October 2000 News Conference for Forest Owners
Sponsored by Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.
Conference was recorded Wednesday, October 18, 2000

Hayes D. Brown
start time: (00:00) |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this
telephone news conference.
Hayes' email address is
Review prior telephone conferences:
7/27/00, 8/24/00,
Ragan Ingram
the Trust, Then the Bridges
Alabama Lt. Governor Steve Windom
has been a strong supporter of the forest industry. He knows that
old, failing bridges increase trucking costs and reduce stumpage
prices paid to forest owners for their forest products. Ragan
Ingram, Communications Director for Lt. Governor Steve Windom, will
explain why Amendment 1, which would provide funds for the repair
of 3000 bridges, should be defeated on November 7.
Click Here: For Lt. Governor's Position on Amendment One
Phone: (334)242-7900

Allen Elrod
Property Taxes to Rise in 2001. Allen Elrod,
Alabama Department of Revenue, Montgomery, recently calculated the
Current-Use Property Assessment Values for Forestland in Alabama. The
formula uses pulpwood prices and interest rates to calculate the values.
Click here for an Alabama Department of Revenue press release with details
on the tax increase.
Phone: (334)242-1525
Download FREE copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader (TM) here.
Bruce N. Eason
Timber Lump Sum, Sealed Bid.
Eason is President of Piedmont Foresters, a consulting forestry
firm based in LaFayette, Alabama. He offers good advice to forest owners
about safe and successful timber sale methods. "Listen to him,"
says AFOA. "It's the best way to stay off our saddest tales ever
told list."
Phone: (334) 864-9542
Email: pfinc@mindspring.com
Charles M. Tarver
forest management practices, not tax law, should determine the type of
timber sale contract."
Charley Tarver, President of Forest Investment
Associates, and Chairman, Forest Landowners Tax Council (FLTC), explains
how changing a section of tax code can help small forest owners avoid
serious problems when selling timber. For background information
about the FLTC's efforts to rewrite Section 631(b) of the IRS code,
Click Here. ...
and Here.
Phone: (404) 261-9575
Professor Thomas M. Bonnicksen
Thomas M. Bonnicksen is Professor of Forest
Restoration and Environmental Decision-making at Texas A & M University
and the author of
America's Ancient Forests: From the Ice Age To The Age of Discovery. The
efforts of many forest owners in Alabama involve restoring forests
on our land. We practice our art on old peanut fields, "old-field" pine
stands, and high-graded hardwood stands. In Ancient Forests,
Bonnicksen presents "information for forest restoration and conservation
projects, and presents an account of how the North American landscape
has evolved." In November, Dr. Bonnicksen will open a web page on
restoration forestry at
Phone: (979)845-6098
Email: tomdol@earthlink.net

Michelle Isenberg
(21:00) |
to Plant (restoration forestry?)
Michelle Isenberg is a Forestry Products Specialist and
Associate Wildlife Biologist with BASF company, formerly American
Cyanamid. If you have harvested a tract of timber during the past year
or two and now want to restock it with a quick growing stand of pine
trees, Michelle has a few suggestions that will help you do the job
successfully. Click here for her suggestions.
Phone: (256)825-0512
Email: isenbem@basf.com
Glen Dabney
BIG Picture
Glen Dabney, forester, pilot, and aerial photographer, with
Kingwood Forestry Services in Monticello, Arkansas, spends many winter
days high above our forestland taking pictures. Most of us have bought
maps and aerial photos of our land. Glen makes it his responsibility to
help us get the most value from our photos. He will discuss seasonal,
scale and film differences and how they affect the information we can
extract from our photos.
Phone: (870) 367-8567
Email: gdabney@ipa.net
Keith Polk
IS that time of year...
Polk is a New Product Specialist at Forestry Suppliers
in Jackson, Mississippi. He has several suggestions for toys that you or
your "forest manager" might like to find under the Christmas tree.
Terrain Navigator - Topo Maps - Alabama $99.95
Garmin Global Positioning System Units & Accessories
Order a Forestry Suppliers Wish Book
Keith's phone: 1-800-647-5368
Peter J. Stewart
Pete Stewart is President of a new "real time" stumpage
price service called
Forest2Market.com. He stays in touch with stumpage markets
across the South and will reflect on how the forest industry
consolidation may affect us (International Paper/Union Camp,
International Paper/Champion International, Plum Creek/The Timber
Company). He also will mention current low pulpwood prices and will try
to answer the question: "When can we expect a recovery?"
Phone: (704)357-0110
Issues and Topics AFOA is following.
If you would like to
suggest an issue or a topic for a future telephone conference,
please send an email note to AFOA by clicking here. |
- Stumpage & Forest Product Markets
- Seasonal Forest and Wildlife
Management Tips
- Forestland For Sale
- Repeal of Estate Tax
- Forest Taxation: Income, Estate,
- Southern Pine Beetle: salvage &
- Wood Buying Policies During SPB
Section 631(b) Capital Gains Tax Change
- Delaney Family Current-Use Case
- Jefferson Co. Storm Water Management
Lawsuit & Appeal
- National Monument status on Alabama
National Forests
- Alabama's Pine Straw Wholesale
- Useful Computer Software
- Forest Fertilization
- Intensive Forest Management
- Long Rotation Management & Natural
- TMDL, CWA, EPA Basins, CARA, Forest
- Minerals, Gas & Oil Activity
- Recreational Businesses for Forest
- Current Use Tax Assessment Rates
- Local Harvesting Restrictions & Road
Weight Limits
- Bridge Repairs & the Alabama Trust
- Dog Hunting & Hunter Trespass
- and many more.