August 2002 News Conference for Forest Owners
Sponsored by Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.
Conference was recorded Wednesday, August 21, 2002.
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Conference Guest Information

Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00) |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this
news conference. Hayes' email address is
Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.

Charles A.
(00:34) |
If You Own Bottomlands, Welcome to
Save Our Lake.
Vandersteen, Executive Director of the
Louisiana Forestry
Association, describes a method tree-huggers are using to
attempt to stop timber harvests in his state. On-going silviculture
operations -- logging, tree-planting, etc. -- are allowed without permit
in wetlands areas, so the tree-huggers are arguing that the landowner
should not be allowed to cut his trees because he hasn't spent much
publicly visible time in his forest. Forest owners who own hardwood
bottoms should watch this fight and take notes.
Phone: (318) 443-2558
Email: LFA@LAForestry.com

Chuck Sykes
(04:54) |
The Management Advantage
Chuck Sykes, a
wildlife biologist with a degree from Auburn University, is the host of
a TV show on The Outdoor Channel called The Management Advantage.
Chuck's shows include explanations of how a variety of wildlife habitats
were produced through planned management activities. It should not come
as surprise that Chuck operates a company that can help you achieve your
goals in wildlife and forest management. It is called
C & S
Wildlife Services.
Phone: (334) 705-8944
Email: cswildlifeservices@mindspring.com

Mark F. Beeler
(09:20) |
A Successful Method to Lease Hunting Land
Mark Beeler is the University Forester for the
University of
Alabama and is responsible for the management of the
University's 34,000+ acres of timberland. Much of the land is leased for
hunting and we think most forest owners will benefit by using the
methods Mark has perfected to find hunters and the best lease prices.
Although this year Mark used a web page to help show prospective lessees
land location and bidding requirements, most forest owners with only a
few tracts of land wouldn't need that luxury.
Click here to
visit UA's Hunting Rights web page Updated 7/16/04
and then be sure to visit the following pages:
here to Review UA's Recent Bid Results by Tract. The variation
in prices is quite interesting and may help you set your lease prices.
Phone: (205) 348-6473
Email: mbeeler@bama.ua.edu

Dr. David L. Loftis
(12:23) |
Regenerating Upland Hardwoods
David Loftis is
Project Leader at the U.S. Forest Service's
Bent Creek Experimental Forest. If your land is located in the
northeast 1/3 of Alabama, you probably own some stands of upland
hardwoods. You may have wondered how to manage those stands; how you can
get them growing the best quality trees possible. Dr. Loftis says that
knowing what your regeneration sources are and making sure that you cut
heavy enough to provide sufficient light on the forest floor are
important considerations. He cautions landowners to avoid the pitfall of
"selective cutting/selective logging" that may not provide the right
conditions to regenerate high quality trees and also discusses what
should be done if your land has no "oak advance reproduction." Finally,
he describes a
regeneration prediction model that he and other researchers are
On the Web:
Oak Regeneration: Serious Problems Practical Recommendations (Symposium
At the Library:
Loftis, David L. 1983. Regenerating Southern
Appalachian mixed hardwood stands with the shelterwood method. Southern
Journal of Applied Forestry 7(4):212-217.
Beck, Donald E. 1988. Clearcutting and other
regeneration options for upland hardwoods.. In: Proceedings Sixteenth
Annual Hardwood Symposium of the Hardwood Research Council; 1988 May
15-18; Cashiers, NC. 44-54
Loftis, David L. 1985. Preharvest herbicide
treatment improves regeneration in Southern Appalachian hardwoods.
Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 9(3):177-180
Loftis, David L. 1989. Species composition of
regeneration after clearcutting Southern Appalachian hardwoods. In:
Miller, James H., comp. Proceedings of the fifth biennial southern
silvicultural research conference; 1988 November 1-3; Memphis, TN. Gen.
Tech. Rep. SO-74. New Orleans, LA: U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station: 253-257.
Phone: (828) 667-5261x115
Email: dloftis@fs.fed.us

