August 2001 News Conference for Forest Owners
Sponsored by Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.
Conference was recorded Wednesday,
August 15, 2001.

Hayes D. Brown & Son
starting time: (00:00)
Hayes D. Brown, attorney, forest owner, and dad, will moderate this
news conference. Hayes' email address is
Review prior news conferences:
07/27/00 |
08/24/00 |
09/20/00 |
10/18/00 |
11/15/00 |
01/17/01 | 02/21/01 |
| 04/13/01 | 05/16/01
| 06/20/01 | 07/18/01
Click on the numerous links below to view the supporting web
James R. Gober
(01:10) |
Timber Volumes UP
Since 1990
is the Alabama Forestry Commission's Marketing and Economic
Development Coordinator. For several years he has been actively involved
in an ongoing inventory of forests and forestland called Forest
Inventory Analysis. Inventories of forestland in the U.S. and
Alabama have been done about every 10 years for the past 65 years.
The Forestry Commission's
Briefing Paper (click here to view)
reports increases in forestland
and softwood and hardwood growing stock in north, west, and
southwest Alabama (two remaining eastern FIA units are not yet
Click here
for general information about the inventory system.
Forest Inventory Reports with Analyst
Andy Hartsell
Phone: (205) 631-2552
Email: jgoberafc@zebra.net
Dr. Steve Meadows
(05:02) |
Improve Hardwood Planting Success
Steve Meadows
is Principal Silviculturist for the U.S. Forest Service's
Center for Bottomland Hardwoods Research in Stoneville,
Mississippi. He explains the importance of site evaluation in planning
for the establishment of hardwood plantations. He also describes a
practical field guide that can be used to evaluate the suitability of
any site for 14 hardwood species –
A Practical Field Method of Site Evaluation for Commercially
Important Southern Hardwoods
here for a copy of the Baker-Broadfoot Method).
You can obtain copies of other useful handbooks on bottomland soils and
hardwood plantation establishment by calling or e-mailing Steve:
Hardwood Suitability for and Properties of Important Midsouth
Bottomland Hardwood Reforestation in the Lower Mississippi Valley
Phone: (662) 686-3168
E-mail: smeadows01@fs.fed.us

G. Kenneth Xydias
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
Ken Xydias
is Quantitative Silviculturist at
Resource Management Service, Inc., a consulting forestry firm in
Birmingham, Alabama. He reminds us that risks to our forestry investment
come in all shapes and sizes. We may, in error, spend great effort
protecting our forests from wildfires while ignoring more serious risks
he categorizes as
Production Risks, Price Risks, Regulatory Risks, and Liquidity Risks.
Ken has co-authored an essay, Forestland
Investment: Addressing Production Risk (click here), which you
should read before you look at today's newspaper or watch the 6 o'clock
news. Phone:
Email: kxydias@resourcemgt.com
Willie R. Dunn
(11:56) |
A Good
Time to Buy
Willie Dunn
is Senior Vice President with
First United Security Bank, Brent, Alabama. First United provides
the banking needs for forest industry and forest landowners in Clarke,
Choctaw, Bibb, Shelby and Tuscaloosa Counties. Willie is a forest owner
and grew up working with his father as a logging contractor. He is eager
to loan money for good forestry investments, but cautions prospective
land buyers to become informed about current timber volumes (and
values), property access, and location in relation to product markets.
Phone: (205) 926-5007

R. J. Smith
(14:39) |
Forest Legacy for Alabama: Do We Need It?
Public Comment Opportunity
R. J. Smith is Senior Environmental Scholar with the
Competitive Enterprise Institute, a free market and limited
government organization based in Washington, DC. He suggests landowners
think twice before encouraging the establishment of the Forest Legacy
program in Alabama. To landowners and others, he cites the "continuous
race to the top" encouraged by organizations such as the
Tree Farm System and Forest
Landowners Association. To hunters he warns, "I think you'll end up
with less opportunities for hunting."
Forest Legacy Program details and rationale:
Public land use closures
that might give recreationists and hunters pause for thought before
supporting the Forest Legacy program:
R. J. Smith recommends
a visit to the following websites.
Public "Hearings" on Need
for Alabama Forest Legacy Program:
R. J. Smith at the
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Phone: (202) 331-1010 ext. 244
Email: rjsmith@cei.org
Paul D. Spillers
(18:35) |
Tax Implications of Recreational Properties
Paul Spillers
is a tax attorney with the law firm of Theus, Grisham, Davis & Leigh
in Monroe, Louisiana. Paul is also a forest owner and current president of
the Northeast Louisiana Forestlandowners' Association. He proposes an
interesting possibility for forest owners who are leasing land for
hunting or other recreational uses. Click here to
read a few paragraphs he has written for you to consider.
Phone: (318) 388-0100
Email: pspillers@theuslaw.com
Andy Hinson
(22:12) |
Really Need a Portable Sawmill
Andy Hinson
is the general manager of
Sawmill & Woodlot
magazine. Articles cover a wide range of topics, such as
Why I Believe in Crop Tree Management (click here) and we
are sure you will find something useful in every issue. If you've ever
considered buying a portable sawmill, you've probably wished you could
compare one brand to another in a reasonably practical way. Hinson has
done that for you by creating
The Great Portable Sawmill Shootout
(click here to view).
Subscriptions cost $18 per year and you can
subscribe online.
For Free Copy of Sawmill Shootout Issue:
Phone: 1-888-290-9469
Email: info@sawmillmag.com
Keith A. Balter
(24:45) |
Abundant Timber Supply Holds Down Prices
Keith Balter, Vice President, Timber, with
Resource Information Systems, Inc. (RISI), spoke to the Society
of American Foresters in Tuscaloosa, Alabama in May. His timber market
projections were cautiously optimistic, at best. He provides us with
several graphs that help us understand how the global economy affects us
and our timberland.
Click here to view his
PowerPoint Slides.
Ruling on Canadian Lumber Imports
Phone: (781)271-0030x21
Email: balter@resourceinfo.com
Issues and Topics AFOA is
To suggest an issue or a
topic for a future news conference,
please send an email note to AFOA by clicking here. |
- Energy Crisis & Federal Eminent Domain
- Palm Pilots & Forest Records
- Red Hills Salamander
- County Zoning
- Right to Farm & Practice Forestry
- Illegal Dumping
- Constitutional Revision/Tax Reform
- Industry Consolidation & Timber Markets
- Stumpage & Forest Product Markets
- Seasonal Forest and Wildlife Management
- Forestland For Sale
- Repeal of Estate Tax
- Forest Taxation: income, estate, &
- Southern Pine Beetle: salvage &
- Wood Buying Policies During SPB
Section 631(b) Capital Gains Tax Change
- Delaney Family Current-Use Case
- Jefferson Co. Storm Water Management
Lawsuit & Appeal
- Alabama's Pine Straw Wholesale Market
- Useful Computer Software
- Forest Fertilization
- Intensive Forest Management
- Long Rotation Management & Natural
- TMDL, CWA, EPA Basins, CARA, Forest
- Minerals, Gas & Oil Activity
- Recreational Businesses for Forest
- Current Use Tax Assessment Rates
- Local Harvesting Restrictions & Road
Weight Limits
- Bridge Repairs & the Alabama Trust Fund
- Dog Hunting & Hunter Trespass
- and many more.