May 2002 News
Conference for Forest Owners
Sponsored by Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.
Conference was recorded Wednesday,
May 15, 2002.
Scroll Down for
Conference Guest Information

Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00) |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this
news conference. Hayes' email address is
Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.

James R. Hyland
(00:35) |
Southern Pine Beetle
Threat Can Be Reduced
Jim Hyland is
the Chief of the Forest Health Section of the Alabama
Forestry Commission and has spent many years teaching foresters
and landowners how to detect, control and prevent infestations of the
Southern Pine Beetle (SPB). He will answer the question: "How can I as a
landowner prevent Southern Pine Beetles from attacking and killing my
Current Alabama SPB Monitoring & Control Information
SPB Internet Control
phone: (334) 240-9363

Dr. Doug Boylan
(04:08) |
Senate's Energy
Bill May Create Market for Low Quality Wood
Doug Boylan
is a Consulting Research Engineer for the
Southern Company,
the parent company of five electric utilities, including Alabama Power
Company. He has studied the burning (co-firing) of bio-mass (grass,
wood, agricultural wastes, etc.) in coal-fired power plants and will
help us understand the implications of the U.S. Senate's Energy Bill
10 percent of electricity by 2019 would have to come from renewable
fuels such as wind, solar energy, and forest and agricultural wastes.
Of course, if the bill emerges from the conference committee and becomes
law with the renewable fuels requirement intact (that requirement was
not included in the House-passed version), many landowners and mill
owners will be seeking the opportunity to sell wood and bark to the
power companies as a source of fuel. As buyers of electricity and
potential suppliers of fuel to the electric companies, forest owners
will want to pay close attention to this issue.
phone: (205) 257-6917
email: dmboylan@southernco.com

Stephen M. Newton
(08:00) |
Is Your Invitation:
Forest Landowners Washington Fly-In June 19 & 20
Steve Newton,
Executive Vice President of the
Forest Landowners
Association, will soon lead a group of forest landowners on a
visit to the "Halls of Congress." They hope to "show our elected leaders
that private forestry and forest landowners are an important economic
and political force in the U.S."
Issues that will be
raised include the Canadian Lumber Agreement, Timber Taxes,
including Status of Estate Tax Repeal, Reforestation Tax Credit, and
Section 631(b) Treatment of Lump Sum Timber Sale Income, and the
U.S. Forest Service Budget (especially the State & Private Division
that is funding the National Network of Forest Landowners and Alabama
Treasure Forest Association).
Click Here to Read Position Statement on National Network of Forest
"...tax payer dollars are being squandered on programs that are
already being fulfilled by a variety of other privately funded
Click Here for Washington Fly-In Registration Information.
phone: (404) 325-2954
email: snewton@forestland.org

William G. Hubbard
(13:06) |
How Will the Newly
Signed Farm Bill Affect Forest Owners?
Bill Hubbard is the Southern Regional Extension Forester. He helps
extension forestry experts at Auburn and other universities across the
South. A recent email to those extension forestry specialists included a
"quick summary" of the part of the farm bill (Title VIII) that affects
forestry activities. Click here
to review the summary.
phone: (706) 542-7813 or
email: whubbard@uga.edu

George C. Owens
(17:46) |
Cattle & Trees Working Together
George Owens is an enthusiastic salesman for the silvopastoral
system - combining the production of pines and cattle on improved
pasture. "In the 80's, I found myself with high-priced real estate,"
Owens says. "I had to find a way to create some cash flow on my ranch.
The answer was grazing cattle under planted pines - - in fancier terms,
silvopasture." George suggests that landowners, "especially those with
small holdings, should consider integrating pines, pasture, and cattle
as an alternative to single-commodity management on their land."
Check out a few of these links:
USDA-Natural Resources Conservation
Service (NRCS):
phone: (850) 482-9508
email: owens.gc@att.com

