September 2002 News Conference for Forest Owners
Sponsored by Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.
Conference was recorded Wednesday, September 18, 2002.
Scroll Down for
Conference Guest Information

Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00) |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this
news conference. Hayes' email address is
Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.
Dr. Loren W. Burger, Jr.
Pine-Grasslands Restoration:
Why & How.
Wes Burger is a Professor and Wildlife Biologist in the
Department of Wildlife & Fisheries at Mississippi State University,
Starkville, Mississippi. He has been experimenting with the use of
Selective Herbicides to restore unburned Pine-Grasslands, a
fire-dependent forest type that is home to quail, red-cockaded
woodpeckers, and gopher tortoises. He points out the difference between
using a mix of herbicides that may kill all plants except pines
and using selective herbicides that favor pines but still allow
understory plants such as forbs and legumes to flourish.
A Report: Bird Response to
Prescribed Burning and Herbicide in Loblolly Pine Plantations
3 Slides: Benefits to
Quail, Red-cockaded Woodpecker, and Gopher Tortoise. (very slow
Phone: (662) 325-8782
Email: wburger@cfr.msstate.edu

Gary Moody
(05:21) |
Protecting Alabama's Deer Herd from Chronic Wasting Disease
Gary Moody is a Certified Wildlife Biologist and Chief of the
Wildlife Section of the Alabama Department of Conservation and
Natural Resources. He has been spending a lot of time lately
describing Alabama's efforts to prevent introduction of Chronic Wasting
Disease (CWD) into the State's deer herd. This disease could get into
the pocketbook of many forest owners who lease hunting land to deer
hunters. This is an important "heads-up" topic for all of us.
Phone: (334) 242-3469
Email: gmoody@dcnr.state.al.us

Teresa Brannon
(09:15) |
On Becoming an Outdoors Woman
Teresa Brannon, a wife
and mother of three sons, has been learning outdoors skills such as
shooting a rifle, paddling a canoe, and cooking supper over a campfire.
She has learned these and other skills at programs sponsored by the
Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. The three day
events are called On Becoming an Outdoors Woman and she thought
women who own forestland would benefit from attending just as she has.
Click here for a complete description of the October 4-6 workshop,
including course outlines, maps, and registration information. The
three day program costs $175 and includes room and board at the 4-H
Center near Columbiana on Lay Lake.
Phone: (256) 593-0028
Email: tjandspike@aol.com

Dr. Andrew Ezell
(12:47) |
Management of Existing
Hardwood Stands
Andy Ezell
is Professor and Silviculturist in the Department of Forestry, College of
Forest Resources, Mississippi State University, Starkville,
Mississippi. In November, he, along with Dr. John Hodges and Dr. Steve
Meadows, will teach a popular forestry shortcourse entitled
Management of Existing Hardwood Stands. "The program provides a
practical state-of-the-art basis for making silvicultural and marketing
decisions in hardwood management and presents current advances in
hardwood research."
Click here to visit the November 11-14 Shortcourse Web Page.
Phone: (662) 325-1688
Email: aezell@cfr.msstate.edu

Martin W. Christie
(16:18) |
Enhance Your Voting Power
Martin Christie
is founder and President of Public Affairs Strategies, Inc., a
consulting firm based in Montgomery, Alabama. He reminds us of several
rather simple things we can do, before and on November 5th, that will
help protect and enhance our forestland investments.
1. Register to vote and
encourage family & friends to register.
2. Hold a registration drive among friends or at your business.
3. Show your list of favored candidates to employees or friends.
4. Don't fail to vote on Election Day.
To help you study the
candidates and the amendments:
Phone: (334) 264-0508
Email: pasinc@mindspring.com
Dr. Vernon R. Hayes, Jr.
(19:27) |
Energy Bill Prejudiced Against Forest
Vern Hayes
is the government affairs director for the
Forest Landowners Association based in Washington, DC. The
U.S. House and Senate have each passed Energy Bills (HR-4) and the
differences are now being discussed and fought over in a conference
committee. Vern describes several problems with the current bills and
recommends we write our Congressmen and members of the Conference
Committee to make important changes before the bill is sent to the
President for his signature.
Explanation and Action
Phone: (301) 877-6898
Email: vhayes@forestland.org
Tyson Gair
(23:06) |
Extending the Knowledge of the University:
Mississippi's Better Farming Radio
Tyson Gair is Senior Editor-Broadcast with the Office of
Agricultural Communications at Mississippi State University. Mr.
Gair produces daily farm programs with a special forestry feature each
Friday. Although the programs are broadcast only on radio stations in
Mississippi, they are available to you to with a click of your computer
Sample programs:
All Better Farming
programs are accessible through the MSUcares (www.msucares.com)
web site by clicking the "news" link in the right hand column and then
clicking the "Better Farming" link.
Click and go directly to Better Farming Radio.
Phone: (662) 325-1725
Email: tysong@ext.msstate.edu

Bruce S. Lanier, Jr.
(26:31) |
Stumpage Market Report:
"Everything is good...except for pine pulpwood."
Bruce Lanier is Vice President of the forestry consulting firm
McKinley &
Lanier Forest Resources, Inc., based in Northport, Alabama. He
makes many timber sales each year for private forest owners. From that
experience he discusses the interaction of timber supply and demand and
speculates a bit on stumpage markets in the future.
Phone: 1-800-247-0041
Email: bruce@mlforestresources.com
Issues and Topics AFOA is
To suggest an issue or a
topic for a future news conference,
please send an email note to AFOA by clicking here. |
- National or Federal Issues
EPA Proposed Water Quality Trading
- Energy Bill
- CCA Treated Southern Pine Lumber
- EPA Basin Projects
- Forest Certification
- 2002 Farm Bill
- Energy Crisis & Federal Eminent
- Red Hills Salamander
- Constitutional Revision/Tax Reform
- County Zoning
- Right to Farm & Practice Forestry
- Illegal Dumping
- Delaney Family Current-Use Case
- JeffCo Storm Water Management
- Current Use Tax Assessment Rates
- Local Harvesting Restrictions &
Road Weight Limits
- Bridge Repairs & the Alabama Trust
- Dog Hunting & Hunter Trespass
- Seasonal Forest and Wildlife
Management Tips
- Southern Pine Beetle: Salvage &
- Forest Fertilization
- Intensive Forest Management
- Long Rotation Management & Natural
- Palm Pilots & Forest Records
- Useful Computer Software
- Industry Consolidation & Timber
- Stumpage & Forest Product Markets
- Forestland For Sale
- Wood Buying Policies During SPB
- Alabama's Pine Straw Wholesale
- Minerals, Gas & Oil Activity
- Recreational Businesses for Forest