
Hayes D. Brown
start time: (00:00) |
Moderator Hayes
D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this
telephone news conference. Hayes' email
address is hbrown@hayesbrown.com.
Review prior telephone conferences:

Boyd Kelly
(01:00) |
Judicial Races
Important to Forest Owners
Boyd Kelly is Governmental Affairs Director of the Alabama
Forestry Association, a 3,000 member trade association headquartered in
Montgomery, Alabama. Boyd will tell us about several cases where judicial
philosophy has made or will make a difference to owners of forestland in
Alabama. The outcome of these races is important to each of us.
Web sites of candidates endorsed by the Alabama Forestry
Phone: (334) 265-8733

J. Walter Prevatt
(06:04) |
Rural Land Prices - a historic perspective.
Dr. Walt Prevatt
teaches a Futures and Options Marketing Course at Auburn University's
Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology. He recently
published 2000 Alabama Farmland Values and Cash Rents,
a report that should be interesting to all forest owners who are considering
buying OR selling forestland or farmland. The report may have particular
significance for younger people who have never seen rural land prices fall
or remain unchanged for long periods of time. Check pages 18 & 20 of the
paper copy or 20 & 22 of the PDF copy. Reported prices run from 1840
to 1997.
Click here for 31 page report in pdf format or order the report by
Phone: (334)844-5608

O. M. Becton
(09:42) |
Regeneration? Great idea, but it takes planning. O. M.
is forest manager for Scotch Lumber Company and many smaller private forest
owners in southwest Alabama. He manages forestland to produce high quality
forest products such as pine poles and sawtimber. Planning and prescribed
fire play big roles in his methods. Seed is falling at this time of
year, so his regeneration sites must to be ready to encourage successful
germination. He will list activities that must be accomplished to make
natural regeneration work well.
For a printed summary of O. M.'s guidelines, write to:
Phone: (334) 636-4424

Don McClain
(12:35) |
Selling Pine Straw in Alabama Don
McClain is an enthusiastic salesman of small mechanical balers
suitable for producing round or square bales of pine straw. His web page,
www.agriquip.com, is loaded with pictures and links to reports and
interviews, several on the potential income available to landowners who
enter the pine straw business. Don will speculate on how you might
get started selling pine straw, a well developed business in our neighbor
state to the east.
Phone: (706)234-0454

Lloyd Browne
(14:41) |
Research May Lead to Southern Pine Beetle Control
Lloyd Browne, President of Entopath, Inc., is researching the
possibility of lengthening the life span of several wasp-like native
parasites of southern pine beetles. The lengthened life
span gives the parasites a greater opportunity to find and consume their
food source, southern pine beetles. Browne's efforts include spraying
nutrients beneficial to the parasites into pine stands infested with
beetles. Work this past summer carried him to Tuscaloosa where he treated
beetle infestations on 9 square miles of forestland.
Tim Gables
(17:36) |
Pine Beetle Prevention & Wildlife Habitat Improvement
Tim Gables, a consulting forester in Southeast Alabama with
Chattahoochee Valley Forestry Services, has several good suggestions on
improving wildlife habitat while preventing southern pine beetle
infestations. His methods are generally compatible with requirements of the
Conservation Reserve Program.
Phone: (334)775-8345

Brian Murphy
A Quality Deer Herd can:
- improve the hunting experience.
- improve landowner lease income.
Brian Murphy
is the executive director of the Quality Deer Management Association, an
organization with more than 10,000 members in 47 states. His recent article
in the September issue of Progressive Farmer
magazine discussed the "quality deer management" method, a technique that
might work for you. Read about QDM at
Phone: 1-800-209-3337
Web Site: www.QDMA.com
Peter S.
(24:07) |
For Sale Pete
Bertucci, assistant vice president & property manager, AmSouth
Bank, Mobile, will describe a tract of land he has for sale in Conecuh
County, Alabama. Learn more about the land and the date of the bid opening
by visiting AFOA's Forestland
For Sale web page.
Phone: (334) 438-8390

Thomas G. Harris, Jr.
(25:49) |
Markets Tom Harris
is the Publisher of Timber Mart-South, a forest products price service
available to subscribers. He is also a professor at the University of
Georgia specializing in Forest Business Management and Forest Resource
Policy. Recent Timber Mart-South market reports can be found at:
http://www.forestry.uga.edu/warnell/tmart/news.htm. The opening page for
Timber Mart-South's web site is:
Phone: (706) 542-2832
Issues and Topics AFOA is following.
If you would like to suggest an issue or a
topic for a future telephone conference,
please send an email note to AFOA by clicking here. |
- Stumpage & Forest Product Markets
- Seasonal Forest and Wildlife Management Tips
- Forestland For Sale
Repeal of Estate Tax
- Forest Taxation: Income, Estate, Property
- Southern Pine Beetle Epidemic: salvage & prevention
- Wood Buying Policies During SPB Epidemic
- Section
631(b) Capital Gains Tax Change
- Delaney Current-Use Case before Alabama Supreme Court
- Jefferson County Storm Water Management Program Lawsuit
- National Monument status on Bankhead & Talladega
National Forests
- Alabama's Pine Straw Wholesale Market
- Useful Computer Software
- Forest Fertilization
- Intensive Forest Management
- Long Rotation Management & Natural Regeneration
- TMDL, CWA, EPA Basins, CARA, Forest Certification
- Minerals, Gas & Oil Activity
- Recreational Businesses for Forest Owners
- Current Use Tax Rate for Next Year
- Local Harvesting Restrictions & Road Weight Limit
- Bridge Repairs & the Alabama Trust Fund
- Dog Hunting & Hunter Trespass
- and many more.