March 2002 News
Conference for Forest Owners
Sponsored by Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.
Conference was recorded Wednesday,
March 20, 2002.
Scroll Down for
Conference Guest Information

Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00) |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this
news conference. Hayes' email address is
Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.

Don Knight
(00:36) |
Deer Hunting
With Dogs
Don Knight
is President of the
Alabama Dog Hunters Association. The association was formed back in
1982 in response to numerous threats that hunting deer with dogs was
going to be eliminated in the State of Alabama. AFOA receives several
complaints each year about trespassing dogs, but we thought you might
want to learn something about dog hunting from someone who is an active
participant and enthusiastic defender of the sport.
Don would like you to read the following:
Click here to view a few pictures of happy dog hunters.
phone: (256) 236-8453
email: dogmanknight@aol.com

S. Marvin Rogers
(05:02) |
Preparing for
Oil & Gas Exploration on Your Land
Marvin Rogers,
General Counsel of the
Alabama State Oil
& Gas Board, had so much to tell landowners about the oil and
gas business that he wrote a 26 page booklet about it. A few of the
things that you will find answers to in the guidebook are:
- What are landowner's rights when
approached by a company wanting to lease rights to drill oil & gas?
- How do landowners receive payments when
signing a lease?
- How do landowners receive payments as
the oil & gas are being produced?
- Does a well have to be drilled on a
landowner's property for him to receive payments from the oil & gas
here to read a short section, "Payment of Royalty," from the guidebook.
landowner's guide to oil and gas in Alabama
ordering information cost: $4.50
phone: (205)349-2852
email: mrogers@ogb.state.al.us
"in another life..."

Teddy Reynolds
(08:53) |
Play Serious
"What If" Games with Alabama Forest Inventory Data
Teddy Reynolds is President of
Forestry Consulting, based in Magnolia, Arkansas. He is also the
host of
Timber Talk, a weekly radio show about forestry that you can
listen to on the web. But a few weeks ago Teddy called AFOA and
excitedly described what could be learned by playing what-if games with
the Alabama forest inventory data that is posted on the Internet for
anyone to use.
Web Site:
- Section I: State/County.
- Section II: Alabama 2000 - 2000 -
Specific Counties - Autauga.
- Section III: All Ownerships - All
Stand Ages - All Volume Classes - All Slopes - All Forest Types - All
Past Forest Type Groups - All Stand Origins - All Past Stand Origins -
All Site Classes - All Physiographic Classes.
- Section IV: All Species - All
Trees - All Damages.
- Section V: Skip Table
Customization to Section 6 for Standard Tables.
- Section VI: "Autauga County,
Alabama" - Standard Tables - Submit Query - Select and View Tables "00 -
The data is the basis for the
report given last
month by Andy Hartsell, but it is posted in a way that allows you to
ask questions, such as, "How much pine sawtimber is growing in Central
Alabama?" or "How many acres are in pine plantations in Northeast
phone: (870)234-0200 ext. 1202

Brett J. Butler
(13:18) |
What Makes You
Do That?
Brett Butler
is a research forester at the USDA
Forest Service’s Northeastern Research Station in Pennsylvania, and the
coordinator for the
National Woodland Owner Survey. While Teddy Reynolds, above, was
amazing us with the biological data gathered by the Forest
Service and Alabama Forestry Commission, Brett is trying to figure us
out by gathering social data -- what do we, the landowners, want
from our land and from the organizations and agencies that serve us.
He is preparing a survey of forest owners that will be mailed to 291
forest owners in Alabama in a few weeks and about 10,000 forest owners
from all across the U.S.
Click here to review the current draft of the Alabama survey.
We wonder how the data will be used? How
will it help the forest owners of Alabama. Brett explains.
phone: (610) 557-4045
email: bbutler01@fs.fed.us

