
Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00) |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this
news conference. Hayes' email address is
Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.

Marshall D. Thomas
(00:24) |
Non-timber Values Moving Small Acreage Prices
Marshall Thomas is
president of F &
W Forestry Services, Inc., a consulting forestry firm based in
Albany, Georgia and with numerous branches throughout the South.
Marshall discusses the diverging sales prices of large acreage
forestland sales (5000 acres and up) and those below 5000 acres.
A paper written by Jeff
Williams, Forest Appraisal Group Manager at F & W Forestry Services, is
available for your review.
Click here to read Bare
Timberland Values Decline For Large Tracts, Increase For Those Less Than
5,000 Acres.
Phone: (229) 883-0138x132
Email: mthomas@fwforestry.com

Mark Wyatt
(05:39) |
Oil &
Gas Play in West Central Alabama
Mark Wyatt is
a geologist in
AmSouth's Natural Resources and Real Estate Department in
Mobile, Alabama. His responsibilities include assisting private
landowners in leasing, development, and appraisal of mineral rights.
Mark discusses leasing activity currently going on in west-central
Alabama and also adds a few precautions that we should take before
leasing land for oil, gas or minerals.
Mark suggests you visit the
following websites:
(we especially liked the fourth one)
Phone: (251) 438-8074
Email: mrwyatt@amsouth.com

Dr. Taylor V. Stein
(09:52) |
translation: new source of income
Taylor Stein
is an Assistant Professor in Natural Resources Management – Ecotourism
for the School of Forest Resources and Conservation at the
University of Florida. Many members of AFOA lease land for hunting
and some of you have developed fishing camps, but the word ecotourism
is probably new to most of us.
Dr. Stein suggests several websites for us to get up to speed on the
Phone: (352) 846-0860
Email: tstein@ufl.edu

Scott Cherones
(13:48) |
Improving Our Liquid Assets
Scott Cherones
is a co-owner of
Southeastern Pond Management, a private company that advises and
assists pond owners with the management of their ponds. Many of us have
ponds on our property and most have stocked fish in them, but how many
of us have fertilized our ponds? Scott tells us that this
is the time of the year to do just that and he explains the reasons why.
He also offers a few tips on proper methods.
"Here are some useful
Phone: (205) 664-5596
Email: scherones@sepond.com

Paul E. Pingrey
(17:41) |
and Digital Grove Mapping
Paul Pingrey
is an extension forester in Wisconsin who hosts a sort of "Novice's (or
Idiot's) Guide to GPS and Digital Mapping" on the Internet. The site is
designed to help anyone make use of fascinating new digital mapping
technology without spending years in college or a lot of money. With the
investment of no more than a little time and curiosity, woodland owners
can have immediate access to aerial photographs and maps of their land
through free resources on the Internet.
here to visit Digital Grove Mapping.
Paul suggests we click on the
GPS tab.
Phone: (608) 267-7595

Dr. Ben D. Jackson
(21:19) |
Municipal & County Ordinances
Ben Jackson
is a professor and timber harvesting specialist at the Warnell School
of Forest Resources in Athens, Georgia. Dr. Jackson, along with
co-authors Bill Hubbard, Jeff Stringer, and Dylan Dillaway, has written
a paper that will soon appear in the Forest Landowners Association
2003 Manual and will be linked from this web page in a few days.
Entitled A Look at County and Municipal Timber Harvesting Ordinances,
the paper will be a "must read" for each of us. Two quotes from the
paper will make you uneasy: "Georgia has 159 counties and over
half of them had timber harvesting ordinances." and "Two
[Mississippi] counties have 40,000 pound weight limits on trucks. That
is at least half the normal allowance and as a consequence no timber is
being harvested in those counties."
The paper lists five categories of ordinances:
Public Property Protection
Special Feature Protection
Tree Protection
Timber Harvesting Restrictions
Environmental Protection
Dr. Jackson recommends that
we read:
* The Southern Forest Resource Assessment Summary Report,
* Southern Forest Resource Assessment Technical Report, and
* Southern Wildland-Urban Interface Assessment Report all
linked from:
He also recommends staying in close touch with the
Alabama Forestry Association which has a full time lobbyist in
Montgomery: Boyd Kelly -- (334) 265-8733.
Phone: (706) 542-9051

Todd Shupe
(25:29) |
Quality vs. Quantity
Todd Shupe
is Associate Professor and Forest Products Extension Specialist at
Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge. He is concerned that the
quality of southern yellow pine (SYP) lumber and its reputation
in the global marketplace are not as good as they could be. (Haven't
you at some time in the past looked at a pile of warped two by fours at
the local lumber yard and quickly moved to the straighter "foreign
brands" pile?) Todd wonders if our focus on short rotation SYP
plantations will have long term implications. He discusses market
potential for high quality SYP lumber and suggests that we can choose
quality over quantity on our land.
search using the words "wood quality" found the following:
Phone: (225) 578-4255
Email: tshupe@agctr.lsu.edu

Joseph W. Eiland
(28:52) |
Stumpage Market Report
Joe Eiland
is President of Hatcher & Eiland Forestry, a consulting forestry
firm based in Birmingham. Joe conducts frequent land and timber sales
for his clients and, like most consulting foresters, has a good grasp of
local market conditions. He discusses the wet weather conditions and
their affect on stumpage prices and makes a few predictions for the
summer months.
If you have time click
Closures and take a look at the ravages of market conditions and the
spotted owl.
Phone: (205) 655-0191
Email: tele400@hotmail.com .
Issues and Topics AFOA is
To suggest an issue or a
topic for a future news conference,
please send an email note to AFOA by clicking here. |
- National or Federal Issues
EPA Proposed Water Quality Trading
- Energy Bill
- CCA Treated Southern Pine Lumber
- EPA Basin Projects
- Forest Certification
- 2002 Farm Bill
- Energy Crisis & Federal Eminent
- Red Hills Salamander
- Constitutional Revision/Tax Reform
- County Zoning
- Right to Farm & Practice Forestry
- Illegal Dumping
- Delaney Family Current-Use Case
- JeffCo Storm Water Management
- Current Use Tax Assessment Rates
- Local Harvesting Restrictions &
Road Weight Limits
- Bridge Repairs & the Alabama Trust
- Dog Hunting & Hunter Trespass
- Seasonal Forest and Wildlife
Management Tips
- Southern Pine Beetle: Salvage &
- Forest Fertilization
- Intensive Forest Management
- Long Rotation Management & Natural
- Palm Pilots & Forest Records
- Useful Computer Software
- Industry Consolidation & Timber
- Stumpage & Forest Product Markets
- Forestland For Sale
- Wood Buying Policies During SPB
- Alabama's Pine Straw Wholesale
- Minerals, Gas & Oil Activity
- Recreational Businesses for Forest