Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00) |
Hayes D. Brown will moderate the session. He has been a frequent
participant in past AFOA Annual Meetings and will help bring out the best in
the "experts" who will join him on Capital Ideas -- Live!. Hayes'
email address is
hbrown@hayesbrown.com. |

Jane S. Shaw
(00:41) |
Co-Author of Facts,
Not Fear -- a parents' guide...
Jane Shaw is a senior associate of Political Economy Research
Center, Bozeman, Montana. She directs PERC's editorial outreach program and
has written or edited well over 100 published articles about environmental
Jane's phone number: (406)587-9591 |

L. Keville Larson
(02:22) |
Estate Tax Repeal: can we stop the veto?
Keville Larson is Chairman of the Board of Larson & McGowin, Inc.,
a diversified forestry consulting firm providing complete forest management
for large and small ownerships. He currently serves on the board of the
Forest Landowners Tax Council (FLTC) which has lobbied to repeal the estate
tax. The FLTC "Death Tax" web page is at
Keville's phone number: (334)438-4581 |

Dr. Ken McNabb
(04:50) |
Seedling Availability and Nurseries
Ken McNabb is associate professor of Silviculture at Auburn
University's School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences. He also serves as
Extension Specialist in Artificial Pine Regeneration and has developed a
list of nurseries with seedlings suitable for planting in Alabama.
Send Ken an email note to request his list of nurseries. To learn more
about $200,000 available for replanting drought-killed seedlings,
click here.
Ken's phone number: (334)844-1044 |

Kevin McKinstry
(07:07) |
Game Census Improves Lease Prices
Kevin McKinstry is a certified wildlife biologist and project
director of Westervelt Wildlife Services based in Demopolis, Alabama. He
specializes in quality deer management and hunting lease administration.
Email: westervelt@westal.net. Web
Kevin's phone number: (334)289-4700 |

Jim Jeter
(10:40) |
Southern Pine Beetle Epidemic: what to do.
Jim Jeter is Forest Management Specialist for the Alabama
Forestry Commission in the northwest quarter of the state. He is heavily
involved in organizing beetle detection and suppression activities for
landowners in that region. For a recent report on the SPB epidemic, visit:
Jim's phone number: (205)339-0929 |

Henry Barclay, III
(13:44) |
Taxes & the Drought
Henry Barclay, CPA, Lehmann, Ullman & Barclay, LLP, has written
a report on the interaction of drought caused losses and the income tax. The
report will be ready for mailing on August 1, and will be posted on the
Internet at http://www.lub.com. His email
address is henryb@lub.com.
Henry's phone number: (205)328-5966x120 |

Myra Ball Bryant
(16:27) |
Monument: a local problem for landowners.
Myra Ball Bryant leads the Alabama Forest Conservation &
Multi-Users Association in its struggle to prevent the federal government's
domination of private landowners in and near the Bankhead and Talladega
National Forests. She is an environmental biologist, owns land in the
Bankhead National Forest, and has just returned from a Washington, DC,
lobbying trip. Her email address is myra@ala.nu.
Myra's phone number: (256)292-2921 |

Mark J. Hainds
(18:15) |
Longleaf Alliance Annual Conference
Mark Hainds is Research Coordinator for the Longleaf Alliance
based at the Dixon Forestry Education Center near Andalusia, Alabama. The
Alliance's annual conferences have been very well attended and the upcoming
October conference should be no different.
Mark's phone number: (334)222-7779. |

Jessica L. Little
(20:10) |
Forestland for Sale
Jessica L. Little will describe land that her company,
Larson & McGowin, Inc., is selling for a long-time client. The land is
"well stocked with longleaf pine." Jessica's email is
Jessica's phone number: (334)438-4581 |
Dennis R. LeBleu
(21:45) |
Timber Markets -- interest rates, drought, beetles, mergers...
Dennis LeBleu is the manager of F & W Forestry Services' Phenix
City, Alabama, office. The Albany, Georgia, based forestry consulting firm
publishes an interesting newsletter with practical commentary on current and
projected timber markets.
Dennis' phone number: (334)297-8817 |