Dr. Barry Shiver
(16:00) |
Forest Management
Short Courses
Dr. Barry Shiver and Dr. Bruce Borders have teamed up many times
to bring up-to-date forest management techniques to foresters and forest
owners across the South. The current series of short courses they will
be teaching includes one in Alabama and 3 others in Mississippi and the
Florida panhandle.
Click the following for course outlines:
Click below for date, place and
registration information from AFOA's Calendar of Events:
phone: (706)542-3009

John McMillan
(20:25) |
A Political
Action Committee for Forestry Interests
John McMillan
is Executive Vice President of the
Alabama Forestry Association and
ForestPAC is the official political action committee of the
Association. We've been impressed during the past few years with the
work of the AFA's PAC committees and we think you will be, too, if you
get involved. We don't always agree with the final choices of ForestPAC,
but we do appreciate the way they seek out the advice of contributors in
local races.
ForestPAC's "mission is to elect candidates for legislative, local and
statewide offices who demonstrate a commitment to conservative
principles and support of forestry issues." As forest owners, it's
hard to disagree with that mission statement, wouldn't you agree?
Facts about ForestPAC
phone: (334)265-8733

Dr. William L. Hoover
(23:15) |
Stepped Up Basis
Bill Hoover
is Professor at the
Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Purdue University,
West Lafayette, Indiana. But most forest owners know him as one of the
co-authors of the Forest Owners' Guide to the Federal Income Tax
(currently Ag Handbook # 718). Dr. Hoover explains,
with an excellent set of examples (click here), why the new tax
law makes it important to establish your basis in your forest
The examples, above, are located within a web
site called the
National Timber Tax Website. You will want to visit this website
and tell your tax advisor about it, too.
phone: (765)494-3580
email: billh@fnr.purdue.edu

Thomas E. Carignan, Jr.
(27:45) |
Markets: A Central Alabama Perspective
Tom Carignan
is President of
Carignan Forestry
Consultants, LLC and is frequently called on by AFOA members for
advice on the management of their forestland. Today we are asking Tom to
peer into his crystal ball and tell us whether or not to plant trees for
markets two decades down the road. Or perhaps you only want to know if
harvesting your timber now or waiting six months is the best thing to
do. Either way, Tom has a tough job, and we appreciate his attempt to
help us understand the complicated wood products market and how it
affects us, the stumpage growers.
Points to ponder:
Stop Staples April 11
Merger to Hurt Results (link no longer works)
Ontario's Forest Industry Outraged At Proposed U.S. Export Tax Of 37% On
Softwood Lumber (link no longer works)
Canadian trade minister travels to Washington to help resolve lumber
dispute (link no longer works)
Dutch Greenpeace Attack Russian Timber-carrier (link no longer works)
phone: 1-888-840-7887
email: tom@carignan.net
Issues and Topics AFOA is
To suggest an issue or a
topic for a future news conference,
please send an email note to AFOA by clicking here. |
- CCA Treated Southern Pine Lumber
- EPA Basin Projects
- Forest Certification
- 2002 Farm Bill
- Energy Crisis & Federal Eminent
- Red Hills Salamander
- Constitutional Revision/Tax Reform
- County Zoning
- Right to Farm & Practice Forestry
- Illegal Dumping
- Delaney Family Current-Use Case
- JeffCo Storm Water Management Program
- Current Use Tax Assessment Rates
- Local Harvesting Restrictions & Road
Weight Limits
- Bridge Repairs & the Alabama Trust
- Dog Hunting & Hunter Trespass
- Seasonal Forest and Wildlife
Management Tips
- Southern Pine Beetle: Salvage &
- Forest Fertilization
- Intensive Forest Management
- Long Rotation Management & Natural
- Palm Pilots & Forest Records
- Useful Computer Software
- Industry Consolidation & Timber
- Stumpage & Forest Product Markets
- Forestland For Sale
- Wood Buying Policies During SPB
- Alabama's Pine Straw Wholesale Market
- Minerals, Gas & Oil Activity
- Recreational Businesses for Forest