Dr. Timothy B.
(16:31) |
Improving Existing Stands of Trees
(Timber Stand Improvement)
Tim Harrington is
a Research Forester with the U.S. Forest Service's
Pacific Northwest
Research Station in Olympia, Washington, but before that he was
Associate Professor of Forestry at the University of Georgia and a
frequent presenter of information in Southeastern U.S. workshops on
improving existing stands of trees.
Click here to review Dr.
Harrington's notes on cost-effective TSI treatments to consider:
1. For young pine plantations (less than 5 years old)
2. For mid-rotation (10-15 years old) pine stands
3. For natural, mixed stands of hardwoods and pines
Available Publications on
the Web:
Phone: (360) 753-7674
Email: tharrington@fs.fed.us

Timothy P. Albritton
(20:36) |
Cost-Share Funds Go Unused for Timber
Stand Improvement
Tim Albritton is
Forest Management Operations Specialist for the
Forestry Commission at its Montgomery headquarters. Tim recently
told us that, although cost-share money is frequently available to help
forest owners carry out timber stand improvement work, they usually
apply for tree planting assistance instead. He emphasized that
landowners may have to explain to agency personnel that funds may be
used for Timber Stand Improvement, since very few people have applied
for those practices in the past.
Phone: (334) 240-9348
Email: albrittont@forestry.state.al.us

Dr. Stephen J. Pyne
(24:09) |
America's Fires
Steve Pyne is
a wildfire fighter who has become America's fire historian. He is a
member of the Biology & Society Program at Arizona State University
and is currently on sabbatical at the National Humanities Center,
Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Based on his fire fighting experience and
thoughtful study, we look to him for answers to the questions, Are
forest fires getting worse? and Should Alabama forest owners make
special preparations for a future fire problem?
An Essay:
History with Fire in Its Eye: An Introduction to Fire in America
A Book:
America's Fires (AFOA has one slightly used copy - read once -
that we'll send free to the first caller - (205) 987-8811)
Phone: (919) 549-0661
Email: stephen.pyne@asu.edu

Dennis R. LeBleu
(28:08) |
Stumpage Markets: Any Light at the End
of the Tunnel?
Dennis LeBleu is in
charge of the Phenix City, Alabama branch of
F & W Forestry
Services, a consulting forestry company that makes frequent
timber sales throughout the South. We've asked Dennis to check with his
company's branch offices to see if their collective crystal ball can
help us create a bright future.
Phone: (334) 297-8817
Email: drlebleu@mindspring.com
Issues and Topics AFOA is
To suggest an issue or a
topic for a future news conference,
please send an email note to AFOA by clicking here. |
- National or Federal Issues
EPA Proposed Water Quality Trading
- Energy Bill
- CCA Treated Southern Pine Lumber
- EPA Basin Projects
- Forest Certification
- 2002 Farm Bill
- Energy Crisis & Federal Eminent
- Red Hills Salamander
- Constitutional Revision/Tax Reform
- County Zoning
- Right to Farm & Practice Forestry
- Illegal Dumping
- Delaney Family Current-Use Case
- JeffCo Storm Water Management
- Current Use Tax Assessment Rates
- Local Harvesting Restrictions &
Road Weight Limits
- Bridge Repairs & the Alabama Trust
- Dog Hunting & Hunter Trespass
- Seasonal Forest and Wildlife
Management Tips
- Southern Pine Beetle: Salvage &
- Forest Fertilization
- Intensive Forest Management
- Long Rotation Management & Natural
- Palm Pilots & Forest Records
- Useful Computer Software
- Industry Consolidation & Timber
- Stumpage & Forest Product Markets
- Forestland For Sale
- Wood Buying Policies During SPB
- Alabama's Pine Straw Wholesale
- Minerals, Gas & Oil Activity
- Recreational Businesses for Forest