JUNE 2021 News Conference for Forest Owners
Produced by the Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.
This Conference will be recorded at 10:00 AM Central Time on
Wednesday, June 9, 2021 with a live audience. If you would like to be a
member of the audience on the next program, call (205)
624-2225 to register

Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00) |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this news
conference. Hayes' email address is
Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.
Capital Ideas - Live!
is brought to you by
Forester Search, a web resource developed
by the Alabama Forest Owners' Association with the support of the
Bradley/Murphy Forestry & Natural Resources Extension Trust.
Visit |

Mark Dale
Hear Conference
A Consulting Forester's Perspective on Carbon-Offset Market
Mark Dale is the founder of
Forest Pro LLC,
which specializes in all aspects of timberland management, appraisals, and
sales in South Mississippi. He has been helping many of his forest owner
clients navigate the carbon-offset market, which is a newly emerged and
booming business of firms paying forest owners not to harvest their trees
-- they lease the trees as carbon sponges in order to reduce carbon in
the atmosphere. Mark will share his expertise on the topic and details about
what advantages or disadvantages there might be to forest owners if they
partake in the new trend.
Suggested Reading:
Phone: (601) 587-4446

Jason Callahan
Hear Conference |
Protecting the Right to Practice Forestry
Jason Callahan serves as the Director of Government Relations for the
Washington Forest Protection
Association (WFPA). The WFPA played a key role in
getting a major bill passed in the State of Washington,
HB101, which protects owners of working forest land from nuisance
lawsuits. The bill improves a previously signed bill, the 2009 Right to Farm
Act, which sought to protect forest owners but failed to include the
appropriate language to actually do so. Jason will share insight into why
the new bill was needed and why it's critical for forest owners to watch out
for new federal legislation that may impact property rights.
Suggested Reading:
Phone: (360) 352-1500 x 122

Ben Westfall
Hear Conference |
New Field Test for CWD on Horizon
Ben Westfall is a Deer Outreach Specialist for the National Deer
Association, the leading conservation organization dedicated to
conserving North America's favorite game animal. A serious threat to deer is
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), which is fatal in most deer species and has no
vaccine or known cure. The number on deer herds affected by CWD is
increasing each year, but thankfully science is getting closer to a field
test for CWD that can be utilized on live deer.
The disease has not yet been found in deer in Alabama. Ben will provide an update
on this significant issue and where we are on the improved testing measures.
Suggested Reading:
Phone: (251) 753-3040

Orman R. Wilson, CPA
Hear Conference |
Forest Management Expenses 101: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You
Orman R. Wilson, CPA
serves as a Tax Manager for
JamisonMoneyFarmer PC.
Landowners incur many expenses when it comes to taking care of their
property: traveling to and from the land, chainsaws, herbicides to maintain
roads, boundary line paint, equipment such as tractors, and pickup trucks
are just a few. It's often difficult to know which expenses can be deducted
from income taxes. As a certified tax expert, Orman has the must-know
details about forest management expenses that every forest land owner should
Phone: (205) 366-4031