Dr. Deborah Gaddis
(20:48) |
Early Expensing
of Pruning Costs on Silvopasture Is Possibility
Debbie Gaddis, Assistant Extension Specialist at Mississippi
State University, gives us a few ideas on how we might reduce income
taxes on silvopasture operations. We are particularly interested in the
possibility of expensing pruning costs, since next month Dr. Terry
Clason will tell us how to increase timber quality and value by pruning.
Early expensing of the pruning costs, because they improve the forage
capacity of the land, might be preferable to capitalizing those costs
and waiting until timber harvest to recapture them. Dr. Gaddis
recommends that we obtain a copy of Tax Considerations for the
Establishment of Agroforestry Practices written by Dr. Larry
Godsey at the University of Missouri. Call him for a copy at (573)
She also recommends a visit to the following websites:
phone: (662) 325-8002
email: dgaddis@ext.msstate.edu

Robert E. Loper
(24:25) |
Landowner Uses
for Affordable GPS
Loper is a member of the Tuscaloosa County Forestry Planning
Committee. On a recent rainy Saturday morning, Robert led a field
exercise for about 20 forest owners on the use of low-cost Global
Positioning System units ($150 to $300 range). We measured the acreage
in a field by walking around the edges with our GPS units. In a few
weeks Robert will teach an indoor class on transferring the GPS data to
Some examples of uses of the GPS for landowners:
- Acreage calculations for aerial spraying
cost planning
- Marking SPB (Southern Pine Beetle) spots
- Calculating sizes of timber stands and
wildlife plots
- Marking hazards on the property
- Setting up timber inventory test plots
- Creating maps for prescribed fire plans
- Assisting in locating corners and
boundaries of property
- Marking spots of interest on the
- Not getting lost
Links to GPS Manufacturers and Mapping
phone: (205) 758-8742 (please
call before 8 PM Central Time)
email: loperel@bellsouth.net

Eddie Stone
(27:02) |
Alabama Stumpage
Eddie Stone is a consulting forester and owner of
Forever Green,
Inc. He sells stumpage for numerous forest owners and, like
everyone else in the wood business today, has had to face a declining
market for pine pulpwood. Eddie urges landowners to view the thinning of
pulpwood as a silvicultural operation, not as a source of income. His
goal is to improve the quality of pine stands so that higher percentages
of sawtimber can be harvested in the future.
Recent Headlines:
Louisiana-Pacific Corp - Plan For Major Divestitures (link no longer works)
China Promotes Six Key Programs to Protect Forests (link no longer works)
Price Rise Expected on Corrugated Cardboard (link no longer works)
Louisiana-Pacific Will Shed 4,400 Workers (link no longer works)
phone: (205) 702-4420
email: edstone@mindspring.com
Issues and Topics AFOA is
To suggest an issue or a
topic for a future news conference,
please send an email note to AFOA by clicking here. |
- National or Federal Issues
- Energy Bill
- CCA Treated Southern Pine Lumber
- EPA Basin Projects
- Forest Certification
- 2002 Farm Bill
- Energy Crisis & Federal Eminent
- Red Hills Salamander
- Constitutional Revision/Tax Reform
- County Zoning
- Right to Farm & Practice Forestry
- Illegal Dumping
- Delaney Family Current-Use Case
- JeffCo Storm Water Management Program
- Current Use Tax Assessment Rates
- Local Harvesting Restrictions & Road
Weight Limits
- Bridge Repairs & the Alabama Trust
- Dog Hunting & Hunter Trespass
- Seasonal Forest and Wildlife
Management Tips
- Southern Pine Beetle: Salvage &
- Forest Fertilization
- Intensive Forest Management
- Long Rotation Management & Natural
- Palm Pilots & Forest Records
- Useful Computer Software
- Industry Consolidation & Timber
- Stumpage & Forest Product Markets
- Forestland For Sale
- Wood Buying Policies During SPB
- Alabama's Pine Straw Wholesale Market
- Minerals, Gas & Oil Activity
- Recreational Businesses for Forest