November 2000 News Conference for Forest Owners
Sponsored by Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.
Conference was recorded Wednesday, November 15, 2000

Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00) |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this
telephone news conference. Hayes' email address is
Review prior telephone conferences:
8/24/00, 9/20/00,
Kenneth J.
(00:50) |
Industry Investments & Future Stumpage Markets
Ken Muehlenfeld is Director of the Forest Products Development
Center at Auburn University. Of interest to us today are some of his
consulting specialties which include "business strategy development,
operations and financial performance benchmarking, evaluation of
acquisition candidates, product market analysis, and timber resource
studies. In addition, work for financial institutions includes due
diligence evaluations of solid wood products operations and pulpmill
woodyards for initial project financing, re-financing, and merger &
acquisition financing." Ken knows a lot about the activities of
forest industry and potential investment plans.
We want to know:
- Who will be buying our wood in the
- What stumpage products will be in
- What should we do now to be ready?
Phone: (334) 844-1094

Prof. Thom J. McEvoy
(05:13) |
Legal Aspects of Owning and Managing Woodlands
Thom McEvoy
is Associate Professor in the School of Natural Resources at the
University of Vermont. In his book, Legal Aspects of Owning and Managing
Woodlands, he helps "active forest managers use laws to their
advantage and avoid the pitfalls of expensive and exhausting
litigation." AFOA will soon be placing 116 copies of Legal Aspects in
public libraries across Alabama. Also, the association office has 20 copies
of the paperback version available to members for $19 each, including tax,
shipping & handling. To review the table of contents, visit
Barnes&Noble.com. They have both hardcover ($45) and paperback ($20)
available. If you have questions for
Professor McEvoy, call or write:
Phone: (802) 656-2913
Email: tmcevoy@together.net

Phyllis Kennedy
(09:25) |
Owners Show Muscle at Polls"
Phyllis Kennedy, Alabama State
Director for the National Federation of
Independent Business and vice chair of the Alabama Civil Justice
Reform Committee, recently stated "Our members took an active interest
in the judicial races this year because they've experienced 'tort hell'
before. They turned out in force and voted for Supreme Court and
Appellate judges that will fairly and strictly interpret the state's
Press Register Story
Forest owners are investors in small
forest-based businesses. Most of us do not have employees, but we do
face many of the same legal & tax problems as owners of small
Phone: (334) 264-2261
Email: phyllis.kennedy@nfib.org
Dr. Charles D.
(12:42) |
Timber Losses When Mining Coal
Charlie Haynes is a mining and petroleum engineer who has
concerned himself with the problems of forest owners during resource
extraction activities. He has noticed that forest owners are frequently
persuaded to clear all land in the projected path of a mining operation
only to find the mining halted because of poor markets or poor
capitalization of the miner. He suggests forest owners seek a second
opinion when preparing forestland for mining. Clearing smaller areas
deemed absolutely necessary for the mining operation can save money and
Phone: (205) 348-6247
Email: chaynes@coe.eng.ua.edu
David Mercker
(16:37) |
Tree Release Improves Hardwood Quality
David Mercker, Extension Forester with the University of
Tennessee, has written a useful 8-page booklet entitled Crop Tree
Release in Precommercial Hardwood Stands. The booklet "describes how
to accelerate growth rates in your young hardwood forest..."
To read the publication online, click here (file loads slow).
To see other publications of the UT Forestry Extension program,
click here.
To order a copy of Crop Tree Release:
Phone: (901) 425-4703
Fax: (901) 425-4720
Email: dcmercker@utk.edu
John Johnson
(20:06) |
Hunting Success by Fertilizing Native Plants
John Johnson's early work with
time-release fertilizer for fish ponds coupled with his love for the
out-doors have led him to his current work with
Pursell Technologies Inc., a Sylacauga, Alabama company. Fertilizing
native plants improves the health of wildlife that feed on them. Hunters
benefit from healthier game populations and landowners who lease hunting
rights might earn healthier lease prices. Two publications & a
web site you will want to review are:
Phone: (256) 249-1797
Email: jjohnson@polyon.com
William E. Schlosser
(23:26) |
Help for Forest Owners
William Schlosser and others at Pacific Rim Creations have
created several tools that may help you understand IRS rules and
(perhaps) minimize your federal income taxes. We think you may find most
interesting an emailed quarterly tax newsletter,
ForestTax.com, ($14.95 per year) that includes membership in an
information exchange list server (a chat room for forest owners on
forestry taxes). Other interesting tax help can be found at
Phone: (509) 334-1799
Email: schlosser@foresttax.com

William K. Olsen
(26:20) |
News in the "Popular Press"
Bill Olsen operates Advanced Forestry, a private consulting firm
based in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Everyday for the past 2 years
he has reviewed the "popular press" as it looks at forest owners,
forestry agencies, and forestry. He provides readers of his web page,
www.advancedforestry.com, with witty, profound, and frequently acid
commentary on the daily news stories that affect us most.
Phone: (970)495-1719
Louis Olivier
(28:13) |
For Sale
Louis Olivier,
Alliance Forest Products U. S. Corp., will describe a few of the 52
tracts of land comprising 9,117 acres that will be sold by sealed bid on
January 16, 2001. The land is located "between Birmingham and
Montgomery." For more details, visit AFOA's
Forestland For Sale web page or call or send a note requesting a bid
Issues and Topics AFOA is following.
To suggest an issue or
a topic for a future telephone conference,
please send an email note to AFOA by clicking here. |
- Stumpage & Forest Product Markets
- Seasonal Forest and Wildlife Management
- Forestland For Sale
- Repeal of Estate Tax
- Forest Taxation: Income, Estate, Property
- Southern Pine Beetle: salvage & prevention
- Wood Buying Policies During SPB Epidemic
Section 631(b) Capital Gains Tax Change
- Delaney Family Current-Use Case
- Jefferson Co. Storm Water Management
Lawsuit & Appeal
- National Monument status on Alabama
National Forests
- Alabama's Pine Straw Wholesale Market
- Useful Computer Software
- Forest Fertilization
- Intensive Forest Management
- Long Rotation Management & Natural
- TMDL, CWA, EPA Basins, CARA, Forest
- Minerals, Gas & Oil Activity
- Recreational Businesses for Forest Owners
- Current Use Tax Assessment Rates
- Local Harvesting Restrictions & Road
Weight Limits
- Bridge Repairs & the Alabama Trust Fund
- Dog Hunting & Hunter Trespass
- and many more.