April 2001 News Conference for Forest Owners
Sponsored by Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.
Conference was recorded Friday, April 13, 2001.

Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00) |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this
telephone news conference. Hayes' email address is
Review prior telephone conferences:
07/27/00 |
08/24/00 |
09/20/00 |
10/18/00 |
11/15/00 |
01/17/01 | 02/21/01 |

Senator Dwight Adams
Rewrite Aim is to Boost Taxes.
Dwight Adams, former State Senator representing Covington,
Coffee, Dale, and Houston Counties, recently attended a Montgomery Rally
to oppose the reform of the Alabama constitution. "What this would do
would allow them to increase taxes, and whenever taxes increase, then
you have less freedom."
phone: (334) 347-1555
email: limitedgov@alaweb.com
. .
Dr. Harold Burkhart
(05:19) |
CO2 & Global Temperatures
Harold Burkhart is Head of
the Department of Forestry at Virginia Tech, but continues to do
research that should be interesting to every owner of Alabama
forestland. Dr. Burkhart cites several
research reports, which say that in a warming world with CO2
increasing in the atmosphere, loblolly pine may grow a lot faster than
it currently does.
phone: (540) 231-6952
email: burkhart@vt.edu
Donald R. Leal
(08:37) |
Free Market Environmentalism -
Revised Edition
with co-author Terry L. Anderson, wrote the original
Free Market Environmentalism
10 years ago when the phrase was considered an oxymoron
(read an essay from December 2000 PERC Reports). When
a forest owner voluntarily improves wildlife habitat on his land because
it will improve his hunting lease income, he is practicing free market
environmentalism. To read
about or purchase the book, click here.
phone: (406) 587-9591
email: don@perc.org
web page: www.perc.org
Dr. David N. Laband
(13:27) |
Who's on first?
- Union Camp, Hammermill, & Champion
are International Paper.
- Scott is Kimberly-Clark is gone.
- Kimberly-Clark is Alliance is
- MacMillan-Bloedel is Weyerhaeuser.
David N Laband is Professor, Economics & Policy, at Auburn
University's Forest Policy Center. He has been closely watching
the consolidation of the pulp and paper industry and will attempt to
explain the forces driving the consolidation. Forest owners want to know
if there is any strategy they can use to meet the challenges created by
a wood market with very few buyers remaining. Should we hire marketing
experts, join co-ops, stop growing trees, sell our land? Are fears
that we will be mistreated in a limited market where there is only one
buyer justified?
Items to consider from corporate web
phone: (334) 844-1074
email: labandn@auburn.edu
Henry Barclay,
20th Annual Meeting is Hot Topic
Henry Barclay, President of Lehmann, Ullman & Barclay, LLP, has
been a featured speaker on income and estate taxes at most of AFOA's
annual meetings during the past 20 years and this year he will wear the
hat of host as well as speaker. Henry is AFOA's president and
will describe the upcoming, April 21, program planned for forest owners.
Open a program and registration application here.
phone: (205) 328-5966
email: henryb@lub.com
Dr. Mark Dubois
(19:01) |
Much Does It Cost to:
- Plant Trees
- Cruise Timber
- Prescribe Burn...
Mark Dubois is and Extension Forestry Specialist at Auburn
University's School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences. He is co-author of
Costs and Cost Trends for Forestry Practices in the South which
was recently published in the Forest Landowners Manual. Mark's
report will help you set budgets and priorities when you plan
forest management work and it might help you negotiate a better
price when contracting the work out.
phone: (334) 844-1037
email: dubois@auburn.edu

Allen Russell McCreless,
(22:36) |
In the springtime, a young man's fancy
turns to...
Killing Kudzu!Allen McCreless
is a consulting forester based in Jacksonville, Alabama. Besides
marketing timber for landowners all over Alabama, Allen provides
management advice and assistance that includes the control of kudzu.
Allen recommends that we visit the following web sites for kudzu control
phone: (256) 435-1296
email: mccreless@cybrtyme.com

Melisa Love, ACF
Markets: A Timber Seller's Perspective
Melisa Love is President of Forestry Consultants, Inc.,
Opelika, Alabama. Her firm assists landowners with numerous timber
sales each year. Lisa reminds us that we are fortunate that timber is a
long term investment and she urges us to look back at least five years
to gain a better handle on today's market conditions.
Helpful web sites include:
phone: (334) 745-7530
email: fcinc@mindspring.com
Issues and Topics AFOA is following.
To suggest an issue or a topic
for a future telephone conference, please
send an email note to AFOA by clicking here. |
- Red Hills Salamander
- County Zoning (current-use assessment)
- Right to Farm & Practice Forestry
- Illegal Dumping
- Constitutional Revision/Tax Reform
- Industry Consolidation & Timber Markets
- Stumpage & Forest Product Markets
- Seasonal Forest and Wildlife Management
- Forestland For Sale
- Repeal of Estate Tax
- Forest Taxation: income, estate, &
- Southern Pine Beetle: salvage &
- Wood Buying Policies During SPB
Section 631(b) Capital Gains Tax Change
- Delaney Family Current-Use Case
- Jefferson Co. Storm Water Management
Lawsuit & Appeal
- Alabama's Pine Straw Wholesale Market
- Useful Computer Software
- Forest Fertilization
- Intensive Forest Management
- Long Rotation Management & Natural
- TMDL, CWA, EPA Basins, CARA, Forest
- Minerals, Gas & Oil Activity
- Recreational Businesses for Forest
- Current Use Tax Assessment Rates
- Local Harvesting Restrictions & Road
Weight Limits
- Bridge Repairs & the Alabama Trust Fund
- Dog Hunting & Hunter Trespass
- and many more.