interested in the outdoors. Here, he offers some
squirrel hunting basics and explains why he feels it's a good way to get
kids to have some fun outdoors.
Phone: (334) 562-3124

Dr. Larry Nelson
(08:03) |
Herbicides Are Not Likely to Kill You
Nelson is an associate professor at
Clemson University's
Department of Forestry and Natural Resources in Clemson, South
Carolina. If you are wary of weed poisons because you fear they could be
harmful to you and your family, you can relax. Nelson compares the toxicity
forestry herbicides to commonly used household
products and why even though herbicides are capable of killing
large, full-grown trees, they are actually relatively non-toxic to you.
Phone: (864) 656-4866
Email: lnelson@clemson.edu

Dr. Matthew McBroom
(11:30) |
Clean Water: Protecting
Vegetation Near Creeks Goes a Long Way
Matthew McBroom is a Research Specialist at
Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas. He points out
from a Texas Intensive Silviculture Study
that due to forestry Best Management Practices (BMPs), runoff caused by
clearcutting and site-preparation on a stream site
were significantly reduced. This means
leaving buffers along streams goes a long way. So when you do the
necessary techniques on that buffer of land that protects your
creek, you help maintain water quality and wildlife. YOU CAN REQUIRE
that loggers follow the state’s
Best Management Practices for Water Quality by including the
requirement in your timber sale contract. Performance bonds, used to
“encourage” contract compliance, can apply to BMPs. Ask your lawyer.
Phone: (936) 468-2469
Email: mcbroommatth@sfasu.edu

Dr. Matthew H. Pelkki
(15:51) |
Fire and Oaks Go Together
Matthew Pelkki is a a faculty member in the
School of Forest Resources at the
University of Arkansas at
Monticello. He is currently doing
research on the use of repeated Spring burns to restore oak stands
in the Ozark Mountains that could be useful to north Alabama landowners. He
offers some steps on how you can get oaks to come back into your stands once
you've cut using these techniques.
Phone: (870) 460-1949
Email: pelkki@uamont.edu

Dr. John D. Copeland
(20:26) |
Lease Liability Problems and Solutions
John Copeland is a Professor of Business at
John Brown University
and Executive in Residence for the
Soderquist Center for
Leadership and Ethics in Siloam Springs, Arkansas.
If you have leased your land for recreational purposes, or if you're
just thinking about leasing, Copeland's advice could really keep you out of
trouble. In his book,
Recreational Access to Private Lands: Liability Problems and Solutions,
he provides references on legal problems and liability issues that arise
from permitting recreational activities on private land.
He talks about some of these matters, and below
are some reference sites taken from the book.
Click here for advice from the author on some of the things you can
do to reduce risks of injury or property damage.
Phone: (479) 238-8668
Email: jcopeland@jbu.edu

Dr. Robert A. Tufts
(24:16) |
Tax Relief for Forced Timber Sales
Robert Tufts is an attorney and
Associate Professor at
University's School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences.
Tufts has given us advice in the past on estate taxes, but he also keeps
up with important tax changes that may effect us as well. Natural disasters
continue to affect landowners and, according to the Weather Channel, we have
another 15 years in this cycle of intense storms. Is there any relief for
those who have lost timber - or those who will lose timber? Some
answers can be found at Ask Dr. Tufts,
which we found to be one of the most useful and easy to understand
sources on the topic of timber taxes.
Phone: (334) 844-1011
Email: tuftsra@auburn.edu

Edward F. Travis
(28:13) |
Alabama Stumpage Report
Ed Travis is principal of the
F. Travis, Company, Inc., a full service forestry consulting,
timberland brokerage and real estate appraisal firm located in Mobile,
Alabama. He gives us an update on the Alabama stumpage market and offers
some timing strategies for selling your timber. He also comments on what's
going on with the demand for wood products, and the effect diminishing mills
and logging resources may have on you.
Phone: (251) 633-8885