
Hayes D. Brown
starting time: (00:00) |
Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this news
conference. Hayes' email address is
Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.
Today's issue of Capital Ideas - Live!
is brought to you by Forester Search, a webpage being developed
by the Alabama Forest Owners' Association with the support of a grant
from the Bradley/Murphy Forestry & Natural Resources Extension Trust. |

David P. Tenny
Hear Conference
Comment |
Economic Impact of Private Forestland in the U.S. and Alabama
David Tenny
is the founding President and CEO of the
National Alliance of
Forest Owners (NAFO), an organization devoted to national policy
advocacy on behalf of private forest owners. NAFO has again commissioned a
study by Forest2Market (this is the fourth) of the economic impact of
private forestland titled:
The Economic Impact of Privately-Owned Forests in the 32 Major Forested
States. We are particularly interested in finding out if there
are any trends with which we should be concerned, both nationally and
locally in Alabama. We also asked Tenny what we can do to make sure the
"right people" understand the economic impact of what we do.
Phone: (202) 747-0739

Dr. Robert A. Tufts
Hear Conference
Comment |
Prepare Now for Tax Filing Next Year
Robert Tufts
is an Attorney and Professor Emeritus in the
School of Forestry
and Wildlife Sciences at Auburn University. After filing your income
tax forms, have you ever wondered if there weren't a few things you could
have done during the past year that would have made the process easier for
you and your tax advisor, or that would have reduced your tax bill? We asked
Robert for some suggestions and he threw out some terms with which you may
want to become familiar.
Phone: (334) 734-2120
Email: tuftsra@icloud.com

Ben Westfall
Hear Conference
Comment |
Hunting Land Cooperatives
Ben Westfall
is the
Quality Deer Management Cooperative Specialist of the
Quality Deer Management Association (QDMA).
He is based in Southwest Alabama. If you or the hunters who lease your land
are concerned that you don't have enough acres to practice quality deer
management and your neighbors are not interested in QDM principles, Ben may
have a solution to your problems. Forming a cooperative with neighbors, he
suggests, has the potential to improve deer habitat, discourage trespassers,
and reduce costs of seed and fertilizer. And he is willing to help you make
that happen.
Phone: (251) 753-3040
Email: bwestfall@qdma.com

Dr. Harrison Hood
Hear Conference
Comment |
Timber Market Update
Harrison Hood
is a Forest Economist and Research Editor at
a timber price reporting service housed at the University of Georgia. Take a
look at the
Alabama Timber Prices Graphs that Harrison has provided us and you
might want to ask why hardwood sawtimber prices are so much higher than pine
today, but were much lower than pine back in 2009. Why is hardwood pulpwood
so much more valuable than pine pulpwood? Hint: Too many pine trees.
Wet Weather and Timber Prices: The Executive Summary in the 1st
Quarter 2019
Quarterly Market Bulletin
states: "Persistent wet weather limited wood accessibility, creating supply
chain issues which in part resulted in South-wide average prices increasing
for all three major pine products and hardwood pulpwood this quarter." The
Market Bulletin is available by subscription.
Phone: (601) 540-8602
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