February 2005 News Conference for Forest
Owners Sponsored by Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc. Conference
was recorded February 16, 2005.

Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00) |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this
news conference. Hayes' email address is
Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.

Jerry Taylor
(00:25) |
Set the Free-Market Free!
is the Director of
Natural Resource Studies with the
CATO Institute,
located in Washington, DC. Through his numerous media appearances, debates,
speeches, and articles, Taylor defends the effectiveness of free markets
over orthodox environmental platforms and government regulation.
In a speech before the
Environmental Grantmakers
Association, he argued that the activities subsidized by the federal
government causes more environmental damage than the so-called "reckless"
free market, and that a free-market atmosphere will naturally figure out the
best ways to achieve environmental goals.
More Relevant Items from Jerry Taylor
Phone: (202) 789-5282
Email: jtaylor@cato.org

Elizabeth C. Moore
(04:49) |
Farm Subsidy Interests Reap More Than They Sow
Liz Moore is the Press Secretary
for the Environmental
Working Group
in Washington, DC. Federal subsidy payments to large corporate farms
continued to grow in 2003, topping $11.5 billion, according to an
analysis of Agriculture Department data. Meanwhile, the vast majority of
U.S. farming operations, including those run by families and other small
operators, fail to qualify. According to the analysis by the EWG,
taxpayers have spent more than $131 billion on federal farm programs over
the past nine years. But just one-third of the nation's farms ever see that
money, according to USDA data. And of those receiving funds, the majority
goes to 10 percent of the recipients, who benefit from almost three-fourths
of all payments. According to the EWG analysis, the amount spent
subsidizing agriculture over the past nine years could have purchased
many of the nation's farms in total.
You Be the Judge:
Phone: (202) 667-6982

Joshua Kane Harrell
(08:28) |
No More Excuses
Joshua Harrell is the Program
Coordinator for the
Forest Landowners
Association, Inc. in Atlanta, Georgia. Most of us are not as
proactive in contacting our elected representatives as we should be.
Pro-landowner issues such as a permanent repeal of the
Death Tax, reform of
the Endangered Species Act, inclusion of forest products in biomass
legislation and other issues deserve a voice in Washington, lest they be
stifled by more vocal opposition groups. Once we, individually, get past the
lack-of-motivation issue, what's the next step? Harrell offers to help us
become more informed about lobbying techniques and shows us that the
lobbying process does not belong exclusively to the professionals.

Dr. Harry L. Haney, Jr.
(10:48) |
That Taxing Time of Year - Literally!
Harry Haney
is the Garland Gray Professor Emeritus of Forestry at
Virginia Tech in
Blacksburg Virginia and contributor to the in-depth
National Timber Tax Website. Tax season is already a stressful time
of year, especially for first-time timber owners who are new to the
mystifying realm of timber taxes - click here to download Ag Handbook 718.
Mercifully, Dr. Haney is here to give us a
rundown on timber taxes and forms, and make us aware of new tax
changes for this year's tax season. He will also be teaching a
comprehensive course on timber taxes on February 28 to March 1 in
Richmond. Dr. Haney and the Timber Tax site can answer all your tax
questions save one: If Congress can pay farmers not to raise crops, why
can't we pay Congress not to raise taxes?
Other Upcoming Timber Tax Courses
(provided by MSU Extension
Phone: (540) 231-5212
Email: hhaney@vt.edu

Preston McLain
(15:16) |
ATV Club Provides Benefits for Landowner
and Community Preston
is President of the
County Ridge Runners ATV Club
in Evarts, Kentucky, located in
Harlan County. In an innovative move by Harlan County Fiscal Court
officials, this 200-strong Club was able to create a trail system on 7000
acres of reclaimed coal land, which the County leased from the landowner. As
coal land, the Club's roads made money for their county, and Ridge Runners
and Harlan County are going to prove that this land can do the same as a
tourism park. In fact, more
lands are in the process of being purchased to expand the Club. McLain has
agreed to discuss how he and his group were able to reduce some of the
problems that normally surface when establishing an ATV club by working with
Harlan County officials, describe some of the benefits, and how they were
even able to reduce the landowner's liability risks.
Phone: (606) 837-3546
Email: ppmmack@aol.com

Teddy Reynolds, BSF, RF, SR
(18:44) |
Do-It-Yourself Timber Cruise
Teddy Reynolds is President
Forestry Consulting - RFC, Inc.
in Magnolia, Arkansas and host of
Timber Talk, a radio program that informs, educates, and updates
landowners, as well as the general public, about forestry. Reynolds expands
his role as radio host by contributing useful articles and instructional
material to various magazines. His feature on
inventory methods in the January/February 2005 issue of
Tree Farmer Magazine was very thorough with tables and
narrative descriptions -- perfect for the do-it-yourself landowner! Reynolds
reveals which of the three primary timber inventory methods practiced in the
pine belt is the most popular with private landowners and why, and the
basics you should know about statistics to properly understand a cruise.
Phone: (870) 234-0200X1202

Tim Ard (22:38) |
Chainsaw Safety: The Right Saw for the Job
Tim Ard
is President of
Forest Applications
Training, Inc
in Hiram, Georgia. Chainsaws are widely used to remove fallen or partially
fallen trees and tree branches after a natural disaster, so no doubt there
was a considerable increase in chainsaw sales in Alabama over the last few
months. Of course, the result of increased chainsaw purchases naturally
leads to an increase in risk of injuries. Tim Ard travels all over the
country offering individuals, utility companies, rescue workers, and urban
and rural foresters techniques to use chainsaws safely while maintaining
productivity. He shares some of his proven safety tips here and advises
on how to select the right saw for the job. He will also share his
knowledge of chainsaw safety in person at
AFOA's Annual Meeting on April 16, 2005.
Chainsaw Safety Resources:
Phone: (770) 751-3390
Email: timard@forestapps.com

Dr. Brooks Mendell, Ph.D.
(25:34) |
Aging Pulp Industry Affects Our Future
is Principal and Founder of Forisk Consulting and a Visiting Assistant
Professor with the
Center for Forest Business
at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia. In a feature for
Forest Landowner Magazine, he and his
Mart-South colleagues observed in
Pulpwood and Pulp: Long-Term History the maturing of the pulp
manufacturing industry of the South and the capacity of the market from
1935 to 1985. They noted that the price for pine pulpwood stumpage in the
South increased at an annual average growth rate of 7 percent during the
span of those years. In other words, growing pulp capacity drove pulpwood
demand and consumption and interestingly, the number of mills
in the South kept increasing despite the fact that mills in Northeast
and North Central regions had closed! Mendell discusses this amazing
capacity of the market and the historical trend of the pulpwood market of
the South.
Phone: (706) 542-6021