September 2005 News Conference for Forest
Owners Sponsored by Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc. Conference
was recorded September 21, 2005.

Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00) |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this
news conference. Hayes' email address is
Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.

Wade Camp (00:32) |
Rebuilding Gulf Coast May Push Up Sawtimber Prices
Wade Camp is the Director of
Market Services for the
Southern Forest Products
Association based in Kenner, Louisiana. Camp is dealing personally
with the damage caused by Hurricane Katrina and is all too aware of the
massive rebuilding job ahead. He informs us that lumber demand will be up
11% over an already strong 2005 consumption rate because of the nearly
1.3 million acres in 38 counties affected by Hurricane Katrina. Camp says
we should see lumber prices - as well as sawtimber and chip 'n saw
stumpage prices - up over the long-term.
Phone: (214) 796-3216
Email: wcamp@sfpa.org

Michael Archer
(04:57) |
Protect Your Woodland Home from Fire
Michael Archer is owner and
publisher of
Publications, a small press located in Glendora, California, that
firefighting fiction. Archer also writes instructional articles on
protecting woodland homes from fire. In
“Your Home is Your Castle," he provides tips on how to make your
home more survivable in the event of a wildfire. Examples: landscaping with
fire-resistant vegetation and preventing damage from embers carried by the
Phone: (626) 915-4779

Joseph Smith
(07:52) |
Good Road Design Saves Money
Joe Smith is the Director of the
The Forest and Wood Products Institute
Mount Wachusett Community
College located in Gardner, Massachusetts. In his article,
"Here’s How to Protect Forest Roads", Smith informs us that the
woodland road’s worst enemy is water. "It makes travel difficult, and if
it’s not diverted, rainwater can wash away a road surface in a single summer
storm." Smith also offers some
instructions and illustrations on how you can build and install simple
water diversion structures to prevent these problems. As Smith says, "A good
road makes a good woodlot."
Phone: (978) 630-9360
Email: jsmith@mwcc.mass.edu

Sara Leiman
(11:45) |
Washington State Takes
Timber and Doesn't Pay
Sara Leiman is a forester and
landowner out of Monroe, Oregon, who manages her family's limited liability
company, Coast Range Conifers, LLC. State restrictions prevented
Coast Range Conifers from logging twelve out of 40 acres they owned because
a bald eagle's nest was discovered on that tract. The
Oregon Supreme Court ruled that Coast Range Conifers should not
be compensated because 31 acres could still be harvested, thus the
restrictions did not deprive the company of the property's
full economic value. Ironically, CRC obtained that
controversial tract through a land trade with the government in 1996. Their
original tract had two endangered species nearby, but not on it.
Phone: (541) 847-5590
Email: bsleiman@peak.org

Dr. Keith Belli
(16:33) |
How Much Timber is on Your Land?
Keith Belli
is the Associate Dean of the
College of Forest Resources and a professor at the
Department of Forestry at Mississippi State University. What exactly
do foresters measure when they do a timber inventory? In his article,
"How Much Timber is on Your Land?" he tells you what foresters do on
your land so that you can better communicate your objectives and
expectations to your forester. Belli lets us in on what we should know
about the inventory process.
Phone: (662) 325-2778
Email: kbelli@cfr.msstate.edu

Dr. Gene Wood
(20:43) |
Horse Trail Ride Business
Potential Grows
is Professor of Forest Wildlife Ecology and Extension Trails Specialist at
Clemson University. Wood has been looking into the business of privately
owned horse trails. In,
"Recreational Horse Camps and
Trailrides as Alternative Sources of Income"
featured in
Forest Landowner, he says that recreational horse trails on
public land are not meeting the increasing demand for them. Translation:
potential for small private ownerships that could really pay off.
Alabama Equestrian Liability Limitation Laws
Recreational horse camps visited by Wood
Trails & Trail Rides in Alabama
Phone: (864) 650-1742
Email: gwood@clemson.edu

Mark Hainds (24:47) |
Understory Restoration Improves Wildlife Habitat
Mark Hainds
is the Research Coordinator for the
Longleaf Alliance
in Andalusia, Alabama. The Longleaf Alliance will be offering workshops on
longleaf understory restoration that will teach landowners how to
restore and maintain a healthy understory of native plants. Hainds explains
what benefits a healthy understory provides to wildlife habitat. Further, he
explains why native species are uncommon and the difficulties we face when
trying to bring them back.
Understory & Wildlife
Phone: (334) 427-1029
Email: hainds@alaweb.com

Dr. Deborah Gaddis
(28:09) |
Have Hurricane Damage? Read IRS Casualty Loss FAQs
Debbie Gaddis is an Associate Professor at Mississippi State
University. Gaddis and
Dr. Stephen Dicke have just finished a useful
FAQ on timber casualty loss. In addition, since the
Forest Landowners' Guide to the Federal Income Tax (Ag
Handbook 718) was written, "There have been two significant tax laws
passed by Congress and signed into law.” Gaddis and Dicke, both tax experts,
have written a correction sheet that
brings this definitive tax guide up-to-date.
Phone: (662) 325-8002
Email: dgaddis@ext.msstate.edu